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Ahmad Faruqui is a Principal at The

Brattle Group’s San Francisco office.
He is a leading expert on the design and
evaluation of innovative energy
programs involving the customer,
such as dynamic pricing, block rate
design, demand response and energy
efficiency. His other areas of expertise
include load forecasting and cost-
benefit analysis, especially as it relates
to advanced metering infrastructure
(AMI) and smart grid systems.
The Power of Dynamic Pricing
Ryan Hledik is an Associate at The Using data from a generic California utility, it can be
Brattle Group and is also based in the
firm’s San Francisco office. His shown that it is feasible to develop dynamic pricing rates
expertise is in assessing the impacts, for all customer classes. These rates have the potential to
costs, and benefits of demand-side
management strategies and smart grid reduce system peak demands from 1 to 9 percent.
technologies, as well as in energy
market modeling. He holds a masters
degree in Management Science and Ahmad Faruqui, Ryan Hledik and John Tsoukalis
Engineering from Stanford

John Tsoukalis is a Senior Research

Associate at The Brattle Group and is I. Introduction installed, raising rates for all
based in the firm’s Washington, DC, customers.
office. He received his Bachelor of Arts
in Economics from Washington and
Lee University. His primary expertise
As the Smart Grid takes shape,
it opens new vistas for change.
One of those salient opportunities
D ynamic pricing rate designs
can remedy this problem
and enhance economic efficiency.
is in designing and modeling the
impact of dynamic rate schedules. His for change that is enabled by the For that reason, they are receiving
other work has focused on market Smart Grid is the pricing of increased attention by state
power issues, risk management in electricity. By and large, existing commissions throughout the
energy procurement, and renewable
energy integration. rate designs hide the temporal country. California has made a
variation in the cost of electricity major commitment to it, by
The research described in this article and thereby promote approving the deploying of
was funded by the Demand Response overconsumption of electricity advanced metering infrastructure
Research Center (DRRC) at the during peak times and (AMI) and by establishing critical-
Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory and managed by Roger underconsumption during off- peak pricing (CPP) rates as the
Levy. The authors have benefited from peak times. In much of North default tariff for all non-
comments by the DRRC’s Technical America, the problem is residential customer classes with
Advisory Committee. However, the especially pronounced during the AMI.1 Other smart rate designs,
opinions expressed in the article are top 60 to 100 hours of the year, such as real-time pricing, may be
their own and not those of The Brattle
Group, Inc. or the DRRC. which may account for as much as provided as options.
10–18 percent of system peak To show the power of dynamic
load. In order to meet this critical- pricing, we develop a set of
peak load, expensive combustion illustrative rates using data from a
turbines are purchased and generic California utility and

42 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal
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compute the benefits that would The rate continues to increase as for energy and a $0.015/kWh
accrue to the state’s economy consumption increases. delivery charge. A customer
from widespread deployment of Consumption up to 200 percent charge of $85.75/month and a
these rates. While the numbers are of the baseline is charged at Single Phase Service rebate of
specific to California, the process $0.151/kWh, up to 300 percent of $26.65/month are also
and methodology are perfectly the baseline is charged $0.186/ applied. Based on the average
general and should be of interest kWh, and any consumption above load profile for a Medium C&I
to utilities and regulatory bodies 300 percent of the baseline is customer (38.4 kW of demand
throughout North America. charged at a rate of $0.221/kWh. and 66,818 kWh of energy

W e develop dynamic
pricing rates for four
customer classes: Residential,
For the average residential
customer, this averages to a
generation rate of $0.092/kWh.
consumption during the
summer) the average all-in
summer electricity rate totals to
Medium Commercial and When this generation component $0.153/kWh.
Industrial (C&I), Large Large commercial customers
Commercial, and Large are represented by a time-of-use
Industrial. In order to show the (TOU) rate that divides the day
development of these rates, we
California has into three pricing periods: peak,
begin with a discussion of existing made a major mid-peak, and off-peak.
rates. All the dynamic pricing commitment Customers are charged a different
rates are developed to be revenue- to dynamic rate for the energy they consume
neutral to these existing rates. in each of these periods. During
pricing by the peak period the energy charge
approving the is $0.099/kWh, during the mid-
II. Existing Rates deploying of AMI. peak period it is $0.078/kWh, and
in the off-peak period it is $0.050/
The Domestic Non-CARE Five kWh. The rate also includes
Tiered rate was used as the demand charges. There is a
representative rate for residential is added to the average delivery year round Facilities Charge of
customers in California. This rate charge of $0.072/kWh and the $9.71/kW and also a two-tiered
design features an inverted block Basic Charge of $0.020/day, the summer demand charge. The tier
rate structure, meaning that the average all-in summer electricity which corresponds to the peak
customer’s rate progressively rate totals to $0.165/kWh. period is $12.33/kW, and the tier
increases (in steps) as their Rate design for commercial and that corresponds to the mid-peak
consumption within a month industrial customers is more period is $4.25/kW. When these
increases. complicated due to the presence are coupled with a delivery

