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IMAT Chemistry

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1. The nucleus of an atom con- protons and neutrons


2. the atomic number equals (Z) number of protons and electrons

3. the mass of an atom (A) protons + neutrons

-to find the number of neutrons just sub-
tract the mass number from the atomic

4. Isotopes Atoms of the same element that have dif-

ferent numbers of neutrons

5. Frequency the number of complete wavelengths that

pass a point in a given time

6. speed of light equation C=»v, where »is the wavelength of a pho-

ton, v is the frequency of a photon, and

7. energy of a photon E=hf=hc/(wavelength)

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8. ionization energy The amount of energy required to remove

an electron from an atom

9. nuclear charge trend increases across a period, increases

down a group
-it goes up with atomic number

10. electron affinity trend increases to the right and up

-this is the energy change when electrons
are added to atoms

11. atomic radius trend increases down a group, decreases

across a period
-think of a snowman

12. electronegativity A measure of the ability of an atom in a

chemical compound to attract electrons

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13. cations elements with a small number of electrons

in their outer shells
-they will readily lose these electrons to
form positive ions, metals

14. anions elements with a higher number of elec-

trons gain electrons & form anions

15. intramolecular forces forces within molecules. Forces caused by

the attraction and repulsion of charged

16. Ionic bonds are transfers electrons between 2 different

atoms (metal/nonmetal) ex. NACI
-high boiling/melting points
-if the difference in electronegativity is
greater than 1.8

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17. covalent bond sharing of electrons

-energy is released as a bond is formed

18. short bonds are stronger bonds

-as bond length increases, the strength of
the bond decreases.

19. polar covalent bonds unequal sharing of electrons between


20. intermolecular forces forces that exist between molecules

21. dipole-dipole interactions Type of intermolecular force in which op-

posite poles of neighboring dipole mole-
cules are drawn together.
-the strongest intermolecular force
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22. hydrogen bonding occurs between H+ and F.O.N.

-high boiling & melting points required

23. London dispersion forces The intermolecular attractions resulting

from the constant motion of electrons and
the creation of instantaneous dipoles

24. the stronger the intermolecular higher boiling point

forces are... -the more energy is required to break them

25. formal charge # of valence electrons - ( # dots + # lines)

26. Stages of mass spectrometer 1. Vaporization

2. Ionization
3. Acceleration
4. Deflection
5. Detection

27. Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds compared to covalent or ionic

-they are strong intermolecular forces.

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-they are a form of dipole-dipole interac-
tion so they are temporary.

28. Hydrolysis Breaking down complex molecules by the

chemical addition of water

29. Kinetic Theory average kinetic energy of particles is di-

rectly related to the temperature of the

30. percent composition by mass mass of solute/mass of solution x 100%

31. percentage yield actual yield/theoretical yield x 100

32. Boyle's Law volume and pressure are inversely related

33. Charles' Law volume and temperature are directly pro-


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34. Temperature and Pressure rela- Correlates the vapor pressure and the
tionship boiling point of water and is the basis for
controlling a system's temperature.

35. Ideal Gas Law PV=nRT


36. redox reactions When there is a transfer of one or more

electrons from one reactant to another.

37. displacement reaction a reaction in which one element replaces

a similar element in a compound

38. decomposition reaction a reaction in which a single compound

breaks down to form two or more simpler

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39. oxidizing agent The electron acceptor in a redox reaction,

becomes reduced

40. reducing agent Donates electrons and becomes oxidized.

41. all combustion and single re- redox reactions

placement rxns are -you have to look out for pure elements, if it
has all compounds it can't be a redox rxn.

42. mole to mole conversions Use the coefficients from your balanced
equation to determine your conversion fac-
tor. Be sure your units cancel out so you
end up with the correct mole value.

43. mole to grams multiply moles by molar mass

- mole A -> mole B -> mole B -> grams B

44. grams to moles grams A -> mol A -> B

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45. bond breaking is endothermic (requires energy)

46. Bond formation is? exothermic (releases energy)

-combustion reactions

47. combustion reaction a chemical reaction that occurs when a

substance reacts with oxygen, releasing
energy in the form of heat and light

48. Oxidation can be defined as loss of electrons (more positive charge), a

gain of O atoms, or a loss of H atoms

49. reduction can be defined as gain of electrons (more negative charge),

a gain of Hydrogen atoms, or a loss of
oxygen atoms.

50. acids react with metals to pro- salt and hydrogen gas

51. amine vs amide Amine: NRRR while Am*ide*has a Carbon

on the s*ide*
-amines act as bases
-amides are weak bases

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52. organic structural isomers same molecular formula but different

structural arrangements.
-different structural arrangements create
different physical properties

53. Alkanes have the general for- 2n+2 hydrogens


54. saturated bonds Alkanes: All single Bonds

55. unsaturated bonds Alkenes and Alkynes: C-C Double or Triple


56. Alipathic A term referring to an organic compound

with a straight or branched chain structure.

57. arenes benzene rings

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58. Electrophiles are electron pair acceptors
-they want electrons and are typically pos-
itively charged

59. nucleophiles are electron pair donors

-they have too many electrons and want
to get rid of and balance out the negative
charge that they hold

60. empirical vs molecular formula Empirical Formula: The simplest whole

number ratio of atoms in a compound

Molecular Formula: (empirical formula)n

where n is an integer, to determine this you
must know molar mass
Molecular formula = empirical formula *
(molar mass/empirical mass)

61. aprotic solvent a solvent that has no acidic protons; a

solvent with no O-H or N-H groups
-cant h bond

62. protic solvent a solvent containing acidic protons, usual-

ly O-H or N-H groups
-forms h bonds

63. water is the universal solvent

-due to polarity and h bonds

64. what is polarity a molecule in which the charges are un-

evenly distributed
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65. Solubiltiy rules like dissolves like

-determine the polarity of the molecules to
see if they will dissolve each other

66. solvents Are liquids in which substances can be


67. Solutes substance dissolved in a solution

68. properties of metals metallic lattice, delocalized electrons that

help it to conduct electricity.

69. nonmetal + oxygen acidic oxide

70. metal + oxygen basic oxide

71. Bronsted-Lowry Acid: proton donor

Base: proton acceptor

72. Lewis acid/base acid: electron pair acceptor

base: electron pair donor

73. strong bases react with alkali earth metals

74. What are the strong bases? LiOH, NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2,

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75. What are the strong acids? HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4

76. what forms salts bases and acids react to form

77. strong base and a weak acid water and weak base

78. strong acid and weak base acidic salt

79. strong base and strong acid neutral solution

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