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Story Writing


Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer. He had a goose. It used to lay a golden egg everyday.The
farmer used to sell them in the market and within a short time he became quite solvent.But his wife was
very greedy.She wanted to be very rich overnight.She told herself "Surely,there are a good number of
golden eggs in it's stomach.So,there's no use of getting one egg everyday.we can get all the eggs at a
time by cutting it's belly."She suggested her husband to do so.But her husband was intelligent.He didn't
agree with her proposal.One day when the farmer went to the market, his greedy wife took a sharp
knife and cut the belly of the goose.She didn't find any eggs.Rather,the goose died.Thus it is for her
greed she brought her own misfortune and remained poor.

Long,long ago,there lived a shepherd boy in a certain village.He used to tend sheep in a nearby field
beside the forest. The shepherd boy was a great liar. He enjoyed himself making fun with people. He
often cried out "Wolf! Wolf!" The kind-hearted villagers heard his cry and rushed to the spot with sticks
to save the shepherd boy. But when they came near, they found no wolf and the shepherd boy simply
laughed at them.After a few days, the boy made the same fun. The villagers again ran to the field. But
they found no wolf no wolf and the boy laughed at them in the same way. The villagers became very
angry and advised the boy not to make that kind of fun in future.But one day a wolf really came. It
started to kill the sheep one by one. The shepherd boy was very frightened. He shouted and shouted
"Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help!" But none came to help him that time. The villagers heard him but thought that
the boy was again making fun of them. The wolf killed a number of his sheep and then killed the
shepherd. So, we should never make fun by telling lies.


There lived a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night. A rich
neighbor of his was a banker who oneday said to him,"How much a year do you earn?" The cobbler
replied, "I earn enough to make both ends meet." "I am sorry for that. You must be living in great
distress," said the banker. "But I'm used to this short of life and I am happy." said the cobbler.
The next day the rich banker again came to visit the cobbler. He came with ten thousand taka in a bag
and gave it to the cobbler.The cobbler was greatly surprised.The cobbler who never seen so much
money at a time in his life before,hurried home and could not think where to keep the money.He didn’t
found any safe place to keep the bag.So he dug a hole in this hut and buried his treasure in the
earth.He would remain alert the whole night and could sleep in the night.He even could not devote
himself to his work.Peace and happiness vanished from his life. the cobbler gradually realized that,
"Money cannot bring happiness."


Once upon a time a crow was very thirsty.It flew place to place in search of water but unfortunately it
did not find any water.The crow didn't lose hope to get water.All of a sudden,it saw a jar at a little
distance.He flew to the jar but he found that there was a little water at the bottom.It tried his heart and
soul to reach the level but failed miserabley.He found out that the water was to low for him to get.All of
a sudden,a plan came to his mind,he saw some pebbles lying near the jar.He picked up the pebbles
one by one and dropped them into the jar.As a result,the water in the jar rose up gradually and when
the water came to it's reach it drank the water and flew away happily.


Once there lived a poor woodcutter. But he was very honest. He earned his livelihood by selling wood
in the market. One day while he was cutting wood beside a river, his axe slipped out of his hand
abruptly and fell into deep water. He became very sad as he would not be able to cut wood any more to
earn his living and maintain his family. He sat beside the river and began to cry bitterly. Seeing this, the
river goddess took pity on him. She appeared before the woodcutter.soothed him and offered him a
gold axe. But the honest woodcutter did not feel tempted.He said that the axe was not his. The
goddess dived into the river and brought a silver axe.Thewoodcutter told her that it, too, was not his
own axe. Now the goddess again dived into the river and brought an ordinary iron axe with an old
wooden handle. At once the woodcutter said that it was his own axe. At this the goddess became very
much pleased with the poor woodcutter honesty and devotion to truth. So, she gave the woodcutter all
the three axes as a token of reward for his honesty. He sold the silver and gold axes in the market, got
a huge amount of money and became a rich man. He thus began to live a happy life.
Story Writing
Sheikh Saadi was a great poet.Once he was going to the court of the king of Iran.He took shelter in a
rich man's house on his way to the court.Sheikh Saadi was wearing a very ordinary and cheap
cloth.The treatment he received in the rich man's house offended him. But he did not say anything.
On the next day Sheikh Saadi went to the court of the king and was received with honour.He stayed
there for a few days. He composed some beautiful poems and entertained the king and his courtiers.He
received rich gifts from the king.On his way to his village he again visited that rich man's house.This
time,the rich man was surprised to see Sheikh Saadi in a pretty rich dress and treated him with the best
of the foods and comfort. While eating,Saadi was surprised to see the rich delicious food and
understood the rich man's attitude. Sheikh Saadi then instead of eating the food, started putting them
into the pockets of his rich cloth.This surprised the rich man.“Why are you putting the food into the
pockets of your dress?" said the rich man.“I am putting them into the pockets of my dress because
these foods are meant for my dress,not for me,”said Saadi.The rich man realized his earlier
folly/silliness and became ashamed.