T he generation component of
the rate starts at $0.045/kWh
for consumption below the
of demand charges. The
representative rate for Medium
C&I customers contains two such
charge of $0.014/kWh and a
customer charge of $414.98/
month, the average all-in summer
customer’s ‘‘baseline’’ amount. demand charges. For every electricity rate for this class is
This baseline amount varies kilowatt of summer peak load, $0.132/kWh.
across the various climate zones customers are charged a Facilities Large Industrial customers
in California. Once a customer’s Demand Charge of $8.60/kW and have a rate schedule which is
consumption exceeds their a Summer Demand Charge of similar to that used to represent
baseline, they are subject to a $18.79/kW. On top of these large commercial customers. The
rate of $0.065/kWh until they demand charges, they are three-part energy charge is as
reach 130 percent of the baseline. charged a flat rate of $0.072/kWh follows: $0.077/kWh in the peak

April 2009, Vol. 22, Issue 3 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 43
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period, $0.061/kWh in the mid-

peak period, and $0.039 in the off-
peak period. The year-round
Facilities Charge is $2.48/kW, the
summer peak charge is $12.33/
kW, and the summer mid-peak
charge is $4.25/kW. The delivery
charge is $0.013/kWh and the
customer charge is $2,199/month.
Together these charges total an
all-in summer electricity rate of

Figure 1: Illustrative CPP/TOU Rate

III. Developing the

Critical-Peak Price with Figure 1 illustrates the in California. To calculate the
Time-of-Use Rate (CPP/ difference between the CPP/TOU residential critical-peak rate, the
TOU) rate structure on a critical day and capacity price was de-rated by 30
a peak day. For the Large percent to account for the
The CPP/TOU rate layers a Commercial and Industrial rate uncertainty associated with two
CPP rate on top of a TOU. The classes, an additional price level, factors: that the critical-peak rate
layered rate means that customers called the mid-peak period, was may not be dispatched at the right
pay a critical rate during peak added to the CPP/TOU rate. This time and that the rate would be
hours on the few days of the is consistent with the existing available whenever needed. This
summer when wholesale prices structure of Large Commercial de-rate also nets out the revenues
are the highest. During other peak and Industrial rates. that would be realized by the
days, the CPP/TOU rate operates The critical-peak rate is hypothetical combustion turbine
like a TOU rate. During peak dispatched during the 15 in the energy market. In other
hours customers will pay a peak ‘‘critical’’ days of the summer words, once the de-rate is applied,
rate that is higher then the when market prices are the new cost estimate represents
existing all-in rate. During all anticipated to be at their highest. the fixed payment that the owner
other hours, customers have an For the purposes of this study, the of the combustion turbine would
off-peak rate that is lower than the summer period was defined as need to be made whole
existing rate. Thus, the CPP/TOU June through September. The financially. The de-rated capacity
rate is designed to convey the true critical rate would be in effect cost is divided by 60, the number
cost of power generation to during the hours from 2 pm to 6 of critical hours in the summer,
electricity customers and to pm on these critical days. and then is added to the existing
provide them with a price signal Customers are notified the day all-in rate to produce the all-in
that more accurately reflects before a critical day will be taking critical rate. For residential
variation in energy costs over the place. customers the critical-peak rate
course of the day. This time-
varying rate structure provides
customers with an opportunity to
A n important input in
calculating the CPP/TOU
rate is the price of capacity. We
equals $1.04/kWh. The
residential off-peak rate was
designed to roughly approximate
reduce electricity bills through have assumed a capacity price of the utility’s marginal energy costs
reductions in peak period $75/kW-yr, which is based on the during off-peak hours. This was
consumption. cost of a new combustion turbine estimated to be $0.0126/kWh. The

44 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal
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Table 1: CPP/TOU All-In Rates (cents/kWh) with a different rate for each
Medium Large Large period. For example, a peak
Residential C&I Commercial Industrial period might be defined as the
Existing All-In Rate (Summer) 16.5 15.3 13.2 9.2 period from 12 pm to 6 pm on
Critical-Peak Rate 104.0 98.5 101.2 99.1 weekdays, with the remaining
Peak Rate 20.7 32.1 19.7 14.6 hours being considered off-peak.
Mid-Peak N/A N/A 11.1 7.8 The rate would be higher during
Off-Peak Rate 12.6 10.0 8.3 5.6 the peak period and lower during
the off-peak, mirroring the
variation in the cost of supplying
peak rate was then solved to level. The mid-peak period runs electricity during those time
maintain revenue neutrality using from 7 am to 2 pm and from 6 pm periods. With the TOU, there
the utility’s average load profile. to 11 pm on every weekday. The would be no uncertainty as to
Table 1 displays the final CPP/ critical rate was calculated with what the rates would be and
TOU rate structure for all four the same methodology described when they would occur. In other
customer classes. for medium C&I customers. Both words, the TOU rate is not

