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SYLLABUS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM (CIC-311) Applicable from Batch admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Marking Scheme: 1 Teacher Continuous Evaluation: 26 marks 2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks Instruction for paper setter: 1, There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper. 2, The first (I*) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks. 3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus. Every until shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5 sub-parts/sub- questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15. UNIT -} Asymptotic notations for time and space Complexity, Methods for solving Recurrence relations, Brief Review of Graphs, Sets and disjoint sets, union sorting and searching algorithms and their analysis in terms of space and time complexity. Divide and Conquer: General method, binary search, merge sort, Quick sort, Selection sort, Strassen's matrix multiplication algorithms and analysis of algorithms for these problems. UNIT - II Greedy Method: General method, knapsack problem, Huffman Codes, job sequencing with deadlines, minimum spanning trees, single source paths and analysis of these problems. Back Tracking: General method, 8 queen's problem, graph colouring, Hamiltonian cycles, analysis of these problems. UNIT - Ill Dynamic Programming: Ingredients of Dynamic Programming. Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest common subsequence and optimal binary search trees problems, 0-1 knapsack problem, Travelling salesperson problem, Floyd Warshall algorithm. Branch and Bound: Method, O/I knapsack and travelling salesperson problem UNIT-IV String matching: The native String Matching algorithm, The Rabin-Karp Algorithm, String Matching with finite automata, The Knuth-Morris Pratt algorithm. Computational Complexity: Basic Concepts, Polynomial vs Non-Polynomial Complexity, NP-hard & NP-complete classes. Approximation Algorithm Flow and Storing Network: Ford-Fulkerson method, Maximum bipartite matching, Sorting Networks, Comparison network, Zero-one principle, Bitonic sorting network, ‘merging network. ; SYLLABUS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM (AIDS 303/AIML 303) Applicable from Batch admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards UNIT Introduction to Algorithms: Time Complexity and Space Complexity, Asymptotic analysis, Growth rates, some common bounds (constant, logarithmic, linear, polynomial, exponential), Camplexity Analysis techniques: Master theorem, Iteration Method, Time complexity of Recursive algorithms, art of problem-solving and decision making, role of data structure in algorithm design, basic algorithm structures of problem-solving and optimization algorithms constraints, solution space, and feasible reasons and representation of solution space. Sorting and searching algorithms: Selection sort bubble sort, insertion sort, Sorting in linear time, search, Substitution Method, count sort, Linear [No. of Hrs. : 10) UNIT It Divide and Conquer Algorithms: Overview of, Divide and Conquer algorithms, Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Binary search, Mateix Multiplication, Convex hull and Searching, Closest Pair of Points. Greedy Algorithms: Greedy methods with examples, Huffman Coding Knapsack, Minimum cost Spanning trees-Prim's and Kruskal’s algorithms, Single source shortest paths — Dijkstra’s and Bellman Ford algorithms. (No. of Hrs. : 10] . UNIT III Dynamic programming: Dynamic programming with examples such as knapsack, shortest path in graph All pair shortest paths _ Warshal’s and Floyd's algorithms, Resourve allocation problem. Backtracking, Branch and Bound with examples such as ‘Traveling Salesman Problem, longest common sequence, n-Queen Problem. (No. of Hrs. : 10] UNIT IV Graphs and their Representations, Graph Traversal Techniques: (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS), Applications of BFS and lamiltonian Cycles and Sum of subsets. s: P, NP, NP-complete, NP-hard. independent set and clique problems [No. of Hrs. 1 10} Graph Algorithms: Breadth First Search DFS, Bipartite graphs. Graph Coloring, Hi Computational complexity: Problem classe: Reduction. The satisfiability problem, vertex cover, Cook's theorem. Examples of NP-complete problems. SYLLABUS Academic Session (2015-16) ALGORITHM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS [ETCS-301] UNITI Asymptotic notations for time and space complexity, Big-Oh notation, © notation, Qnotation, the little-oh notation, the little-omega notation, Recurrence relations: iteration method, recursion tree method, substitution method, master method (with proof), subtract and conquer master method(with proof), Data Structures for Disjoint Sets, Medians and Order statistics, Complexity analysis, Insertion sort, Merge Sort, Quick sort. Strassen’s algorithm for Matrix Multiplications. [TU{R1]{R2][No. of Hrs. 10) UNIT IT Dynamic Programming: Ingredients of Dynamic) Programming, emphasis on optimal substructure, overlapping substructures, memorization. Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest common subsequence and optimal binary search trees problems, 0-1 knapsack problem, Binomial coefficient computation through dynamic programming. Floyd Warshall algorithm. : [T1]{T2](R1] (R3}[No. of Hrs. 10) UNIT III ‘Greedy Algorithms: Elements of Greedy strategy, overview of. ‘local and global optima, matroid, Activity sélection problem, Fractional Knapsack problem, Huffman Codes, A task scheduling problem. Minimum Spanning Trees: Kruskal’s and Prim’s Algorithm, Single source shortest path: Dijkstra’s and Bellman Ford Algorithm(with proof of correctness of algorithms). [T1][T2][R4] (No. of Hrs. 10] UNIT IV String matching: The naive String Matching algorithm, The Rabin-Karp Algorithm, String Matching with finite automata, The Knuth-Morris Pratt algorithm. NP-Complete Problem: Polynomial-time verification, NP-Completeness and Reducibility, NP-Completeness Proof, NP —hard, Case study of NP-Complote problems (vertex cover problem, clique problem). [T1J(R1] (No. of Hra.: 10) DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM (CIC-311) As Per New Syllabus 2021-22 Onwards UNIT -1 @. Refor to Q 1 (a) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg, No. 1-2015) Q Refor to Q.1 (o) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 1-2015). Q Refer to Q.1 (c) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 2:2016) Q Refer to Q.2 (a) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg, No. $-2015) Q Refer to Q.2 (b) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No.6-2015) Q. Refer to Q.3 (a) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 6-2015). Q. Refer to Q.3 (b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 8-2015) Q. Refer to Q.1 (a) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 10-2015) Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 20-2015) Q. Refer to Q.2 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 25,27-2015). