Method statement for Hydrostatic test

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Method statement for Hydrostatic test


Rev. Date No. of sheets Description

01R 01/02/2021 IFR

Plant Hassera
Project Natural Of Resource kurdistan 165mW GAS
Document Title Method statement for Hydrostatic test

Client/ Company




01/02/202 For review/

???? 01R K.Akram ????? AGGREKO
1 Approval
Doc. No. Date REV Issue Prep. By Checked By Approved by
1. SCOPE .....................................................................................................................................4
2. DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................4
3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................4
4. RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................4
4.1. PERSONNEL .........................................................................................................................4
4.2. EQUIPMENT ..........................................................................................................................4
5. STATUS OF THE WORK......................................................................................................................4
6. APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................5
7. TEST PACK PREPARATION ...............................................................................................................5
8. TEST PACK PROCESSING .................................................................................................................6
8.1. CONSTRUCTION CLEARANCE ...........................................................................................6
8.2. QA/QC Clearance...................................................................................................................6
9. HYDROSTATIC TESTING ....................................................................................................................7
9.1. Test Medium...........................................................................................................................7
9.2. Test Pressure .........................................................................................................................7
9.3. Preparation for Testing...........................................................................................................7
9.4. Test Pressure Gauges and Recorders...................................................................................9
9.5. Testing Witness ......................................................................................................................9
9.6. Water Disposal .....................................................................................................................10
10. HSE......................................................................................................................................................10
10.1. Safety....................................................................................................................................10
10.2. Pressure Recorders / Gauges and Relief Valves.................................................................10
10.3. General ..............................................................................................................................................11
The following document describes the methodology of the piping hydrostatic test for Kurdistan 165mW gas
project in North of Iraq , Hassera Camp .


Natural Of Resource kurdistan 165mW GAS



ASME B 31.3 - Process Piping

Work will be carried out by qualified personnel as below:
• Mechanical Engineers
• Mechanical Technician
• QC Engineers
• HSE Supervisor
• Labour’s

In accordance to work requirements, the following machineries and equipment will be used
in general:
• Standard accessories (e.g. pressure gage, relief valve, hand valve, flange blind).
• Hand tools
• Compressed air.
• Water pump.
Piping Hydrostatic Test will be performed after:
- Completion and Release by QC of the piping section to be pressure tested.
- Review and Acceptance by Contractor of the test pack documentation for the piping section.

The document is applicable for the new piping lines and not applicable for:
• Any package equipment previously tested by Manufacturer / Vendor.
• Piping open to the atmosphere, unless specified in the piping list.
• Instrument impulse lines between the block valve at the process or utility line and the connected
• Equipment.
• Instrument components which shall be blinded-off or removed. (Analyzer, flow instruments, flow
meters, level gauges, level instruments, pressure gauges, pressure instruments, pressure
regulators, and pressure switches, relief valves, orifice plate, pressure relief valves, etc.)


• Field Piping Engineer shall prepare the test packs.
• Test packs which are previously finalized with numbering sequence may be sub-divided if
required. In such cases alpha character (A, B) shall be added to the end of test pack
numbering sequence.
• All lines included in the test shall be listed. The limits for each isometric shall be specified.
• Each test pack shall contain the copies of relevant Process Engineering Flow Scheme(PEFS)
marked-up to show the test pack number and limits, piping field test report, Pre-test punch
list, post-test punch list, all applicable isometric drawing marked-up to show the test limit,
detail drawing for special supports such as springs and cold supports, and flange joint
tightening Record.
• Latest available revision of each isometric describing the contents of the test shall be included in
the Test pack. As minimum, isometric shall be marked up to show the following:
a) Highlight the test limits and line to be tested.
b) Size (thickness) and location of all tests blinds (including those required at
instrument connections).
c) Filling point, Vent and drain points.
d) Location and range of pressure gauges to be used. Minimum 2 gauges required
one located at an accessible low point of the test and one gauge located on the
test manifold.
e) Any control valves check valves, safety valves or other piping accessories
requiring removal, turning, or any other action shall be highlighted.
f) Any special requirements when applicable.
g) If required, location of temporary supports shall also be indicated on the test
pack. If any completed test requires re-testing, the original test pack number shall
be maintained


• The Piping superintendent (PS) and the Test supervisor shall prepare the pre-test punch list
for each test pack. Refer for pre-test punch list form. They shall verify that piping is
completed to the extent necessary for pressure testing. The original punch list shall then
be sent to field piping engineer.
• Prior to the test, Field piping Engineer shall collect and submit the test pack including NDE
clearance form QA/QC with internal pre-test punch list to Company.
• Company Piping Engineer and Contractor Test Supervisor shall finalize and agree on the
pre-test punch list. A copy of the updated pre-test punch list shall be handed over to the
Piping Superintendent for action to clear the incomplete items or original punch list shall
be approved for testing if no additional items is identified.
• When all punch items with an exemption to the post test items are complete, Contractor and
Company shall sign and date pre-test punch list and release the test pack for pressure