T he methodology for
calculating the CPP/TOU
for Medium C&I customers varied
the off-peak rate and mid-peak
rates were set equal to the off-peak
and mid-peak energy components
‘‘dispatchable,’’ and would not
technically be considered a
‘‘dynamic’’ rate according to
slightly from the residential CPP/ of the existing TOU rate. Then, the many definitions. Figure 2
TOU due to the presence of peak rate was solved for revenue compares the TOU rate to a flat
demand charges in the existing neutrality based on the load rate on a weekday.
rates. The critical rate was set by
adding the de-rated capacity price
to the energy component of the
profiles for Large Commercial and
Industrial customers. A TOU rate was designed for
the Residential customer
class and for the Medium C&I
existing rate. It was assumed that customer class. The TOU was
this critical-peak rate replaced the IV. Time-of-Use Rates designed to apply only to the
generation-related demand charge (TOU) summer period from June
in the existing tariff. The off-peak through September, and the peak
rate was set equal to an The TOU rate divides the day period was defined as 2 pm to 6
approximation of the off-peak into two or more time periods, pm on every weekday.
marginal energy cost, and the peak
rate was solved for revenue
neutrality. Ultimately, the new
CPP/TOU rate for medium C&I
customers no longer had a
separate generation demand
charge due to the assumption that
this cost was recovered through
the critical-peak rate.
The CPP/TOU rates for large
commercial and industrial
customers have four rate levels.
Like the existing TOU rate
structures, the new dynamic CPP
rates have an additional mid-peak Figure 2: Illustrative TOU Rate

April 2009, Vol. 22, Issue 3 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 45
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Table 2: Time-of-Use All-In Rates customers with the opportunity to

Medium Large Large save on their electric bill, the PTR
Residential C&I Commercial Industrial provides a level of bill protection
Existing All-In Rate (Summer) 16.5 15.3 N/A N/A that is not embedded in these other
Peak Rate 36.1 31.0 N/A N/A rates. Because it provides a rebate
Off-Peak Rate 12.6 10.0 N/A N/A during critical events but does not
increase the rate during other
hours, in the short run a

T he first step in designing the

Residential rate was to set the
off-peak energy rate to $0.126/
in California have proposed
deployment of peak-time rebate
(PTR) as the dynamic rate for the
customer’s bill can only decrease
under the PTR. However,
payment of the rebates will result
kWh, the same estimate of off-peak residential customer class. Rather in an increase in the utility’s
marginal energy costs that was than charging a higher rate during revenue requirement and, as a
assumed in calculating the CPP/ critical events, the PTR gives result, an increase in the electricity
TOU rate. The peak rate was then customers the opportunity to buy rate in the future. It is estimated
solved to be revenue-neutral to the through at the existing rate. that this increase would be equal to
existing rate using the average However, customers have an 1.5 percent of the existing all-in
Residential customer’s load incentive for reducing critical- rate. This has been illustrated in
profile. The Medium C&I TOU peak usage in the form of a rebate Figure 4 and is shown in Table 3 as
was created in a similar manner. that for each kilowatt-hour of load an increase in the existing rate
The off-peak rate was set equal to reduction that is provided during from $0.165/kWh to $0.168/kWh.
the assumed marginal energy cost the critical period. Figure 3 For this analysis, a PTR rate was
for that period, with a slight illustrates the PTR rate on a critical developed for Residential
discount to ultimately produce a day. It is important to note that this customers as this is the only rate
significant peak-to-off-peak rate structure requires the class that is likely to be offered a
differential. Then, the peak rate establishment of a baseline load for PTR in California. The rebate given
was solved for revenue neutrality. each individual customer, from for demand response during
It was assumed that the generation which the reductions can be critical hours is determined using
demand charge would be computed. the critical-peak rate in the
recovered through the peak rate in While all forms of dynamic residential CPP/TOU. The rebate
the revenue neutrality calculation. pricing are designed to provide is simply the existing all-in rate
As a result, the Medium C&I TOU
rate does not additionally include
a generation demand charge.
Table 2 outlines the TOU rate
structures created for Residential
and Medium C&I customers.