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 28-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c),(d) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg: No» 1,2;2016). Q. Refer to Q.2 (a),(b),(c),(d) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 3,4-2016). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a) of First Term Examination 2016(Pg. No. 4-2016). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c),(d) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 10,11-2016). Q. Refer to Q.1 (h) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg:No. 15-2016). Q. Refer to Q.2 (a),(b) of End ‘Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 16,17-2016). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of Bnd Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 18,19-2016). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a) to (@) of First Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 1,2-2017). Q. Refer to Q.2 (a)\(b) of First Term)Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 3,4-2017). Q. Refer to Q.4 (b) of First Term, Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 4-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b)c) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 7-2017). Q. Referto QJ (e) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 8-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1 (i) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 10-2017). Q. Refer to Q.2 (a\(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 10,14-2017). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(bb) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 15-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1.(a),(b),(¢) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 1,2-2018) Q. Refer to Q.2 of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 3-2018). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 5-2018). @Q Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c),(A) of End Term Exam. 2018 (Pg. No. 9,10,11-2018). Q Refer to Q.2 (a),(b),(c) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 16,17-2018). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b),‘c) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 18,19-2018). Q Refer to Q 1 (a),(b),(c) of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 1-2021). Q. Refer to Q 2 of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg, No. 2-2021). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a) of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg, No. 2-2021). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 2-2021). Q Refer to Q.1 (b),c) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No, 32021). Q, Refer to Q.2 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg, No.'4-2021). Q. Refer to Q.4 of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). Q. Refer to Q6 (b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). ek Fifth Semester, Design and Analysis of Algorithms UNIT - IT Q Refer to Q.3 Important Question (Pg. No. 4) @ Refer to Q.2 (a) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 11-2015) Q. Refer to Q.2 (b),(c) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 12,13-2015) Q. Refer to Q 4 (a),(b) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No 16-2015) Q Refer to Q.4 (d) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 18-2015), Q Refer to Q.1 (e) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 25-2015), Q Refer to Q.4 (a) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 31-2015) Q Refer to Q.6 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 36,38-2015), Q. Refer to Q1 (e),(0,(g) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 12,13, 14-201) Q. Refer to Q.6 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 24,25-2016) Q. Refer to Q.1 (d) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pj No 8-2017) Q Refer to Q.1 (h) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 10-2017) Q Refer to Q.6 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 20-2017) Q. Refer to Q7 (a) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 21-2017). Q Refer to Q.1 (d) of First Terni Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 3-2018) Q Refer to Q 1 (e),(0 of End Perm Examination 2018 (Pp. No. 11,12-2018) Q Refer to Q.1 (h) of End Term Examipati¢n 2018 (Pg No. 14-2018) Q Refer to Q.4 (b) of Bnd Term Examiniition! 2018 (Pg. No, 22-2018) : Q. Refer to Q.6 (byof End Term Exumination 2018 (Pg. No. 26-2018) @ Refer to Q 7(a) of End Derm Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 27-2018). Q Refer to.@.9 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg No. 30-2018), Q ReferitoQ.3 (4),(c) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 3-2021) Q Refer to Q3\a), (b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021), Q«Refer to Qi5 (a), (b) 6PEnd Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). @ Refer t0°Q.6 (a) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No, 4-2021) Q. Refer to.Q’? (a) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021), UNIT - Q. Refer to Q.1 (a) Important Question (Pg. No.1), Q Refer to Q.1 (b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 1-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (d) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 2-2015). Q. Refer to Q.2 (b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 4-2015) Q. Refer to Q.4 (a),(b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg, No. 9.2015) Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 11-2015) Q Refer to Q.1 (d) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No, 23-2015) Q. Refer to Q.5 (a)(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 32,34-2015), Q. Refer to Q.8 (b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 40-2015). Q. Refer to Q 1 (e) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 2-2016). Q. Refer to Q.3 (b) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 5-2016) Q. Refer to Q.4 (a),(b) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 7,9-2016) Q Refer to Q4 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 20,21-2016), Q. Refer to Q.5 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 2223-2016). Q Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of First Term Examination 2017 (Pg, No. 4.2017). LP. University-(B. Tech} Akash Books Refer to Q4 (a) of First Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 42017), Refer to Q.1 (f),(g) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 9.2017) Refer to Q5 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 18-2017). Refer to Q 1 (d) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 3-2018). Refer to Q.3 (b) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg No. 6-2018) Refer to Q.4 