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Rainham School for Girls


Unit 2
Creating Systems to manage information

Guide to completing the activities

Part A
Registration Number:
Candidate Number:
Page 2
Part A - 3 hours

Activity Length

Activity 1 Database Relationships Screenprint 45 minutes Page 6

Activity 2 Table Structures and validation 45 minutes Page 12
Activity 3 Queries and reports 40 minutes Page 22
Activity 4 Structure testing 20 minutes Page 35
Activity 5 Structure evaluation 20 minutes Page 40

Skills summary Page 42

Walkthroughs of previous papers Page 43
Marking grids Page 44
Taking a screenshot and saving a PDF Page 46
Reference Library of key terms and top tips. Page 48

Remember the ICT subject website:

And the YouTube Playlist of all the unit 2 videos:

Page 3
Page 4
Key things to remember before we begin

● Remember your naming conventions, tables should be saved as


Watch this video if you are unsure on naming conventions

● A screen print means just that, don’t submit your database as activity 1, it
won’t score any marks.

● Screen shots should include field name and table name, and in design view or
datasheet view as appropriate.

● Activity 1 is the key to the rest of the paper, doing activity 1 badly will affect
marks throughout the paper, as will uploading the incorrect screenprint.

● Read all the paper first, annotate where the requirements in one task will
affect how you create or enter the data in activity 2.

● Look for the clues in the wording of the questions or in the data for validation
rules you can use, this is an opportunity to show off your skills even if you
think they may not be entirely required.

Page 5
Activity 1 - Database Relationships


1. Read the scenario

2. Normalise the dataset
3. Create the database table
■ tbl - use naming conventions
■ Copy field names from the dataset
■ Make sure the data type matches
4. Create the relationships
■ Ensure you tick, tick, tick before you create
5. Print screen the tables and pdf the document
■ Make sure you save as a pdf and name the file:
activity1_[Registration number #]_[surname]_[first letter of first
6. Enter the data

Read the scenario

In the exam you will get a scenario

And a set of data to normalise

Page 6
Normalise the dataset
Aim to make the dataset into 4 tables, there must be a relationship between
one table and another; so the primary key of one table is a foreign key in
another table.

Watch the first two and a half minutes of this video as an explanation of how
someone turns this dataset into four different tables

Create the database table

You will now need to create your individual tables showing all of the fields,
this is where you will be applying your data validation in activity 2.

■ Names always start tbl_

■ Copy field names from the dataset
■ Make sure the data type matches
■ Avoid auto numbers
■ Add input masks and validation rules

Sketch on the exam paper what your design is like, using one of the blank
pages or space. Remember to bring a pen or pencil. You do not submit this

One to many relationships

This is when one ID can be linked to many things.

Page 7
For example you may use this table where a supplier is responsible for more than of
rose type. The rose type can be linked to more than one name of rose. The rose type
height can be for one rose ID.

Primary keys and foreign keys

Primary key: An identifier that is unique to each record in each table. It cannot be
repeated in that table.
Foreign key: When a primary key from one table is used in another table, this links
one table to another.
● You will need primary keys in all the tables
● Use the headings that have id as a primary key.
● You can’t make up data, if there are only 3 ids you will need to find something
to use as a primary key.
Composite key: When you use more than one primary key in one table it is called a
composite primary key. This occurs when you have to use a previous primary key,
because you need two things to make a unique feature.
To do this, hold down Ctrl while you select the primary keys, then right click and
select ‘primary key’ for each row.
Attributes: these are your remaining headings. You slot these into the correct table

Page 8
This is an example of the dataset above can be placed into 4 tables.You should always
aim to include 4 tables, you are marked down if it is less or more. The primary key is

Creating tables
You should create tables in this order:

Page 9
1. Tables with no foreign key
2. Tables with one foreign key
● Create the table that uses the first primary key as its foreign key
● And so on, so the data can flow from one table to another.

Enter data into the tables in the same order

1. Tables with no foreign key

2. Tables with one foreign key

Use the same data type when using a foreign key.

