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Building and Enuironment, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 309-316, 1990. 036()-IJ2J/90 noo+o.

Printed in Great Britain. © 1990 Pergumon Press pie.

Literature Review on Thermal Comfort in

Transient Conditions


The co11ve11tio11a/ theory of thermal comfort i11 co11di1io11s dwrac1eris1ic for dweili11gs and offices
(for example. that of Fa119er) a.mmres steady-siate conditions. Yet tliermal co11di1io11s i11 b11ildi11gs
are seldom steady, due 10 the i111erac1ia11 betweC/1 building stmcwre, clima1e, occ11pa11cy, and
HVAC system. This article reviews work 011 thermal comfort specifically 1111dertaken to examine
what uarialio11s i11 indoor 1empera111res may be acceptable.
Fol/owi11g an accou/11 ofman's 1/iermoreg1ifa1ory system, some experimemal.fi11di11gs 011 periodic
am/ 011 ramp (or drift) varia1io11 i11 room temperature are presented.
!1 is concluded that rhe results for cyclic varia1io11s uphold the presellt ASH RAE standard. but
those for drifts may not.

1. INTRODUCTION which a large percentage of occupants (generally at least

80%) with given personal parameters will regard the
THERMAL COMFORT is generally defined as that con-
environment as acceptable.t Most work related to ther-
dition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the ther-
mal comfort has concentrated on steady-state conditions.
mal environment (1]. Dissatisfaction may be caused by
This is expressed by the fact that only one of the above
the body being too warm or cold as a whole, or by un-
standards [7] also specifies limits for changing environ-
wanted heating or cooling of a particular part of the
mental parameters (for T only).
body (local discomfort). 0

Because of the thermal interaction between building

From earlier research (2--4] we know that thermal com-
structure, occupancy, climate and HVAC system, pure
fort is strongly related to the thermal balance of the body.
steady-state conditions are rarely encountered in
This balance is influenced by:
practice. For example, Madsen [9] found indoor tem-
e Environmental parameters like: air temperature (T.) perature fluctuations between 0.5 and 3.9°C (during 24
and mean radiant temperature (T,),t relative air vel- h with a constant set point) which depended on the com-
ocity (v) and relative humidity (rh) bination of heating and control system.
e Personal parameters like : activity level or metabolic Sometimes it may even be advantageous to allow the
rate (M) (units: 1met=58 W m- 2) and clothing environmental conditions to change. This was dem-
thermal resistance (/c 1) (units: 1 clo = 0.155 m 2 K onstrated in a field experiment [IO] where it was found
w-1). that decreasing the acceleration heating of the room ther-
Extensive investigations and experiments involving mostat in a dwelling resulted in a lower fuel consumption.
numerous subjects have resulted in methods for pre- This led however to considerably increased variations in
dicting the degree of thermal discomfort of people indoor temperature, but it was not clear at the time
exposed to a still thermal environment. The most well whether these fluctuations would be acceptable or not to
known and widely accepted methods are: (1) Fanger's inhabitants.
"Comfort Equation" and his practical concepts of "Pre- This is the background to the present literature study
dicted Mean Vote" and "Predicted Percentage of Dis- on thermal comfort in transient conditions. We know
satisfied" (2]; (2) the J. B. Pierce two-node model of that temperjture is the most important environmental
human thermoregulation (4, 5]. With these methods sev- parameter with respect to thermal comfort, so this study
eral thermal comfort standards [l, 6-8] have been estab- focused mainly on the effects of changes in temperature
lished during the past decade. These standards specify and mainly in homes, offices, etc.
environmental parameter ranges (i.e. comfort zones) in In Section 2 man's thermoregulatory system is dis-
cussed so as to show the interaction between man,
building and HY AC system. Our present understanding
• Eindhoven University or Technology, Group FAGO HG of human thermoregulatory mechanisms however is not
11.77, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands."
t T, is often combined with T, to fonn operalive temperature sufficient for us to predict with confidence our response
(T0 =aT. +(l-a)T,wherea <I). , to time-varying stimuli and recourse must be had to
t For exnmple, CSO [I) recommends for ligh'I, mainly sed· controlled tests. The results of such work on cyclically
entary activity during winter conditions (he.ating period) : "(a) varying temperatures are present in Section 3.1 and on
The operative temperarure sltal/ be beMeen 20 and 24°C (i.e.
22±2°C). (b) ... "; and during summer conditions (cooling
other types of changes in the following section. Finally
period) : "(a) The operative temperarure shall be between 23 011d in Section 4 some conclusions towards practical appli-
26°C (I.e. 24.5± I.SOC). (b) ..• ": cations are made.