of Firat Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 7-2018). Refer to Q.1 (g) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 13-2018). Refer to Q4 (a) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No, 19-2018). Refer to Q.5 (a),(c) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 23,24-2018). Refer to Q.6 (a) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 25-2018). . Refer to Q.6 (c) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 27-2018). Q. Refer to Q.8 (b) of End Term Examination 2018 (Py. No. 29-2018). Q. Refer to Q 1 (d) of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No: 1.2021) Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 2-2021). Q. Refer to Q.3 (b) of First Term Examination.2019 (Pg No. 2-2021). Q. Refer to Q.4 of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 2-2021). Q. Refer to Q.1 (f) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg, No. 3-2021). Q. Refer to Q.7 (b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). Q. Refer to Q.8 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). UNIT- IV Q. Refer to Q.2 Important Question(Pg. No. 2) Q. Refer to QA Important Question (Pg. No. 5) Q. Refer to Q.1 (b) of Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 10-2015) Q. Refer to Q. 1c) of Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 10-2015) Q. Refer to Q.1(d) 6f Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 11-2015) Q. Refer to.Q.34a),(b) of Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 13,15-2015) Q. Refer to Q.4,(c),of Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 17-2015) Q. Refer to Q.7 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 40-2015) Q. Refer to Q.8 (a) of End Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 40-2015) Q. Refer to Q.1 (i),Q) of End Term Exam 2016 (Pg. No. 15,16-2016) Q. Refer to Q.8 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2016 (Pg. No. 25,26-2016) Q. Refer to Q.9 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2016 (Pg. No. 27,28-2016) Q. Refer to Q.1 (j) of End Term Exam 2017 (Pg. No. 10-2017) Q. Refer to Q.8 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2017 (Pg. No. 22,23-2017) Q, Refer to Q.9 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2017 (Pg. No. 23,24-2017) Q. Refer to Q.1(i),G) of End Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 14,15-2018) Q. Refer to Q.5 (b) of End Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 24-2018) Q. Refer to Q.7 (b) of End Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 27-2018) Q. Refer to Q.8 (a) of End Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 28-2018) Q. Refer to Q.1 (g) of End Term Exam 2019 (Pg. No. 3-2021) Q. Refer to Q.9 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021) peeeeepoeeoeae 2021-7 Refer to Q.4 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 16,16-2017). As per the New Syllabus 2021-22 onwards DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (AIDS/AIML - 303) UNIT -1 Q. Refer to Q.1 (a), (c) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 1-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 2-2015). Q, Refer to Q.2 (a) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 3-2015). Q, Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 6,8-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 10-2015). Q Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 20,21-2015). Q, Refer to Q.2 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg, No. 25,27-2015). Q Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c),(d) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 12-2016), Q Refer to Q.2 (a),(b)(c),(d) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 3,4-2016). Q Refer to Q.3 (a) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg, No. 4-2016). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c),(d) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 10,11-2016). Q. Refer to Q.1 (h) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 15-2016). Q Refer to Q.2 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 16,17-2016). Q Refer to Q.1 (a) to (e) of First Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 1,2-2017). Q. Refer to Q.2(a),(b) of First Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 34-2017). Q. Refer to. Q.4 (b) of First Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 4-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 7-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 8-2017). Q. Refer to.Q.1 (i) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 10-2017). Q. Refer to Q:2 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 10,14-2017). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg, No. 15-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 1,2-2018). Q. Refer to Q-2 of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 3-2018), Q. Refer to Q.3 (a) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg, No. 5-2018). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c),(d) of End Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 9,10,11-2018). Q. Refer to Q.2 (a),(b),(c), of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 16,17-2018). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b),(c) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 18,19-2018). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a), (b), (c) of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 1-2021). ” Q. Refer to Q.2 of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 2-2021). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a) of First Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 2-2021). Q. Refer to Q.1 (a),(b),(c) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 2,3-2021). Q. Refer to Q.2 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). Q. Refer to Q.4 of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). Q. Refer to Q.6 (b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). 1.P. University-|B.Tech|-Akash Books 2021-9 UNIT - IL Q Refer to Q.3 Important Question (Pg. No. 4), Q. Refer to Q.2 (b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg, No, §-2015). Q. Refer to Q.2 (a),(b),(c) of Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 11,12,13-2015). Q, Refer to Q.4 (b) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 16-2016) Q Refer to Q-4 (d) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 18-2015) Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 26-2015), Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 28-2015), Q. Refer to Q.4 (a) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 31-2015). Q. Refer to Q.6 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg, No. 36, 38-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (e),(f), (g) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 12,13,14-2016). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 18, 19-2016). Q. Refer to Q.6 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 24,25-2016). Q. Refer to Q.7 of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 25-2016). Q. Refer to Q.1 (d) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 8-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1 (h) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 10-2017). Q. Refer to Q.6 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 20-2017). Q. Refer to Q.7 (a) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 21-2017). Q. Refer to Q.1 (d) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 3-2018). Q. Refer to Q.1 (e),(f) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 11,12-2018). Q. Refer to Q.1 (h),(e) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No, 14-2018). Q. Refer to Q.4 (b) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 22-2018). Q. Refer to Q:6 (b) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 26-2018). Q. Refer to Q.7 (a). of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 27-2018). Q. Refer to Q.9 (b) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 30-2018). Q. Refer to Q:1 (d),(e) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 3-2021). Q. Refer to Q.3 (a)(b) 6f End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). Q. Refer to Q.5 (a)(b) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). Q. Refer to Q.6 (a) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). Q. Refer to Q.7 (a) of End Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). UNIT - II Q. Refer to Q.1 Important Question (Pg. No. 1) Q. Refer to Q.1 (b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 1-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (4) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 2-2015). Q. Refer to Q.2 (b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 4-2015). Q. Refer to Q.4 (a),(b) of First Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 9-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of Second Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 11-2015). Q. Refer to Q.1 (d) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 23-2015). Q. Refer to Q.5 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg, No. 32,34-2015). Q. Refer to Q.8 (b) of End Term Examination 2015 (Pg. No. 40-2016). Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 2-2016). 10-2021 Fifth Semester, Design and Analysis of Algorithms Q. Refer to Q.3 (b) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No, 5-2016) Q. Refer to Q4 (a),(b) of First Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 7,9-2016), Q. Refer to Q.4 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No, 20,21 2016). Q. Refer to Q.5 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2016 (Pg. No. 22,23 2016), Q. Refer to Q.3 (a),(b) of First Term Examination 2017 (Pg, No, 4-2017). Q. Refer to Q.4 (a) First Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 4-2017), Q. Refer to Q.1 (f),(g) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No. 9-2017). Q. Refer to Q.4 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Pg. No, 16,16-2017), Q. Refer to Q.5 (a),(b) of End Term Examination 2017 (Py. No, 18-2017), Q. Refer to Q.1 (e) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg, No. 3: 2018). Q. Refer to Q.3 (b) of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 6-2018), Q. Refer to Q4 of First Term Examination 2018 (Pg No. 72018), Q. Refer to Q.1 (g) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pi No, 13.2015) @ Refer to Q-4 (a) of End Term Examination 2018 (i No. 19-2018). Q. Refer to Q.5 (a),(c) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No. 23,24 2018), @. Refer to Q6 (a) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pi No, 26-2018). @ Refer to Q.6 (c) of End ‘Term Examination" 2018 (Pg, No. 27-2018). @. Refer to Q.8 (b) of End Term Examination 2018 (Pg. No, 29-2018). Q Refer to Q.1 (4) of FirstTerm Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 1-2019). @Q. Refer to Q.1 (c) of First Term, Exumination, 2019 (Pg. No. 2-2021) @ Refer to Q.3 (b) of First Term Exantinalion 2019 (Pg. No. 2-2021). Q Refer to Q.4 of Fipst Term Fxnmination 2019 (Pg. No, 2-2021). Q Refer to Ql (of Bnd, Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 3-2021). @ Refer to'@Q-7(b) ofEnd Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). @. Refet to°Q6 (a)(b) offEnd Term Examination 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021). UNIT -IV portant Question (Pg. No. 2) Q. Refer to Q.3 (b) of Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 15-2015) Q. Refer to Q.4 (a) of Second Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 16-2015) Q. Refer to Q.7 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2015 (Pg. No. 40-2015) Q Refer to Q.1 (j) of End Term Exam 2016 (Pg. No. 16-2016) Q. Refer to Q.8 (b) of End Term Exam 2016 (Pg. No. 26-2016) Q. Refer to Q.1 (j) of End Term Exam 2017 (Pg. No. 10-2017) Q. Refer to Q.8 (a) of End Term Exam 2017 (Pg. No. 22-2017) Q. Refer to Q.9 (a) of End Term Exam 2017 (Pg. No. 23-2017) Q. Refer to Q.1 (i) of End ‘Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 14-2018) Q. Refer to Q.5 (b) of End Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 24-2018) Q. Refer to Q.9 (a) of End Term Exam 2018 (Pg. No. 30-2018) Q. Refer to Q.9 (a),(b) of End Term Exam 2019 (Pg. No. 4-2021) Q. Refer to Q.21, END TERM EXAMINATION [FEB. 2023] FIFTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] ALGORITHMS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS [ETCS-301] Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75 Note: Attempt any five questions in all including Q. No. 1 which is compulsory. Q.1. Attempt all questions: (5 x 5 = 25) Q.1 (a) Define time complexity and space complexity. Write an algorithm for adding n natural numbers and find the space required by that algorithm. Q.1 (b) Define Big ‘Oh’ notation. Formulate the order of growth. Compare the order of growth n! and 2n. Differentiate between Best, average and worst case efficiency. Q.1 (¢) Differentiate divide and conquer and dynamic programming. Q1(d@) Explain dynamic programming method of probl-m solving. What type of problems can be solved by dynamic programming? Q1 (e) Determine an LCS of <1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1> and <0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0> Q2 (a) Discuss the concepts of asymptotic notations and its properties. 