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Taking Phone Message

A. Fokus Pembelajaran

Fokus pembelajaran materi adalah:

 Ungkapan menanyakan penelepon meninggalkan pesan

 Ungkapan meninggalkan pesan
 Mencatat pesan telepon

B. Frasa menyampaikan Pesan Telepon

Words / Phrases Meaning

to catch a person’s name be able to understand a person’s name

have other work to do and not able to

to be busy/to be engaged
respond to a telephone call

to hold the line wait on the telephone

have someone to take note of a

to leave a message
message for someone else

to be free have available time to do something

very important that needs attention


shipment delivery of merchandise

to postpone (dibatalkan, dijadwalkan

put off something to a later date of time

to be delayed (tidak dibatalkan, ditunda, not be able to happen on time or be

hanya tidak sesuai waktu) postponed

to call someone back return someone’s telephone call

C. Unsur Kebahasaan: Reported Speech

Reported speech (kalimat laporan) digunakan untuk menyampaikan apa yang
orang lain katakan. Kata kerja laporan seperti say, tell, ask biasanya digunakan
dalam reported speech ini. Lalu, ubah tenses ke dalam direct speech (kalimat

1. Jenis Reported Speech

1. Statement (Pernyataan) | Untuk kalimat yang berupa statement, biasanya

ditandai dengan kata kerja “tell/told” atau “say/said”. Selain itu, bisa juga
digunakan kata kerja lain seperti admit, suggest, advise, etc. Adapun untuk
mengubah ke dalam reported speech, biasanya digunakan “that” sebagai

Direct speech Reported later

The weather is really nice Jihan said that the weather was really nice that
today, Jihan says day.

Regina is needed in the Mr. Malik’s secretary told me that you are
conference room right now. needed in the conference room right now.

Miss Francis said that she will be late for the

I will be late for the meeting.

2. Imperative | Kalimat berbentuk imperative bisa berupa command (perintah)

dan bisa pula invitation (ajakan). Dalam wujud reported speech biasanya
digunakan “to/not to” untuk menghubungkan kalimat.

Direct speech Reported later

Don’t go home late! He warned me not to go home late.

Mr. Smith wanted you to call him as soon as

Call me as soon as possible.

Please check the newly The operational manager ordered you to check the
installed printer. newly installed printer.

3. Yes – No Question | Dalam bentuk ini, kita menggunakan “if” atau “whether”
untuk menghubungkan kalimat.
Direct speech Reported later

Did you enjoy your holiday? He wanted to know if I had enjoyed my holiday.

4. Information Question | Ciri dari bentuk kalimat ini adalah penggunaan kata
tanya what, who, where, when, why, which, whose, whom, how atau 8W+1H.
Untuk menghubungkan kalimat, yang perlu dilakukan adalah
memindahkan be/auxiliary/modals ke belakang subject.

Direct speech Reported later

What’s her opinion? He asked me what her opinion was.

CATATAN | Terkadang kata ganti (pronoun) diganti menggunakan kata ganti

bentuk orang ketiga: she, he, they.

2. Perubahan Tenses Reported Speech

Umumnya, tense dalam kalimat tidak langsung (reported speech) “mundur” satu
tingkat dibandingkan dengan tense dalam kalimat langsung (direct speech):
She said, “I am tired.” = She said that she was tired.

Frasa yang Setara dalam Kalimat Tidak

Frasa dalam Kalimat Langsung

Simple present Simple past

“I always drink coffee”, she said She said that she always drank coffee.

Past continuous
Present continuous
He explained that he was reading a
“I am reading a book”, he explained.

Past perfect
Simple past
He said that Bill had arrived on
“Bill arrived on Saturday”, he said.

Present perfect Past perfect

“I have been to Spain”, he told me. He told me that he had been to Spain.

Past perfect Past perfect

Frasa yang Setara dalam Kalimat Tidak
Frasa dalam Kalimat Langsung

“I had just turned out the light,” he He explained that he had just turned
explained. out the light.

Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous

They complained, “We have been They complained that they had been
waiting for hours”. waiting for hours.

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

“We were living in Paris”, they told They told me that they had been
me. living in Paris.

Future Present conditional

“I will be in Geneva on Monday”, he He said that he would be in Geneva on
said. Monday.

