Unit 2 guide Part B

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Rainham School for Girls


Unit 2
Creating Systems to manage information

Guide to completing the activities

Part B
Registration Number:
Candidate Number:
Page 2
Part B - 2 hours

Activity Length

Activity 6 Forms and Macros 1 hr 10 minutes Page 5

Activity 7 Interface testing 20 minutes Page 51
Activity 8 Interface evaluation 20 minutes Page 57

Skills summary Page 59

Walkthroughs of previous papers Page 60
Marking grids Page 61
Taking a screenshot and saving a PDF Page 63
Reference Library of key terms and top tips. Page 65

Remember the ICT subject website:


And the YouTube Playlist of all the unit 2 videos:


Page 3
Key things before we begin

● Part B uses different files to part A. You do not need your part A work in the part B
exam, and you will not have access to it.
● Use the database provided for part B which will have a different scenario.

Page 4
Activity 6 - Forms and Macros

For part B you will be provided with a database, there will be two databases in your folder,
however they are both the same and you will just need to open one. If one type of file cannot
open, try the other one.

You should enable content and macros if required.

You will be presented with a database containing tables and relationships. It is worth
checking the relationships are in place, by clicking the relationships icon in the database
tools part of the ribbon.

Page 5
On your exam paper you will also be presented with a scenario, this is different from part A,
so read the scenario carefully and highlight the key points.

It is worth setting your navigation pane to show all objects, instead of the default of just
tables. This will allow you to see any forms you may create.

Page 6
Activity 6 requires you to add forms to the database, to create a form you can use the form

The naming convention to save a form will always be frm_

If you are required to add a combo box it will be cbo_

Walk through of completing a form

You will be given two forms to create in activity 6

One is straightforward, one more complex. Whilst the complex one is designed to extend
distinction students completing part of it will award you marks at a pass or merit level, so
even if you cannot complete it, always upload what you did do as this may award you marks.

The simple one will almost certainly contain certain common themes; presence, range, a
save button, the need for data to be entered and a requirement for error messages.

Watch this video to see a walkthrough of creating a form using the gardeners database.


In this case you are being asked to

Page 7
An interface to facilitate database input is a form by which you can add a gardener to the

You have a list of fields to include, some requirements, and some validation rules to include.

Fields I can see immediately I need to include:

Skill level
Expert ID

Other fields required and the clues to them

‘Valid data should be appended to the gardener table’

When I look at the gardener table I can see there is other information that I need

Other requirements for this form

A combo box is needed to select an expert ID

The surname must be present, therefore I must include a validation rule.
A skill level must be in the required range, from looking at the scenario I can see this is
between 1 and 5.
A save message is required.
An error message must be given if invalid data is used.

Useful questions to ask yourself for this activity are

1. What tables do I need?

2. What data must I include?
3. What validation rules are needed?
4. Are any specific formats required?
5. Are any ranges required?
6. Are any messages required?
7. Do I need to allow the form to save data?

Page 8
Creating a form using the form wizard

Select the form wizard button

The wizard allows you to select tables

In this case we have worked out we need tbl_gardener, and we are using all of the fields, so
we use the double arrow to select all the fields.

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We then select next and columnar

We select next and add a title to our form, remembering the naming convention frm_____

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We are then presented with our form

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In the bottom right corner we can toggle between design view and form view, similar to
tables and reports.

Remember in this activity we are marked on presentation and design so we need to ensure
that the fields the user will see are in plain English and the title for the form is clear.

I give my form a new name

You can also amend colours and styles in the property sheet, this could be useful if any
fields or information need to be made particularly clear.

You can always come back to this at the end of the activity, so we will now look at
customising our form to meet the needs of our scenario and activity.

At present you can only see information, you cannot add information, which is a requirement
of the activity, so we need to include that in our form.

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To allow data entry, we open the property sheet for the form, and change data entry to yes

To check this, put the form into form view and it should come up with no information, just
new. This is data entry mode.