310 J. L. M. Hensen

te11perat11re thenial
sennotion COlllfort
. feedback skin internal
thenooreceptors thenoorecepto'NI

control lad body shell body core autonomic

system raguJ.ation
uxternal 1nterna1
disturb•ncc d11turb1nce
adjust-nt of adjustraent of
)IC?at cxcluln c: heat production:

control vasomotion aetabol1sm

sweating shiverinq
clothing voluntary 1>0ve111ents

-------+ signal path ------t> heat trensf er path

Fig. l. Schematic diagram of autonomic and behavioural temperature regulation in man (modified from
Hensel [11]) .

2. MAN'S THERMOREGULATORY SYSTEM peratures for these autonomic control actions need not
necessarily be identical nor constant or dependent on
The human body produces heat (principally by metab- each other.
olism- i.e. oxidalion of food elements), exchanges heat Besides autonomic thermoregulation there is also
with the environment (mainly by radiation and con- behavioural thermoregulation with control actions such
vection) and loses heat by evaporation of body fluids. as active movement and adjustment of clothing. Accord-
During normal rest and exercise these processes result in ing to Hensel [I I], behavioural thermoregulation is
average vital organ temperatures near 37°C. The body's associated with conscious temperature sensation as well
temperature control system tries to maintain these tem- as with thermal comfort or discomfort. The difference
peratures when thermal disturbances occur. According to between temperature sensation and thermal comfort is
Hensel (11], who studied a vast amount of literature that temperature sensation is a rational experience that
on the subject, man's thermoregulatory system is more can be described as being directed towards an objeclive
complicated and incorporates more control principles world in terms of "cold" and "warm". Thermal comfort
than any actual technical control system. It behaves on the other hand is an emotional experience which
mathematically in a highly non-linear manner and con- can be characterised in tenns of " pleasant" and "un-
tains multiple sensors, multiple feedback loops and mul- pleasant". As Mcintyre [3] points out, the meaning of
tiple outputs. words like "pleasant" and· comfortable' do not have an
Figure I shows some basic feature's of man's thermo- absolute value, but will be relative to experience and
regulatory system. The controlled variable is an in- expectation.
tegrated value of internal temperatures (i.e. near the cen- Hensel (11] found that temperature sensations
tral nervous system and other deep body temperaLUres) (especially local cold sensations) depend mainly on the
and skin temperatures. The controlled system i.s influ- activity of thermoreceptors in the skin whereas thermal
enced by internal (e.g. internal heat generation by exer- comfort or discomfort reflects a general state of the ther-
cise) and external (e.g. originating from environmental mo regulatory system (though this does not imply that
heat or cold) thermal disturbances. External thermal djs- changes in thermal comfort are always slower than
turbances are rapidly detected by thermoreceptors in the changes in thermal sensation, as will be seen later on).
skin. This enables the lhermoregulatory system to act The condition of thermal comfort is therefore sometimes
before the disturbances reach the body core. Important defined as a state in which there are no driving impulses
in this respect is the fact that the thermoreceptors in the to correct the environment by behaviour [13]. This is a
skin respond to the temperature as well as to the rate of more objective definition than the ISO definition.
a temperature change. According to Madsen [12) the According to Mcintyre (3) it is conventional to treat
latter is actually done by sensing heat flow variations overall thermal discomfort (a subjective condili.on) in
through the skin. term.s of thermal sensatjon (an objective quantity). This
Autonomic thermoregulation is controlled by the may be justifiable in case of steady-state conditions how-
hypothalamus. There are different autonomic control ever probably not when transient conditions have to be
actions such as adjustment of : heat production (e.g. by judged. The difference between thermal comfort and tem-
shivering) , internal thermal resistance (by vasomotion ; perature sensation during changing environmental con-
i.e. control of skin blood flow), external thermal resist- ditions was clearly demonstrated by experiments of
ance (e.g. by control of respiratory dry heat loss), water Gagge et al. [14]. They exposed subjects for one hour to
secretion and evaporation (e.g. by sweating and res- neutral them1al conditions (29°C), then a step change to
piratory evaporative heat loss). The associated tern- a much colder (17.5°C) or warmer (48°C) environment
Literature Review on Thermal Comfort 311

