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Department of Education


for Junior High School


QUARTER 3 (Module 8)

LO 1. Apply Wellness Massage Techniques
1.8 Assist the client’s satisfactory response
Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other
tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every
page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the
lessons. Writing enhances learning, that is important to develop
and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!



At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Discuss client satisfaction in different services and products.
2. Write the importance of conducting client satisfaction.
3. Appreciate the importance of knowing customer satisfaction.


Directions: Read and analyze each question. Choose the letter of the best answer
and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The degree to which a product or service meets a customer's expectations is
known as
a. customer loyalty c. consumer affiliation
b. rate of return d. customer satisfaction

2. If you are trying to learn whether a customer is satisfied with the construction
of a product, which of the following factors are being observed?
a. quality of the products c. price of the products
b. quality of the service provided d. Value of the products
3. How will a business be able to find out if the customers they are serving are
satisfied with the services or products they offered?
a. Conduct a customer satisfaction survey
b. Interview each customer individually
c. Call the customer at home the night they've purchased the product
d. Conduct a yearlong case study

4. It is important for Salon/Spa owner to be coaches and mentors to their staff?

And if so how regularly should they be with them?
a. Every quarter c. Every year
b. Every month d. Every six months

5. A person approaches you and tells you of the many complaints he has about
your massage section. In handling the situation, what will you do first?
a. Assume that he is just blowing off steam and ignore his complaints
b. check into the legitimacy of the complaints
c. Ask for advice from your supervisor on the best way to handle the person.
d. Regard the complaints as accurate and take immediate steps to correct

6. You are taking a telephone message for a co-worker who is not

in the spa when you receive the call. Below are the following that you need to
do. Which of the following is considered the LEAST priority to take?
a. Length of the call. c. Name of the caller
b. Time of the call d. Telephone number of the caller
7. As an administrative assistant, you have been training Mrs. Warner, who is
not directly under your supervision. However, while assisting a client she
seems unable to serve the customer well and no one to help her because
her immediate supervisor is not around. How will you help her?
a. Ignore her and continue to assist the client
b. Get on the phone and request assistance from a department
a. Say, "Now Mrs. Warmer, I said I'd be with you as soon as I could. Now
please let me finish.
b. Ask another employee to help the client while you escort Mrs. Warner to a
room away from the public area.

8. Your boss is assisting a client. The client request for a contact person who can
provide essential information that she needs. You overhead that your boss gave
a name. However, you know that the name and contact details he gave is no
longer the right person to reach out. What is the best action you should do?
a. Do not get involved in the situation
b. Quickly take your boss aside and provide the correct name
c. Wait until the client leaves, and then provide your boss with the correct
d. give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was
not aware of a different person being responsible to provide the
9. While providing service to a client, he is telling you a story that is too long to
its ending. How will you handle the situation?
a. I will let him/her finish the story, without interrupting
b. I will let him/her finish the story without interrupting but can't help
glancing at my watch.
c. I will ask him/her to get to the point of the story.
d. I will interrupt him/her by asking, "Does this story have a point?
10. What is the proper way of conversing to the client who is identified to have
a low level of education and known for her less extensive vocabulary?
[ a. I will brush them off - I just wouldn't have the patience to carry on
b. I will become very impatient and it's probably obvious
c. I will become impatient and it may show
d. I will adjust may speech to their level


Open-Ended Statement

Directions: Complete the open-ended statements below with your perception,

opinion on the policies and standards of the workplace. (10 points)

Topic : Policies and Standards of the workplace

Before I learn the topic, I thought that


But now,________________________________________________________
then I can ________________________________________________________



Client Responses Assessing your client’s satisfaction with all aspects of the
Wellness Massage services, you provide valuable input to guide modifications and
improvement in service delivery. The tool specifically develop for this growing
sector/industry provides some background on why it is important to collect client
satisfaction feedback. Furthermore, this tool discuss the timing, frequency, and options
for data collection. Additionally, the tool describes how to analyze and use client
satisfaction results to plan improvements in client services.
Why Conduct Client Satisfaction Assessments?
Conducting client satisfaction activities can help you to:

A. Identify opportunities for service improvements.

B. Identify what the clients wants as opposed to what you or your staff think they
want, and
C. Provide feedback to service delivery staff, management, and others about
program effectiveness.

Steps in the Process In order to carryout successful client satisfaction activities, the
following steps should be completed:
1. Decide what you want to look at and learn. Research shows there are six basic
areas of most concern to clients. Those areas are: Amenities, People Skills,
Environment, Medical Expertise, Affordability, and Systems.
2. Choose which method you want to use to collect information from clients
about their satisfaction with your services.
3. Select who will be involved in collecting information from clients and prepare
them for that role.
4. Interpret the data you obtain from clients so you can use it to improve services.
5. Share the results with staff and get them involved in planning improvements.

Measuring Client Satisfaction and Why It’s so Important?
Measuring customer satisfaction is vital for growth in any organization, it provides
insights into what works and offers opportunities for optimization. Customer
satisfaction is essential for improving loyalty rate, reducing costs and retaining your
How Do You Measure Customer Experience in your Organization?
1. The Relationship level is defined as the lifetime experience that customers have
with your brand. The Relationship level helps to determine how loyal customers
are to your brand and what the future will entail with them.
2. The Touchpoint level provides visibility into specific, and discrete interactions
that your organization has with your customers. Examples of these interaction
types include chatting with an agent online to resolve an issue, adding a new
feature to your service over the phone or servicing a product at a retail store.
3. The Customer Journey level is defined as the set of interactions required to
accomplish a customer task or goal. A typical customer journey will usually
require interactions across multiple channels. Practical examples include the
steps taken to get a new credit card or upgrade your mobile phone.