Once the house of a rich man was infested with rats. The house became like the town hamelin.There
were rats everywhere.They were living a good time. But all the members of the house were in great
trouble.At last the owner of the house hit upon a plan and he brought a cat to kill the rats and thereby to
get rid of the rats. The rats came to know the presence of the cat in the house. Their lives were at
stake. All the mice sat together in a conference. At last they made a decision that they would tie a bell
in the neck of the cat so they could become alert when the cat approached. All the rats were excited
and welcomed the decision. But among the rats an old wise rat asked, "Who will bell the cat". They
thought that a rat who would approach the cat to bell him in the neck would lose his life. Finally who
would bell the cat remained unsettled. So the mice eventually migrated to a different place.


One day a girl of class five was going to school. Suddenly she saw a money bag dropped by someone
on the road. She was at a loss to see the purse and and decided to pick it up. The girl was clever.She
did not tell any passer-by about the money bag. She was not at all greedy and sowas not in the least
interested in grabbing the contents in the purse. She intended to open the bag to see if there was any
visiting card. Fortunately, she found some visiting cards and the ID card of the owner. Then the girl
became somewhat pacified thinking that she might eventually return the bag to its real owner. However,
the girl carried the bag to her parents. Her parents were very pious and honest who were bringing up
their daughter with proper moral and religious education. The girl told her parents everything. Her
parents were very happy at her wise and honest action. Her father Mr. Sumon found the owner's
address and mobile number on the visiting card. He called the number. The man who received phone
sounded very anxious. Mr.Sumon asked him about his identity. Mr. Sumon noticed that the identity of
the man corresponded with the visiting card and ID card. And the man's name was Mr. Rashid.
Mr.Sumon asked Mr. Rashid if he had lost anything. Mr. Rashid anxiously replied that he had lost a bag
containing a great amount of money and some documentary papers. Mr. Rashid's information
completely corresponded with the contents of the bag. Mr. Sumon was certain that he (Mr.Rashid) was
the real owner of the bag. He (Mr. Sumon) told him (Mr. Rashid) not to worry about the bag, adding that
he (Mr. Rashid) would get back everything. Then Mr. Sumon told him to come to his (Mr. Sumon)
address to receive his bag. Mr. Rashid and his wife at once started forMr. Sumon's house. Mr. Sumon
handed over the bag to Mr Rashid. Mr. Rashid was overwhelmed with gratefulness and hugged Me.
Sumon. Mr. Rashid took the girl to his bosom with great affection. Since then the two families
developed a great friendly relationship between themselves.