for a two hour exposure, which was followed by a step output from the controlling system can be applied to any
back to neutral conditions. On entering the cold con- part of the controlled system.
ditions there were immediate reports of cold sensations The main application field for this kind of model is
and discomfort. On returning to the neutral environment research on body temperature regulation itself. No model
discomfort almost immediately disappeared, while tem- has been developed which also predicts whether a par-
perature sensations lagged considerably behind the com- ticular thermal environment is thermally uncomfortable
fort reports and did not return to neutral for all subjects and to what degree. It may be possible to link a model of
during the one hour post-exposure period. The transient this kind with the present knowledge on temperature
exposures to the hot environment showed much the same sensation and thermal comfort, so as to enable comfort
responses. On entering the hot conditions there were predictions to be made for transient conditions. This is
immediate reports on warm sensations and discomfort. however beyond the scope of the present study.
On re-entering the neutral conditions discomfort dis- From the above discussion it follows that at present
appeared rapidly however more slowly than in the case there is no other source except results of thermal comfort
of the cold to neutral step. The temperature sensations experiments to assess the acceptability of changing
showed an overshoot with some initial reports of slightly environmental conditions.
In the past much work has been done aimed at finding
practical methods for predicting the effects of a particular
thermal environment in terms of comfort or discomfort. A large number of experiments have been conducted
Reviews and summaries of this were made by Hardy [15], on man's response to the thermal environment. Con-
Fanger [2], Benzinger (13], Mcintyre [3] and ASHRAE cerning the objectives of the experiments, distinction can
[16]. From these references it is clear that there is much be made between investigations on the thermoregulatory
evidence (from steady-state experiments) for cold dis- system on the one hand and the establishment of thermal
comfort being strongly related to mean skin temperature comfortable or acceptable conditions on the other hand.
and that warmth discomfort is strongly related to skin The latter type of experiments are primarily of interest
wettedness caused by sweat secretion. These relations are in the present study.
the basis for methods like Fanger's [2] Comfort Although most work has been concentrated on steady-
Equation and the work of Gagge et al. [4, 5]. In a recent state conditions, some experiments have examined tran-
evaluation by Doherty and Arens [17] it was shown that sient conditions. In principle any of man's last heat bal-
these models are accurate for humans involved in near- ance variables (T. and T, or T0 , v, rh, Mand lc 1) may
sedentary activity and steady-state conditions. change in time. However in most cases, changing ambient
From the fact that the skin thermoreceptors not only temperatures has been of interest. Changes can be cat-
sense temperature but also the rate of temperature change egorised as :
and that thermal comfort depends on an integrated value
of central and peripheral temperatures, it may be con-
e Cyclical: triangular or sinusoidal changes in the tran-
sient variable (e.g. resulting from the deadband of the
cluded that skin temperature alone is unlikely to be an
HY AC control system), characterised by mean value,
adequate index for cold discomfort in transient
peak to peak amplitude and fluctuation period or
conditions. Because sweat secretion reflects the general
state of the thermoregulatory system, skin wettedness is
probably a more adequate predictive index for warmth
e Ramps or drifts : monotonic, steady changes with
time. Ramps refer to actively controlled changes and
discomfort in transient conditions than mean skin tem-
drifts to passive changes (as one might encounter in
perature is for cold discomfort. No experimental proof
a building with no active temperature control). These
of this has been found however. From these observations
changes are characterised by starting value, amplitude
one may conclude that the above mentioned essentially
and rate of change ~
steady-state methods are probably not adequate for pre-
dictions regarding thermal comfort in transient con-
e Steps, such as one experiences in going from o'n.e
thermal environment to another. Step changes are
described by starting value, direction and amplitude.
A number of models for simulation of the dynamic J