8.2. QA/QC Clearance

• During the preparation and finalization of pre-test punch list by Contractor and Company,
Contractor QA/QC shall proceed with the Welding and NDE clearance of the welds (weld
summary) included in the test packs.
• A visual check shall be carried out by welding inspector in the field to ensure that all welding
has been correctly carried out as per isometric drawings attached to the test pack.
• Upon receipt of test pack from field piping engineer QA/QC shall compile all welding and
NDE documentation including the material traceability records. Final Welding and NDE
summary shall be issued for each isometric and attached to the test pack along with
spool and field weld NDE records.
• Contractor QCI shall verify the material traceability report for piping and integrated
components as applicable for each isometric drawing and shall compile them to the
original test pack.
• After the completion of all inspection and verification of documents, test pack shall be
signed by Contractor welding inspector and will be submitted to Company for clearance.
If any outstanding item found during the inspection of Company, the same shall be
rectified and test pack will be signed off by Company.

9.1. Test Medium

• Test medium shall be in accordance with piping line list issued by the Contractor.
• Preferably and with the agreement of the company, if the test fluid is water, Contractor
wishes to use available water from the Terminal either industrial or fire if its quality is
• Hydrostatic test pressure shall not be applied until the pipe and its contents are at
approximately the same temperature.

9.2. Test Pressure

• The Hydrostatic test pressure shall be in accordance with the Piping line list.
• If equipment shall be included in the test, the test pressure shall not exceed allowable
equipment test pressure.

9.3. Preparation for Testing

• All joints in the piping system shall be accessible for visual inspection during tests and shall
not be insulated, backfilled, or otherwise covered except the painting of welds which is
permissible. Contractor shall remove any protective tape or other protection applied to
field welds prior to pressure testing. All other tape or similar materials applied to other
components shall also be removed.
• However further agreement with Company and in order to minimize opened trenches for
safety and accessibility purpose, Contractor wish to have the possibility to backfill before
testing and to test the concerned piping in line with ASME B31.3 with a test duration of at
least 30 minutes.
• Piping systems shall be filled from a low point as identified in the test pack isometric
drawing. During filling of the system, high points shall be vented to allow air/gas to
• All nozzles and other connections, which can serve as vents, shall be opened during filling
so that all air is vented prior to applying test pressure to the system. All piping system
shall have hydro testing vents at high points or other methods shall be made available in
the Piping circuit to vent the system.

• Temporary spades and blinds installed for testing purposes shall be of specified rating as
mentioned in the isometric drawing.
• Temporary piping, jumpers, vent valves, drain valves, spacers, test spades and blinds shall
be readily identifiable by painting colour. All temporary items shall be numbered on the
test diagrams and mentioned in the post test punch list for clearance after test
• Pressure tests shall not be conducted through control valves. All control valves and relief
valves may be removed or blinded off during pressure testing.
• Piping shall be tested prior to installation of in-line items such as rupture discs, displacement
and turbine meters, orifice plates, flow nozzles, level gauges, rota meter, strainers and
similar components. Instruments shall not be connected during piping pressure tests. If it
is not practicable to perform testing prior to installation of in line items, it shall be the
Contractor responsibility to remove or disconnect these items so that tests can be
performed, and to re-install such items after testing. Sealing and plugging of systems
after removal of inline items shall be performed for test and reinstated after testing.
• Check valves shall be removed unless otherwise agreed by Company.
• Expansion bellows and/or spring supports shall be restrained or removed during testing.
Each case shall be referred to Engineering.
• Care shall be taken to avoid overloading any part of the pipe support system or support
structures. Piping which is counterweight supported shall be temporarily blocked to
sustain the weight of the test medium. Spring hangers which have been provided with
stops for carrying the test load normally do not require additional temporary supports. If
this is not the case, temporary support shall be provided before filling the system. Holding
pins and spring stops shall not be removed from spring supports or hangers until testing
is completed and permission to remove the stops shall be obtained from Company.
• If piping designed for vapor or gas in service is proposed for hydro test then it shall be
provided with additional temporary supports to support the weight of the test liquid. The
requirement of temporary supports shall be specified in the isometric drawing attached to
the test pack.
• Large adjacent lines shall not be tested simultaneously if the weight of the combined tests
may overload the structure or supports.
• Equipment shall be isolated from pressure test. Test blinds shall be installed at the flanges
of equipment to provide positive isolation prior to filling the test circuit.