Future continuous Conditional continuous

She said, “I’ll be using the car next She said that she would be using the
Friday”. car next Friday.

Direct Speech Indirect/Reported Speech

Am / Is Was

Are Were

Was / Were Had Been

Have Been Had Been

Had Been Had Been

Will Would

Must, Have To Had To

May (Permission) Could / Might

Shall Should / Would

May (Possibility) Might

Can Could

Kamu tidak perlu mengubah tense jika kata kerja yang melaporkan sudah dalam
bentuk present atau jika pernyataan awalnya adalah sesuatu yang masih atau
tetap benar, seperti:

 He says he has missed the train but he’ll catch the next one.
 We explained that it is very difficult to find our house.

Kata kerja modal ini tidak berubah dalam kalimat tidak langsung: might, could,
would, should, ought to.

 We explained, “It could be difficult to find our house.” = We explained

that it could be difficult to find our house.
 She said, “I might bring a friend to the party.” = She said that
she might bring a friend to the party.

3. Time and Place References

Selain tenses, keterangan waktu dan keterangan tempat dalam reported speech
juga mengalami perubahan. Perhatikan tabel di bawah ini untuk melihat

Direct Speech Indirect/Reported Speech

Yesterday The day before

…days ago …days before

Now Then / At the time

Tonight That Night

Today That Day

Tomorrow The day after / The following day

Next week A week after / The following week

Here There

This That

These Those
D. Bagian Phone Message Pad

Phone message pad adalah selembar kertas tempat pesan dituliskan yang
memuat informasi detail. Ada berbagai macam bentuk formulir untuk menerima
pesan telepon, salah satunya ini.

E. Cara efektif menjawab dan mencatat Pesan Telepon

 Selalu siap dengan alat tulis beserta cadangannya, telepon genggam akan
berguna sewaktu-waktu tidak ada cadangan
 Jangan biarkan telepon berdering lama
 Jangan buat penelepon menunggu terlalu lama
 Sebut nama ketika menjawab telepon sambil tetap tersenyum
 Segera tulis pesan dalam phone message pad secara detail, terutama
penelepon, perusahaan dan nomor teleponnya
 Pastikan tidak ada kertas tagihan atau amplop sebagai alas menulis pesan
di phone message pad
 Ulang pesan yang disampaikan penelepon untuk mematikan
 Taruh kertas pesan tersebut di tempat yang bisa ditemukan penerima
dengan mudah

F. Contoh Pesan Telepon

Contoh dialog

Receptionist: “Good morning. Green Vegetables Importers. How may I help

Caller: “Could I speak to Mr. Adam, please?”
Receptionist: “Who’s speaking?”
Caller: “This is Anna Yapri.”
Receptionist: “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Could you spell it for me?”
Caller: “Anna Yapri. That’s A-N-N-A Y-A-P-R-I.”
Receptionist: “I got it. And where are you calling from?”
Caller: “Sunny Spinach.”
Receptionist: “OK. Ms. Yapri. I’ll connect you to him. Please wait for a
moment. (After few seconds) I’m so sorry, we fail to connect. Our line is still
busy. Would you like to hold the call?”
Caller: “Oh, no. This concerns an upcoming shipment and it’s rather urgent.”
Receptionist: “He should be free in an hour. Would you like to call back?”
Caller: “I’ll be in a meeting after this. Could I leave a message?”
Receptionist: “Certainly.”
Caller: “Could you tell Mr. Adam that our shipment will be postponed and the
500 packs ordered should arrive tomorrow?”
Receptionist: “Shipment delayed and should arrive tomorrow.”
Caller: “Yes. And could you ask him to call me back when the shipment
Receptionist: “Sure. Could you give me your number, please?”
Caller: “My number is 723-217-4887.”
Receptionist: “Noted, 723-217-4887.”
Caller: “Yes, that’s right. Thank you for your assistance.”
Receptionist: “My pleasure.”

Contoh phone message pad dari percakapan di atas


 Mulya, Eka, Mulya A. dan K. Shyla, L. 2016. FORWARD for Vocational

School Grade X: Can I Take a Message?. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
 Anonim. “Perubahan Tense Saat Menggunakan Reported Speech”.
Diakses pada 17 November 2020.
 Anonim. “Pengertian dan Contoh Reported Speech”. Diakses pada 17
November 2020.

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