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Administrative Remarks

By: Francis S. Barrientos

Good afternoon everyone welcome to Sierra Resort, located at Dauin, Negros

Oriental. I'm Francis Barrientos your Safety Officer for today's Tabletop
Exercise. Before we start let me give you first a short safety Briefing and
Ground rules.

Safety Briefing:

1. If there's an emergency and a need to evacuate, please refer to the

emergemcy exits at the back, located near the water refilling station.

2. In case lf there's an earthquake or any ground shaking related phenomenon,

you may perform a "duck cover and hold" Please make sure to cover your
head with any hard flat disk to protect from falling debris and evacuate the
area as soon as possible. The Parking lot area will be our Assembly point, it's
already been checkrd by the experts and evaluated by the safety officers who
visited prior the event.

3. In case of fire emergency, We have two (2) available fire extinguishers.

We have assigned authorized personnel to conduct, if there's any.

4. We also posted emergency helplines in every corner of this venue for

emergency purpose. If you have time, please do check the area.

5. If someone is not feeling well don't hesitate to approach our support group
at the back for a need of assistance, To ensure the safety of every
participants present here, we made sure that all support groups are trained in
Standard First Aid and in Basic Life Support.

6. If we really need to transport patient, We have one (1) Transport vehicle

on standby. The nearest health center, is the "Libjo Health Center" It will
only take eight (8) minutes to travel via our transport vehicle.

That would be all for the safety briefing.

Now, for the Ground Rules.

Ground rules:

1. If you have your electronic devices with you, please put it on silent or set it
on vibrate mode to avoid distruction during the exercise.

2. Always stay focus on the topic, this is a crucial conversation that would
help not only the council but the community.

3. Respect others opinion.

4. Raise your hand if you want to share your ideas; and

5. Avoid disruption behavior. Please be formal and be professional,

That would be all for the ground rules.


Just a little reminder. These protocols aren't just a formality; they are the
foundation of our collective well-being and productivity. By adhering to
these guidelines, we demonstrate respect for each other's safety and create an
environment conducive to collaboration and success. Let's commit to
upholding these standards so that we can work together effectively and
confidently. Thank you.

I will now turnover the microphone to our facilitator, Mr. Philip Decipolo.

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