behaviour of man's thermoregulatory system have been The following section describes the results of the most
developed in the past. A well known example is the model important thermal comfort experiments with cyclical
of Stolwijk (18] which was later expanded by Gordon temperature changes since these are primarily of interest
(19]. In this model the human body is divided into a in the present context. The next section describes results
large number of segments (originally 24 and in Gordon's of some other related experiments. All results relate to
version 140) linked together via the appropriate blood environmental conditions in or near the comfort zone
flows. Each segment represents volume, density, heat for sedentary or slightly active persons wearing normal
capacitance, heat conductance, metabolism and blood indoor clothing.
flow of a certain part of the body. The temperature and ·:
rate of change of temperature of each segment is available 3.1. Cyclical temperature changes
as an input into the controlling system, and any effector Sprague and McNall (20] conducted experiments
aimed at providing data, obtained under controlled con-
•With triangular changes, peak-to-peak amplitude .1.T•••• ditions, as a basis for confirming or modifying existing
cycle frequency CPH and rate of temperature OT/fit are related specifications on fluctuating thermal conditions. Before,
according to :oT/Ot=2·CPH·.1.TP'•Kh-'. ".( these specifications were largely based on field experience.
312 J. L. M. Hensen

Their first series of tests were designed to study the effect exposed to sinusoidal swings around the average pre-
of fluctuating dry bulb temperature on the thermal ferred ambient temperatures with peak to peak ampli-
sensation of sedentary persons (N = 192; college age; tudes in the range 2-8 K and periods ranging from 32 to
M= 1.2 met; / 01 =0.6 clo; T,=25.6°C; rh=45%; 8 min (i.e. 1.9-7.5 cycles h- 1) , resulting in fluctuation
v.< 0.15 m s- 1). The dry bulb temperature varied accord- rates between 15 and 60 K h- 1• Certain complications
ing to a triangular wave form with average fluctuation resulted in considerable damping (up to 75%) of the
rates in the range l.7 to 10.9 K h- 1 and peak to peak amplitude of the temperature swings below head level.
amplitudes ranging from 0.6 to 3.3 K, resulting in l.O to Also the actual amplitudes of the mean radiant tem-
2.0 cycles h- 1• All tests started from the middle of the peratures were lower than half of the intended ampli-
comfort zone (mean dry bulb temperature was 25.6°C) . tudes. The authors state that for these reasons the experi-
Although it is not clear how acceptability was defined ments are probably best regarded as an investigation of
the authors concluded that no serious occupancy com- air temperature swings at head height. From the results
plaints should occur due to dry bulb temperature fluc- they concluded: "Large temperature swings ... cause
tuations if t.T;,P · CPH < 4.6 K 2 h- 1 in which ATp•p is increased discomfort" and "Large ambient temperature
the peak to peak amplitude of the temperature fluc- swings appear to have a stimulating effect that is to
tuation and CPHis the cycle frequency (cycles h- 1) . This be preferred to the apparently opposite effect of small
expression, which was only validateq. inside the comfort temperature swings, but a constant, optimally comfortable
zone and for two fluctuation rates, suggests that ATP•P temperature, where this can be achieved, would still seem
could be large for s.low fluctuations and that ATP'P would to be preferable to either''. To be able to compare these
have to be small when fluctuations are rapid. This result results with the other references, Wyon's raw data was
looks strange; when the human body is regarded as one examined. This revealed that 80% of the votes were in
or more thermal capacitances, one woWd expect opposite the comfort zone for all swings with intended peak to
results (i.e. increasing acceptable ATP•P with increasing peak amplitudes of 4 K or less. As indicated above this
fluctuation rate) . Therefore, results like this must be actually suggests maximum acceptable peak to peak