When you practise this you can show it as a diagram:

The crows foot identifies the order, from the one to the many, the crows foot is on
the many side, so one caravan can have many sales.

Watch this video which explain how the diagram above has been reached:

Page 10
Create the relationships

■ Use the relationships tab and have all 4 tables showing.

■ Drag and drop to create your relationships.
■ Ensure you tick, tick, tick before you create.
■ By ticking ‘Enforce Referential Integrity’ the other two boxes will
now be able to be ticked as well.

Print screen the table of relationships and make a pdf of the document

■ Make sure you save as a pdf and name the file:

activity1_[Registration number #]_[surname]_[first letter of first

Page 11
Activity 2 - Table structures and validation
Enter the data and use suitable input masks and validation to meet the requirements
stated in the paper. If you didn’t create input masks and validation rules already you
must do this now.

Data types
You must carefully select the data type for each field, with some data types there are
additional things to consider.

Data type When to use it Other things to consider

Auto Number Never use this It's more difficult to change at a
later date.

Number When you need to input a number, Can be used well with the
particularly useful for any ID fields. range validation.

Short Text Use for all text entries Remember to always change
the field length so it is
something other than 255.

Long Text Never use this Always use short text

Date / Time When using day, month, year and / or If you are using a date that
time. does not include all of
dd/mm/yy then use short text

Currency If money is involved. You can set the decimal places

and select the currency.

Yes / No When a ‘binary’ answer is required, Can be set to yes/no, true/false

or on/off

OLE Object Is used for pictures and graphs. You won’t be required to use

Hyperlink To input a hyperlink You won’t be required to use


Attachment Is used for pictures and graphs. You won’t be required to use

Calculated Calculates data using one or more More likely to be useful in

different fields. queries and reports.

Lookup wizard Can be useful when creating a query. Opens up a wizard to help you
find information from another

Read the scenario

Page 12
The scenario will have a series of instructions; this will give you hints as to what validation
you should include where.

For example

Means you will need to include these validation checks

A record for a new supplier will not save if the supplier Format check
telephone number is not in the correct format.

A record for a new supplier will not save if the supplier Presence check
name is not present

A record for a new rose will not save if the expert ID is

Table Lookup
A record for a new rose will not save if the rose type ID is

A record for a new rose type will not save if the type
height is below the accepted range
Range Check
A record for a new rose type will not save if the type
height is above the accepted range

For the other check, length check, you will need to decide upon where to include these
yourself. Value lookup is not required in this case as you have a range check. It won’t always
be this way.

It is worth writing on the question paper which check is which, and which others you
will need to include.

Page 13
Input Masks

Use an Input Mask to control data entry in an Access database. For example, you
can force users to enter a phone number with an area code or an employee
identification code with 2 letters followed by 3 numbers.

Below is a simple help sheet for Access input masks.

(0000)-000000 will force the user to enter a phone number with an area code.

LL-000 will force the user to enter 2 letters followed by 3 numbers.

>L<??????????????? will make the first letter capitalised and the following letters
lower case.

Two likely input masks are for telephone numbers, and postcodes. Most UK phone
numbers are a five digit area code and a six digit number, but always check this on
the dataset provided and change your input mask accordingly.

Email addresses are less good as an input mask, they can be used if there is no
better alternative but a validation rule is better. If the email address has to be a set
length and format, then an input mask can be used.

Page 14
Other examples of input masks can be to ensure answers are limited to a number of

Data to enter Input Mask Video to Help

Telephone Number \(00000") "000000;0;_


Post Code >LL00 0LL or

(depending on the number of >LL0 0LL or watch?v=UWDPlcCWMF0
characters required)
>LL0? 0LL

Email (when it needs to be of a >L<LL”_”>L<L”@was

particular length and format, in this si=Tsjt7Ib4OUtDH7b3&t=417
case with upper
case letters and all addresses are 2
letters, underscore then 3 letters).

