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NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ___________________

SUBJECT TEACHER: __________________________ SCORE: _______________________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Analyze the given questions/situations properly. Write the letter of the correct answer
on the blank before each number.

___1. Which of the following is an example of a verbal cue in a TV broadcast?

a) Background music b) Lighting effects
c) Sound effects d) Narration

___2. Non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast refer to:

a) Dialogues and conversations b) Text overlays and captions
c) Facial expressions and gestures d) Background scenery and set design

___3. In a TV interview, which non-verbal cue can indicate active listening and engagement?
a) Nodding of the head b) Crossed arms
c) Avoiding eye contact d) Fidgeting with objects

___4. Non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast can be particularly helpful for:

a) Hearing-impaired viewers
b) Non-English speaking viewers
c) Viewers with visual impairments
d) Viewers with slow internet connections

Evaluate the following television broadcast situations. Recognize if it is a verbal or a non-verbal cue.

___5. The actor skillfully modulated their tone to express a range of emotions, immersing the viewers in the
character's journey. Which tells that it is a verbal cue?
a) Tone modulation b) Character's journey
c) Skillful actor d) Immersing viewers

___6. During the documentary, a soothing voiceover narration provided insightful commentary on the historical
events. Which tells that it is a verbal cue?
a) Historical events b) Insightful commentary
c) Voiceover narration d) Documentary

___7. The interviewer maintained strong eye contact with the guest, creating a sense of trust and engagement.
Which signals that it is a non-verbal cue?
a) The interviewer b) Eye contact
c) Creating a sense of trust d) The guest

___8. The panelists' open and relaxed body language conveyed a sense of camaraderie and ease during the talk
show. Which signals that it is a non-verbal cue?
a) Sense of camaraderie b) The panelists'
c) The talk show d) Body language

Examine how the following elements of multimedia contribute to the meaning of the text.
___9. It makes the static image like moving.
a) Text b) Graphics
c) Animation d) Audio

___10. It gives a powerful impact.

a) Text b) Video
c) Graphics d) Audio

___11. A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music, and sound effects. These are called
________ element.
a) Text b) Graphics
c) Animation d) Audio
___12. They make the multimedia application attractive.
a) Text b) Video
c) Graphics d) Audio

___13. It is the basic element of multimedia.

a) Text b) Video
c) Graphics d) Audio

___14. Analyze this image. Tell what element of multimedia is associated with the picture.
a) Video b) Text
c) Audio d) Animation

Read and understand the paragraph below. Answer the following questions.

1 Do you know how important it is to take care of your teeth? 2 Taking care of your teeth is essential for
having a healthy smile and a happy mouth. 3 When you brush your teeth every day, you remove the food and plaque
that can cause cavities. 4 You can use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your teeth gently. 5 Remember to brush
all the surfaces of your teeth, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces. 6 It's also important to visit your
dentist regularly so they can check your teeth and make sure everything is okay. 7 By taking care of your teeth, you
can keep them strong and healthy!

1 In summary, it's really important to take care of your teeth. 2 By brushing your teeth every day and
visiting your dentist regularly, you can have a healthy smile and avoid problems like cavities. 3 Remember, your
teeth are precious, and taking care of them is something you can do every day. 4 Keep up the good work, and don't
forget to smile!

___15. Sentence #1 in Paragraph #1 is what we called “hook” which means it starts with a relatable and engaging
opening sentence to capture the attention of your reader.
a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d. Answer not mentioned

___16. Sentence #1 in Paragraph #2 is what we called “conclusion” it summarizes the main idea or topic using
simple and accessible language.
a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d. Answer not mentioned

___17. Sentence #2 in Paragraph #1 is an example of a supporting detail.

a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d. Answer not mentioned

___18. Sentence #4 in Paragraph #2 is an example “closing thoughts” which means, it ends the text with an
encouraging and positive statement to inspire the readers.
a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d. Answer not mentioned

___19-20. Evaluate and select the graphic organizer that would fit the given paragraph above.

a) b)
c) None of the given graphic organizers best fit for the paragraph above.
d) Both graphic organizers best fit for the paragraph above.

It was a perfect day for outdoor fun. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow on the
grassy field. Children laughed and played, running around with joy and excitement. The sound of their laughter
filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere.

___21. Which of the following is the main idea of the paragraph?

a) Children laughed and played, running around with joy and excitement.
b) It was a perfect day for outdoor fun.
c) The sound of their laughter filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere.
d) None of the above.