Directions: Look for clients and provide services. Conduct the Client
Satisfaction Assessment after. They will rate your performance using the scale

Name: _____________ Gender: ____________ Age: ________________

5pts 4pts 3pts

Excellent Good Needs
1. Massage therapist appearance
a. The therapist wear clean garment
b. Therapist has short hair or neatly tied
c. Has short nails
2. Communication
a. Instructions are being given from time to time
b. My queries were all answered well
3. Preparing clients for body massage
a. A short interview was carried out
b. A short orientation was done
4. Massage technique
a. I feel secure during the session
b. use of oils and other essences were used
c. Pressure in every strokes suits to my need

Overall Rating ____________

Directions: Write three sentences answering each question. Write your answer
inside the box.
1.Would you recommend us to a friend or family member?


2. Did our products /services meet your expectations?


3. How would you explain our products /services to a

friend,family and colleague?



Measuring customer satisfaction is vital for growth in any organization, it provides

insights into what works and offers opportunities for optimization. Customer
satisfaction is essential for improving loyalty rate, reducing costs, and retaining your
Customers will become your biggest promoters; there’s no denying that.
However, how can you ensure every single customer is more than happy with your
products or services?


Directions: 1-5. Write a five-sentence paragraph describing the phrase Assist client
satisfaction. Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task.



Directions: Read and analyze each question. Choose the letter of the best answer
and write it on a separate sheet of paper

1. Your boss is assisting a client. The client requests for a contact person who
can provide essential information that she needs. You overheard that your
boss gave a name. However, you know that the name and contact details
he gave is no longer the right person to reach out. What is the best action
that you should do?
a. Do not get involved in the situation.
b. Quickly take your boss aside and provide the correct name
c. Wait until the client leaves, and then provide your boss with the correct
d. Give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was
not aware of a different person being responsible to provide the
2. While providing service to a client, he is telling you a story that is too long
to its ending. How will you handle the situation?
a. I will let him/her finish the story, without interrupting
b. I will let him/her finish the story without interrupting but can't help
glancing at my watch.
c. I will ask him/her to get to the point of the story.
d. I will interrupt him/her by asking, "Does this story have a point?
3. What is the proper way of conversing to the client who is identified to have
a low level of education and known for her less extensive vocabulary?
a. I will brush them off, I just wouldn't have the patience to carry on
b. I will become very impatient and it's probably obvious
c. I will become impatient and it may show
d. I will adjust my speech to their level
4. The degree to which a product or service meets a customer’s expectations
is called___
a. customer loyalty c. consumer affiliation
b. rate of return d. customer satisfaction
5. If you are trying to learn whether a customer is satisfied with the
construction of a product, what are the factors that you are examining?
a. quality of the products c. price of the products
b. quality of the service provided d. value of the products

6. How will a business be able to find out if its customers are satisfied with
its services or products?
a. Conduct a customer satisfaction survey
b. Interview each customer individually
c. Call the customer at home the night they've purchased the product
d. Conduct a yearlong case study
7. It is important for Salon/Spa owner to be coaches and mentors to their
staff? and if so how regularly should they be with them?
a. Every quarter c. Every year
b. Every month d. Every six months
8. A person approaches you and tells you of the many complaints he has
about your massage section. In handling the situation, what will you
do first?
a. Assume that he is just blowing off steam and ignore his complaints
b. check into the legitimacy of the complaints
c. Ask for advice from your supervisor on the best way to handle the person.
d. Regard the complaints as accurate and take immediate steps to correct
9. You are taking a telephone message for a co-worker who is not
in the spa when you receive the call. Below are the following that you need to
do. Which of the following is considered the LEAST priority to take?
a. Length of the call. c. Name of the caller
b. Time of the call d. Telephone number of the caller
10. As an administrative assistant, you have been training Mrs. Warner, who
is not directly under your supervision. However, while assisting a client she
seems unable to serve the customer well and no one to help her because
her immediate supervisor is not around. How will you help her?
a. ignore her and continue to assist the client
b. Get on the phone and request assistance from a department
c. Say, "Now Mrs. Warner, I said I'd be with you as soon as I could. Now
please let me finish.
d. Ask another employee to help the client while you escort Mrs. Warner to
a room away from the public area.
10.D 10.D
9.A 9.A
8.D 8.B
7.D 7.D
6.A 6.B
4.D 3.D
3.B 2.A
2.A 1.D


K-12 Basic Education Program, DEPED Learning Module Technology and livelihood
Education Home Economics. n.d. Wellness Massage Grade 10 pp. 102 /

Date January 17, 2021

Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Why Its so Important? Revised from
Date Jan. 11,2021

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Jessica A. Afable

Layout Artist: Grace R. Nieves
Content Editors: Karen M. Booc
Language Editor: Martin O. De Leon Jr.
Management Team: Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director – NCR
Alejandro G. Ibañez,CESO VI, OIC- Schools Division Superintendent
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief – NCR
Loida O. Balasa, CID Chief SDO Navotas City
James A. Roldan, EPP-TLE-TVL – NCR
Dennis M. Mendoza, LR EPS - NCR
Grace R. Nieves, LR/EPP-TLE-TVL, EPS SDO Navotas City
Nancy C. Mabunga, Librarian – NCR
Vergel Junior C. Eusebio, PDO II LRMS
Shirley Eva Marie V. Mangaluz, Librarian II LRMS

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