V. Peak-Time Rebate

Because of the presence of

Assembly Bill 1X, which prevents
CPP rates from being offered to
residential customers, the utilities Figure 3: Illustrative PTR Rate

46 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal
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These prices were used as the basis

for the price shape, because they
represented the best
approximation of a time period for
which there was robust California
electricity market price data with
somewhat normal market
conditions. The post-1999 market
data was heavily influenced by
market manipulation and other
anti-competitive behavior, and
market simulations did not
produce the hourly variation in
Figure 4: Illustration of RTP Rate
prices normally seen in electricity
markets. Today’s California ISO
Table 3: Peak Time Rebate All-In Rates and Peak Rebate real-time electricity market is
Medium Large Large fairly illiquid and includes price
Residential C&I Industrial Commercial patterns that are not truly
Existing All-In Rate (Summer) 0.165 N/A N/A N/A representative of marginal energy
New All-In Rate 0.168 N/A N/A N/A costs.
Peak Rebate
Off-Peak Change
N/A T he first step in creating the
RTP rate was to scale the
historical hourly market prices to
today’s energy costs. This was
subtracted from the critical rate. prices that reflect the cost of done in such a way that the scaled
The CPP/TOU critical rate was producing electricity at the most price series would equal the
calculated to be $1.04/kWh and granular level of all rates generation rate for each customer
the all-in rate was $0.165/kWh. considered in this article. class. The scaling factors that were
Therefore the peak rebate is $0.875 RTP programs are generally used to make this adjustment to
for each kilowatt-hour of demand only offered to Large C&I the market prices are presented in
response. customers with the exception of the second row of Table 4.
Illinois, where two utilities The next step was to allocate
currently offer them to their capacity costs. The approach that
VI. Real-Time Pricing residential customers. Figure 4 was taken in this study was to
(RTP) shows how the price for electricity allocate the costs equally across
under an RTP program could hours. An alternative approach
Participants in RTP programs compare to a flat rate on a peak for allocating capacity costs that
pay for energy at a rate that is summer day. would send a stronger price
linked to the hourly market price
for electricity. Participants are
made aware of the hourly prices
I n contrast to the other rates in
this article, the RTP rate was
designed to be in effect for the
signal to customers is described
later in this section. The
remaining components of the
on either a day-ahead or hour- entire year, not just the summer. existing tariff are applied under
ahead basis. Typically, only the To create this year-round rate with the new rate just as they are under
largest customers (generally hourly variability, California PX the existing tariff. Table 4
above 1 MW of load) face hour- wholesale market prices for SP15 quantifies the hourly variability in
ahead prices. These rates include and the year 1999 were utilized. the final RTP rates.

April 2009, Vol. 22, Issue 3 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 47
Author's personal copy

Table 4: Range of Prices under RTP these criteria since they have not
Medium Large Large been offered to California’s
Residential C&I Commercial Industrial customers. Regardless, the
Existing All-In Rate (Year-round) 16.3 12.1 11.5 7.6 impacts of the rates can be
Scaling Factor 3.1 2.4 2.4 1.9 simulated using the best available
Max Hourly Price (cents/kWh) 69.4 54.0 55.4 43.3 data to develop a deeper
Simple Average Price (cents/kWh) 8.2 6.4 6.5 5.1 understanding of the relative
75th Percentile Price (cents/kWh) 9.8 7.6 7.8 6.1 magnitude of the benefits that
25th Percentile Price (cents/kWh) 5.8 4.5 4.6 3.6 each rate may provide. In this
section the results of such
simulations are summarized.
A. An alternative approach to larger bill savings and, thus, a Specifically, the simulations
RTP rate design greater incentive to shift load produced estimates of impacts
away from the critical-peak on-peak demand and monthly
The RTP rate that was periods. bills at the individual customer
described previously allocates the level. These impacts were
cost of capacity across all hours. developed for a distribution of
An alternative approach could be VII. The Potential customers and multiplied into
to allocate this cost only to the Impact of Dynamic system-level data to arrive at
critical-peak hours, using a Pricing projections of the impacts on the
methodology similar to that used California economy in terms of
to develop the CPP/TOU rate. The illustrative rates described overall peak demand reduction
This would send a stronger price in the previous section have the and the change in the total
signal to customers and, as a potential to meet the four resource cost.
result, encourage greater demand
response at times when it is
needed most. The extent to which
ratemaking objectives identified
in a recent whitepaper: economic
efficiency, equity, choice, and
T he approach employed to
assess load response is
driven by a modeling system
hourly electricity prices do not simplicity.2 However, it is called The PRISM (Pricing Impact
reflect this capacity cost may also difficult to know exactly how well Simulation Model) Suite. PRISM
be a more equitable means of these rates will perform under was developed during the
allocating the costs.

T his alternative RTP design

is referred to in this study as
the Peak RTP. An illustration of
how this rate would differ from
the other RTP rate design
(referred to hereafter as the
‘‘Smooth RTP’’) is shown in
Figure 5.
The Peak RTP rate is
significantly higher than the
Smooth RTP during critical
hours, but presents an off-peak
discount during all other hours of
the year. This would provide
customers with opportunities for Figure 5: Comparison of Peak RTP to Smooth RTP on Critical Day

