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1. What would result if people started to believe that their leader rules by divine right
and his words are laws?
A. Absolute Monarchy C. Constitutional Monarchy
B. Aristocracy D. Oligarchy

2. Of the mineral wealth of the Philippines, which is the largest of the Far East?
A. Coal as in Mindanao
B. Natural gas as in Palawan
C. Copper and chromite as in Mankayan
D. Gold deposits as in Northern Luzon

3. The new growth theory perpetuates that human desires and unlimited wants foster an
ever-increasing productivity and economic growth. What implication would it bring on
gross domestic product?
A. GDP depends on the country’s capacity and productivity of manpower
B. GDP definitely declines due to imbalance in supply and demand turnout.
C. GDP remains static due to perpetuating economic crisis.
D. GDP gradually increases because of people’s pursuit of profit opportunity.

4. In crafting creative impression, what cultural syndrome is dominant in winning

A. Political dynasties C. Mass empowered officials
B. Service-minded bureaucrats D. People-oriented leaders

5. What is the dominant theme for creative expression of Bayanihan as a Filipino

cultural value?
A. Community property C. Community shared work
B. Community place D. Community time

6. What makes a good business plan towards successful economic venture?

A. It should be based on current data and industry outlook.
B. It should be trial and error-based
C. It should be redundant with existing product or service in the market.
D. It should be adopted from other contexts.

7. Mesopotamia which means “between two rivers” is considered a cradle of civilization.

What is this country called at present time?
A. Lebanon C. Iran
B. Iraq D. Syria

8. From where did the famous Itik-itik folk dance originate?

A. Leyte C. Rizal
B. Pangasinan D. Surigao del Sur

9. On preventing war, what theory is behind building massive arsenal of nuclear

weapons to prevent nuclear attack by other states?
A. Military coalition C. Balance of power
B. Disarmament D. Deterrence

10. What is the dominant theme for creative expression of doble kara as a Filipino
cultural value?
A. easy-go-lucky C. disloyalty
B. deceit D. corruption

11. On the concept of political power, at what level of politics does the Philippines
contest China’s aim to the Spratly Islands?
A. National level C. International level
B. Organizational level D. Personal level

12. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention in managing social media
trolls which sow lies, hate and confusion in society?
A. Total tolerance due to freedom of expression
B. Freedom for each individual to judge
C. Censorship by cutting portions of trolls
D. Regulated standards by the state

13. The following are examples of cultural universals that are behavioral patterns in all
human cultures, EXCEPT _________.
A. Joking C. Gift giving
B. Instructional materials D. Objectives and content

14. In the total approach to instruction, what component was lacking when Teacher Izza
wasn’t able to coordinate and schedule the use of the media laboratory?
A. Methods to be used C. Facilities or environment
B. Instructional materials D. Objectives and content

15. What example can you give to illustrate rampant tribalism in our political system?
A. Grease money culture C. Political dynasty
B. Propaganda D. Elitism

16. Who rules the Roman Empire in Europe in the 6 th century giving him honorary rule
over all German state?
A. Ferdinand C. Charles V
B. Charlemagne D. Ivan the Great

17. In research, the reasoning process from particular or specific to general or broad
pattern is called _________.
A. Deductive C. Inductive
B. Nomothetic D. Ideographic

18. If you were a change agent, which of the following sectors will you directly address
in order to resolve the problem of rampant crime?
A. Education sector C. Police sector
B. Military sector D. Sports sector

19. What is the most basic reason for living by man as a sentient being?
A. Psychological well-being C. Spiritual meaning
B. Material satisfaction D. Affective relationship

20. From where did the famous Cariñosa folk dance originate?
A. Tarlac C. Pangasinan
B. Panay Island D. Manila

21. In appraising technology materials for Social Science teaching-and-learning, what is

assessed as to its being up-to-date and accurate?
A. Overall appraisal C. Content
B. Mechanics D. Aesthetic value

22. What will you best cite as a proof that the Philippines is not a most deprived and
hopeless nation in the world?
A. Highest literacy in ASEAN
B. One of the richest in land resources and people in the world
C. Rich religious Hispanic heritage
D. Prosperity during the American colonial period

23. What example can you find of a religion ruling a state?

A. Iran C. United Arab Emirates
B. Saudi Arabia D. Indonesia
24. As sociologists come up with general theories and principles, which of the following
is a valid and general assumption about Democracy?
A. That it is immediately appreciated by all people
B. That it is a divisive ideology
C. That it is static and does not change
D. That it is unfolding social process.