Answer starting with a >L<??????????????

capital letter

Must be 3 numbers #999

Must be 3 letters long #LLL

Must be 3 characters #AAA


You should now watch the remainder of this video to see how a database is
constructed with input masks and validation rules.

Page 15
Validation Rules

These force the user to either input some data or enter data in a specific format. You
should use some polite text to inform the user if something is not inputted in the
correct format.

You must include validation rules in your database and use show them in your
screenshots, this can be used as a format check and as a presence check.

Page 16
Validation Required Validation Rule Validation Text

Enter an email address Like "*?@*?.*?" Please enter the email address with
in correct format an '@' sign and the full domain name

Enter Telephone Like”##############” Please enter a telephone number in

Number including code the correct format.

Entering a required Is Null OR Like “00000000” Please enter 8 digits.

number of digits

Only accept letters Is Null or Not Like “*[!a-z]*” Please make sure you are only using
letters (A to Z)

Only accept digits Is Null OR Not Like “*[!0-9]*” Please make sure you are only
entering numbers.

Letters and spaces only Is Null OR Not Like “[!a-z OR “” “”]*” Please only enter letters or a space.

Digits and letters only Is Null OR Not Like “*[!((a-z) or (0- Please enter letters or numbers only.

Exactly 8 characters Is Null OR Not Like “????????” Please enter 8 characters.

Exactly 4 numbers Is Null OR between 1000 and 9999 Please enter only 4 numbers.

Exactly 4 letters Is Null or like “####” Please enter only 4 letters

Positive numbers only Is Null or >=0 Please enter a number that is 1 or


Positive number Is Null or >0 Please enter a number that is 0 or

including or greater greater.
than 0

Not a future date Is Null or <= Date() Please enter a date that is not in the

You must fill in a field Not Null You are required to complete this

Number must be Between 1 and 10 Please enter a value between 1 and

between 1 and 10 10.

Number must be no <=60 Please enter a value no greater than

greater than 60 60

Number must be >=1 Please enter a value greater than 1

greater than 1

Page 17
In your exam you must include screenshots of your tables, showing the table name
and fields.
If you do not include these screenshots you will lose marks.

Validation checks

You are required to include screenshots of these validation checks, your screenshots
must be in design view, or you will not score marks.

● Presence check - ensures the value is entered and cannot be left blank.
● Length check - places a limit on the number of characters a short text
answer can be.
● Value Lookup - provides a drop down menu (combo box) to make data entry
easier. Works well with numbers.
● Range check - ensures the value is within the required range.
● Table lookup - takes data from another table.
● Format check - Checks the correct format and tells the user the record will
not save unless in the correct format.

Usually it is either a value lookup or a range check, but don’t rely on just being able
to do one of those things. If you miss out a test you are likely to be at the bottom
of the mark band.

Your screenshots should show both the table name and field name when
required, and should be in design view.

Page 18
● Presence check

A validation rule of “Is not null” is entered and a validation text advises the user that
a name must be entered.

● Length check

On a short text format field, the field size is changed to 25 characters from the
default of 255. This shows you are able to set an appropriate length. If you don’t
change it you lose marks.

● Value Lookup

A combo box is added to create a drop down menu, the combo box contains the
options (in this case these values are taken from another table).

Page 19
● Range check

On a number field you can set a range that any data entered must fall between, in
this case it was the height of a rose in metres. This is entered as a validation rule,
and validation text is added.

● Table lookup

Information is taken from one table and added to this one. As more than one option
is available it is shown as a combo box (a drop down menu), so could also be a
value lookup. In this case the supplier id in the rose table is taken directly from the
supplier table.

This is shown on the lookup tab.

● Format check

A telephone number is limited to a set number of characters and entered in a set


Page 20
Other useful video tutorials
Presence check
Length check
Value Lookup
Range check
Table Lookup
Format check

Page 21
Activity 3 - Queries and Reports


To complete all queries you will need to be in query design mode

You should make sure you can see the property sheet and have all the tables

Your screen should look like this

Page 22
In this activity you will be given a simple query and a more complex query to

Watch the first part of this video in which you are walked through how to make a

Planning a query

Make sure you cover all of these points when planning how to create your query:

● What tables?
● What fields?
● What type of query? (Either Criteria, Wild Card, or parameter)
● What criteria are required?
● What calculations are needed?
● What sorts are needed?
● What is my output? What do I want to see at the end?