Page 13
As we have met our first requirement of allowing data entry, we can now adapt out form to
meet the other requirements:

The surname must be present, therefore I must include a validation rule.

Similar to a table we can set up a validation rule, using ‘is not null’

To add a validation rule to a field, either click on the field or select it from the dropdown
menu in the property sheet.

Remember to include a clear and polite validation text.

To make sure it is clear to the user that a surname is required I can additionally add a label
with the word required. I can score marks here by having it in a clearer colour.

You can amend the colour of text, or backgrounds or borders by clicking the three dots on
the right side of the menu and selecting your chosen colour.

Page 14
Having changed the colour of the border and the font my textbook now looks like this, in both
design view and form view.

Top tip: Remember to do this as a label, not a textbox, as a textbox won’t show in report

Page 15
Adding combo boxes

A combo box is a drop down menu forcing you to choose from predetermined options.

The naming convention for a combo box is cbo_

It is likely you will need to add a combo box, either because you have been instructed to, or
because it will meet one of the requirements for data entry. In this case, two of the

● A combo box is needed to select an expert ID

● A skill level must be in the required range, from looking at the scenario I can see this
is between 1 and 5.

From the ribbon you can select ‘combo box’ using this icon:

In this we are creating our own combo box for skill level, so we select that we will type in the
values that we want.

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We then add our data, in this case we need 1 column which shows the values from 1 to 5

As we are using this for the skill level, we need to link it to the skill level field, by storing the
values in that field.

We follow our naming convention of cbo_ for a combo box to give the combo box a name

Page 17
The combo box now appears, you can delete the label, and make sure the combo box is
next to the required field. In design view it will look like this.

And in form view like this, you should test it to see if it shows the correct boxes.

We will now repeat this process for ExpertID and GardenertypeID, however in this case we
are taking information from another table, therefore you want the combo box to take values
from another table.

Page 18
You select the table you require the information from, then the field, in this case it is the
expertID field and the expertsurname field from tblexpert.We include the surname too as this
will make the form easier to use, which is an aspect you are marked on.

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Whilst we want the database to use the expertID we only want the inputter to select from a
name, so when prompted we select ‘hide key column’.

We then complete the wizard as before, in this case storing it against expertID.

Adding a macro

It is almost guaranteed that you will need to add a save button to your form, so that any
additional data entered is saved to the form.

The save button is an example of a macro. A macro is a tool that allows you to automate
tasks and add functionality to your forms, reports, and controls.

If you can only complete part of the macro then you should still upload your work, as this is
likely to score you marks at a pass level, and will count towards your overall mark, as you
can be placed in Mark Band 1.

Firstly you must make sure you have space for the macro button, if required, drag down the
bottom of the detail section, make sure it is detail and not form footer.

Page 20
From the design ribbon we add a button, shown by this icon and drag it
into the space at the bottom, the button wizard opens, but cancel this.

Instead, right click the button and choose build event.

From the build event box, select macro builder, a new screen will open, the macro builder.

Page 21
At first the macro builder will largely be blank, we will add a series of commands to it to
enable the save button to work. Whilst this may seem complex, being able to master this will
give you marks towards the merit and distinction levels, so is worth practising.

Page 22
When you click on the add action drop down, you are presented
with a large number of options, you are not requiring all of these
for your save button.

The key ones you need are:

● If
● Run menu command
● Save record
● Go to record
● Requery

Other key commands you need to understand and use are

● Else if
● Else
● Then

Using an if statement is very similar to how you have already used it in access or if you have
used it in excel. You will also be using commands such as Then and End.

In this case we want our if command to work a little like a validation rule, for clarity, this is
best shown here as a flow chart, but you won’t need to include this.

We can use the macro command to replicate all

of the stages from this diagram, and this is
done using statements and commands to
instruct the macro how to proceed.

Page 23
We will now look at how to build this macro stage by stage

Firstly add an If statement that if the surname field is null (empty) then send a message
saying the surname is a required field, and that the user has made an error.

We select IF from the drop down menu, then when we start

typing ‘Isnull’ we should be able to select this as an option,
this also gives us the opening bracket, we then add our field
in a square bracket [Surname].