25. Which reason do you assess makes Taiwan important to the US such as to desire
its independence from China?
A. Taiwan was under American ally Chiang Kai Shek
B. Taiwan is the source of 90 percent of microchips in the world
C. Taiwan is key to resisting Communism in Asia
D. Taiwan is democratic, China is Communist

26. On matter of race, how do scholars categorize Filipinos as to predominance in race?

A. Asian C. Malay
B. Chinese D. Indonesia

27. What will you select as an awakening event for our rise to people empowerment
over a long period of dictatorship in government?
A. EDSA 1 People’s Revolution
B. Organizing the 1986 KKK
C. Declaration of Philippine Independence in 1898
D. Martyrdom of the Gomburza

28. What is the simple logic for the implementation of the planned parenthood program
to control population growth?
A. Less mouth to feed C. End the baby boom
B. No to sex liberation D. One child only

29. On politics, what political system prevails in the Philippines today?

A. Revolutionary democracy C. Republican democracy
B. Federal democracy D. Parliamentary democracy

30. In the study of social institutions, which studies issues related to kinship created by
descent and marriage?
A. Social control C. Family
B. Economics D. Supernatural

31. How can we distinguish modern era from contemporary era?

A. The structure. The Modern era comprises complex structure, while
Contemporary era entails simple structure.
B. The time. Modern era has passed already, while Contemporary era depicts the
present and the future.
C. The system. The Modern era is an advent of advanced technology, while
Contemporary era delved on manual system of economy.
D. The people. Modern era has populated society, while Contemporary era is
densely populated.

32. Of the 17 UN sustainable development goals, which can be resolved through

settlement initiatives, e. g. zoning?
A. communities
B. Grow affordable and clean energy
C. Organize climate action
D. Mobilize sustainable cities and promote quality education

33. What kind of thought question is asked for the essay “Describe the similarities and
differences between EDSA 1 and EDSA 2 revolutions”?
A. Justifying C. Applying
B. Inferring D. Comparison
34. The following hold true about the concept of sociology and anthropology as
branches of social science, EXCEPT which one?
A. They deal with the structure and processes of traditional cultures and modern
industrial societies.
B. They examine how culture, social structures and social institutions affect
human attitudes, actions, and life chances.
C. They focus on ways of balancing product supply and people’s demand in
order to have sustained society.
D. They involve the systematic study of social life and culture in order to
understand causes and consequences of human action.

35. What kind of thought question is asked for the essay “List as many ways you can
think of for initiatives that will help sustain communities for climate change”?
A. Justifying C. Applying
B. Analyzing D. Classifying

36. How can technology be best integrated in discussing a lesson on “Philippine Tourist
Destinations” in Civics and Culture class?
A. Pictures taken using cellphone
B. Photo clips downloaded from the Google and flashed on screen using LCD
C. Tourism documentary video footage played from YouTube
D. Colorful photos posted through Facebook and Instagram accounts

37. Which was the focus of instruction during the Spanish period?
A. Science education C. Religious education
B. Vocation education D. Citizenship

38. In teaching David Durkheim’s classification of suicide, what example can we give for
Altruistic Suicide wherein a person senses a moral obligation to place the group’s
welfare above his own survival?
A. Victims of war
B. Japanese hara-kiri
C. Prisoner unable to bear confinement
D. Highly depressed persons

39. Which of the following is not a crime under the Criminal Law?
A. Murder C. Suicide
B. Homicide D. Physical assault

40. What does Geography deal with as a science?

A. Relationship between earth and people
B. Circumference of the earth
C. Size of the planet
D. Expanse of lands and seas

41. Among the sectors of the economy, which is generally agreed upon among
democratic capitalistic economies as being the lead sector for the country’s growth,
productivity, and development?
A. Finance institutions C. Government sector
B. Private sector D. Non-government organizations

42. In building Filipino identity, what do you call the process that pertains to continuous
effort to encourage self-reflection, redefinition of individuals, institutions, and
A. Transformative C. Instrumental
B. Imaginative D. Moral

43. Which kind of knowledge will give you least priority as it deals with ways of
influencing supernatural events by manipulating certain laws of nature?
A. Magical knowledge C. Supernatural knowledge
B. Natural knowledge D. Technological knowledge
44. What is the geocentric hypothesis which was proposed by Claudius Ptolemy (300
AD) and proven wrong by Copernicus in later centuries?
A. That the earth is round
B. That the earth is a planet of the sun
C. That the earth is the center of the universe
D. That the earth revolves around the sun