4) Q.2 (b) Analyze the order of growth. (4) F(n) = 2n2 + 5 and g(n) = 7n. Use the © (g(n))inotation. Q.2 (c) Evaluate the recurrence relations. (45) (i). x(n) = x(n - 1) +5 for m> 1. (i) . Xn) = x03) + 1 for n > 1px (1) = 1, (Solve for n = 3k) Q5 (a) Which sorting, algorithnn is best if the list is already sorted? Why? (4) Q3 (b) Prove that the average running time of Quick Sort is O(nlog(n)) where n is the number of elements. (4) Q3 (c) What are stable algorithms? Which sorting algorithm is stable? Give one example and explain. (4.5) Q-4 (a) Implement UNION using linked list representation of disjoint sets. @ Q4 (b) Explain the characteristics of problems that can be solved using dynamic programming. (4) Q.4 (©) Give a control abstraction for Divide and Conquer method. Explain with an example. (4.5) (5 (a) Explain the effect of negative weight edges and nogative weight cycles on shortest paths. . ey Q.5 (b) Define strongly connected components. How DFS can be used to find strongly concerted components? (4) Q.5 (c) Find an optimal paranthesization of a matrix-chain product whose Sequence of dimensions is 4x10, 10x3, 3x12, 12x20 (4.5) 12-2021 Fifth Semester, Algorithms Design and Analysis Q.6 (a) Write Dijkstra's Single Source Shortest path algorithm. Analyze the complexity. & Q6 (b) Find minimum spanning tree of the following graph using Prims algorithm and discuss complexity. (6.5) ¢ Q7 (a) Explain Rabin-karp string matching algorithm, in brief. © @.7 (b) Find longest common subsequence of following two strings X and (6.5) Y using any algorithm: X = 'aabdbacdeba’ Y = 'aabddebac’ NP-completeness and NP-Hard Q8 (a) Differentiate between P, NP, problems. y @ @.8 (b) How a problom is identified as NP complete problem? Give atleast (4) t can be classified as NP complete problems. bility. (4.5) five problems tha 6 (e),With examples explain polynomial time reduci IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Q.1. Write note on the optimal binary search tree problems. Ans. Optimal binary search tree: We are given a sequence K = _h yhg, kh, ofn distinct keys in sorted order (so that k, < hy < .. <,), and we wish to build a’bénary search tree from these keys, For each key k,, we have a probability pi that a search will be for hi. Some searches may be for values not in K, and s0 we also have n + 1 “dummy keys” do,d,,dy,....d,, representing values not in K. In Particular, d, represents all values less than k,,d, represents all values greater than k, and fori = 1,2,..,n~1 the dummy key d, represents all values between k, and k, , Step 1: The structure of an optimal binary search tree: To characterize the optimal substructure of optimal binary search trees, we start with observation about subtrees, Consider any subtree of a binary search tree. It must contain keys in a contiguous range h,, ... ,h, for some 1 Sisj Sn. In addition, a subtree that contains keys k,, ky must also have as its leaves the dummy keys Ce {fan optimal binary search tree T has a subtree 7" containing keys k,,... ky then this subtree 7” must be optimal as well for the subproblem with keys 4, .... &, and dummy keys d,_,, .... dy The usual cut-and-paste argument applies. If there were a subtree T™, expected cost is lower than 7°, then we could cut T” out of and paste in 7”, resulting in a binary search tree of lower expected cost is lower than 7” then we could cut T out of T and paste in 7” resulting in a binary search tree of lower expected cost than T, thus contracting the optimality of 7, Step 2:A recursive solution We are ready to define the value of an\optimal solution recursively. We pick our subproblem domain as finding an optima) binary seareh tree containing the keys ky, ... hk, wherei 2 1,j<1,jsn,andj2i—1. (tis whenj=i—1 that there are no actual keys; we have just the dummy key d,_,) Let us define eli, j) as the expected cost of searching an optimal binary search tree containing the keys k,, ..., k, Ultimately, we wish to compute e[ 1, n]. The easy case occurs whenj =i~-1. Then we have just the dummy key d, | 4. The expected search cost is eli, 1] =q,_,. Thus, if k, is the root of an optimal subtree containing keys k,, .., k, wehave eli, f]= p, + (eli, r- 1]+w i, r—1)) +(e[r+1,/) +w(r+1,j)). Nothing that wii, jf) = wii, r-1)+p,+wlr+ 1,)). Step 3: Computing the expected search cost of an optimal binary search tree: At this point, you may have noticed some similarities between our characterizations of optimal binary search trees and matrix-chain multiplication. For both problem domains, our subproblems consist of contiguous index subranges, we store the efi, j] values ina table e[1_n + 1, 0_n). The first index needs to run ton + 1 rather than nbecause in order to have a subtree containing only the dummy key d,, we will need to compute and store e[n + 1, n]. The second index needs to start from 0 because in order to have a subtree containing only the dummy key dy we will need to compute and store e[1, 0]. We will use only the entries efi, j] for which 2 i-1. We also use a table root{i, j), for recording the root of the subtree containing keys k,,..., k;, This table uses only the entries for which 1 0 and Pig + 1)¥ Til 7 dog « nlq) 8. ifPig+1l=Ni) 9. theng¢q+1 10. ifg=m ret Then print “Pattern occues with shift” i-m 12. q 0 and P{K + 1) + Pig] 6 do k < niK] 7. if P(K + 1] = Pig) 8. thenK<«K+1 9. nq] K 10. return x. Performance of KMP The running time of COMPUTE-PREFIX-FUNCTION is 0(m), using the potenti method of amortized analysis. We ‘associate a potential of k with the current state hi the algorithm. This potential has an initial value of 0, by line 3. Line 6 decreases whenever it is executed, since nit] < k. Since n{k] 2 0 for all k, however, k can never becom negative. The only other line that affects k is line 8, which increases k by at most ot during each execution of the for loop body. Since k Noy Pele: : 0s on? S50? -3n seqn for alln2n,, Thus we have show that 527-31 = O(n?) Q.1. (d) Differentiate Dynamic Programming and Divide and conquer approach Ans. Divide and conquer Approach | Dynamic Programming 1, The sub problems in dynamic programming are dependent and thus overlap. 2. As sub problems are shared, it is solved just once and the solution is stored in table to use for solving higher level sub problems. 1, The sub problems in divide and conquer approach are more are) less independent. 2. The subproblems are solved recursively until the instances are small enough to solve easily Thus it does more work than required by repeatedly cola same sub problems. 3. Itmay or may not provide an optimal ‘solution. 4, It uses topdown approach. 5. Binary search algorithm follows divide and conquer approach. 3. It guarantees an optimal solution. . It uses bottom-up approach. 5. Floyd-warshall algorithm uses dynamic programming. ) Q.1. (e) Prove following: (@) nl = O(n™) (ii) 1* +2" + 34.....470* = 0 (n**1) \ Ans. — (i) ' jf) = ol : \ = n(n-1)(n-2).. By fin)s n™ (n) = n™)| wherec=1andn,=1 i Gi fin) = 14 2k43ky s nktnbantents snk a LP. University-(B,Tech)-Akash Books 2015-3 fla) s n*! Q.2. (a) Solve the following recurrence relations: (8x2) () T() = 2T(vn) +1 (using substitution method) Ans. We guess that the solution is T(n) = O(nlgn) our method is to prove that T{n)< | (nlgn) for an appropriate choice of the constant c > 0. We start by assuming that this bound holds for Jp , that is T(Wn) sC(¥n) IgV) Tin)s 2C Jn Ign) +1 <2CVn ign¥841 <20(Jadtems1] S Cn len) +1 Ss Cnlogn where the last step holds as long as ¢ 21. (i) Tn) = AT ((n/2}) +m (using iteration method) Ans. Tn) = 4T([n/2))+n we iterate it as follows: eX afi) ‘etta)) 3) (ele)-3)3) ea 3 i} easton “9(z *) +e, ya tAte “ e x The series Terminaters when | ? = l=n=2lori=log.n | = : is S Xn) <4°™"TC1)+...