The next command we need to give is that if the surname is

null then we give the user a message telling them to add the

From the add new action box

under the If statement we can
select ‘message box’ which allows
us to send a message to the user,
and can prevent them from

We now add our message and leave the other boxes

alone, your message box should look like this.

Page 24
From the right hand side of the screen we can add an else if command, to allow us to
proceed to the next If statement that we need for the skills level.

We then add a second add an else

command and select
RunMenuCommand the command we
input into that box is SaveRecord.

The record will now save, but to score

high marks we can inform the user
that their record has been saved. We
can do this through a new message

From the add new action box we select the message

box and show a message that the gardeners details
have been saved.

The message box should look

something like this.

Whilst the data entry is completed we

will need to tell the form to return the
database to data view so we can add
a new gardener if required.

We now select the End If box and select Go

To Record.

Page 25
In the box record, we must select new
so that the form returns to where a new
record can be entered from a blank

The completed box should read like this.

Finally save your form.

Before proceeding to the next form, you should

quickly test this form to ensure that it works as you
expect it too.

You should now watch this video (it begins 12:45 in)
to see the testing process you should follow and an
additional task if you now wish to remove the
validation rules.


Page 26
If you have not already done so, in design view rename your button to save, check the
form title and tidy up the form design as this will cost you marks. You may need to
tidy up the text boxes and labels in particular. You can add replacement labels for
where you created the combo boxes.

Design view

Form view

Page 27
In the exam, even if you have not been able to remember how to complete the macro
successfully, you should still upload screenshots of what you have done as this
could score marks as the pass end of the mark scheme.

Your screenprints must show:

• the DESIGN view and FORM view of all the forms you have created
• the DESIGN view of any queries you have created and used with the forms including
fields and criteria
• the DATASHEET view of any queries you have created and used with the forms
• details of any calculations, validation and macros/code you have created and used
with the forms.

Part B - Complex forms using queries

The second form you need to complete will have a series of conditions of things that must
not be included. Take this example.

These requirements can be met by including a query.

This requirement can be achieved by adding an IIf statement

Page 28
The combo box requirements are met by adding a combo box at the appropriate point.

In this case we begin with a blank form using the form design icon, we do this before the
query, as we wish to use the form within our query.

Making sure you are in design view, a blank form will look like this.

We will now start building our form, we use our options from the design ribbon to help
construct these sections of the form. In this case we are using these options

● Label (for the title of the form)

● Textbox (for the various data entry fields
● Combo Box (for the areas identified in the task that are required to be combo boxes)

Our completed form looks like this, annotations have been added to show which design
option is used for each section.

Page 29
When we create a combo box we must follow a naming convention, and the combo box
does not automatically do this, so in the property sheet for the combo box we must select the
all tab, then rename the combo box with naming convention cbo_

Review grade is cbo review Gardener name is cbo_gardener

The control source is where you get the information from, and what information
displays. This is either the table you are getting the information from, or you can enter
the information yourself by using the wizard.

In these two combo boxes we have different control sources. This will also cover the two
ways of creating a combo box.

Page 30
cbo_gardener is going to use a control source, in this case we need to select which row we
use as control source.

By clicking on the three dots which appear at the end of the box we can select which fields
we need, in this case it is the gardeners surname and the gardeners ID.

In this case surname and ID have

been selected, the surname has
been moved first as this is the
information we wish the person who
is entering the data to see, rather
than the GardenerID.

The bound column is the column in

which the information will be linked

We set this to column 2 as this is

the ID, which is unique to each
gardener, the surname may not be
unique, so this wasn’t chosen.

Save your form with the naming convention frm_ in this case we are saving it as

Even though the form is not finished, as it is saved, we can start the query.

In this activity you make a query in exactly the same way as you did in activity 3. The tables
you would choose from are in the database you downloaded.

Page 31
Remember you cannot add any additional tables or validation to the database, you
can create new headings in the query and manipulate the data there.