45. Who developed the myths and imaginative tales of adventure known as epic
literature, e. g. Gilgamesh and the Story of Creation, the Great Flood, and A Hero
Looking for Eternal Life?
A. Greeks C. Semites
B. Phoenicians D. Sumerians

46. Who is the founding father of the science of Sociology?

A. Harriet Martineau C. Saint-Simon
B. Herbert Spencer D. Auguste Comte

47. On types of standardized tests, which measure performance, such as basic skills in
dance or the arts?
A. Intelligence test C. Achievement test
B. Personality test D. Aptitude test

48. How will you categorize persistence in poverty incidence in third world countries,
such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc.?
A. Cultural relativity C. Cultural lag
B. Cultural shock D. Cultural universals

49. Of the types of assessment, which monitors progress during the learning process?
A. Formative C. Summative
B. Pre-assessment D. Diagnostic

50. Heroism mainly depicts living a life of selflessness and sacrifice to attain higher
good and the good of the country. Who among the following concretize the modern
definition of heroism?
I. Frontliners in time of pandemic
II. Teachers who keep on planting the seeds of humanity
III. International achievers for bringing pride and honor to the country
IV. OFWs who raise and sustain the country’s economy

A. II, III and IV C. I, II and III

B. I, II, III and IV D. I and II only

51. What does trade surplus mean?

A. Exports greater than imports
B. Balanced exports and imports
C. Inability for exports and imports
D. Imports greater than exports

52. Do you agree that the US is a neo-colonial and imperialistic state due to its broad
political, economic, and cultural influence over many nations including the Philippines?
A. Yes. The US has colonies such as Guam and Puerto Rico
B. No. This relationship is productive, liberal, and progressive
C. Yes. The US is an imperial power.
D. Yes. The US dominates political affairs.

53. Among various elements which give the Philippines an important role in international
relations, which relates to Cultural Geography?
A. As melting pot of races
B. Trade route in the orient
C. Meeting place for navigation and shipping
D. Geographical location
54. Why is the 21st century referred to as the “Asian Century” by most global analysts?
A. The global center of economic power and politics is shifting toward the Asian
B. The Asian Region is the only region in the world where global peace and
security are clearly in the present.
C. The biggest population can be found in this region.
D. Three of the most influential countries in the world today are in Asia, China,
Japan, and India.

55. What devastating phenomenon will you associate La Nina when sea surface
temperatures are unusually low and trade winds are very strong?
A. Hurricanes C. Typhoons
B. Droughts D. Tsunamis

56. How can interdisciplinary approaches be best applied in Social Studies class?
I. Citing the content of Noli Me Tangere in learning Rizal course
II. Drawing values concepts and virtues from the scenes of “Sigaw ng
Pugadlawin” in History class
III. Computing for the interest and income using mathematical formula in tackling
lesson in Economics
IV. Connecting world literature in discussing world history pathways and traces.

A. II, III and IV C. I and II only

B. I, II, III and IV D. I, II and III

57. What reason can you give on why government does not seek support for its coffers
from the underground or informal economy of street vendors, household helps, barkers,
A. They are poor C. They don’t pay taxes
B. They don’t have homes D. They earn so little

58. In my research, I used basic classical ethnographic field methods. Which ones do I
I. Observations
II. Asking questions
III. Interpretation
IV. Participant observation

A. I, II, III and IV C. I, III and IV

B. II, III and IV D. I, II and III

59. On social mores, the following are regarded as taboo especially by Christian
communities which protect cherished values but NOT to include __________.
A. Incest C. Virginity
B. Concubinage D. Sexual abuse of children

60. What is your recommendation about trolls in social media that sow lies, hate and
confusion through mass disinformation?
A. Toleration C. Regulation
B. Classification D. Censorship

61. In teaching objectivity to social ideas, what source(s) should the teacher rely on for
empirical or scientific knowledge about social concepts and principles?
A. Cultural norms C. Authority sources
B. Factual evidence D. Traditional values

62. What is the most famous Philippine folk dance appealed to many countries
overseas especially in the United States?
A. Itik-Itik C. Tinikling
B. Carinosa D. Pandanggo sa Ilaw
63. What is the main characteristics of research assumptions in Social Sciences?
A. They are sets of ideas to make an inquiry empirical
B. They are assumed theories after research
C. They are prepared by peers who contribute to research
D. They are accepted as true without proofs

