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About Us

Welcome to Calmed Forces, the calm after the storm. We are committed to being the
solution for veterans facing chronic pain after their service. As an Australian company
dedicated to serving those who have served, we understand the unique challenges that
come with life after military duty. Our founder, a veteran and doctor with personal
experience in pain management, leads our mission to provide comprehensive and
compassionate care.

At Calmed Forces, we specialise in alternative and complementary therapies tailored to

each individual's needs. Our holistic approach integrates a variety of health care plans
designed to alleviate chronic pain and enhance overall well-being. Whether through
innovative treatments or supportive care plans, our goal is to help veterans reclaim their
lives and find peace and relief.
Join us at Calmed Forces, and let us help you navigate your journey towards a pain-free


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Our founder, Dr. Tim Nelson, brings a wealth of experience and compassion to Calmed
Forces. Dr. Nelson joined the RAAF in 1999 and qualified on the RAAF F-111C in 2003.
He completed the RAAF Fighter Combat Instructor (FCI) course in 2006 and was the
FCI for the RAAF's No. 1 Squadron until he posted to the USAF as the Australian F-15E
Exchange Officer in 2007. Returning to Australia in 2011, he played a leading role in the
tactical implementation of the RAAF's new F/A-18F fighter aircraft. Promoted to
SQNLDR, he became the RAAF EA-18G Project Office Tactical Operations Project
Officer before transitioning to a career in medicine.
Dr. Nelson graduated from Griffith University in 2017 and, after completing his MD and
hospital training, returned to the RAAF as a medical officer in 2021. He qualified as a
fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners after being medically
discharged from the RAAF in 2022. As a veteran and chronic pain sufferer, Dr. Nelson is
passionate about helping veterans manage their conditions and improve their quality of
life with all available therapies.
At Calmed Forces, we specialiSe in alternative and complementary therapies tailored to
each individual's needs. Our holistic approach integrates a variety of healthcare plans
designed to alleviate chronic pain and enhance overall well-being. Whether through
innovative treatments or supportive care plans, our goal is to help veterans reclaim their
lives and find peace and relief.
After a highly successful and rewarding career in the ADF, Dr. Nelson sees it as his new
vocation to use the skills and experience he has gained with his time in defence to
improve the lives of fellow veterans. Join us at Calmed Forces, and let us help you
navigate your journey towards a pain-free life.


Calmed Forces is committed to enriching the lives of veterans by offering fully

funded, easily accessible alternative programs that address their unique pain
management needs.


- **Compassion**: We approach every veteran's health with empathy and

- **Integrity**: We operate transparently and honour our commitment to no out-
of-pocket expenses.
- **Innovation**: We embrace and promote alternative programs that have proven
health benefits.
- **Support**: We provide continuous and comprehensive support throughout our
veterans' pain management journeys.

About Us

At Calmed Forces, we are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of

Australian veterans through fully funded alternative programs for pain
management. Our team of specialists is committed to providing innovative health
solutions tailored to the unique needs of veterans, ensuring a hassle-free and
supportive treatment journey.

### Services

At Calmed Forces, we offer a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach to pain

management designed to address the diverse needs of veterans. Our holistic
programs integrate various specialised services to provide effective and lasting
relief. Each service plays a crucial role in managing pain and improving overall
well-being. Here are the seven key components of our pain management strategy:

1. Health Care Planning

Effective pain management requires a personalised approach. Our health care

planning services involve creating detailed, individualised plans that incorporate
various treatment modalities. This ensures that each veteran receives a
comprehensive and cohesive plan tailored to their specific needs and conditions.

2. Psychology

Pain isn't just physical; it affects the mind and emotions as well. Our psychological
services include counseling and therapy sessions to help veterans cope with the
mental and emotional aspects of chronic pain. Addressing these components can
reduce the perception of pain and improve quality of life.

3. Alternative Therapies

We connect veterans to a wide range of alternative therapies such as acupuncture,

massage, and chiropractic care. These therapies can complement traditional
medical treatments, reduce pain, and promote relaxation and healing without
relying solely on medications.

4. Plant Therapy

Plant-based treatments have shown promise in managing pain and inflammation.

Our plant therapy programs are designed to provide natural pain relief options
tailored to individual needs led by our team of qualified doctors and pain specialists

5. Exercise Physiology

Regular physical activity is crucial for managing pain and maintaining overall
health. Our exercise physiologists design safe and effective exercise programs that
help improve strength, flexibility, and endurance, thereby reducing pain and
preventing further injury.

6. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is essential for addressing the physical causes of pain. Our

physiotherapists use targeted techniques and exercises to treat injuries, improve
mobility, and alleviate pain. This hands-on approach is integral to our multi-
pronged pain management strategy.

7. Dieticians

Nutrition plays a vital role in managing pain and promoting healing. Our dieticians
provide dietary advice and plans that support pain management, reduce
inflammation, and enhance overall health. Proper nutrition can make a significant
difference in managing chronic pain conditions.

Why Choose Our Multi-Pronged Approach?

Our holistic, multi-pronged approach to pain management ensures that all aspects
of a veteran's health are considered and addressed. By integrating these seven key
services, we provide a well-rounded and effective pain management program that
promotes healing, improves quality of life, and supports long-term health and well-
being. At Calmed Forces, we are committed to offering compassionate,
comprehensive care tailored to the unique needs of each veteran.

Getting Started (Eligibility and show a Four-Step Process)

- **Eligibility**: Available exclusively for Gold Card holders and selected White
Card holders with recognized pain conditions.
- **Step 1**: Complete the online application form.
- **Step 2**: Schedule a free, no-obligation phone consultation to confirm
- **Step 3**: Collaborate with our health professionals to develop your personalized
pain management plan.
- **Step 4**: Receive monthly deliveries of your prescribed programs with ongoing
reviews and support.

How It Works

Our process is designed for ease and effectiveness:

- Monthly consultations and program deliveries.
- Continuous management and adjustment of pain management plans.
- All services are provided remotely and delivered to your door.

Am I eligible?
Calmed Forces services are tailored for Australian veterans seeking alternative
programs for pain management, fully supported by the Department of Veterans'
Affairs. Contact us and discuss the program and your eligibility with a no obligation
chat over the phone.


Why Choose Us?

Choose Calmed Forces for a stress-free pathway to alternative pain management

- Fully funded programs with no hidden costs.
-paperwork and all appointments managed and booked for you.
- Expert medical team specialised in alternative pain treatments.
- Comprehensive and ongoing support.

- **FAQs**: Answers to common questions about eligibility, services, and more.

(Have an fat section)

- **Blog**: Regular updates, articles, and news about alternative programs and
veteran health.

Make room for a blog section)

- **Real Stories**: Hear from veterans who have experienced significant health
improvements through our services. Their stories inspire and drive us to continually
improve our support.

### Contact Us

Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with any questions or to help you begin
your journey with Calmed Forces. Contact information, online chat, and a contact
form are available for your convenience.




Has veteran owned logo in it

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