Consider this query? It is based on the roses datasheet we have built. It is an

example of a simple query.

To answer the questions we set ourselves:

What tables? tbl_RoseType, tbl_Rose, tbl_Supplier

What fields? Rose_Name, Rose_Colour, Supplier_Name, Type_Height

What type of query? Criteria

What criteria are required? Shade of pink, at least 1.8 metres high.

What calculations are needed? Is a rose greater than 1.8 metres high

What sorts are needed? Rose names in ascending order

What is my output? What do I A list in alphabetical order or roses in any shade of pink and
want to see at the end? over 1.8 metres high.
It must only show the rose name, colour, and supplier name,
and not show the height.

Page 23
When adding criteria, you are using similar terms to the validation rules in activity 2.

For example

Like “ “ when you only need to include a particular terms

>= Greater than
> Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
< Less than
True (or 1) Must be included
False (or 0) Must not be included

Page 24
A more detailed set is

When you need to show your information in a particular order, use the sort selection
for the value you wish to use. You can see type_height has been unselected.

If you need to include information in the query, but are asked not to display it in the
output when the query runs, untick the box marked ‘show’.

Remember at the end your screenshot should show the DESIGN view of the queries
specified that you have created, including fields and criteria, and the DATASHEET
view of the queries specified that you have created.

Page 25
For more complex queries, you will need to add in your own calculations.

Consider this query

To answer the questions we set ourselves:

What tables? Tbl_expert, tbl_surname

What fields? Expert_ID, expert_surname

What type of query? Criteria

What criteria are required? Expert surname and ID, number of roses responsible for,
number of years since last training, but only for experts
whose training was over 3 years ago.

What calculations are needed? How many years since an expert's last training. The total
number of roses that each expert is responsible for.

What sorts are needed? None - the question does not indicate any sorts are required.

What is my output? What do I The experts surname and ID and the number of years since
want to see at the end? their last training, along with the number of roses the expert is
responsible for. You do not need to show the date of their
last training or the names of the roses that they are
responsible for.

You should be able to check the various parts of your query against the original
datasheet provided

Page 26
You may need to create wildcards to show words or terms that are met across
different fields or tables:

Some useful wildcards are:

In order to answer the more complex query you will need to create your own
headings and columns in the query,

To add a heading just type Heading_name:

Any calculations are placed instead of the appropriate brackets, so round brackets
around the whole calculation and square brackets around field names.

You may need to use an expression, common expressions can be found here

In this case we are calculating the difference in prices in one column and allocating a

Page 27
You may need to use the totals button, this is required
when you need the data as a total rather than showing
each item.

And then select how your total is calculated

Watch these videos to learn more about totals

You need to know how to do a query for the following calculations:

● Total

● Average

● Multiplication

● Percentage

Page 28
Remember at the end your screenshot should show the DESIGN view of the queries
specified that you have created, including fields and criteria, and the DATASHEET
view of the queries specified that you have created.

Make sure you have removed any tables you don’t need in the query, and only show
the tables relevant to the query.

Design view

Datasheet view

Page 29

Watch this introductory video on reports in microsoft access

A report shows an output of data from a query.

There are some things that every report should have:

- A title to explain what it is

- A description
- A clear layout
- A consistent font style
- A consistent colour style

We will focus on these aspects in this section. If you are unsure with the query
aspect, look back to that section.

At the end you will need to save your report query and report in set formats. You will
be penalised marks for failing to do this correctly.

Consider this report and what you are required to do:

This video explain how this report is put together

Page 30
In this report you are required to display certain things, not all of these are shown in
your original data table, so you will need to pull this information together.