48 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal
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California Statewide Pricing Pilot air conditioning (CAC), and impacts that are produced by each
(SPP), a large-scale experiment existing rates.4 When combined customer in response to the
carried out jointly by the three with a forecast of the number dynamic rate. In other words,
investor-owned utilities in the of customers participating in PRISM produces an estimate of
state and the two regulatory the rate, the result was a system- the percent reduction in peak
commissions to assess customer wide forecast of annual peak demand that each customer will
response to dynamic (time-based) demand reductions. The peak provide.
rates.3 This pilot was the largest demand reductions are expected  The existing tariff: The exist-
experimental pilot of its kind, and to yield supply-side benefits, ing rate is a necessary input to the
formed the basis for the AMI such as lower capacity and analysis, because a customer’s
business cases that have been filed energy costs, as well as other responsiveness to a new dynamic
by all three of the California IOUs additional benefits like rate will be driven by the price
with the California Public Utilities wholesale market price increase or decrease that the CPP
Commission. mitigation. Figure 6 summarizes rate provides relative to the cus-
The purpose of the SPP was to this approach. tomer’s existing rate. In other
measure the change in
consumption patterns that
customers would exhibit when
I nputs to PRISM were
developed using data
representative of California’s
words, during the critical-peak
hours, a customer is responding
not just to the high absolute price
the structure of their rate was system conditions. The relevance level of the dynamic rate, but to
changed from a non-time varying of each PRISM input to the the relationship of that price to the
rate to one that was time varying modeling effort is described existing rate. Similarly, in the off-
and dynamic, such as a CPP. The briefly below. peak, the customer’s response is
experiment involved over 2,500  The dynamic rate: In order to assumed to be driven by the
residential and small commercial estimate the impacts of dynamic relative discount that he or she
and industrial customers and pricing, it is necessary to model a receives through the dynamic
spanned a period of more than specific rate design that would be tariff.
two years. Ultimately, the SPP representative of the type of  Central Air Conditioning
produced estimates of customer dynamic rate that customers (CAC) saturation: The CAC
response to dynamic rates. These might be enrolled in. The pre- saturation of a region can influ-
estimates varied not only with the vious section outlines the rate ence its expected residential class
dynamic rate design (i.e., price design process for our set of peak reduction. Generally, custo-
level during the critical-peak and dynamic rates. mers with CAC have a greater
off-peak periods) but also with  Load shapes: Load shapes for ability to reduce consumption
information about the region’s each class are used to determine during peak times, because they
average load profile, weather, and the kilowatt-hour per hour can have direct control over their
CAC saturation.


of Models

For this study, the PRISM

model was calibrated to the
utility’s system characteristics,
such as weather conditions,
load profiles, saturation of central Figure 6: The PRISM Suite Process

April 2009, Vol. 22, Issue 3 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 49
Author's personal copy

thermostat (and in many cases

can even program the thermostat
to automatically increase the
temperature and thus reduce
electricity consumption during
the peak period of the day). Thus,
all things being equal, in a region
where a large percentage of cus-
tomers have CAC, the expected
peak demand reduction from
dynamic pricing will be higher
than in a region where a small
percentage of customers have Figure 7: The Elasticity of Substitution Effect
 Weather: Temperature has
also been found to be correlated daily price elasticity. This These two demand response
with peak reductions from time- elasticity is applied to the components are used to estimate
based pricing. Generally, hotter difference in the average price of the new usage per hour in each
regions tend to experience greater electricity over the course of the time period. This approach is
peak reductions. Two specific full day. For example, with the applied to both the critical and
temperature statistics are used as CPP/TOU rate, a load-weighted non-critical days. Table 5 shows
inputs to PRISM: Peak versus off- price for the average critical day is the elasticity assumptions used in
peak temperature differentials calculated from the critical-peak this analysis for each customer
and the average daily tempera- rate and off-peak rate. The ratio of class.
ture. this load-weighted average price
to the existing flat rate is applied
to the daily price elasticity to
T he residential elasticity
assumptions shown in
Table 5 are derived from the
IX. PRISM Elasticities generate the second component of California SPP. The commercial
the PRISM demand response and industrial elasticity
Ultimately, the demand estimate. The daily price elasticity assumptions are adapted from
response estimated with PRISM is effect is illustrated in Figure 8. recent studies on the
driven by the model’s assumed
price elasticities. PRISM employs
two elasticity inputs. The
elasticity of substitution is
designed to measure demand
response caused by the price
differential in two adjacent time
periods. As a result, this elasticity
represents the pure change in
load shape (i.e., load shifting) in
response to the new dynamic rate.
This elasticity of substitution
effect is illustrated in Figure 7.

