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Chemistry Worksheet Class 6 on Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into

Groups with Answers - Set 3

Q1. Which of the following floats on water?

(a) Wood
(b) Plastic
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c) Both wood and plastic float on water.

Q2. Which of the following material is used to make a tumbler?

(a) Plastic
(b) Metal
(c) Clothes
(d) None of the above
Answer: (a) Plastic is used to make a tumbler.

Q3. Which of the following is miscible in water?

(a) Blue Vitriol
(b) Alcohol
(c) Milk
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d) Blue vitriol, alcohol and milk are miscible in water.

Q4. Which of the following is a transparent object?

(a) Glass
(b) Water
(c) Air
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d) Glass, water and air are transparent objects.

Q5. Which of the following is immiscible in water?

(a) Almond oil
(b) Sodium chloride
(c) Alcohol
(d) None of the above
Answer: (a) Almond oil is immiscible in water.

Q6. Materials are grouped based on _______ and ________.

Answer: Materials are grouped on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities.

Q7. _______ is transparent.

Answer: Glass is transparent.

Q8. State true or false.

Turmeric powder is insoluble in water.
Answer: True, turmeric powder is insoluble in water.

Q9. State true or false.

Brass has a reddish brown colour.
Answer: False, brass does not has a reddish brown colour.

Q10. State true or false.

Milk is miscible in water.
Answer: True, milk is miscible in water.

Q11. Why do we need classification?

Answer: We need classification because classification makes everything easier and orderly for better
Materials are classified based on similarities in their properties such as appearance, hardness,
transparency, solubility or density.

Q12. Define density.

Answer: Density is defined as mass per volume. You can think of it as the amount of particles of a
substance are packed into a certain amount of space.

Q13. Define buoyancy.

Answer: The upward force applied by the fluid on the object or the body when an object is put in or
submerged in the fluid is termed as Buoyancy.

Q14. Why is it essential to classify substances as biodegradable and non-biodegradable?

Answer: It is essential to classify substances as biodegradable and non-biodegradable to ensure they
are properly disposed of and do not cause any harm to living beings and the environment.

Q15. Differentiate between transparent and translucent objects.

Answer: An object that allows visible light to pass through is called a transparent object. We can clearly
see through a transparent object. E.g.:- glass, fish tank.
An object which allows partial passage to light is called a translucent object. E.g.:-plastic bottle, paper
Q16. Match the following.
Column A Column B

Glass, air Floats on water

Iron sheet and cardboard Metallic lustre

Oily paper sheet Soluble in water

Sugar and salt Translucent

Gold and silver Opaque

Wax Transparent
Column A Column B

Glass, air Transparent

Iron sheet and cardboard Opaque

Oily paper sheet Translucent

Sugar and salt Soluble in water

Gold and silver Metallic lustre

Wax Floats on water

Q17. What are the advantages of classification?

Answer: The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification.
We need to classify because it helps in
1. Identification of objects.
2. Locating things.
3. It makes the study of different objects easy and more meaningful rather than studying each other
4. Helps to understand similarities and dissimilar objects.

Q18. What is a metal?

Answer: Materials with certain properties like lustre, malleability, ductility and good conductors of heat
and electricity are termed as metals.

Q19. Define classification. What is the basis of classification?

Answer: The process of sorting and grouping things according to some basis is called classification.
We can group materials on the basis of the similarities and differences in their properties.
Each material has its own properties that may differ from others. However, some properties may be
common to one or more materials.

Q20. What are the differences between solids, liquids and gases?
S. No. Property Solid Liquid Gas

1. Shape It has a fixed It has no definite It has no definite

shape. shape. It attains the shape. It acquires
vessel's form in the vessel's state in
which it is kept. which it is kept.

2. Volume It has a fixed It has a fixed It doesn't have a

volume. volume. fixed volume.

3. Compressibi It is It is slightly It is highly

lity incompressible. compressible. compressible.

4. Rigidity/ They are rigid and They are not rigid They are not rigid
Fluidity can not flow. and can flow. and can flow.

5. Force of The force of The force of The force of

attraction attraction between attraction between attraction between
particles is particles is less particles is the
maximum. than solid but more least.
than gases.

6. The motion Particles don't Particles move Particles move

of particles move freely. freely but are freely.
confined within

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