The requirements for this report are as follows

● Show the report having a suitable title

● Display the rose type
● Display the supplier name
● Give the total number of suppliers of each rose type
● Show ‘more suppliers needed’ if the rose does not have the minimum number
of 2 suppliers (this information was shown at the top of this section.

Work out which information can be taken from the tables you have already created,
in this case it is:

● Rose name, this should be set to show only “Grandiflora” OR “Polyantha”

● Rose type ID
● Supplier name

Once you have put your query together, run it. If it looks like the right information
then you may proceed.

The information this query displayed is as follows:

Once you are satisfied that you have created a query which contains the information
needed you can then proceed with your report.

Page 31
It is suggested that you use the report wizard to help you here

Using the wizard, select the fields you need

You will also need to set up the layout of your report, particularly the need to show it
one page

Page 32
You will also need to name the report and set it so you can modify the report,
remember the title needs to follow the naming protocol of rpt_

When you run your report you can change the displayed name to something that
would make more sense. You will lose marks if you don’t do this.

To view your report select report view, to edit it select design view

It is likely that you will need to edit names, and add in extra sections, this can be
done by adding a footer

Page 33
Your final report should be shown in report view

To export it as a PDF you select this from the ribbon at the top, then following the
procedure save it to the correct folder as a pdf

Page 34
Activity 4 - Structure Testing


● Read all of the tests, and be clear about what you need to show
● Complete all of the tests
● Complete the table with screenshots, make sure these show the table and the
error message.
● Do not just write ‘error message’ as an answer, explain what the error
message should show.
● Do not copy the wording of the test from the question paper to your sheet, you
need to demonstrate that you understand the test.
● You are not required to add a column showing the ‘type of test’ (N: Normal, R:
Erroneous, or X: Extreme)
● Complete all the boxes required, if you feel nothing needs to be added in a
box write ‘null’ or ‘blank’

Watch this video which walks you through a structure test (ignore the ‘type of
test section’

Read the tests

When you read the tests in activity 4, annotate the question paper with the data you
will need, this could also include the table that you need to use.

The tests will cover a range of areas, often related to the requirements of the
database which were set out in earlier activities.

Page 35
When conducting the tests, you will need to try to add new data to the table if the
question is about adding new fields and records.

For this test we will need to use certain data

A record for a new supplier - needs supplier ID and supplier name and supplier
telephone number. But the focus is on the telephone number and needing to be in
the correct format.

Therefore the data required for this test is:

● Supplier_ID (and this ID will be number 4)

● Supplier name: (you choose this)
● Supplier telephone number: (you will need to include your planned error here)

This is a sign there needs to be a format check of the telephone number, this could
be through an input mask or a validation rule.

You should now complete the first three columns of the activity 4 sheet, you should
be as detailed as possible about what results you expect to see, this is more than
just writing ‘error message’.

● What format would you expect the data to be in?
● Is the cursor going to change colour or style?
● Are you going to be unable to add anymore data until the error is
● What is the error message going to say?

Page 36
Completing the testing form

This is how a blank form looks:

This is how the form should be completed:

This is an excellent detailed example of what the test sheet should look like:

This is a less good example, note how little information is included, particularly in the

Page 37
expected results box:

At the end, delete any used rows on your table

Delete any unused rows from your table

Once your document has been completed, save it as a PDF file.

Types of test

These are the types of test you are likely to be carrying out:

Test Expectation of the test

Presence checks You would expect to see an error message, and be unable
to proceed, if no data was entered in a cell, when it is
compulsory to enter data in that cell.

Format checks You would expect to see an error message if the data
entered was in an incorrect format. The error message
should also indicate what the expected format is.

Range checks You would expect to see an error message, and be unable
to save, if the data you put in was outside of the permitted

Value Lookups An error message should appear if the value is not entered.
The combo box should limit the options to ones specified in
the original table.

Table Lookups These are testing the structures of your database. Can data
from one table be correctly transferred from one table to
another. An error message should appear if the structure is
incorrect, and data has not been transferred.