When designing the query the questions are very similar to the questions you used in the
part A exam activity 3:

● What tables?
● What fields?
● What type of query? (Either Criteria, Wild Card, or parameter)
● What criteria are required?
● What calculations are needed?
● What sorts are needed?
● What is my output? What do I want to see at the end?

The answers to these questions would be as follows:

● What tables? tblgardener and tblreview

● What fields? GardenerID, ReviewDate, ReviewGrade, you need to create
most recent review, number of reviews and Best Grade fields
● What type of query? (Either Criteria, Wild Card, or parameter) Criteria
● What criteria are required? The only criteria is that the query will only
work on the gardener who has been chosen in the form. The
requirements of the form is that the gardener is selected through a
combo box which we created in the form.
● What calculations are needed? None, although you need to include totals,
the most recent review date is max, the number of reviews is count, the
best grade is min
● What sorts are needed? None
● What is my output? What do I want to see at the end? The output will be
titles of the four headings, and the data will only be filled in the query
when certain criteria are requested from the form, in the form we will see
the relevant information for the gardener that we have selected.

Page 32
Your completed query will look like this

The most recent review, number of reviews and best grade all come from the review
table, we also use the totals button to allow us to calculate the information we
require. In this case we use, max, count and min as well as the default groupby.

The criteria is filled out as follows, and the various parts of the criteria are annotated.

Once you have completed your query you can return to your form.

Page 33
In these textboxes you are taking information from one field and adding them to the form. In
this case most of them come from the query, which has been saved as qry_form.

We are using =Dlookup, also called domain lookup, this allows you to take the value
from a particular field, and use it within another field. Your statement must be set out
in the following format.

If we ever need to use the current date, we use the statement date() which takes the date
from the system time on the computer.

In this case we also need to add an if statement to meet this requirement. The use of if in the
requirement should suggest an if statement is required.

Page 34
Our if statement reads as follows:

Each section means this

When we have completed all the fields we look at form view

Page 35
You should now run a quick test to ensure that all the information is contained in the
design view and that the if statement works as expected.

You will revisit testing in activity 7 so that is when you should take the screenshots
you require for the test.

These are examples of a successful form, in the first one the review is a one so the
final box remains blank, whilst in the second one the “arrange monthly meeting”
statement is generated as the review grade is a 3.

Page 36
Forms with calculations but no queries

You may be required to perform calculations directly within your form. Take this example
from June 2023..

The form will be expected to perform a number of calculations based on the information that
the user inputs into it.

A video which explains how this form is put together can be seen at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BA10ic5QtA although the presenter sets out the form
slightly differently the use of calculations and text boxes in the same.

The process of creating the form is the same as the previous example, you should start in
design view with a blank form then begin adding labels and textboxes. Remember to add a
form header with a suitable title, and to add the main information in the detail section.

Page 37
You begin by adding the required information that should display when the form opens.

To ensure you bring across the correct information you should select add existing fields from
the design part of the ribbon. You should select the fields that you need to show the relevant
information required. When you double click a field it will automatically create a label and
textbook for that field.

Page 38
Once you have added the relevant fields, in design view it will look like this:

In the property sheet, remember to change the appropriate boxes to currency, you will also
need to do this with some of the other boxes we create.

We can now begin adding the fields that we require to perform calculations.

A simple calculation would be

To achieve this we add a simple textbox, and replace unbound with the calculation we
require, in this case it is adding 1 to the current highest year ID field. We show the year ID in
square brackets then add 1 to it.

We can now look at the remaining information we need to add and the calculations required.

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These points can be addressed by creating boxes that the user can add the information to

We only require simple textboxes with labels correctly named. We leave them unbound so
that we can add information to them as required.

In the

We can now look at adding the remaining calculations to the form.

In order to calculate the new basic site fee we will use this calculation:

Basic site fee + site fee increase = New Basic Site Fee

Our textbox for the new Basic Site Fee must make this calculation. In order to carry this out
we need to know the name of the fields we wish to add. To find this out, select the relevant
textbox, not the label, and open the property sheet and under the all tab see the name.