related to the thermoregulation control mechanisms and amplitudes of operative temperature fluctuation for the
indicate that the rate of change of temperature is very whole body in the range 1-2 K.
important. Experiments with large ambient temperature swings
The authors specifically state that their expression does were also conducted by Nevins et al. [24]. The subjects
not apply to systems where the mean radiant temperature (N = 18 · different ages; M = 1.2 met · lc1 = 0.6 clo;
fluctuates, since the effect of varying radiant temperatures rh = 50% ; v = 0.25 m s- 1) were exposed to ambient
was not investigated. However, assuming [l 7) that, at temperature (T. = T,) swings with a peak-to-peak ampli-
air speeds of0.4 m s- 1 or Jess the operative temperature tude of 10 Kand an average fluctuation rate of 19 K h- 1
is simply the arithmetic mean of dry bulb temperature (0.9 cycles h- 1). The mean ambient temperature was
and mean radiant temperature, t11e relation between 25°C. From the results it was concluded that the preferred
maximum acceptable peak to peak amplitude and cycle ambient temperatures for comfort agreed well with the
rate of operative temperature can be assumed to be results of earlier steady-state experiments (on which, for
!J.T;,P·CPH< l.2K 2 h- 1• instance, ASHRAE [25) is based) and that there was
Following these results the tolerated range of tem- no clear evidence of an increased or decreased range of
peratures decreases with increasing fluctuation rates. This acceptable ambient temperatures due to fluctuation. An
seems to be contradicted by work of Wyon et al. (21] examination of Nevins' raw data however suggests a
who performed experiments in which the amplitude of maximum acceptable peak-to-peak amplitude of about
the temperature swings was under the subjects' control. 2.8 K. This is a little less than the width of the comfort
They found subjects tolerated greater amplitudes zone for steady-state conditions. It should be noted that
when the temperature changed more rapidly. In their when unacceptable temperatures are left out, a rate of
view this was due to purely physical reasons, as rapid temperature change of 19 K h- 1 would have resulted
changes of ambient temperature cause skin temperature, in a fluctuation frequency of about 3.4 cycles h- 1 or
and hence lhermal sensation to lag further behind in time alternatively 0.9 cycles h- 1 would have resulted in an
and this effectively reduced the experienced temperature average rate of change of 5 K h - 1•
fluctuations. It. was also found that subjects tolerated Robles et al. [26) conducted a series of experiments in
greater amplitudes when performing mental work than which the subjects (N = 804 ; college age· M = 1.2 met ;
when resting. Mcintyre and Griffiths [22] later pointed J01 = 0.6 clo; rh = 50%) were exposed to cyclical changes
out that due to a much smaller rate of change of the around various basal temperatures (17.8- 29.4°C) with
mean radiant temperature, when compared with the air different amplitudes (l.I to 5.6 K) at rates ranging from
temperature, and unusual acceptability criteria (spon- I.I to 4.4 K h- 1 (OJ to 1.5 cyc.les h- 1). The results
taneous dial voting when the temperature was too hot or showed that if (steady-state) temperature conditions for
too cold) the tolerated range in operative temperature comfort are met, the thermal environment will be accept-
was actually smaller than normally found in steady-state able, for near-sedentary acLivity while wearing summer
conditions. clothing, if the rate of changes does not exceed 3.3 K h- 1
Later experiments of Wyon et al. [23) were designed and the peak-to-peak amplitude is equal to or less than
to investigate the effects on comfort and performance of 3.3 K (which is approximately the same as the width of
predetermined ambient temperature swings under more . the steady-state comfort zone). The discussion following
normal working conditions. The subjects (N = 16 ; stud- the presentation of the results revealed some criticism
ent age ; M = 1.2met ; 101 =0.6 clo; v < 0.1 m s - 1 ) were which was acknowledged by the authors. Apparently,
Literature Review on Thermal Comfort 313

