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Narrative/Accomplishment Report for Day 2 - June 14

The Day 2 program started with a detailed overview of the scheduled events,
emphasizing key sessions designed to foster comprehensive discussions and interactive
workshops. Attendees were provided with a comprehensive copy of the agenda, highlighting the
diverse range of topics and esteemed speakers to ensure participants could plan their day
7:00 am - Breakfast
Participants gathered for breakfast, engaging in informal discussions about the previous
day's sessions and expectations for the day ahead. This networking opportunity fostered a
collaborative atmosphere, setting a positive tone for the intensive work to follow. Attendees
expressed enthusiasm for the upcoming workshops and plenary sessions, eager to contribute to
the development of evaluation instruments.

8:00 am - Preliminaries
The day officially started with a brief introduction and overview of the day's agenda,
emphasizing the critical nature of setting robust evaluation requirements. Facilitators ensured all
participants were oriented and ready for the day's activities. The focus was reiterated on
collaboration and active participation to achieve the program's goals.
9:00 am - Plenary Session 4: Setting the Evaluation Requirements/Instruments for the
Training Resource Package
Dr. Joyce Bautista from PNU led the plenary session, outlining the importance of
comprehensive evaluation instruments for the Training Resource Package. She detailed the
criteria and methodologies for developing these instruments, engaging participants in a dynamic
discussion. The session emphasized the alignment of evaluation tools with the program's
objectives, ensuring they effectively measure training outcomes.

10:00 am - Parallel Workshops 2: Inventory and Evaluation of the Proposed Training

Materials Using the Approved Instruments
Participants split into two groups focusing on numeracy and literacy, guided by
facilitators Ms. Valerie Farol and Ms. Kathleen Olimon from ABC+. Each group conducted a
detailed inventory and assessment of the proposed training materials, using the newly
discussed evaluation instruments. These workshops enabled focused, subject-specific scrutiny
and provided valuable feedback for refining the materials.
12:00 nn - Lunch
The lunch break offered a chance for participants to relax and recharge while continuing
informal discussions about the morning's work. This downtime was crucial for maintaining
energy levels and facilitating further networking. Conversations often revolved around sharing
insights and strategies for the upcoming afternoon sessions.

1:00 pm - Parallel Workshops 3: Setting the Evaluation Instruments for the Conduct of
the Training
Participants were divided into three groups, each tasked with developing specific
evaluation instruments. Group 1 focused on the Training Program Conducted by the
Implementors, Group 2 on Pre-and Post-Evaluation Instruments for ECED
Workers/Teachers/Professionals, and Group 3 on Pre-and Post-Evaluation Instruments for the
Learners of the Teachers/Workers/Professionals. This collaborative work aimed to ensure that
all aspects of the training process were thoroughly evaluated for effectiveness.
4:00 pm - Plenary Session 5: Presentation, Critiquing, and Finalization of the Proposed
Evaluation Instruments to Measure Success of the Program
Dr. Celia M. Ilanan from PNU facilitated this session, where each group presented their
proposed evaluation instruments. The presentations were followed by a constructive critique
session, where participants provided feedback and suggestions for improvement. The session
concluded with a finalization of the evaluation instruments, ensuring they were comprehensive
and aligned with the program's success criteria.

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