T he second elasticity
embodied in PRISM is the Figure 8: The Daily Price Elasticity Effect

50 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal
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Table 5: PRISM Elasticity Assumptions the rebate is offered through the

Elasticity of Substitution Daily Price Elasticity PTR.
Residential 0.08 0.04 The CPP/TOU rate consistently
Medium C&I 0.05 0.02 generates large demand response
Large Commercial 0.05 0.02 impacts, ranging from 9.5 percent
Large Industrial 0.05 0.02 for large commercial customers to
almost 16 percent for residential
customers. The PTR rate,
responsiveness of C&I customers. potential for demand response if a producing a 14.5 percent
Demand response to RTP rates dynamic rate was offered on an reduction, also has a significant
was simulated using a slightly optional basis to these customers, impact among residential
different methodology. with the expectation that customer class. The Smooth RTP
Elasticities from a recent ComEd customers with the greatest ability rate produces similar results
study on residential RTP rates to shift demand would opt into a across the entire group of
were used to approximate the dynamic rate. customer classes, ranging only
hourly response that might be from 4.0 percent in the Medium
expected from customers on these C&I class to 4.9 percent in the
rates.5 The RTP elasticities vary X. Demand Response Large Industrial class. However,
depending on the time of day and Impacts the Peak RTP rate generates large
expectations about day-ahead peak reductions ranging from 9.6
wholesale market prices.6 The One of the primary outputs of percent for Residential customers
elasticities range from 0.015 to the simulation was the expected to 12.1 percent for Industrial
0.048. peak reduction produced by the customers. While these impacts
The data on large C&I price dynamic rates. This reduction will are only approximations using
elasticities is somewhat limited, ultimately impact the system the best available data, they
and there is significant avoided cost estimation. The represent the wide range of
uncertainty surrounding those impacts shown in Table 7 are for impacts that can be produced
elasticities in particular. To the average individual customer. from the same type of rate.
capture this uncertainty, a range
of elasticities were utilized
for each customer class,
Changes represent the average
reduction in hourly usage during
the critical period. For the
T he reductions in peak load
described above, as well as
any other changes in consumption
representing ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘low’’ purposes of this study, the critical during non-critical hours, will
price elasticity cases. Table 6 hours were identified as the peak have an impact on customers’
shows the elasticity assumptions hours on the 15 highest-priced bills. Table 8 presents the
used in the high and low cases weekdays of the summer. These resulting bill savings across all
relative to the base case are the hours during which the the rate designs and customer
assumptions discussed CPP/TOU rate is the highest and classes.7 Bill impacts generally
The low case elasticities shown Table 6: High and Low Case Elasticities
above are 50 percent of the base
Large Commercial Large Industrial
case elasticities. The high case
elasticities were based on results Elasticity of Daily Price Elasticity of Daily Price
from recent price elasticity studies Substitution Elasticity Substitution Elasticity
for large customers in the Low Case 0.025 0.01 0.025 0.01
Northeastern United States. These Base Case 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.02
elasticities could represent the High Case 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05

April 2009, Vol. 22, Issue 3 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 51
Author's personal copy

Table 7: Individual Customer Critical-Peak Demand Impacts

Residential Medium C&I Large Commercial Large Industrial
kWh/hr % kWh/hr % kWh/hr % kWh/hr %
Smooth RTP 0.06 4.2% 1.2 4.0% 24 4.5% 231 4.9%
TOU 0.10 7.1% 1.8 5.9% N/A N/A N/A N/A
PTR 0.20 14.5% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
CPP/TOU (Low) N/A N/A N/A N/A 26 4.8% 255 5.4%
CPP/TOU 0.22 15.8% 3.0 9.9% 51 9.5% 533 11.2%
CPP/TOU (High) N/A N/A N/A N/A 77 14.4% 978 20.6%
Peak RTP 0.13 9.6% 3.1 10.2% 56 10.4% 577 12.1%

Table 8: Individual Customer Bill Impacts

Residential Medium C&I Large Commercial Large Industrial
$/month % $/month % $/month % $/month %
Smooth RTP 5.47 5.9% 132 7.2% 80 0.2% 21,055 8.1%
TOU 1.69 1.5% 49 1.9% N/A N/A N/A N/A
PTR 3.09 2.8% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
CPP/TOU (Low) N/A N/A N/A N/A 357 0.8% 3,240 1.0%
CPP/TOU 2.83 2.6% 57 2.2% 700 1.7% 7,348 2.3%
CPP/TOU (High) N/A N/A N/A N/A 950 2.2% 12,148 3.6%
Peak RTP 0.81 0.9% 20 1.1% 378 1.1% 3,897 1.5%