their acceptability criteria were less coarse than usual. al. [30]. From the results it may be concluded that slow
Due to the heat capacity of the building fabric, the mean temperature changes up to about 0.5 K h- 1 have no
radiant temperature swings were damped and delayed influence on the width of the comfort zone as established
when the air temperature cycled. For this reason the under steady-state conditions.
acceptable maximum rate of change and peak-to-peak Mcintyre and Griffiths [22] report no difference
amplitude of operative temperature will probably be between temperature changes of 0.5, I .0 and 1.5 K h- 1
lower than the values mentioned above. nor steady-state with respect to permissible deviations
There are a number of difficulties which should be from neutral temperature.
noted when comparing the results of the above men- Berglund and Gonzalez [27] found however that with
tioned experiments : faster rates of temperature change (i .e. 1.0 and 1.5 K
h - 1) the permissible deviation from neutral temperature
e The results are in fact subjective responses of a highly
was larger than was the case for the 0.5 K h- 1 tem-
complex system of which we most probably do not
perature change. This difference was more pronounced
yet know all the processes involved to the extent
for subjects wearing summer clothing (0.5 clo) than for
necessary for controlling all relevant parameters dur-
those wearing warmer clothing (0.7 or 0.9 clo). It should
ing experiments
be mentioned however that these authors used an unusual
e Usage of different semantic voting scales, both in type
assessment of acceptability. Instead of the more common
(i.e. directed towards acceptance (with words like
procedure of deriving acceptability indirectly from
acceptable and unacceptable), comfort, sensation or
comfort votes, a direct two point acceptability question
mixed) and appearance (e.g. 2, 7 or 9 point, and
was used. This resulted in a considerably wider ambient
discrete or continuous)
temperature zone where the acceptability of the subjects
e Differences in acceptability criteria (e.g. comfort
was 80% or higher when compared to the usual comfort
interval on a 7 point semantic comfort scale defined
zones. Also the acceptable zone was shifted somewhat to
as centre-point ± 1.0 vote as opposed to centre-point
the warm side, implying that a slightly warm environment
±0.5 votes) which is sometimes unavoidable because
is more acceptable than a slightly cool one.
of the scale differences
From their eight-hour-long experiments Berglund and
e Differences in conditions: subjects resting or per-
Gonzalez [28] concluded that a temperature ramp of 0.6
forming mental work, fluctuating dry bulb tem-
K h- 1 between 23 and 27°C was thermally acceptable to
perature or fluctuating operative temperature
more than 80% of the subjects (wearing summer cloth-
e Differences in subjects; our knowledge of the dis-
ing). This would imply an increased comfort zone. The
tribution ofthermoregulatory efficiency (and thus the
section on temperature drifts or ramps in the ASHRAE
time factor in discomfort) among people is still very
standard [7] states that" ... slow rates of operative tem-
limited and this can easily lead to sample errors.
perature change (approximately 0.6 K/h) during the occu-
Regardless of these differences all results seem to indicate pied period are acceptable provided the temperature during
that with cyclical fluctuating ambient temperatures the a drift or ramp does not extend beyond the comfort zone
bandwidth of acceptable temperatures decreases with by more than 0.6 K and for longer than one hour." This
increasing fluctuation frequency. This bandwidth seems statement is most probably based on these results. As
to be at its maximum in steady-state conditions. This can indicated above, the results are however based on a
be seen in Fig. 2 which comprises the major results of the different acceptability assessment from the usual ones.
experiments and indicates which fluctuation frequencies Furthermore, as Benzinger [13] points out, the results
were investigated. may have been influenced by the fact that man's ther-
The results suggest that there is a certain amplitude moregulatory set point is higher in the afternoon than in
threshold (at about l K) below which the influence of the morning; that is, our tolerance for heat increases
fluctuation frequency is negligible. At frequencies below during the day. In view of this, the ASHRAE standard
approximately 1.5 cycles h- 1 the maximum acceptable [7] should probably be restricted to acceptable changes
peak-to-peak amplitude increases with decreasing fre- during daytime and in upward direction only.
quency until the steady-state comfort bandwidth is From Nevins' [24] experiments with cyclical changes
reached. with average fluctuation rates of 19 K h- 1 it was con-
As shown in Fig. 2 the results seem to be quite cluded that fuere was no clear evidence of increased or
adequately described by ASHRAE's standard 55 [7] decreased comfort zones due to fluctuation of ambient
which states with regard to cycling temperature: "If the temperature. As pointed out by Mcintyre and Griffiths
peak variation in operative temperature exceeds 1.1 K the [22], the results of the experiments with about the same
rate of temperature change shall not exceed2.2 K/h. There average fluctuation rate by Wyon et al. [21] on the other
are no restrictions on the rate of temperature change if hand do seem to provide evidence of decreased acceptable
the peak-to-peak is l. l Kor less." The maximum rate of ranges due to fluctuation.
temperature change of about 2.2 K h- 1 can be regarded From experiments in the 1950s by Hensel (also ·
as conservative when compared with the experimental reported in [l l]) it became clear that when the human
results. skin is exposed to changing temperatures the difference
between neutral temperature and the temperature at
3.2. Other changes which warm or cold sensations occur (i.e. thermal sen-
Comfort experiments involving temperature drifts or sation threshold) decreases inversely with the rate at
ramps are reported by Mcintyre and Griffiths [22], Berg- which the temperature is changed. This thermal sensation
lund and Gonzalez [27, 28], Berglund [29] and Rohles et threshold depends also on the temperature to which the
I '

