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Aarambh 2025 English DPP:1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse Directions (1-10) Read the following passage and answer the given questions. ONE day back there in the good old clays when | was nine and the world was full of every imaginable kind of magnificence, and life was still a delightful and mysterious dream, my cousin Mourad, who was considered crazy by everybody who knew him except me, came to my house at four in the moming and woke me Up tapping on the window of my room. ‘Aram, he sai. | jumped out of bed and looked out of the window, | couldn't believe what I saw. It wasn't moming yet, but it was summer and with daybreak not many minutes around the corer of the world it wass light enough for me to know | wasn't dreaming, My cousin Mourad was sitting on a beautiful white horse. | stuck my head out of the window and rubbed my eyes. Yes, he said in Armenian. It's a horse. You're not dreaming. Make it quick if you want to ride. I knew my cousin Mourad enjoyed being alive more than anybody else who had ever fallen into the world by mistake, but this was more ‘than even | could believe. In the first place, my earliest memories had been memories of horses and my first longings had been longings to ride This was the wonderful part In the second place, we were poor, @1_ Who woke the narrator up one summer moming at four and how was this person perceived by others? @2_ How old was the narrator when the events took place? (A) Seven (8)Nine (C) Eleven (0) Thirteen @3 What type of pronoun is used in the sentence ‘I couldn't believe what | saw"? (A) Personal Pronoun (8) Possessive Pronoun (C) Demonstrative Pronoun (0) Reflexive Pronoun @4 What was the atmosphere ike outside when Mourad arrived at the narrator's house to wake him up? @5_ What did the narrator see when he looked out the window? (A) Mourad playing with a dog (B) Mourad riding a bicycle (C) Mourad sitting on @ beautiful white horse (D) Mourad holding a bunch of flowers Q6_ Identify the tense used in the sentence: "| jumped out of bed and looked out of the window, (A) Present Perfect Tense (8) Past Perfect Tense (C} Simple Past Tense (D} Future Continuous Tense @7 What did Mourad tell the narrator and what opportunity did he present to him? QB What was the narrator's first reaction upon seeing Mourad? (A) He was angry for being woken up_ (8) He thought he was dreaming 2 Android App | iOSApp | PW Website (C] He immediately knew it was a trick (0) He felt scared @9 How was the economic status of the narrator's family described in the extract? @I0_ Which one of these was net a reason that made the narrator surprised to see Mourad with a horse? (A) Mourad’s reputation for being responsible (8)The nanators childhood love for horses (C) The narrator's family being poor (0) Early memories of horses Directions (11-20) Read the following passage and answer the given questions. ‘One moming on the wary to Fetvajian’s deserted vineyard we ran into the farmer John Byro who was on his way to town, Let me do the talking, my cousin Mourad said. | have a way with farmers Good moming, John Byro, my cousin Mourad said to the farmer. The farmer studied the horse eagerly. Good moming, son of my friends, he said. What is the name of your horse? My Heart, my cousin Mourad said in Armenian A lovely name, John Byro said, for a lovely horse. | could swear itis the horse that was stolen from me many weeks ago. Maty I look into his mouth? Of course, Mourad sail The farmer looked into the mouth of the horse. Tooth for tooth, he said. | would swear it is my horse if | didn't know your parents. The fame of your family for honesty is well known to me, Yet the horse is the twin of my horse. A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his heart, Good day, my young friends. Good day, John Byro, my cousin Mourad said. Early the following morning we took the horse to John Byro’s vineyard and put it in the bam, The dogs followed us around without making a sound. QM What role did Mourad assume when he & nartator encountered John Byro, and how did he address the farmer? @I2_ Where was the faimer heading when he encountered the narrator and his cousin Mourad? (A) To Fetvajian's deserted vineyard (8) To town (C) To the farmer's barn, (0) To the village market @13_ What type of sentence structure is used in the sentence “The farmer studied the horse eagerly” (A) Simple Sentence (8) Compound Sentence (C) Complex Sentence @14 What traits of Mourad's family did John Byro praise during the encounter? @I5. What name did Mourad give the horse when John Byro asked? (A) Lightning (8) My Heart (C) Johnis Joy (0) The Swift @16_ Identify the type of sentence structure: May | look into his mouth’ (A) Affirmative Sentence (8) Imperative Sentence (C) Exclamatory Sentence (0) Intetrogative Sentence @17 Upon parting, what did John Byro conelude about the situation? @18_ How did John Byro confirm his suspicion aibout the horse? (A) By checking the horse's branding mark (8) By looking into the horse's mouth (C] By checking if the horse would follow him (0) By calling the horse by its real name 2 Android App | iOS App | PW Website ay @20 an a2 What did the narrator and Mourad do early the following morning in response to their encounter with John Byro? How did the dogs behave as the narrator and Mourad brought the horse to John Byro's vineyard? Short Answer Question: Describe the incident of Mourad bringing the beautiful white horse to Aram’s house. What emotions dicl Aram experience upon seeing the horse? Short Answer Question: The stolen horse is a central element in the story. Discuss the significance of the stolen white horse as a literary symbol OR In what ways does the stolen horse contribute to the story’s themes? Directions (23-27) Fun Activity: azs ax @2s 26 lam magnificent and white, With a rider, | take fight. Stolen, yet returned with grace, In this story, I find my place. Who am? Considered crazy by all but one, He roamed under the morning sun. With a way with animals, he did boast, Inhis heart, honesty mattered the most Who is he? Known for his temper, large and loud, Hiding sorrow beneath his proud shroud. Dismissive of loss, with words so cu Yet beneath, « gentle heart did lurk Who is he? Lonely farmer, his horse was gone, Seeking solace at the break of dawn. au a8 a2 @30 Upon finding his steed, «i tale did unfold, Of honesty and trust, a story old. Who is he? Young and eager, longing to ride, With cousin Mourad, he did confide. Faced with falls, he did not wane, Inlearning to ride, he did remain Who is he? Long Answer Questior The Garoghlanian family honesty. How does this characteristic create confict for the narrator in this story? is known for its Long Answer Question: Analyze the character of Mourad OR Explore the traits that make Mourad stand out ‘among the other characters. According to you, who showed more ‘crazy streak’ in this story, Mourad or Uncle Khosrove? Why? Directions(31-40) Write two synonyms and twe antenyms of each of the given words: as 32 33 34 ass 36 @37 ass 39 uo Maghificence Delightful Mysterious Comical Furious Capricious Eager Desolate Loathed Concealed 2 Android App | iOS App | PW Website

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