are not large because they are XI. Distribution of Bill residential customers for the TOU
being presented for the average Impacts and CPP/TOU rates. These
customer. The PTR produces impacts are summarized in
slightly larger bill savings than Thus far, the bill impacts that Figure 9.
the CPP/TOU for the residential
customers despite being the
product of slightly smaller peak
were reported were for the class
average customer. However,
customers with peakier-than-
T he impacts in this figure
represent changes in
customer bills relative to the
reductions, because there is average load shapes will existing rate before demand
no increase in the peak and experience rising bills and those response, and thus identify the bill
critical-peak rates under the with flatter-than-average load changes that are purely due to the
PTR – the rate only has the shapes will experience falling bills structure of the new rate. Under
potential to reduce bills in the (prior to their making any both rates, roughly 60 percent
short run. The TOU rate changes to their load shape). of the customers experience
produces smaller bill impacts This distribution of bill impacts bill savings. However, the
that are proportionate to the would potentially have CPP/TOU rate leads to larger
smaller critical-peak reduction implications for the rate’s bill increases and decreases
that is achieved through the rate. performance under the ‘‘equity’’ than the TOU rate. Ultimately,
Bill savings on the RTP rates ratemaking criterion. To further for customers with very flat
vary significantly by class, with understand this range of impacts, load shapes, bill savings could
the Smooth RTP producing the distribution of bill impacts was approach 20 percent. Bill
greater bill savings than the simulated using load research data impacts for customers with
Peak RTP. for a sample of the utility’s very peaky load shapes could

52 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal
Author's personal copy

potential avoided cost for new

generation, transmission, or
distribution capacity, and (3) and
the potential avoided energy cost.

T he system impacts model

begins with the assumption
that there are 9.3 million
Residential electric customers in
California, 225,000 Medium C&I
customers, 5,000 Large
Commercial customers, and 3,000
Large Industrial customers. The
Figure 9: Distribution of Residential Bill Impacts Before DR assumed annual customer growth
rate for each customer class is 2
potentially approach an even XII. Statewide Impacts percent. The avoided cost for
larger change in the absence of generation capacity is the same de-
demand response. The value of dynamic pricing to rated $75/kW-yr that was used to
After demand response, the California economy was design the illustrative rates.
one would expect an estimated by applying the peak Potential avoided capacity costs
even larger percentage of demand reductions described for transmission and distribution
customers to achieve bill savings, previously into a system-wide capacity are set at $15/kW-yr and
as this would be the motivating impacts model. The larger these $12/kW-yr, respectively. The
reason for customers to shift load. reductions in peak demand are, avoided energy cost is the average
Indeed, the percentage of the greater the potential financial electricity price in California,
customers on the CPP/TOU rate benefits. The system-wide which has been estimated to be
that achieve bill savings is impacts model forecasts the effect roughly $60/MWh.
estimated to increase from of dynamic pricing over a 20-year Additional inputs for the
60 percent to more than 70 time horizon. The three primary system-wide impacts model
percent. This is illustrated in inputs are (1) the number of include a discount rate
Figure 10. customers in each class, (2) the assumption of 8 percent, an annual
inflation rate of 3 percent, a reserve
margin requirement of 15 percent,
and an estimated line-loss factor of
8 percent. These inputs are used to
estimate the net present value of
system-wide impacts, to calculate
the system-wide capacity
requirement, and to determine
generation savings based on
customer response to dynamic

C lass-level peak impacts

were estimated by
multiplying the customer-level
impacts into the projection of
Figure 10: Distribution of Residential CPP Impacts Before and After DR participating customers. There is

April 2009, Vol. 22, Issue 3 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 53
Author's personal copy

significant uncertainty Table 9: Statewide Peak Reduction (MW) by Customer Class, First Year Forecast
surrounding the number of Medium Large Large
customers that would enroll in Residential C&I Commercial Industrial
dynamic rates. This is primarily Smooth RTP Optional Participation 155 81 36 188
driven by the rate deployment Default Participation 619 322 144 751
scenario that is pursued by the TOU Optional Participation 259 117 N/A N/A
utilities. If the rates are offered on a Default Participation 1,038 469 N/A N/A
default basis, then it is expected PTR Optional Participation 532 N/A N/A N/A
that a much higher number of Default Participation 2,129 N/A N/A N/A
customers will remain on the rates CPP/TOU Optional Participation 578 197 115 794
than if they are offered on an Default Participation 2,312 788 155 827
optional basis. As a result, the Peak RTP Optional Participation 352 203 83 468
system impacts were presented for Default Participation 1,409 813 331 1,874
both of these rate deployment
The optional participation elasticities are used for the and participation rates were
scenario assumes that 20 percent of optional participation and the low modeled across the customer
all eligible customers will enroll in case elasticities are used in the classes. Figure 11 illustrates the
the dynamic rates. Conversely, the default participation scenarios. range of peak reductions that
default participation scenario This reflects the logic that were estimated under these
assumes that 80 percent of eligible customers who actively choose to scenarios over a 20-year forecast
customers will be enrolled in a enroll in a dynamic rate are likely horizon. The upper bound
dynamic rate. These participation to have a greater ability to scenario in this analysis
rate assumptions are supported by respond than customers who represents a 9 percent reduction
research that was conducted in remain on the dynamic rate due to in the system peak load by the
California during the SPP and lack of inertia for switching. final year of the forecast. This
similar numbers have been cited
by the California IOUs in their
AMI filings. The aggregate
T o estimate a range of
potential scenarios under
which dynamic pricing could be
upper bound scenario assumes
that a default CPP/TOU rate has
been implemented for residential
impacts estimated under the offered in California, various customers along with a default
default participation scenario will combinations of dynamic rates Peak RTP rate for Large
always be larger than the same
rate/customer pairing under
optional participation. The
resulting class-level peak
reductions for each rate design and
customer class are presented in
Table 9.