314 J. L. M. Hensen

'.•I 5.0
x Sprague et al. (experiments)
, '· Sprague et al. (expression)
o Wyon et al.
6 Nevins et al.
4.0 - o Rohles et al.
~~- ASHRAE Standard 55-1981

Peak to peak3 · O - ·
amplitude [K]
-. 2.0 -

0 a

' !(-
rr • 1.0 - ..
• , _-&---

. ...
. .. ....... .... . . .
............. .. . . . ........... . ... .... .

0.0 2.0 4. 0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Frequency [cycles/hour]
Fig. 2. Maidmurn acceptable peak-to-peak amplitudes of cyc.lical fluctu ating operati ve temperature as a
funct ion of cycle frequency for near-seden tary activity while wearing summer clothing (derived from
Sprague and McNall Jr (20),• Wyon (23], • Nevi ns et al. [24]. Rohl es et al. [26]. ASH RAE (7)t) .
• Operative temperatures estima ted from given dry bu.l b temperaLUres (see text).
t Value at 0.0 cycles 'b- 1 indicates width of steady-state comfort band.

skin is adapted when the change starts, on the direction comfort sooner than those with less effective thermo-
of change, on the exposed part of the body and on the regulatory systems. Our knowledge of the distribution of
area being exposed. The latter two factors have a con- thermoregulatory efficiency among people is still very
siderable influence on the intensity of temperature sen· limited."
sation as well. Although it cannot be proved, these The effect of the level of clothing insulation and activity
aspects may very well be partly the cause of the con- on man's thermal sensitivity during temperature changes
tradictory results and conclusions of the experiments dis· was investigated by Mcintyre and Gonzalez [33]. They
cussed above. The fact that there is a threshold for ther- exposed young college males who were either heavily
mal sensations, and that this threshold is affected by the clothed (1.1 clo) or almost nude and who were either
rate of temperature change, makes it likely that the same resting (1.1 met) or bicycling (2.3 met) to a 6 K step
is true for thermal comfort. This would be in support of change in air temperature. The temperatures were so
Fig. 2. chosen that the subjects started warmer than neutral and
Contradictory results are also found with respect to sex finished cooler than neutral. The experiments took place
differences. Wyon et al. [31}, using high-school pupils, in June and where partly replicated in August (after
found significant differences between the responses of summer heat acclimatization) to see whether there are
male and female subjects when exposed to changes in seasonal changes in thermal sensitivity. From the results
ambient temperature (about 4 K h- 1 ) . Males in general it was concluded that in general the change in whole body
feel hotter and react faster than females. Nevins et al. thermal sensation was affected by clothing, exercise and
[24}, using college age males and young and older female season. For resting subjects thermal sensitivity was not
office workers, reported that the females had significantly affected by clothing insulation or season. However the
higher warmth sensitivity than the male group. change in skin temperature following a change in air
An explanation for these and previously mentioned temperature was greater when unclothed than clothed.
contradictions may be related to the choice of subjects From this the authors concluded that change in mean
(i.e. sampling error). This can be deduced from the con- skin temperature is therefore not an adequate predictor
clusion of Stolwijk [32} who, after reviewing a con- of thermal sensation. For unclothed subjects thermal
siderable amount of research in this area, states : "Differ~ sensitivity was greater when resting than when exercising.
ences in effectiveness of the thermoregulatory system in The responses of clothed, exercising subjects interacted
different individuals will result in different dynamic comfort with season (e.g. they felt cooler in August).
responses to changing thermal environments: people with As indicated earlier, the effect of greater sensitivity
efficient thermoregulation will experience thermal dis· during rest than when performing mental work was also