___22. Which of the following shows the conclusion of the paragraph?

a) It was a perfect day for outdoor fun.
b) The sound of their laughter filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere.
c) The sun was shining brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow on the grassy field.
d) None of the above.
___23. The heavy rain poured relentlessly throughout the night, causing the river to overflow its banks. As a result,
nearby neighborhoods experienced severe flooding, damaging homes, and displacing residents. The extensive water
damage led to the closure of schools and businesses, disrupting the daily routines of the affected community.
The paragraph is an example of;
a) Problem Solution b) Cause-and-Effect
c) Comparison and Contrast d) Narrative

___24. Many students struggle with staying focused and productive while studying at home. One solution to this
problem is creating a designated study space that is free from distractions, such as a quiet corner in the house or a
dedicated desk. Additionally, establishing a consistent study routine and setting specific goals can help students stay
motivated and organized, leading to increased productivity and better learning outcomes.
The paragraph is an example of;
a) Problem Solution b) Cause-and-Effect
c) Comparison and Contrast d) Personal Essay

___25. If you arrange the following sentences to form a compare and contrast paragraph, which of the following
choices shows the proper order.
___Moreover, beaches are often associated with warm climates and opportunities for swimming and
sunbathing, while mountains are known for cooler temperatures, breathtaking panoramic views, and
activities like skiing and snowboarding.
___Beaches and mountains offer contrasting experiences for nature enthusiasts. While beaches provide a
sense of relaxation and tranquility with their sandy shores and rhythmic ocean waves, mountains offer a
thrilling and adventurous experience with their towering peaks and challenging hiking trails.
___Whether one seeks serenity by the sea or seeks adventure in the heights, both beaches and mountains
offer unique and contrasting experiences for nature lovers to enjoy.
a) 2-1-3 b) 2-3-1 c) 3-1-2 d) 1-2-3

___26. If you arrange the following sentences to create a cause-and-effect paragraph, which of the following choices
shows the proper order.
___Moreover, the scarcity of water has impacted the ecosystem, causing a decline in biodiversity, and
negatively affecting wildlife habitats.
___As a consequence, farmers have struggled to irrigate their crops, leading to reduced agricultural output
and economic losses.
___The prolonged drought in the region has resulted in a shortage of water supply for the local
a) 2-1-3 b) 2-3-1 c) 3-1-2 d) 1-2-3

___27. If you arrange the following sentences to show a problem-solution paragraph, which of the following choices
shows the proper order.
___ One solution to this issue is the implementation of improved public transportation systems, such as
expanding bus and train networks and introducing dedicated lanes for buses and bicycles.
___ Additionally, encouraging carpooling and ride-sharing services can help reduce the number of vehicles
on the road and alleviate traffic congestion.
___ By adopting these solutions, cities can promote more efficient and sustainable transportation, resulting
in smoother traffic flow and a better quality of life for residents.
___ One common problem faced by many urban areas is traffic congestion, which leads to wasted time,
increased pollution, and frustration among commuters.
a) 4-2-1-3 b) 2-3-4-1 c) 3-1-2-4 d) 1-2-3-4

___28. If you arrange the following sentences to create a cause-and-effect paragraph, which of the following choices
shows the proper order.
___The rapid growth of online shopping has caused a decline in brick-and-mortar retail stores.
___As more consumers turn to the convenience of online shopping, traditional retail stores have struggled
to compete and maintain their customer base.
___Consequently, many retail businesses have been forced to close their doors, leading to job losses and
economic impacts in local communities.
a) 1-2-3 b) 2-3-1 c) 3-1-2 d) 3-2-1

Read each paragraph carefully and choose the best answer that describes the relationship between the ideas
___29. There has been a significant increase in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes over the past decade.
This rise can be attributed to several factors, including sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits, and genetic
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Sequential Order
___30. While some argue that online learning offers flexibility and convenience, others believe it lacks the face-to-
face interaction crucial for effective education. Proponents of traditional classroom settings emphasize the
importance of interpersonal connections and real-time feedback.
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Chronological Order

___31. Rising temperatures around the globe are leading to the melting of polar ice caps. This phenomenon
contributes to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities and biodiversity. Various measures, such as
reducing carbon emissions and implementing sustainable practices, are being proposed to mitigate these effects.
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Sequential Order