Once a school boy named Ahsanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was
crossing the road,he saw an old woman lying on the road.She was senseless.There Was nobody to
help her. He was in a fix. He did not know what to do. But he was a sensibleboy.He thought that he
should not leave the woman. It would be an inhuman act to leave the woman. He thought for a
moment. Suddenly he hit upon a plan. He had his mobile phone with him.He knew the mobile number
of Grameen Health Service.The Grameen HealthService sent an ambulance to take the woman to a
nearby hospital. She was given treatment.After some time she came to sense. She came to knew
everything. She thanked Ahsanullah.Atlast Ansanullah left the hospital for home.
Story Writing
Last Sunday I went to bed at 9 pm and slept a sound sleep. Suddenly I woke up at about 1am when I
heard a hue and cry at a little distance. I got up from bed and ran to the spot.I saw that the cottage was
burning. Though nobody knew how it occurred, all were trying to the utmost to extinguish the fire and
save the house. Some were pouring water, some were carrying different utensils to collect water from
the nearby pond. The members of the fire service were also trying heart and soul to bring the fire under
control.The members of the house were busy taking their valuable things out of the house. But they
completely forgot that a baby was on the cradle. Noone could reach there because the whole house
was under the grip of dense smoke and flame of fire. The mother of the baby had already got fainted.
Observing the heart-rending situation.I Went inside the house risking my life, took the baby in my lap
and came out of the house.All Were utterly amazed at my courageous feat. The relatives of the baby
blessed me from the core of their heart.With the concerted efforts of all, the fire was brought under
control at last though the house owner had to court an irreparable loss.

Once, there lived a woodcutter who was very poor but honest. He lived near a jungle on the bank of a
river and used to cut wood in the jungle. By doing this hard work, he earned very little and somehow
managed to maintain his family.One day, while he was cutting wood in the jungle, his axe fell into the
river. There was a strong current in the river and the woodcutter tried his best to find it but failed. The
axe was the only means of his livelihood and he was too poor to buy another one. He knew very well
that without the axe, he and his family members would starve. Thinking this, he sat motionless and
began to cry like a child.A fairy who was passing by heard him crying and decided to test him. She
came to him and asked him why he was crying. The woodcutter told her about his miserable condition
and asked her if she could help him. Hearing this, the fairy felt pity for him and wanted to help him.But,
as she wanted to test him, she dived into the river and returned with a golden axe. Showing the golden
axe, she asked him if that was his axe. As he was honest, he told her that was not his. The fairy again
dived into the water and came back with a silver axe and asked him if that was his axe. The man again
replied in the negative. The fairy went into the river water for the third time and returned with the real
axe. Seeing his lost axe, the woodcutter became very happy and told her that was his axe. He thanked
her and showed his gratitude to her.The fairy was also very happy to see the honesty of the poor
woodcutter and wished to reward him. She offered him all the three axes as a reward and forbade him
to say 'No'. The woodcutter happily accepted the award.
From the story, we learn that honesty is the best policy and we all should be honest.

Last Sunday I went to bed at 9 pm and slept a sound sleep. Suddenly I woke up at about 1am.when I
heard a hue and cry at a little distance. I got up from bed and ran to the spot.Isaw that a cottage was
burning. People were rushing towards it. The old woman and the poor little girl who lived in it could not
come out. They were crying for help inside the cottage.Every body was throwing water on the burning
cottage but nobody dared to enter the room.Atlast I requested a brave young man to rescue the old
woman and the poor little girl. My eyes were full of tears then. He looked at my face once again and
suddenly rushed into the cottage.He came out with the little girl by his arm and the old lady on his back.
I thanked God and felt very happy for the noble deed the youngman did. It will be a treasure in my
memory for a long time.

Once a boy named Rakib was coming home from his school on foot. Suddenly he noticed a money bag
lying beside the road. He thought for a while it was his golden chance to get money by which he can
become solvent. But he is honest to the core of his heart. He didn't even open the bag. He went to the
nearest police station to inform the matter. To his utter surprise he found a foreign lady in front of the
officer-in-charge of the police station. Shewent there to lodge a general diary about the losing of the
bag. Rakib handed the bag to the lady.There was a passport, a few thousand dollars and some other
important documents inside the bag.The lady became amazed at the honesty of Rakib. She instantly
gave one thousand dollars to Rakib as a reward and also took the responsibility of bearing all his
educational expenses.

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