64. From World Heritage Foundation view, the following are of world outstanding value
for heritage preservation but NOT to include __________.
A. Archaeological works C. Art products
B. Archaeological structures D. National heroes



67. Impoverished and without the capacity to reconstruct itself after World War 2, the
Philippines had to accept financial aid from the United States with a list of conditions.
Which of the following was not a condition imposed by the United States?
A. Parity rights to Americans to exploit the natural resources
B. Establishment of military and naval bases
C. Propagation of the Protestant Movement
D. Defense and trade arrangements

68. In modern days, which totalitarian state has a full military control of its people who
render cultic obedience and worship of its leader?
A. North Korea C. Iran
B. Saudi Arabia D. Russia

69. What theory of Crowd Behavior explains the phenomenon of shared emotions,
goals, and beliefs through persuasion using propaganda techniques, e. g. Hitler’s
A. Relative deprivation theory C. Emergent theory
B. Contagion theory D. Convergence theory

70. Of the 17 UN sustainable development goals which can be resolved through

protecting forest reserves?
A. Mobilize sustainable cities
B. Grow affordable and clean energy
C. Advance life on land
D. Develop life below

71. What is the Age of Epoch that signifies the earliest historical date in human history?
A. Iron Age C. Old Stone Age
B. New Stone Age D. Bronze Age

72. Do you agree that the New People’s Army is engaging in a legitimate revolution?
A. No, because it does not aim for social change
B. No because it uses violence when there are other options for social change
C. No because it has a congressional party representation
D. No because it is not a grassroots organization

73. On the sociology of knowledge, which consists of accumulated facts about the world
along its biological and physical aspects?
A. Pre-natural knowledge C. Technological knowledge
B. Natural knowledge D. Supernatural knowledge

74. As a study of non-literate culture, Anthropology deals on the following aspects of

human culture, but NOT to include __________.
A. Evolutionary theories C. Social action
B. Stages of civilization D. Origin of man
75. What is missing with alleged extra-judicial killings of drug-pushers?
A. Freedom rights C. Due process of law
B. Equality rights D. Police surveillance

76. From a broad view of history, from what state of human life does higher human
development and maturity escape from?
A. Savagery C. Hostility
B. Stagnation D. Regression

77. Following Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory what can be identified as the primary cause of
the Bolshevik Revolution (1905 – 1917) that toppled Czar Nicholas II from his throne?
A. Inroads of capitalism
B. Unfitness of Czar Nicholas II to rule
C. Suffering under a fiefdom
D. Abuses by the Greek Church

78. In teaching Karl Marx’s description of society, what can you pinpoint as the
fundamentally false or erroneous assumption of Marx?
A. That in over-populated societies, there is a likely gap between the rich and
B. That the working class is the only force capable of bringing about progressive
C. That feudal societies have powerful and despotic leaders
D. That in capitalist societies, there exist the marginalized class

79. What will you identify as the main, if not the only pre-occupation of consumers in a
direct appropriation economy that satisfies basic needs?
A. Demand for security C. Desire for leisure
B. Quest for food D. Fondness for travel

80. In the 1988 Family Code, at what age do couples need parental consent to enter
into a valid marriage?
A. 21 – 25 C. 18 – 21
B. 18 – 21 D. 25 – 28

81. How will you classify the cultural norm in Middle East Arab countries where women
have limited rights compared with men, e. g. no education, no right to hold public office,
A. Cultural taboo C. Cultural lag
B. Cultural curb D. Cultural gap

82. In teaching Sociology, what is the acceptable ultimate goal of instruction to

A. To apply knowledge for social change
B. To analyze complex social structures
C. To obtain information about society
D. To understand social institutions and processes

83. On examples of Macro-Economics, which of the following will you consider as NOT
A. Changing levels of prices
B. Impact of inflation
C. Total output of goods and services
D. Tax level on selected leisure outlets

84. In the Philippine Constitution, which of the following is considered as a human right,
rather than a civil right of the citizenry?
A. Property rights C. Freedom of speech
B. Right of assembly D. Right to life
85. Since Economics relates to other sciences, to what does it refer to on matters of
right or moral behavior in business and trade?
A. History C. Sociology
B. Law D. Ethics