+47 Ane Se 4-2015 s w Say - is sinco, (142 + 22....2"+] (it) Tin) = {, master theorem) Ans. Tin) = as ns d d Tn) . > Tn) = Q.2. (6) Write Floyed Warshall Algorithm. Ans. Consider the shortest path problem n which the objective is to find the # Fifth Semester, Algorithm Analysis and Design 9 1 2 (S)aa{seloe( Gere , a > ss y (4 ny|—| +4 iG i nia) +4eesn & n(n-1)4 ylons4 (n-1) re2a=l & yn 1ah = logsn 1,2" =1) =2h-1 gla" 4 => 7,'t? -1 (n-1) n.(n-1) +n't? n(n-1)+n pes? n(n-1) + Xen?) n(n-1) +n? n(n-1) +n? a) 5T (n-3)+O(n?) whenm>0 risiewh (Using substract and conqutt 5T(n-3) +0 (n?) 5,b=3 ve ae 1 O(n4,a") O(n? a) O(n? 5/3 (n' ) e porte ss* distance as well as tho corresponding path for any gi ir of nodes in a di network. This type of problem can be solved using tags algoisihm, z ' —m<<———— i LP. University-(B.Tech)-Akash Books 2015-5 This algorithm takes the n its distance matrix (D°] and the initial precedence matrix (P°) as input. Then it performs n iterations (n is the no. of nodes in the distance network) and generates the final distance matrix (D¥] and the final precedence matrix (PN). One can find the shortest distance between any two nodes from the first distance matrix (DN) and can trace the corresponding path from the final precedence matrix (PN]. Steps of Floyd’s Algorithm: The steps of floyd’s algorithm are presented as follows: Step 1: Set the iteration number k = 0 Step 2: From the initial distance matrix [D°] and the inital distance Precedence (P?] from the distance network. Step 3: Increment the iteration number by 1 (K =k + 1) Step 4: Obtain the values of the distance matrix (D*] for all its cells where i is not equal to, using the following formula. Di = min(Dj1,Di + Dj) Step 5: Obtain the values of the precedence matrix [p*] for all its cells Where i is not equal to j using the following formula ph = pi; dif Dj ismot equal to Di" * \pi Notherwise. Step 6. Ifk =n go to step 7, otherwise k= k +1 and go to step 4. Step 7. For each source destination nodes combination, as required in relality, find the shortest distance from the final distance matrix [D") and trace the corresponding shortest path, from the final precedence matrix [p%). Floyd Warshall’s Algorithm: Floyd Warshall (w) 1.n rows [w] 2. DO —w 3. fork + 1tondo 4. fori - 1tondo 5. forj<1tondo 6. DP — (Dir, Di? + Dg) 7. return D(n). OR Q.2. (6) Explain Strassen matrix multiplication with example. Ans, Strassens Matrix Multiplication : By using divide-and-conquer technique, the overall complexity for multiplying two square matrices is reduced. This happens by decreasing the total number of multiplications performed at the expense of a slight increase in the number of additions. For providing optimality in multiplication of matrics an algorithm was published by V, Strassen in 1969. which gives an overview how one can find the product C of two 2x 2 dimension matrices A and B with just seven mutliplications as opposed to eight required by the brute-force algorithm. 46-2016 Fifth Semester, Algorithm Analysis and Design The overall procedure can be explained as below: on[& ]:a-[t S]n.[h ] C= A°B [= S] - fe} 8) 1 Cul” Lae an} [bo by X,+2,-2, 42, 4y+%, a +x, 2,+%,-%4 +2, where X= (ag 444,)* Bay +b,,) % = (94044) * boo % = Ag * (Bo, ~ 541) %q = Gy * (by ~ boo) 5% (og +0q))* by, Fa = (19+ Gg) * (Bog + bo) Fy = (gy +044) * (big +By,) Thus, in order to multiply two 2 2 dimension matrices Strassen’ formula used seven multiplications and eighteen additions/subtractions, whereas brute force algorithm requires eight multiplications and four additions. The utility of Strassen’s formula is shown by its asymptotic superiority when order n of matrix reaches infinity. Let us consider two matrices Aand 6,nxn dimension, where n is a power of two. It can be observed that we can obtain four dimension submatrices from A, B and their product C. It can easily be verified by treating submatrices as number to get the correct product. Gu 1 Cu Ave | Ans Ce} Cu} * [Aw } An For example: C,y can be computed asAyy* By, +A,,° By, or an x, +25—2, + xy, where x,,x,2,and % canto tou using otraseen’s formula, with the Sumbers replaced by the corresponding submatrices. We can have Strassen’s algorithm for matrix multiplication, if the seven multiplication of “%, matrices are computed recursively by the same method. OR Q3. (a) Explain Quicksort algorithm and explain worst case time complexity 0f the algorithm. (5x2) Ans. Quick sort Algorithm QUICKSHORT (A, P, R) Lifper 2. then q + PARTITION (A, P, R) 3. QUICKSORT (A, P,g-1) 4. QUICKSORT (A, ¢ + 1,7) 22 Unversity tecn—dumast: Bouts 2016-7 Riguralieroemnnyicpatitiiediapanan anny othene=-aili Siingicstdlamet, weeemor tee Bloweny eo rar for tor qu moc agomiihm w-ehow ir sores Cam urwartum: © Ty 2 0 -_ tue sir oz 2 -lsis)-1 teat: L Dees ted es gure auowt fis am von u tet for inttiglicetion, maintenance and em aes Performances sf Qui sort Tie umm sie of quick sort depends on whether che paritemng:s Jaimeed or wntaiere? T Se pecioning is belenned, the algorithm ims wepnpceady ae Sot as megs wt ant 2 the percitimnmg is unbelenced it rms wenpmtiraily 16 vor 2s ceca ‘Worst Camer Warst sauna secures wher. Se arxey as dividied in two uabalunred sub aay) vher ie wera a em. 8-2015 Fifth Semester, Algorithm Analysis and Design Ls — (1) —> Thus Tin) = Tin-1) + T10) + q(n) = Tin- 1) +q(n) = O(n?) Q.3. (6) Sort the following numbers using Quicksort algorithm: 12 34 25 40 19 10 30 8 Ans. li Pj r (a) 34 [25 | 40]19]10]30[8 ns r (oi [12 [34] 25 [40] 19 [10 Jao ]s P i r () ifqaTsa [25] 40] 19 [10] 30].8 : continues for all as for every j value is less than r Ali +1) @ Afr) r PJ W. (@) ig [ga] 25] 40 ]19 [10] 30 [12 Pi j r (6) [ie [aa [25 [40] 19 [10 [30 ] 12 Pi r (©) [e]s4 [25] 40 [19 [10 [30 [12] i i ee Jj r i F r P @) [a[s4]25 [4019 [10 [30 [12 P © [esa [25140 [19 [10 [30 [12] Pi J . ® [g]34] 26] 40] 19 ]10 [30 [12] pi Ae dead @ [e]io]25 [4019 [34] 30 [72] LP. University-(B Tech)-Akash Books 2015-9 Pj (hy [ay i0 [12 [40 [19 [34 | 30] 25 continues till: j = 2 and next exchange results in 8] 10] 12[ 25] 19 [34 [30 | 40] and finally the array becomes 8] 10 [12] 19 | 25] 30 [34 | 40 QA. (a) Find the optimal parenthesization of a matrix chain product whose sequence of dimensions are <2,3,4,5,6>. (5x2) Ans. Matrix dimesnsion PO = 2 A, 2x3 Pl=3 A, 3x4 P224 A, 4x5 P3=5 A 5x6 P4=6 Way of paranthesization s{1,4] = 3 (Al A2 A3) (A4) s[1,3] = 2 Optimal paranthesization |(((A1 A2)A3)A4)} Q.A. (b) Determine LCS of X = < B,D,C,A,B,A> and Y = Ans4 (b) . Refer Q.No.5(b) of End Term Exam 2016 (Page No.: 23-2016) SECOND TERM EXAMINATION [NOV. 2015) FIFTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] ALGORITHM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN [ETCS-302] Time : 1.5 hrs. MLM. : 39 Note: Attempt three question in total Q. No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any two more question, from the remaining. Q.1. (a) Define Matroid . (5x2) Ans. Refer Q.No,1(h) End Term Exam 2016 (Page No.: 15-2016) Q.1. (b) What are string matching problems ? Ans. Refer Q.No.4 Important Questions (Page No.: 7) Q.1. (c) Explain prefix function used in Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm using suitable example. Ans. The perfix function x for a pattern encapsulates knowledge about how the pattern matches against shifts to itself. Give the pattern P[l...m], the prefix function for the pattern P is the function x :(1, 2, ...., )—»{0, 1, ....,m— 1) such that, nq] = max (K:K [:[o]sTey*] « ie [eee] i wa the pattern P matches with text 7’ so that q = 5. The valid shift euaonee The Aeacoabat, the pattern will not match text T when the shift ne S + 1, but its valid when S’ = S + 2, When the pattern Pq is compared with Pp, we find’ array x can be represented as x[5] = 3. cae The significance of prefix function is that it avoids testing useless shifts int naive pattern matching algorithm or avoids precomputation of 6 for a string ma! a ao” LP. University-(B.Tech)-Akash Books 2018-11 Q.1. (d) Write down the worst case complexity of naive, Rabin-Karp, KMP and string matching using finite automata algorithms, Ans. Naive O(mn) where m is the length of pattern and n is the length of string when in worst case length of pattern m and length of text n becomes equal algorithm runs in quadratic time Rabin karp. Same as Naive = (mn) (quadratic in worst case) KMP: Running time for prefix function calculation = 0(m) and for KMP matcher = O(n) Hence total time: © (m +n) Finite Automata Running time = 0(n) n = length of Text. Q.1. (e) Differentiate local and global optima. Ans. Differentiate between global and local optima: When an algorithm finds a solution to a linear optimization model itis the definitive best solution and we say it is the global optimum. A globally optimal solution hasan objective value that is as good or better than all other feasible solutions. A locally optimum solution is the one for which no better feasible solution can be found in the immediate neighbourhood of the given solution. Additional local optimal points may exist some distance away from the current solution. Q.2. (a) Find an optimal Huffman code for the following set of frequencies: A45. bil5 0:5 4:25 e:10 (5) Ans. Optimal Huffman code. A:45 b: 15 C:5 d:25.e: 10 (a) Huffman codes are widely used and popular technique for compressing data; savings upto 90% are typical, depending on the characters of the data being compressed. Huffman’s greedy algorithm uses table of the frequencies of occurence of the characters to build an optimal way of representing each character as a binary string (a)e:5 e:10 6:15 d:25 a:45 (6) ‘ 6:15 d:25 a:45 cs e:10 (c) d:25 12-2015 Filth Semester, Algerith= Analysis and Desir {d) ) sence cal coling fr wsneitpven character 8 a-l b=001 ¢ = 0000 optimal Huffman code d=01 e = 0001 Q2. (6) Differentiate mentioned in part (a) of the question. need 3 bia Total bits required - (3xh5oBx15 +:3x5 + 3x25 + 3x10? = 135445415475 +30 = 300 bits LP Usowerncy—-3 Teck Aaa Boss 201s-13 Variable length code: x thin we gine frequent characters thert cores und infeeguent cearactars long coden This woeld requir o=t ] b= Wt 6-00 Varabile length cde es (ASal + Del5 + 405 + 2025 o bx 9 = 45445+20+50+40 = 50 bie Q2 (ec) Differentiate Prim’s and Ercskal’s algorithm ® Acs Kruseal's Algorith=: Litisan Algrcti= ce graph theory that Sade a minima epanning tree for a connected weighted Gaz 2 Ersukal u wtere we créer she soies Som ema lent to largest end pick accorcing!y. 2. Eruskal allows beth cew-cow codes and cl t-nid nodes to get commected, 4 Eruskal’s algerie bolés a mii rpg ee by adding one edge ata nme The ser: Loe us always the shortest only fic aces cist create 8 cycle. 5. Eruskal’s require os to sont the edge wengt c's Sot Prim’s Algorith=: L Isis the Algorsi&cs shat Gods 2 x —ieeoo ppemming tree for a comnected weighted uoudirected graph. 2 In Proms algoetthon we weies em ecciltrary mode then correct the ones nearest to it. 3. Prem’s always jets 2 sew ve-cex to cid verte. + Prim’s Beil a cee spamming tree by adding me vervex at a time The next vertex ta be added is always ‘he ome nearest to a vertex already on a graph. 5. Io Prim’s algorc om we welt the sherent edge when execeting the algorithm. Q3. (a) Write Rabia-Earp string matching algorithm Consider working module q = 11, how maxy sparious hits does the Babin- Karp matcher algorithm finds im the text T=314159265248 when looking for the pattern P=26. ©) Ans. Astrng search algarthe which copares a eurings bach values, rather than the strings themselves. For eSinexcy the hash velue of the next position in the text is easily computed from the bas walze of the carext pomsian How Rabin Rary works Let characters ix bath array T and P be Gigts is redix-S notation (S = (0,1_9) Let p be the value of the characters in P. Choose a prime namber q wach that fits within a computer word to speed com putancrs. compute (p mad q) ~The valae of p mod g is what we will be using to find all metches of the pattern P ‘est againat P only those sequences in T baving the same (mod q) value (Tat, sem) med q) can be incrementally computed by subtrarting the high-order dogit, sixtting, adding the low-order tat, all in modelo g antthmetse ie 14-2015 Fifth Semester, Algorithm Analysis and Design Algorithm: RABIN-KARP-MATCHER (TP, d,q) 1.n¢ length (7) 2. m length (P} 3.hed™ modg 4.p+-0 5.150 6. fori 1tom Preprocessing. 7. dop — (dp +pli}) mod q 8. ty © (dt, + Tli]) modg 9. for 8 <0 ton -m Matching. - 10. doifp =¢, : 11. then ifp [1 to ml=T[s+1tos+m) 12. then print "Pattern occurs with shift” 13.ifs spurious hit (s [4 [s]9]2]6]5 [375] 59 mod 11 = 4 equal to 4-> spurious hit [J4]1[s]9[2]e[6[3]5) 92 mod 11 = 4 equal to 4-> an spurious hit 26 mod 11 = 4 equal to 4 - an exact match! (3]1]4]1[5[o]2]6[s[ays} 05 mod 14” *10,not equal to 4 a ell ts LP. University-(B.Tech)-Akash Books ‘2015-15 3]i]4]i[s[ol2[e[s[a]s 53 mod 11 = 9 not euqal to 4 3]1[4]1[5]9]2[6]5[3]5 35 mod 11 = 2 not equal to 4 As we can see, when a match is found, further testing is done to insure that a match has indeed been found. Total spurious hits = 4 Q.3. (b) Define the complexity classes: P.NP and NPC. . (4) Ans. Define P and NP class of problems: Informally the class P is the class of decision problems solvable by some algorithm within a number of steps bounded by some fixed polynomial in the length of the input. Turing was not concerned with the efficiency of his machines, but rather his concern was whether they can simulate arbitrary algorithms given sufficient time. However it turns out Turing machines can generally simulate more efficient computer models (for example machines equipped with