T he Residential customer
class provides the most
significant aggregate reductions,
driven primarily by the large
share of total load that is
represented by this class. For
Large Commercial and Industrial
customers, the high case Figure 11: Range of Annual Peak Reduction Forecasts

54 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal
Author's personal copy

Commercial and Industrial

Customers. The lower bound
estimate in the projection yields a
1 percent reduction in the
statewide peak load by the final
year of the forecast. This lower
scenario represents of an
optional Smooth RTP rate for all
for customer classes.

XIII. Statewide Avoided

Costs Figure 12: Range of Cumulative Avoided Cost Projections

To quantify the potential

Table 10: Net Present Value of Avoided Costs (Billions of $) per Customer Class, First
financial benefits to the California Year of Forecast
economy, these peak reduction
estimates were applied to the Medium Large Large
previously described capacity Residential C&I Commercial Industrial
and energy cost assumptions. The
Smooth RTP Optional Participation $0.19 $0.10 $0.04 $0.23
most significant of the avoided
Default Participation $0.75 $0.39 $0.17 $0.91
costs is generation capacity.
TOU Optional Participation $0.31 $0.14 N/A N/A
However, savings from a reduced
Default Participation $1.26 $0.57 N/A N/A
need for transmission and
PTR Optional Participation $0.64 N/A N/A N/A
distribution capacity, as well as a
Default Participation $2.58 N/A N/A N/A
reduction in energy costs,
CPP/TOU Optional Participation $0.70 $0.24 $0.14 $0.96
contribute to the avoided cost
Default Participation $2.80 $0.95 $0.19 $1.00
estimates. The potential avoided
Peak RTP Optional Participation $0.43 $0.25 $0.10 $0.57
costs for each customer class and
Default Participation $1.71 $0.98 $0.40 $2.27
rate design are displayed in
Figure 12. This avoided cost
projection applies over the same
20-year forecast horizon as the system wide avoided costs of $6 customer classes. Under fairly
peak reduction projection. billion over the 20-year forecast. general assumptions, we have
Potential benefits were estimated The lower bound estimate over then estimated the impact of
for both optional and default the same time horizon is these rates on system peak
participation scenarios (Table 10). approximately $0.6 billion loads and put a financial value

S imilar to the peak reduction

forecast, the avoided cost
projections were organized into
dollars. on these demand reductions.
We find that dynamic pricing
rates have the potential to
an upper bound and lower bound XIV. Conclusions reduce system peak demands
scenario to project a range of between 1 and 9 percent, with
system-wide financial benefits. Using data from a generic the variation in the magnitude
This range is illustrated in California utility, we have shown of demand response coming
Figure 12. The upper bound that it is feasible to develop primarily from two factors:
scenario produces a NPV of dynamic pricing rates for all which specific rates that are

April 2009, Vol. 22, Issue 3 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 55
Author's personal copy

3. Ahmad Faruqui and Stephen S.

offered and how they are
deployed. The potential benefit to
California from the deployment
T hese estimates are specific to
California. However, the
methodological process is
George, Quantifying the Impact of
Dynamic Pricing, ELEC. J., May 2007.
4. For additional discussion about
of dynamic pricing is valued at perfectly general and should be PRISM, consult Ahmad Faruqui and
$0.6 billion at the low end and $6.0 applicable throughout North Lisa Wood, Quantifying the Benefits of
billion at the high end. Neither America.& Dynamic Pricing, Edison Electric
Institute, Jan. 2008.
our demand response estimates
nor our value estimates assume 5. Summit Blue Consulting, Evaluation
of the 2005 Energy-Smart Pricing Plan,
the deployment of enabling Endnotes: prepared for Community Energy
technologies such as the Energy Cooperative, Aug. 2006.
Orb, programmable 1. A state law prevents the
default tariff for residential 6. The ComEd study found that, when
communicating thermostats or customers from being changed customers were alerted on a day-
automated demand response until the bonds associated with the ahead basis that wholesale prices
energy crisis of 2000–01 have been would be exceeding $100/MWh, they
systems. Such technologies would
paid off. provided a greater demand response.
raise the demand response
2. Ahmad Faruqui, Ryan Hledik and 7. Note that the RTP bill impacts
estimates and may also raise the
Bernie Neenan, Rethinking Rate Design, represent an average for the full year,
value estimates, despite their Demand Response Research Center, since this rate was designed to apply
higher costs. Aug. 2007. year-round.

We find that dynamic pricing rates have the potential to reduce system peak demands between 1 and 9 percent.

56 1040-6190/$–see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., doi:/10.1016/j.tej.2009.02.011 The Electricity Journal

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