86. What is the dominant theme for creative expression of gaya-gaya as a Filipino
cultural value?
A. Creativity C. Copycat
B. Originality D. Innovation

87. The following are facets of foreign cultural acculturation by Filipinos but not to
include _________.
A. Cuisine e. g. Italian foods C. Folkways e. g. hospitality
B. Politics e. g. Republican democracy D. Music e. g. jazz

88. From where did the famous Sayaw sa Bangko folk dance originate?
A. Albay C. Laguna
B. Bulacan D. Pangasinan

89. The following are examples of technology software useful for teaching and learning
but NOT to include __________.
A. Computer printer C. Database/Spreadsheet
B. Word processing D. Web browser

90. Amid the Medieval Period struggle among kings, nobles, clergy, and the common
people, what gave way to the system of central rule in Europe?
A. Feudalism C. Papacy
B. Slavery D. Monarchism

91. In teaching contemporary issues in social sciences, what pertains to the pattern of
assaultive and coercive behaviors, including physical, sexual, psychological attacks and
economic coercion that adults or adolescents use against their intimate partners?
A. Sexual harassment C. Sex trafficking
B. Sexual discrimination D. Domestic violence

92. In its broader scope, what is Sociology interested in learning?

A. Social concerns C. Social problems
B. It is fact-based D. It relies on tradition

93. What best describes social science research as a scientific inquiry?

A. It comes from authority C. It follows common sense
B. It is fact-based D. It relies on tradition

94. Under the principle of separation of Church and State, the following are allowed
EXCEPT _________.
A. Some holy days as legal holidays e. g. Christmas
B. An official religion
C. Belief or non-belief in religion
D. Tax exemption

95. As a teacher, you should be able to determine the following characteristics of

students who are global or right brain learners, NOT to include _________.
A. Seeing finer elements of patterns
B. Comfortable with wholes
C. Ignoring details
D. Preferring overall structures

96. On the concept of Law, which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of
A. It includes unwritten mores C. It covers standardized codes
B. It is enforced by sanctions D. It involves formal norms
97. Among the varied effects of the use of technology in instruction, which relates to
increasing emotional impact of abstract concepts such as war, pollution, and poverty?
A. Contributing to understanding
B. Allowing different interests
C. Changing attitudes and feelings
D. Encouraging participation

98. To whom does many parts of the modern world owe its system of politics and public
life through written codes of law, contracts, trial by jury and social institutions?
A. Romans C. Greeks
B. Athenians D. Spartans

99. On factors related to usability of tests, which factor is wrong when the test items are
inappropriate for measuring factual knowledge that is required, thus invalidating the
A. Test items inappropriate for outcomes measured
B. Ambiguity of question items
C. Inappropriate arrangement of items
D. Identifiable pattern of answers

100. On levels of computer knowledge, what is general knowledge of the general use of
computers, e. g. encoding?
A. Computer literacy C. Computer hackler
B. Computer competency D. Computer expertise

101. On learning/thinking styles, to what kind of learners do the use of pictures,

diagrams, illustrated books, flipcharts, and videos work best?
A. Tactile learners C. Visual learners
B. Kinesthetic learners D. Auditory learners

102. Of the 17 UN sustainable development goals, which can be resolved through

promoting use of solar and wind power grids?
A. Mobilize sustainable communities
B. Develop life below
C. Advance life on land
D. Grow affordable and clean energy

103. If the Philippines will enter into the technology 4 th industrial world, what should be
its focus as priority agenda?
A. Urbanization C. Mechanization
B. Automation D. Commercialization

104. To what discipline will you relate Culture as it shapes man’s understanding of
reality, telling what is real from what is not real?
A. Psychology C. Zoology
B. Anatomy D. Physiology

105. Among elements which make up a society, which is most shared way of its psyche
or inner national consciousness?
A. Common way of life C. One geographical territory
B. Cultural unity D. Shared identity

106. from the EDSA I revolution, what concept of political power emerged that deserves
to be valued for generations to come?
A. That revolution is a civil right
B. That the elite has power over government
C. That power belongs to the people
D. That crony politics is good for the nation

107. In the Age of Scientific Revolution, who declared that “All life comes from life,”
while discovering the idea of spontaneous generation of life from inert matter?
A. Louis Pasteur C. Jenner
B. Madame Curie D. Anthony van Leeuwnehock

