Silva Logo Brand Guidelines_New

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Corporate Brand Marks/Logo Horizontal * Preferred

This is the corporate brand mark for Silva,
Silva Screenprinting, The Silva Way and all
associated entities around the globe. The size,
proportion and spacing of the corporate brand
Other Department mark have been specifically set, so please make
Secondary Type sure to always display them correctly.
Logo Mark Logo Type Secondary Text may only be color
#414042 or #000030 (preferred)
Corporate Brand Mark/Logo You may only use Corporate Brand Mark/
Logo specified in this document

Corporate Brand Marks/Logo Vertical Corporate Brand Marks: Logo Mark Spacing

Logo Mark spacing is specified as below

Horizontal: an A width away from Logo Type
Logo Mark
Vertical: an A height away from Logo Type

Secondary Type

Logo Type
Corporate Brand Mark/Logo
Required Spacing
Both Horizontal and Vertical logos are approved
for all print, publication, and web usage.

Corporate Brand Marks : Logo Mark Options

The logo mark is approved as a stand-alone for specific Web,
Apparel and Marketing purposes only. All primary and secondary
Logo Mark colors are approved for stand-alone Logo Mark usage, with Silva
Green as the preferred color.

Preference is given to the full Corporate Brand Mark/Logo.


Helvetica Neue Family Helvetica Neue Light Helvetica Neue and Myriad are our primary
Helvetical Neue * Secondary Text typeface for all corporate usage.

Helvetica Neue Light is approved for

Myriad Family Alternative Typefaces
Secondary text only. If these fonts are
 Arial Family unavailable or cannot be used, please use
Futura Medium a similar Sans typeface like Arial or Futura.
Corporate Brand Colors

Primary Colors Secondary Colors The Silva brand consists of 4 primary colors and
2 secondary colors. When using the brand
* colors please start with Silva Green as the
preferred choice. Any of the colors can be used
in combination with the logo mark and logo Type
with preference to the primary colors.

Preferred Secondary

Project Text

Secondary Department

Corporate Brand Marks : Color Usage option, applies to horizontal or vertical logo

Acceptable Color option, dark or colored background can use Unacceptable: Non-brand
any combination of Primary colors as long as it is visible. colors, multi-tone colors,thinner
Preference is always given to the Primary Green color or thicker weight, outlines

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