many tapes or an unbounded random access memory) by at most squaring or cubing the computation time. Thus P is a robust class, and has equivalent definitions over & large class of computer models. Here we follow standard practice and define the class P in terms of Turing machines. For ally the elem ents of the class P are languages: Let © be a finite alphabet (that is, a finite nonempty set) with at least two elements, and let 2* be the set of finite strings over £. Then a language over £ is a subset\L of t*. Each Turing machine M has an associated input alphabet ©. For each string w in £* there is a computation associated with M with input w. We say that M accepts w if this computation terminates in the accepting state. Note that M fails to accept w either if this computation ends in the rejecting state, or if the computation fails to terminate, The language accepted by M, denoted L(M), has associated alphabet £ andiis defined by: TAM) = (w € E* | M accepts w) P=(L 1 L=L(¥)‘or some Turing machine M which runs in polynomial time} The notation NP stands for “nondeterministic polynomial time”, since originally NP was defined in terms of nondeterministic machines (that is, machines that have more than one possible move from a given configuration). However now it is customary to give an equivalent definition using the notion of a checking relation, which is simply a binary relation R ¢ Z* x £,* for some finite alphabets £ and £,. We associate with each such relation R a language Lp over UE, v (#) defined by Ly = (why IR(w,y)) where the symbol # is not in £. We say that R is polynomial-time iff Lp e P. Now we define the class NP of languages by the condition that a language L over £ is in NP iff there is k N and a polynomial-time checking relation R such that for all w € 5°, we Lo 3y(ly 1s lw, and R(w, y)) where Iw! and ly! denote the lengths of w and y, respectively. Aproblem is NP-complete if it is both NP-hard and an element of NP (or 'NP-easy’). NPcomplete problems are the hardest problems in NP. If anyone finds a polynomial-time algorithm for even one NP-complete problem, then that would imply a polynomial-time algorithm for every NP-complete problem. Literally thousands of problems have been shown tobe NP-complete, so a polynomial-time algorithm for one of them seems incredibly likely + _ Itis not immediately clegr that any decision problems are NP-hard or NP-complete. + NP-hardness is already a lot to demand of a problem; isting that the problem also a 16-2015 Fifth Semester, Algorithm Analysis and Design have a nondeterministic polynomial-time algorithm seems almost compl, unreasonable “te QA. Attempt (any two) . ta QA. (a) Explain Hamiltonian cycle problem (with suitable example), Ans. (a) Hamiltonian cycle problem: A Hamiltonian path is a path that y each vertex exactly once A graph that contains a Hamiltonian path is called a traces’ graph. A group is Hamiltonian-connected if for every pair of vertices there Hamiltonian path between the two vertices ! A Hamiltonian cycle. Hamiltonian circuit vertex tour or graph cycle isa cycle the visits each vertex exactly once (except for the vertex that is both the start and wile i visited twice) A graph that contains a Hamiltonian cele is called a Hamilton erp A Hamiltonian decomposition is an edge decomposition of a graph into Hamiltoniay circuits. Examples of Hamiltonian graphs. a) Hamettarion graphs (2) Hamiltonia cycle of fig (i) O-OE-E7OOO-® If the last edge of a Hamiltonian cycle is dropped, we get a Hamiltonian path. Hamiltonian path of fig (i) Non Hamiltonian graphs can also have Hamiltonian paths. Q.4.(6) Find the optimal schedule for the following task with given weit! (penalties) and deadlines: ee ee ee ee 42 2 1 Bae ak eee we Be Chee LP. University(B.Tech)-Akash Books 2018-17 Ans. Task Scheduling Problems: The problem of scheduling unit time tasks with deadlines and penalties for a signle processor has the following inputs: (a) aset s = (a,a,.....4,) of n unit time tasks. (6) a set of n intger deadlines, d,,d,,.d, such that each d, satisfies 1| = Wat, +W, = 15+10+1=26 Q.4. (c) String Matching with finite automata. (with suitable example) Ans. String matching algorithm using finite automata: There is a string- matching automaton for every pattern P; this automaton must be constructed from the pattern in a pre-processing step before it can be used to search the text etring. Figure below illustrates this construction for the pattern P = ababaca. We shall assume that P is a given fixed pattern string; for brevity, we shall not indicate the dependence upon P in our notation. In order to specify the string-matching automaton corresponding to a given pattern P{1...m}, we first define an auxiliary function a, called the suffix function corresponding to P. The function « is a mapping from £ to (0, J,...m) such that o(x) is the length of the longest prefix of P that is a suffix of x: o(x)= max tk: P, Jat. The suffix function a is well defined since the empty string P, = cis a suffix of every string. As examples, for the pattern P = ab, we have o(e) = 0,0(ccaca) = 1, and ofeeab) = 2. For a pattern P of length m, we have o(x) = m if and only if P} x. It follows from the definition of the suffix function that ifx] y, then o(x) sof). We define the string-matching automaton that corresponds to a given patern P{1_m) as follows. * The state set Qis (0, L...ym). The start state g, is state 0, and state m isthe only accepting state. f 0 © The transition function o is defined by the following equation, for any state q and character a : &(q,a) = ofP,a). S anc cama Fifth Semester, Algorithm Analysis and Design 18-2015 To clarify the operation of a string-matching automaton, we now give a simple, efficient program for simulating the behaviour: of such an automaton (represented by its transition function 6) in finding occurrences of a pattern P of length m in an input text T1_n} FINITE-AUTOMATION-MATCHER (T, 5, m) 1.n«length(7) 2qe0. 3. forielton 4. dog ed(q, 7) 5 ifg=em G. then print “Pattern occurs shift” i -m ‘As for any string-matching automaton for a pattern of length m, the state set Q is (0, 1,...m), the start state is 0, and the only accepting state is state m. The simple loop structure of FINITE-AUTOMATON-MATCHER implies that its matching time on & text string of length n is O(n). Q-4. (d) Proof of correctness of Bellman-Ford algorithm. Ans. Proof of Correctness of Bellman Ford Algorithm: Bellman Ford Algorith that computes shortest paths from a signle source vertex to all of the other vertices in# weighted digraph. The correctness of algorithm can be shown by induction. Lemma: Aster i repetition of for loop: # It distance (u) is not infinity, it is equal to the length of some path from to us . Ifthere is a path from s to u with at most i edges, then Distance (u) is at most tb length of the shortest path from s to u with at most j edges. i

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