Paper 10 Assignment 1

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Process of Communication (in education) (222005)

Guiding professor- Dr Munnazza Afreen
Course name: MA (Education) 2021- 2023 – First year
Student name- Shazia Tandel


Activity Page no.

Introduction 2

Spin the wheel and speak 3

Story dice 3-4

Play the role 4

Let’s talk it out. 4-5

Video prompt 5-6

Concluding remark 6

References 7

Introduction (concept)
Keeping children focused in class is a tough task. Generally, there are only a handful of
students who pay attention in the classroom. Some students simply lose their way as the
class goes on. Some students are already doing their favorite things back home in their
How do you ensure that students pay attention in class? How do you ensure that their
intellectual development takes place?
There are many methods you can use to increase their attention span and focus. Classroom
activities are one such tool that makes the class exciting as well as plays a good part in
ensuring students’ intellectual development.
Activity based teaching and learning method is a technique adopted by teachers to
emphasize their method of teaching through activity in which the students participate
willingly and get efficient learning experiences. It is a child-centered approach. It is a
method in which the child is actively involved in participating mentally and physically.
The Activity-based Learning system or the ABL was first pioneered by David Horsburgh, the
British-born educationist. Since its inception, it has seen implemented widely across the
nation in many states.

Activity 1
Title of the activity – Spin the wheel and speak
Material required / resources- Hand- made spinning wheel with some interesting topics
written on it.
Duration of activity- 30 minutes
Objective- The learners will communicate ideas/opinions clearly, accurately.
Instruction- The teacher will explain the students how to go about the activity. It is a
speaking activity where in the students will spin the wheel and get 2 minutes each to speak
on the topic where the pointer of the spinner points.
Examples of topics on the spinner – What would you do if you become a millionaire?
If you could make up a school subject, what would it be?
If you had a chance to eat one dessert every day for breakfast, what would it be?
Who makes you laugh the most?
Discussion before activity- The teacher will explain the student how to start with the topic
they get. Each student will get a minute to think on the topic and 2 minutes to speak about
Students need you. The students here will be assessed on their clarity of thought.
Post activity discussion- The students will be shared their faults if any. How they can show
language and vocabulary enhancement for the next activities.

Activity 2
Title of the activity – Story dice
Material required / resources- Dice with some pictures on it.
Duration of activity- 30 minutes
Objective- The learners will engage in a conversation and contribute effectively.
Instruction- The teacher will instruct students to prepare dice in groups, each with a
random image on it. Students job is quite simply to turn these prompts into a story.
I recommend you try to work with the order they appear on the screen but if you’re finding
it tough, you can do some swapsies.

You also don’t need to take the image literally. You can use the dice metaphorically or as
representations of other concepts. For example, a slice of pizza could represent food in
general, cutting a slice out of something, Italy, gooiness, a chef and a heap of other more

obscure things. The job of the dice is not necessarily to provide you with literal objects to
work with but concepts to nudge your thinking in fresh directions.
Learners may just want to dive in as soon as they see them, working from left to right as you
try to incorporate each image into your yarn. Or they may want to be more strategic and
work out the ending first, using the dice to work out how you’re going to get to your big
climax. The learners may try different strategies to see what works best for them.

Discussion before activity- The teacher will explain the student how to start with the topic
they get. Each student will get a minute to think on the topic and 2 minutes to speak about
The students here will be assessed on the maturity of thinking they will express.
Post activity discussion- The students will be shared their faults if any. How they can show
language and vocabulary enhancement for the next activities. They will be given few more
examples of how they can effectively use the situations and create their stories.

Activity 3
Title of the activity – Play the role
Material required / resources- Chits with some topics written on them.
Duration of activity- 40 minutes
Objective- The learners will show control of pronunciation and intonation patterns.

Instruction- The teacher will instruct students to prepare chits with some random
situations. The situations could be –

Situation 1: Two classmates meeting for the first time

Situation 2: Shop retailer and customer

Situation 3: Annoyed teacher and careless student

Each pair has to pick the chit and enact. The students will get 3 minutes to think about their
role play and 3 minutes to enact.

Discussion before activity- The learners will be directed how to get started. They will be
given some time to think about the topics and put it on the paper.
The students here will be assessed on their Use of Voice, their thoughts and ideas,
vocabulary used.
Post activity discussion- The students will be shared their faults if any. How they can show
language and vocabulary enhancement for the next activities. They will be given few more

examples of how they can effectively use the situations and enact. The teacher will also
share if they have used the language inappropriately anywhere.

Activity 4
Title of the activity – Lets talk it out.
Material required / resources- mick, chairs.
Duration of activity- 40 minutes
Objective- The learners will

 engage in a conversation and contribute effectively.

 Enhance use of vocabulary.

Instruction- The teacher will instruct students to prepare a talk show wherein one student
will interview and the other will be any popular celebrity. This is a pair activity.

Discussion before activity- The teacher will brief about how interview happen? What
important parameters they need to remember while interviewing the celebrity. The teacher
will ask the students who is the celebrity of their choice whom they want to interview.

The students here will be assessed on their thoughts and ideas, and confidence.
Post activity discussion- The students will be shared their faults if any. How they can show
language and vocabulary enhancement for the next activities. They will be given few more
examples of how they can effectively conduct interview by showing some popular shows
like that of Oprah. The teacher will also share if they have used the language inappropriately

Activity 5
Title of the activity – Video prompt.
Material required / resources- online video.
Duration of activity- 30 minutes
Objective- The learners will

 Communicate ideas/opinions clearly, accurately.

Instruction- The teacher will motivate the students to watch the video displayed and ask
prompt question related to it. The students are expected to share their innovative ideas
related to the video to make a similar video.


Discussion before activity – The teacher will discuss about videos and how they should
evolve their own ideas. This would allow them to go out of the box and deliver innovative
ideas putting it in their words appropriately.

The students here will be assessed on their thoughts and vocabulary used, and not the ideas
they share for making the video. Their speaking skill is being assessed here.
Post activity discussion- The students will be shared their faults if any. How they can show
language and vocabulary enhancement for the next activities. They will be given few more
examples of how they can effectively conduct interview by showing some popular shows
like that of Oprah. The teacher will also share if they have used the language inappropriately

Concluding remark- Activities like these enhance students speaking skills while developing
their use of vocabulary, confidence, thoughts and ideas. Proficiency in each skill is necessary
to become a well-rounded communicator, but the ability to speak skillfully provides the
speaker with several distinct advantages. The capacity to put words together in a
meaningful way to reflect thoughts, opinions, and feelings provides the speaker with these
important advantages:

Ability to inform, persuade, and direct

Ability to stand out from the rest

Ability to benefit derivatively.

Personal satisfaction
Speaking skills are important for career success, but certainly not limited to one’s
professional aspirations. Speaking skills can enhance one’s personal life and thereby bring
about the well-rounded growth that we should all seek.
If these skills are focused right from an early age the students grow to be confident speakers
which reflects in their professional life as well.


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