___32. The spread of misinformation on social media platforms has led to increased polarization within societies.
While these platforms were intended to connect people, they have inadvertently fueled division by amplifying
extreme viewpoints and facilitating the spread of false information.
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Chronological Order

___33. Electric vehicles (EVs) offer a sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. EVs produce zero
tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. However, challenges remain in terms of
infrastructure development and battery technology.
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Sequential Order

___34. The novel coronavirus pandemic has caused disruptions in various sectors, including education, healthcare,
and the economy. Governments worldwide have implemented containment measures such as lockdowns and travel
restrictions to curb the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact.
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Chronological Order

___35. Urbanization is associated with both advantages and challenges. While cities offer economic opportunities
and access to amenities, they also face issues such as overcrowding, pollution, and inadequate infrastructure.
Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive urban planning and sustainable development strategies.
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Sequential Order

___36. The transition to renewable energy sources is essential for mitigating climate change. While fossil fuels
remain the primary source of energy globally, the shift towards renewables such as solar and wind power is gaining
momentum. Investments in clean energy technologies and policy support are crucial for accelerating this transition.
a) Cause and Effect b) Comparison and Contrast
c) Problem-Solution d) Sequential Order

Below is a descriptive essay in titled “The Enchanting Serenity of a Summer Morning”. Read, understand,
and examine each paragraph then answer the following questions.

The sun had just begun its ascent over the horizon casting a golden glow across the landscape The air was
filled with a gentle breeze carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass As I stepped
outside the world seemed to be waking up with the chorus of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves creating a
symphony of nature It was a summer morning and the serenity that enveloped the surroundings was nothing short of

The sky above was painted in vibrent hues of pink, orange, and purple, as if a master artist had delicately
brushed strokes across a canvas. The soft morning light caressed the meadows, casting long shadows that danced
playfully on the dew-kissed grass. The trees, dressed in their verdant splendoor, swayed gently in the breeze, their
leaves whispering secrets to one another. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing me to savor every moment of
this tranquil symphony of nature. As I walked along the path, my senses came alive with the sights and sounds of the
summer morning. The melodious cheerping of birds filled the air, creating a harmonious melody that seemed to
resonate deep within my soul. The gentle touch of the breeze brushed against my skin, carrying with it the coolness
of the morning dew. The vibrent colors of the flowers in full bloom seemed to burst with life, each petal holding a
story waiting to be discovered. It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment where I felt truly connected to the beauty
and wonder of the natural world.

In conclusion, a summer morning holds a captivating serenity that is truly enchanting. From the
breathtaking sunrise to the symphony of nature's sounds, every detail comes together to create a sensory experience
that awakens the spirit. It is a time when the world emerges from slumber, revealing its hidden treasures and inviting
us to embrace the tranquility that surrounds us. In the embrace of a summer morning, one can find solace,
inspiration, and a renewed appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.
___37. What do you notice about the first paragraph of the essay?
a) Wrong spelling of some words
b) Absence of proper punctuation marks
c) Wrong usage of signal words
d) Nothing is wrong with the paragraph

___38-40. What are the three misspelled words in paragraph 2?

a) Harmonious, bliss, beauty b) Hues, meadows, melodious
c) Vibrent, splendoor, cheerping d) No found misspelled words

___41. In what paragraph can you find the summary of the essay?
a) First paragraph b) Second paragraph
c) Third paragraph d) Summary not visible

___42. Looking back at the essay, which of the following is correctly written. No misspelled words at all.
a) The sky above was painted in vibrent hues of pink, orange, and purple, as if a master artist had
delicately brushed strokes across a canvas. The soft morning light caressed the meadows, casting long shadows that
danced playfully on the dew-kissed grass. The trees, dressed in their verdant splendoor, swayed gently in the breeze,
their leaves whispering secrets to one another. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing me to savor every
moment of this tranquil symphony of nature. As I walked along the path, my senses came alive with the sights and
sounds of the summer morning. The melodious cheerping of birds filled the air, creating a harmonious melody that
seemed to resonate deep within my soul. The gentle touch of the breeze brushed against my skin, carrying with it the
coolness of the morning dew. The vibrent colors of the flowers in full bloom seemed to burst with life, each petal
holding a story waiting to be discovered. It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment where I felt truly connected to the
beauty and wonder of the natural world.

b) The sky above was painted in vibrant hues of pink, orange, and purple, as if a master artist had
delicately brushed strokes across a canvas. The soft morning light caressed the meadows, casting long shadows that
danced playfully on the dew-kissed grass. The trees, dressed in their verdant splendor, swayed gently in the breeze,
their leaves whispering secrets to one another. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing me to savor every
moment of this tranquil symphony of nature. As I walked along the path, my senses came alive with the sights and
sounds of the summer morning. The melodious chirping of birds filled the air, creating a harmonious melody that
seemed to resonate deep within my soul. The gentle touch of the breeze brushed against my skin, carrying with it the
coolness of the morning dew. The vibrant colors of the flowers in full bloom seemed to burst with life, each petal
holding a story waiting to be discovered. It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment where I felt truly connected to the
beauty and wonder of the natural world.