The basic site fee is shown as BasicSiteFee

Page 40
The basic site fee increase is shown as Text10, if you rename this you are likely to score
higher marks, if you don’t you are likely to be placed at the bottom of the band. To rename it
just click on the name under the all tab and choose a more suitable name.

It originally shows as this:

In this case we can rename it to BSFincrease.

Therefore our calculation now reads as

Basic site fee + BSF increase = New Basic Site Fee

By adding suitable square brackets this is what we shown in the textbox for the New Basic
Site Fee

Remember to adjust any formats to currency in the property sheet.

Page 41
Next we can move onto this point, this is not a calculation but will form part of a subsequent

For this we need to refer back to the scenario to find out the information required here, the
scenario tells us:

Therefore we create a combo box, this was covered in the section on forms that require a
query, however to recap.

We select the combo box from the ribbon

Page 42
And drag the combo box to the correct location

This automatically opens the combo box wizard.

The information is coming from another table, having looked at the other tables we can the
information is coming from tbl_position. Remember that the combo box should only show the
position, not the fee uplift.

We select all three fields from this table

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We click through the following screen

And the key column is automatically hidden, leaving us with the position name, which is what
we require.

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We need the value remembered and we choose a suitable name, in this case, position.

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From the property sheet we need to make some small adjustments, firstly so that we only
see the pitch name we change the column count from 3 to 2, this now only reads the second
column, which is the position name, as we have hidden the key column already.

If not already done so we rename the combo box using our naming convention cbo_

In design view the combo box looks like:

And in form view we see.

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We have a number of calculations remaining to complete.

We can create these three calculations and show them in individual text boxes. We shall call

● Yearly site fee adjustment %

● New site fee
● Total fees

To calculate the yearly site fee adjustment % we only need to use the combo box, as we had
already included the percentage fee increase here, and the name of the textbox is the same
as the field we want to include.

We do need to change the format to percentage, which we can do once again in the
property sheet.

Page 47
To calculate the new site fee, our calculation should be

New site fee = New Basic Site fee x ( (1 + Position Adjustment) ÷ 100 )

To show this in our database calculation we would present it like this


Page 48
To calculate the Total fees we need to calculate

Total fees = New council fee+ New Site Fee

To show this in our database calculation we would present it like this

=[Text12]+[New Site Fee]

Page 49
To summarise your completed form should look like this in terms of information contained
within the textboxes in design view and form view.

A completed form looks like this in form view.

Remember at the end to tidy up the form, and ensure anything that needs to be shown as
currency is in the correct format, this could be the format of the number or text.

Page 50
Activity 7 - Interface Testing


● Read all of the tests, and be clear about what you need to show
● Complete all of the tests
● Complete the table with screenshots, make sure these show the table and the
error message.
● Do not just write ‘error message’ as an answer, explain what the error
message should show.
● Do not copy the wording of the test from the question paper to your sheet, you
need to demonstrate that you understand the test.
● You are not required to add a column showing the ‘type of test’ (N: Normal, R:
Erroneous, or X: Extreme)
● Complete all the boxes required, if you feel nothing needs to be added in a
box write ‘null’ or ‘blank’

Read the tests

When you read the tests in activity 7, annotate the question paper with the data you
will need, this could also include the table that you need to use.

The tests will cover a range of areas, often related to the requirements of the
database which were set out in earlier activities.

When conducting the tests, you will need to try to add new data to the table if the

Page 51
question is about adding new fields and records.

For this test we will not need to add any data to the form.

What we will need is to show we have created a form that data can be directly
entered onto from the point where the form is open.

Therefore the test data we require is a blank form.

Our expected results is that the gardener ID will be set to new, and the skill level will
be set to 1, which are the default values the form always opens with. The other
sections will be blank and data can be entered into them.

We can evidence this with a screenshot of the form in form view.

For this test we will need to use certain data

This is a range check, therefore we would expect to see an error message when we
try and enter a value that is above the top of the range. We need to ensure that the
other data that enter into the form is correct, however the skill level needs to be six.