9.4. Test Pressure Gauges and Recorders

• One or more calibrated indicating test gauges shall be connected directly to piping. The
indicating gauges shall be visible to the operator controlling the pressure. Pressure
gauges used shall have dials graduated over a range of approximately two times the
intended maximum test pressure, but in no case the range shall be less than 1 1/2 times
the test pressure. Certificates of calibration are required for all pressure gauges used.
• All pressure gauges and chart recorders shall be calibrated as per the inspection,
measuring and test equipment procedure. Copy of calibration certificates shall be
included in the test pack for verification.
• Gauge numbers shall be entered on Piping Field Test Reports. Gauges shall have a sticker
attached identifying the gauge number and calibration date. Each item of test equipment
shall be permanently marked with a unique serial number
9.5. Testing Witness
• Company shall be notified for witnessing the test, 24 hours’ prior its date, for this purpose,
Contractor will issue a Request for Inspection indicating the test pack number.
• During the test, it must care not to exceed the test pressure. When conditions require that a
pressure test is maintained for a period of time during which the testing medium in the
system would be subject to thermal expansion, provision shall be made for relief of
excess pressure.
• Test pressure shall be held for a minimum period of 30minutes or a duration, which will
permit thorough inspection of the piping system. A chart recorder shall be used to record
test pressure. In case, some welds are not accessible,
• Remedial action should only be taken under de-pressurized conditions, observing all safety
precautions. Flange bolt tightening must not be carried out when piping system is under
• When required, retesting of lines after repair shall be done at original test pressure. All
documentation shall be completed and test pack reviewed and signed by Contractor and
the Company.
• Test pressure and temperature will be recorded for traceability and analysis of the pressure
test to eventually explain pressure drop if it happens.
• After the satisfactory witnessing of the pressure test Contractor and Company shall sign the
Piping Field Test Report and the system shall be de-pressurized.

9.6. Water Disposal

• After completion of the hydro test of piping, the water will be disposed to near drainage line.

10. HSE

10.1. Safety
• The Test Supervisor shall co-ordinate with safety manager all test activities, and obtains his
agreement on all safety aspects.
• The Safety Manager or his designee shall at all times ensure that only essential personnel
are allowed into the designated Exclusion Zone. Personnel to be inducted shall be
identified prior to each test and their specific responsibility to areas shall be assigned.
These areas to be walked prior to test commencing to familiarise personnel involved in
the test.
• Personnel to have helmet identification issued during the pre-test tool box talk to ensure
only essential personnel are within test areas. Contractor shall ensure that the
Company’s and all Subcontractors whose operations border the Test Systems barriers
are fully aware of safety requirements.
• The Safety manager shall assign one-person full time to each road barrier. The person
assigned shall be in radio contact with Safety Manager and Test supervisor.
• The Safety manager shall ensure that adequate communication means is available so that
he can immediately be made aware of any dangerous situation at the Terminal or along
the test pipe system. The Test supervisor and safety Manager shall be in contact at all
times during testing.
• Leak detection shall not be carried out during periods of rain.
• The exclusion zone shall be positively identified by placing of clear warning sign at all
vehicular and pedestrian accesses. Provision for lighting shall be made to ensure the
exclusion zone is positively identified during the hours of darkness, if required. It shall be
ensured that non-essential personnel are clear of exclusion zones.

10.2. Pressure Recorders / Gauges and Relief Valves

• Relief Valves are to be set at 1.0 bar above the Test pressure designated for the system
under test. The relief valve shall be provided with adequate support for maximum relief
pressure and maximum flow. Vent/blow down valves shall be likewise supported and
vented above head height.

• The Regulator (Globe) Valve shall be able to control the flow into Test System within the
required pressurisation rates.
• Pressure Gauge Manifolds shall be hydrostatically tested after assembly to a test pressure
above the expected pressure test.
• Prior to commencement of any test the Contractor shall confirm that relief valves are
correctly set and operating properly and that pressure gauges and pressure recorders
have been correctly set, calibrated and are operating properly. The records shall be made
available to Company for verification.

10.3. General
1. Work is to be carried out in a safe manner and in accordance with the HSE Plan). Site
operatives shall be well inducted for the safe operation of the machineries, equipment &
tools to be used.
2. Personnel Protective Equipment’s will be used by all staff & labours. The minimum
personal protective equipment is as follows: a. Safety helmet
b. Safety footwear
c. Eye protection
d. Gloves
e. Overalls
f. Safety Harness
g. Any other equipment required by the site operator or deemed necessary by the task.

3. Before carrying out the field works, work permit will be obtained from authority, daily or as
per the regulation implemented. Internal Permits for all Hot works, old work, Electrical
works, Lifting activities. Confined Space work. Radiography, Night shift works will be
4. All regulation implemented by authority at site will be respected.
5. Proper barricades and traffic signs shall be placed around the work site location whenever
6. Trained flagman to regulate the traffic passages of vehicles and machineries.
7. "Tool Box" talk or "Safety Talk" shall be conducted prior to the commencement of each
8. If weather will be dusty in some times during the work periods, then water will be sprayed
whenever required on dusty areas to prevent blowing and spread of dust.

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