Your completed test log should be saved as a PDF, do not just upload the RTF
file you wrote on.

Common Mistakes

Page 38
Avoid these mistakes at all costs, they seem minor, but will cost you marks as you
are not demonstrating correct procedures.

● Not using the correct test data.

● Not testing the thing you were required to test.
● Screenprints are incorrect or cannot be read.
● The error messages cover part of the test data.
● Not saving the completed file as a PDF.
● Not proofreading your PDF file to check it looks as you expected it to look.


To consolidate your knowledge watch this video (it refers to ‘type of test’, but ignore
that column).

Page 39
Activity 5 - Structure evaluation

In this section you will need to evaluate four aspects of your database structure.

If you have completed activities 1 and 2 correctly, this will be a straightforward

activity for you. The first question will be

● How well your database structure has minimised data duplication?

Other questions are likely to address:

● Validation rules
● Relationships
● Value Lookups and validation rules

Points to remember:

● You have normalised a data structure, therefore fields are not duplicated.
● You have linked data from one table to another when necessary.
● You have used primary keys and foreign keys, and primary keys cannot be
duplicated, therefore data duplication is reduced.
● You have named tables that you will need to refer to, remembering your
naming conventions of tbl_
● Therefore you have enforced referential integrity in your relationships, and this
will reduce problems with the data.

This is an example of an evaluation of the roses database which scores full marks:

Page 40
This is an example of a structure you can use to answer to point about data
duplication, and only need to change the bits in brackets to make it relevant to your
specific scenario:

The database structure has minimised data duplication well. It uses foreign keys to
ensure no data is in more than one table.

A good example of this is the primary key / foreign key relationship between
(tbl_INSERTNAME1) and (tbl_INSERTNAME2). (tbl_INSERTNAME) has
(INSERTHOWMANY) fields, one of which is (INSERTFIELDNAME). This is a
foreign key which is related to the Primary Key of the same name in
(tbl_INSERTNAME). This ensures that the (INSERTFIELDNAME) data is present
in only one table and, and doesn't need to be duplicated elsewhere.
It also makes it easier to add more (INSERTTYPEOFDATATHISFIELDISABOUT)
in future. Simply adding further records to (tbl_INSERTNAME) will allow for the

All tables have unique primary keys, and all relationships have referential integrity
enforced, and relationships that are table lookups are ‘limited to list’; this means
that incorrect data can’t be added, the user can’t link to a primary key that isn’t
already in the database.

Overall data duplication is limited by referential data relationships between primary

keys and foreign keys.

Page 41
Skills Summary for Part A

Use this table to self evaluate your own skills for each activity. Your practice and
revision should focus on those skills that need work, but practise all the skills.

Activity Skill needing to be shown work
OK and

1 Normalising data: turning a ‘flat’ data sheet in a relationship


You can identify four tables that need to be created

You can create relationships in microsoft access

You can take a screenshot of the relationship diagram

You can make a PDF of the screenshot.

Naming conventions: tbl_

Avoiding duplication of unnecessary data between tables

Input masks

Validation rules and validation texts

3 Produce simple queries using the query design tab.

Produce complex queries using the query wizard

Naming Conventions qry_ rpt_

4 You can test your structure, knowing what data to include,

and what to miss out, for each test

You can complete the testing worksheet correctly,

completing all necessary boxes.

You can delete all unnecessary rows

You can save your completed sheet as a PDF

5 You can explain and demonstrate how you minimised data


You can explain and demonstrate how validation rules

assisted your database.

You can explain and demonstrate how value lookups and

validation rules assisted your database.

You can explain and demonstrate how relationships

assisted your database.

Page 42
Walkthroughs of previous papers

We have used a few previous papers in this guide, there are a number of videos
which walk you through a range of activities.