___43. In retrospect at the essay, which of the following is properly punctuated?

a) The sun had just begun its ascent over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape. The air
was filled with a gentle breeze, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and freshly cut grass. As I
stepped outside, the world seemed to be waking up, with the chorus of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves
creating a symphony of nature. It was a summer morning, and the serenity that enveloped the surroundings was
nothing short of enchanting.

b) The sun had just begun its ascent over the horizon casting, a golden glow across the landscape. The air
was filled with a gentle breeze carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass As I
stepped outside the world seemed to be waking up with the chorus of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves
creating a symphony of nature It was a summer morning, and the serenity that enveloped the surroundings was
nothing short of enchanting.

Read and understand this feature article. Answer the question below.

Embracing the Kaleidoscope of Personalities: Celebrating Our Unique Differences

From introverts to extroverts, analytical thinkers to creative dreamers, the kaleidoscope of personalities that
grace our world is what adds vibrant colors to the tapestry of human existence. Each person possesses a distinct
blend of traits, quirks, and strengths that shape their individuality and contribute to the rich diversity of our society.
Today, we celebrate the beauty of personalities and the myriad ways they enrich our lives.

Personality, often described as the unique set of characteristics and behaviors that define an individual, is a
fascinating aspect of human nature. It is through our personalities that we express ourselves, connect with others,
and navigate the world around us. While some personalities may naturally shine brighter in certain settings, each
holds its own intrinsic value and offers unique perspectives that contribute to the collective human experience.

Embracing and appreciating diverse personalities is vital for fostering empathy, understanding, and
inclusivity within our communities. By recognizing that each person brings their own strengths and perspectives to
the table, we create an environment that celebrates differences rather than attempting to fit individuals into societal
molds. This allows for collaboration, innovation, and a harmonious coexistence that encourages personal growth and
collective progress.

It is important to remember that personalities are not fixed or static, but rather dynamic and ever evolving.
Each person has the capacity to nurture and cultivate different aspects of their personality, allowing them to explore
new interests, adapt to changing circumstances, and unlock hidden potentials. By embracing personal growth and
embracing the complexities of our own personalities, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and continuous

In conclusion, personalities form the kaleidoscope of human existence, highlighting the beautiful diversity
that surrounds us. By celebrating and embracing our unique traits and those of others, we foster a society that thrives
on empathy, inclusivity, and personal growth. Let us appreciate the various shades and hues that make up the
tapestry of personalities, as we navigate this fascinating journey called life together.

___44. After reading the article, what type of feature article do you think it is?
a) The Human-Interest Feature b) The News Feature
c) The How-To Feature d) The Personality Feature

___45. In what paragraph can you find the conclusion of the article?
a) First paragraph b) Second paragraph
c) Fourth paragraph d) Last paragraph

Analyze/evaluate the following sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer.

___46. Draws the reader in, entice your reader, hook them in. Use drama, emotion, quotations, questions,
a) Byline b) Conclusion
c) Introduction d) Title

___47. Its summaries your article and helps the reader remember the story. Make sure that you end your article the
way you started and not just as if you just quickly stopped writing.
a) Byline b) Conclusion
c) Introduction d) Body or nub head

___48. The “guts” of the story. This is the presentation of details. This is the part where your target readers get what
they want to read in your article.
a) Byline b) Conclusion
c) Introduction d) Body or nub head

___49. This shows the author’s name and sometimes his/her affiliation (if he/she is an in-house writer or a
contributor). The byline can be below the headline or at the end of the article.
a) Byline b) Title
c) Introduction d) Body or nub head

___50. It must cover the whole idea of your feature article and must catch the attention of your target readers. This is
also known as the headline or the head of the article.
a) Byline b) Title
c) Introduction d) Body or nub head

Teacher III
Master Teacher II

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