If the test is successful we would see an error message and we would be unable to
proceed with saving the form.

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We can evidence this with a screenshot of the relevant information, it is vital that we
show that we have the error message and the incorrect skill level in the same

Completing the testing form

This is how a blank form looks:

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The form is completed in the same way as the testing form in activity 4 in part A.

This is how the form should be completed:

Test 5 is another example of where you need to try and include some data correctly
and some incorrectly and evidence this through a screen shot.

This is an excellent detailed example of what the test sheet should look like:

Page 54
This is a less good example, note how little information is included, particularly in the
add screenprints box, where it is unclear which tables or fields have been used, and
then admits the test doesn’t work, but does nothing about it:

At the end, delete any used rows on your table

To consolidate your knowledge watch this video (it refers to ‘type of test’, but ignore
that column). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkzay8fxo7o

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Types of test

These are the types of test you are likely to be carrying out:

Test Expectation of the test

The form being ready to Any default values will be present on the form, but the rest
accept data. of the form will be empty and ready to accept data.

The form will save if all You would expect to see evidence of all fields being
data is valid correctly filled out and that the form will save with a save
message and then return to an empty form ready for the
next record.

Presence checks You would expect to see an error message, and be unable
to proceed, if no data was entered in a cell, when it is
compulsory to enter data in that cell.

Format checks You would expect to see an error message if the data
entered was in an incorrect format. The error message
should also indicate what the expected format is.

Range checks You would expect to see an error message, and be unable
to save, if the data you put in was outside of the permitted

Calculations Calculations are displayed in the design view and work

correctly in form view.

Default values are present Certain information pre-populates the form and can be
shown through a form view screenshot.

Your completed test log should be saved as a PDF, do not just upload the RTF
file you wrote on.

Common Mistakes

Avoid these mistakes at all costs, they seem minor, but will cost you marks as you
are not demonstrating correct procedures.

● Not using the correct test data.

● Not testing the thing you were required to test, the exam board describe this
as ‘a waste of time’.
● Screenprints are incorrect or cannot be read.
● The error messages cover part of the test data.
● Not saving the completed file as a PDF.
● Not proofreading your PDF file to check it looks as you expected it to look.

Page 56
Activity 8 - Interface evaluation

In this section you will need to evaluate aspects of your form structure and usability..

You are evaluating how usable your forms are for someone entering the data.
Not showcasing your knowledge as you were doing in activity 4.

If you have completed activity 7 correctly, this will be a straightforward activity for
you. The first question will almost certainly be to evaluate how well your form
ensures that:

● The form is ready for data entry when the form opens

Other questions that will almost certainly be included are likely to addres range
checks,presence checks, and macros, particularly the ability to save on your form.

The other points to evaluate will depend on the requirements of your forms but could

● Required calculations
● Automatic calculations
● Changes in displays once information has been input
● The use of combo boxes
● The use of if statements

Make lots of use of technical language throughout your evaluation

Points to remember:

● Make as much reference to ‘the user’ as you can, this shows you understand
how this evaluation is different to the activity 4 evaluation.
● You are also evaluating how usable your forms are for someone entering the
data. Not showcasing your knowledge as you were doing in activity 4.
● You are evaluating both the forms you have produced, although some items
will only be present in either the first or second form.
● You have set your form to accept data entry by changing the value in the
property sheet for your form.
● If you have used a query to achieve something you can include this within
your evaluation
● You have included calculations within the unbound section of your textboxes.

There is no need to evaluate anything that is not included in this task, or your
own performance. The examiner won’t care if you say that you found a task
hard or difficult.

Page 57
This is an example of an evaluation of the caravans database which scores good

The examiners comments were

And an example of the roses database that scored low marks

The examiners comments on this were

Page 58
Skills summary

Use this table to self evaluate your own skills for each activity. Your practice and
revision should focus on those skills that need work, but practise all the skills.