Exam series Topic for the Links to walk through video playlists
data in part A

2024 May Food and drink


2024 Jan Roses


2023 May Caravans


2023 Jan Martlepool

College Ladies list=PLZAmrvIayeXsORkiPbtuL42VjIKjb8qLS

2022 May Vending

Machine Staff list=PLZAmrvIayeXvOcnLFzDTigePP8E-06E2i

2022 Jan Washerpool

College list=PLZAmrvIayeXvDTrF8I0vtHi_JxKlEQIjk

2021 May No exam: the covid years

2021 Jan Art Galleries


Before 2020 the exam was in a slightly different format, so don’t take too much
from any videos which ask you to do things not in this booklet.

Page 43
Marking grids

This is the mark scheme used each year for your unit 2 exam. Each year the
examiner is looking for certain specific things within each activity, these are called
traits and are the various requirements and validations that are mentioned or implied
in the question paper.

Page 44
Page 45
Taking a screenshot and saving a PDF

The easiest way to take a screenshot is with the snipping tool.

Search snipping tool in the search bar,

and open the app

Select new snip

Select the area you want a screenshot off,

then copy this onto the template or
word document.

Page 46
You will need to save this as a PDF.

To do this in microsoft word, go to print,

then save a microsoft PDF.

Give your file a name and save it to

the relevant folder

Page 47
Reference library
● Bound column

the column of data whose values will be used

● Column count

The number of columns that will be used in a combo box

● Datasheet view

The view that allows you to enter data into a table

● Design view

The view that allows you to create and name columns and fields and to give them
values, input masks and validation rules.

● Field and record

Fields are in columns, records are in rows.

● Input Masks

Data to enter Input Mask

Telephone Number \(00000*) 000000;0;_

Post Code >LL00 0LL

● Naming conventions

tbl_ for table

qry_ for query
rpt_ for report

Always use an underscore between words

Page 48
● One to many

When one piece of data has a relationship with many pieces of data, there is one
manufacturer who makes a number of things, or one type of product that is made by
many manufacturers.

● Parenthesis

( ) is used around all calculations and where you are taking information from different
[ ] is used around the field name

● Primary key / foreign key

To change the primary key select and click ‘primary key’.

To have more than one (composite primary key) select and hold all relevant and click
primary key.
When a primary key is used in another table it becomes a foreign key.

● Referential Integrity

Where data from one table is correctly transferred to another table, and additional
records cannot be added.

● Relationship

To delete a relationship, select so line becomes bold and click delete

● Validation - format check

● Validation - length check

● Validation - Presence check

● Validation - Range check

● Validation - Table Lookup

● Validation - Value Lookup

Watch the videos if you are unsure how to conduct these checks.

Page 49
● Validation Rules

Operator Function Example

NOT Tests for converse values. Use NOT > 10 (the same as
before any comparison operator <=10).
except IS NOT NULL.

IN Tests for values equal to IN

existing members in a list. ("Tokyo","Paris","Moscow
Comparison value must be a ")
comma-separated list enclosed
in parentheses.

BETWEEN Tests for a range of values. You BETWEEN 100 AND

must use two comparison 1000 (the same as >=100
values — low and high — and AND <=1000)
you must separate those values
with the AND separator.

LIKE Matches pattern strings in Text LIKE "Geo*"

and Memo fields.

IS NOT NULL Forces users to enter values in IS NOT NULL

the field. This is the same as
setting the Required field
property to Yes. However, when
you enable the Required
property and a user fails to
enter a value, Access displays a
somewhat unfriendly error
message. Typically, your
database is easier to use if you
use IS NOT NULL and enter a
friendly message in the
Validation Text property.

AND Specifies that all parts of the >= #01/01/2007# AND

validation rule must be true. <=#03/06/2008#

Note: You can also use

AND to combine
validation rules. For
example: NOT "UK" AND

Page 50
LIKE "U*".

OR Specifies that some but not all January OR February

parts of the validation rule must
be true.

< Less than.

<= Less than or equal to.

> Greater than.

>= Greater than or equal to.

= Equal to.

<> Not equal to.

● Validation Text

Always add some polite text to instruct the user what they should do if the validation
rule is not followed.

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