108. Which of the following is valid for measuring Social Studies knowledge in
geography, history, or government?
A. Trivia tests C. Trick tests
B. Paper and pencil tests D. Esoteric tests

109. Of the following cultural landscapes, which will you NOT INCLUDE as an element
of Cultural Geography?
A. Forestry C. Churches
B. Temples D. Cemeteries

110. What was the most splendid city in Mesopotamia that had a water system, high
walls, great temples, and the Hanging Gardens known as one of the Seven Wonders of
the World?
A. Athens C. Alexandria
B. Temples D. Jerusalem

111. What is the world’s largest island?

A. New Guinea C. McKinley
B. Borneo D. Greenland

112. Adopting the Gestalt-Theory of Learning, what should the social studies teacher
look forward to as the outcome of complex learning experience of students?
A. Behavior C. Cognition
B. Perception D. Insight

113. On political geography, what is the recognized pattern by protests in Iran objecting
against government rule by Imams and symbolized by the burning of the scarf?
A. Semitism C. Feminism
B. Anarchism D. Patriarchalism

114. What way did President Ramos adopt for his successful Philippines 2000
A. Strengthening of the peso C. Industrial and economic zones
B. Ending militia groups D. Migration of workers overseas

115. In the study of characteristics of Culture, what can be said about culture from
observation that human beings adjust to their external environment and break ties with
the past, the next generation thus inheriting a revised culture?
A. Culture is learned C. Culture is compulsory
B. Culture is adaptive D. Culture is shared

116. As cultures interact and undergo change, what can be judged as the main
influence of fact that Filipinos today are 80-85% Roman Catholics?
A. Hispanic colonization C. Hispanic education
B. Hispanic racial superiority D. Hispanic immigration

117. Which has a unique culture of Ivatan houses where Taiwan is visible in a clear
A. Batanes C. Camiguin
B. Tacloban D. Hundred Islands

118. What issue arises from abortion when considered as murder of infants or an evil
A. Social issue C. Health issue
B. Moral issue D. Political issue

119. Among the major goals of education, specifically applicable to the Social Sciences,
which goal relates to developing in the learner a reference point for personal ideas and
A. Self-concept
B. Creativity and aesthetic perception
C. Autonomy
D. Moral character

120. In the US what can be cited as evidence of an endangered democracy during the
Trump administration?
A. Self-serving governance C. High inflation
B. Poor diplomatic relations D. Weakened economy

121. In the Philippine Constitution, what is not considered as a criminal offense as this
consonant with freedom of speech and expression?
A. Criticism C. Defamation
B. Libel D. Slander

122. If you were a navigator in the ancient world, what you use as an instrument for
determining the altitude of stars and planets?
A. Compass C. Astrolabe
B. Telescope D. Sky navigator

123. In your research study, one of your findings is a significant difference in the
academic performance of boys and girls, you conclude that _________ brought about
A. chronological stage C. gender
B. developmental stage D. mental stage

124. Examine the type of social research given by this research title: Mga Naging
Ambag ng Lalawigan ng Cavite sa Pag-igting ng Katipunan sa Himagsikan. Isang
Pagtunton sa Pahina ng Kasaysayan.”
A. Historical C. Phenomenological Inquiry
B. Case Study D. Ethnographic

125. On political issues, which ideology gives emphasis to rule by religious authority
such as in Iran?
A. Fascism C. Theocracy
B. Democracy D. Parliamentarism

126. Among ancient civilization, which was most superior in its philosophy, governance,
art of war and culture the influence of which has effects even on modern days
A. Mesopotamian C. Greek
B. Persian D. Roman

127. Of the following, how can we connect language and culture?

A. Norms are transmitted through language across generations through the
process of assimilation.
B. Language is an integral part of culture as all human societies have their
C. The culture’s language hampers people’s perception and understanding of the
D. If culture affects structure and content of language, then it opposes linguistic

128. How will you generalize as the main cause of failure of Philippine society to
achieve a first world status among nations, as noted by Transparency International?
A. Poor governance C. Lack of science and technology
B. Corruption D. Lack of natural resources

129. What kind of penalty based on RA 9165 shall be imposed to anyone who commits
unlawful prescription of dangerous drugs?
A. Death penalty C. Fine of P100,000.00
B. Imprisonment of 20 to 30 years D. Life imprisonment to death
130. Which dimension of culture and arts heritage preservation will you select as related
for historical sites like the Intramuros Walled City?
A. Economic C. Environmental
B. Socio-cultural D. Legal