Activity Skill needing to be shown work
OK and

6 You can create forms using the information provided on the

exam paper.

You can create forms using the form wizard.

You can create forms using the blank form creator.

You can create macros, usually this will be the save button
to save a new record.

You can use the label and text box features.

You can create a combo box using the combo box feature

You can use the Dlookup feature

You can use naming conventions, for example


You can save appropriate screenshots as a PDF

7 You can test your structure, knowing what data to include,

and what to miss out, for each test

You can complete the testing worksheet correctly,

completing all necessary boxes.

You can delete all unnecessary rows

You can save your completed sheet as a PDF

8 You can explain and demonstrate how you made a

database ready to accept data.

You can explain and demonstrate how validation rules

assisted your database.

You can explain and demonstrate how dlookups and

combo boxes assisted your database.

You can explain and demonstrate how your database was

able to save data.

Walkthroughs of previous papers

Page 59
We have used a few previous papers in this guide, there are a number of videos
which walk you through a range of activities.

Exam series Topic for the Links to walk through video playlists
data in part B

2024 May

2024 Jan Gardeners https://www.youtube.com/watch?


2023 May Caravans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-


2023 Jan Football https://www.youtube.com/watch?


2022 May Machines https://www.youtube.com/watch?


2022 Jan College tests https://www.youtube.com/watch?


2021 May No exam: the covid years

2021 Jan Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Before 2020 the exam was in a slightly different format, so don’t take too much
from any videos which ask you to do things not in this booklet.

Page 60
Marking grids

Page 61
Page 62
Taking a screenshot and saving a PDF

The easiest way to take a screenshot is with the snipping tool.

Search snipping tool in the search bar,

and open the app

Select new snip

Select the area you want a screenshot off,

then copy this onto the template or
word document.

Page 63
You will need to save this as a PDF.

To do this in microsoft word, go to print,

then save a microsoft PDF.

Give your file a name and save it to

the relevant folder

Page 64
Reference library
● Bound column

the column of data whose values will be used

● Column count

The number of columns that will be used in a combo box

● Datasheet view

The view that allows you to enter data into a table

● Design view

The view that allows you to create and name columns and fields and to give them
values, input masks and validation rules.

● Dlookup

Allows you to take the value from a particular field, and use it within another field

● Field and record

Fields are in columns, records are in rows.

● Naming conventions

frm_ for form

qry_ for query
tbl_ for table
cbo_ for combo box

Always use an underscore between words

● Parenthesis

( ) is used around all calculations and where you are taking information from different
[ ] is used around the field name

Page 65
● Validation Rules

Operator Function Example

NOT Tests for converse values. Use NOT > 10 (the same as
before any comparison operator <=10).
except IS NOT NULL.

IN Tests for values equal to IN

existing members in a list. ("Tokyo","Paris","Moscow
Comparison value must be a ")
comma-separated list enclosed
in parentheses.

BETWEEN Tests for a range of values. You BETWEEN 100 AND

must use two comparison 1000 (the same as >=100
values — low and high — and AND <=1000)
you must separate those values
with the AND separator.

LIKE Matches pattern strings in Text LIKE "Geo*"

and Memo fields.

IS NOT NULL Forces users to enter values in IS NOT NULL

the field. This is the same as
setting the Required field
property to Yes. However, when
you enable the Required
property and a user fails to
enter a value, Access displays a
somewhat unfriendly error
message. Typically, your
database is easier to use if you
use IS NOT NULL and enter a
friendly message in the
Validation Text property.

AND Specifies that all parts of the >= #01/01/2007# AND

validation rule must be true. <=#03/06/2008#

Note: You can also use

AND to combine
validation rules. For
example: NOT "UK" AND
LIKE "U*".

Page 66
OR Specifies that some but not all January OR February
parts of the validation rule must
be true.

< Less than.

<= Less than or equal to.

> Greater than.

>= Greater than or equal to.

= Equal to.

<> Not equal to.

● Validation Text

Always add some polite text to instruct the user what they should do if the validation
rule is not followed.

Page 67

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