Literature Review on Thermal Comfort 315

found with the cyclical temperature change experiments which are usually associated with those conditions; i.e.
by Wyon et al. [21]. That clothing insulation does not sedentary or slightly active persons, wearing normal
seem to have an effect on thermal sensitivity may be indoor clothing in an environment with low air move-
explained by the fact that in general various thermally ment ( < 0.15 m s- 1) at 50% relative humidity.
sensitive parts of the body (e.g. hand, neck, hands) are The experimental results related to cyclical fluctuating
uncovered. ambient temperatures are, although perhaps a little con-
Probably because of the minor influence of moderate servative, quite adequately described by ASHRAE's
humidities on thermal comfort and tbermal sensation, standard (7] which states with regard to cyclic changes:
there are only few experiments reported which investigate "If the peak variation in operative temperature exceeds
the effect of changing humidity. Four studies, those by 1.1 K the rate of temperature change shall not exceed 2.2
Gonzalez and Gagge [34] , Nevins et al. [24], Gonzalez K/h. There are no restrictions on the rate of temperature
and Berglund [35] and Stolwijk [32] all indicate that when change if the peak-to-peak is I. I K or less."
operative temperature is inside or near the comfort zone, With respect to tempera ture drifts or ramps, there is
fluctuations in relative humi.dity from 20 Lo 60% do not good experimental evidence that at rates of operative
have an appreciable effect on the thermal comfort of temperature change below 0.5 K h- 1, the environment is
sedentary or slightly active, normally clothed persons. experienced as in steady-state condhions. At rates
Relative humidity becomes more important when con- between 0.5 K h- 1 and 1.5 K h- 1 there is, apart from
ditions become warmer and thermoregulation depends experiments with uncommon acceptability assessment
more on evaporative heat loss. procedures, no clear evidence of increased or decreased
Regarding changing air velocities no references have comfort zones due to transient conditions. The para-
been found except of course those dealing with the effect graph in ASHRAE's standard [7] states that " ... slow
of air turbulence on sensation of draught. Velocity fluc- rates of operative temperature change (approximately 0.6
tuations due to turbulence are in general much faster K/h) dul'i11g the occupied period are acceptable provided
(ranging from 0.01 to 10 Hz) than ambient temperature the temperature during a drift or ramp does 1101 extend
fluctuations which generally can be measured in units of beyond the comfort zone by more than 0.6 Kand for longer
cycles h- 1• Fanger et al. (36] concluded that an air flow titan one hour", but this should probably be restricted
with high turbulence causes more complaints of draught to acceptable changes during daytime and in an upward
than air flow with low turbulence at the same mean direction only. No evidence was found why the limit for
velocity. As possible reasons for this were mentioned the cyclical changes (i.e. if the rate of temperature change
relation between convective heat transfer and turbulence exceeds 2.2 K h - 1 the peak variation shall not exceed 1.1
and the relation between the heat flux (or rate of tem- K) would not be valid for temperature drifts and ramps
perature change) as sensed by the skin thermoreceptors as well as for higher rates of change of operative tem-
and turbulence. perature.
Finally it is repeated that care must be taken in apply- From several experiments it was found that clothing
ing the above results. [n general many contradictory insulation has a negligible effect on thermal sensitivity
results have been found. These were most pronounced during temperature changes. This implies that the limits
with respect to rate of temperature change, sex difference stated above are valid for summer as well as winter con-
and age difference. The possible reasons are already indi- ditions.
cated in the previous sub-section. Regarding activity level, a greater sensitivity was gen-
erally found during rest than when performing mental
work. From this it follows that the above Limits may be
regarded as conservative in case oflighl sedentary activity
Our theoretical knowledge concerning tbermal com• in offices, homes, e~c. ' .
fort in transient conditions is still limited. At present, Provided operative temperature is inside the comfort
results of thermal comfort experiments seem to be the zone, humidity fluctuations, when relative humidity is in
only source of information on thermal acceptability in the range from 20 to 70%, do not seem to have an
changing environmental conditions. appreciable effect. Regarding changing air velocity, no
The present study is restricted to conditions charac- references were fourld except those dealing with the effect
teristic for homes, offices, etc. The (ollowing conclusions of increased draught complaints when air turbulence is
are supplementary to the steady-state comfort criteria higher.

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~ --- .. ~1-----·~~..........................~........lilllliilllil. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . ...

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