131. Which of the following is the first priority needed by every country most especially
for poor economies?
A. Food C. Health services
B. Educational facilities D. Housing

132. What did some political leaders propose as the way for the Philippines to be fully
assimilated by the United States in the early 1900s?
A. US Statehood C. US grant of independence
B. US free trade D. US mutual defense treaty

133. Who among the early civilizations set the great educational goal to develop the
individual man to think and act?
A. Sumerian C. Babylon
B. Persia D. Greece

134. On cultural sub-cultures, what is the way to judge groups which consider
themselves as unique and different from others, also against racial and cultural
integration as exemplified by Orthodox Jews?
A. As ethnocentric C. As cultural absolute
B. As cultural relativist D. As xenocentrist

135. If you were a change agent, which of the following sectors you generally advance
in order to address the problem of rampant poverty?
A. Military training and drafting C. Culture and sports
B. Business and manufacturing D. Leisure and arts

136. What is the most dominant theme for creative expression of Kapalaran as a
Filipino cultural value?
A. Misfortune C. Defeat
B. Luck D. Failure

137. Among online networks, which is known as the best social networking site for
photos with captions for trips, foods, business products, etc.?
A. Twitter C. Pinterest
B. Instagram D. MySpace

138. On the Bill of Rights, what is the status of laisse faire or unrestricted freedom of
individuals under the law?
A. It applies to disadvantaged individuals
B. It applies for all times
C. It is given to marginalized groups
D. It is no longer applicable

139. Which is the Queen City of the South with historical landmarks, temples and
religious sites, and dolphin and whale watching?
A. Cebu C. Iloilo
B. Manila D. Zamboanga

140. While the Philippines and the United States elect public officials by voting, what
system in the United States makes it possible to win the greatest number of individual
votes but still lose an election, e. g. loss of Hillary Clinton to Trump in 2020?
A. Electoral College count
B. Computer tabulation
C. Congressional certification of votes
D. Popular votes count
141. Which of the following statements below shows proper citation of a source to be
used in the literature review.
“Research is a significant process for every individual – be he/she is a student,
professional or ordinary citizen.” Excerpt from the article of Giron (2015)
A. According to Giron, 2017, research is a process that is truly significant in every
individual – be he/she is a student, professional or ordinary citizen.
B. Giron (2010) stressed the importance of research as a process in school, in
the professional field and even in daily life of an individual.
C. Research is a process that is significant for every individual – student
professional or ordinary citizen (Giron, 2017)
D. Giron (2017) said that research is a process significant for every student,
professional or ordinary citizen.

142. Which kind of Knowledge will you prioritize as most significant for dealing with
practical challenges and issues in our 4th Industrial era?
A. Technological knowledge C. Magical knowledge
B. Supernatural knowledge D. Natural knowledge

143. As a branch of Social Sciences, economics deals with the following major human
activities in business, trade, commerce of manufactured goods and services but NOT to
include _________.
A. Production C. Consumption
B. Competition D. Distribution

144. In the study of characteristics of Culture, what can be said about culture from
observation that children absorb habits, value, knowledge, skill, and taste of groups to
which they belong?
A. Culture is learned C. Culture is subject to change
B. Culture is adaptive D. Culture is compulsory

145. What is/are the purpose/s of review of related literature?

I. Point the way in fulfilling a need for additional research.
II. Locate your own research within the context of existing literature.
III. Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication of effort.
A. I and II C. I only
B. II and III D. I, II and III

146. What is the principle enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution that is not found
in any other constitution in the world?
A. Brotherhood C. Peace
B. Freedom D. Love

147. On political ideology, what prominent example can you find for conservatism of the
US Republican Party politicians?
A. Rejection for mail voting C. Redistricting states
B. Uphold reason and rationalism D. Objection to Abortion Law

148. On learning/thinking styles, to what kind of learners do you use lectures,

discussions and talking things to class learners?
A. Auditory learners C. Visual learners
B. Kinesthetic learners D. Tactile learners

149. Of charter documents, which of the following is known as the Freedom

A. Malolos Constitution C. 1973 Constitution
B. 1987 Constitution D. 1935 Constitution

150. Among the types of theater arts in the Philippines, which is considered as the
highest point of Filipino folk literature recited orally by our forebears?
A. Epic poetry C. Duplo
B. Senakulo D. Moro-moro
*** E N D ***

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