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by FitXFearless


One of my subscribers asked me, “Fitx, how do you slide in DMs?” And this
is actually a pretty common question that I get. So I got it. I’m going to give
you a three-step process to dming women.

But before we even get into the three steps, you have to have your profile
set up in a way that helps you appear more attractive. I have said this
before, but if you don’t do this, don’t even read this ebook. There’s no

If you don’t already have good-looking pictures…

If you have a page that is filled with you and your damn dogs…

If you don’t already have a page that looks presentable…

There’s no point in you trying to DM girls. They’re not going to respond to

your message. Your page is what they have to see when you DM a girl.
Even if she doesn’t follow you yet. When you DM a girl; she can see the
message request. Then she’s going to go through your page and see who
you are. So if you look like shit, why would she respond?


Make it represent you the best. You should not be half-assing your Instagram,
and then expect women to be responding to your messages. And no, these
chicks don’t have too much of an ego. Just make yourself look better.

You need to understand that men want to bang anything. But women are not
like that. Women want to sleep with the highest value guy. So listen, you owe it
to your damn self to be as high value as possible. So make your page as legit as
possible. Give yourself value even if you don’t have the most subscribers and
most importantly, make sure you’re taking high-quality pictures.

Pro Tip: Go hire a photographer. It is going to cost you 100 to 150 dollars. That’s it.
You want to tell them you want 10 photos in three different locations.

This is what I do every time I want more pictures for my instagram. If you haven't
seen it yet, make sure you check it out and follow me here: @fitxfearless. You
can go see what I’m talking about. All my pictures are professional photos. The
best part is that you can post one picture a month and those 10 photos that last
you 10 months. Now you are attracting way more girls because of that.

Then you want the photographer to enhance your pictures. Photographers know
how to do this. That’s why there’s no point trying to get your boy to take a photo
of you. Be smart and invest the money. Don’t be a cheapskate, invest the money.
Invest a hundred dollars (150 dollars) to get really good photos.

It's going to make you stand out and guess what? 99% of guys are not doing this.
So before you even get to DMing chicks, this is what you should do. Even on
tinder, Snapchat, or wherever you are… You want to have high-quality photos.

If you want more detailed instructions on how to create a page that is perfect for
this kind of thing, you should check out“IG Wingman.”

It’s a video course I made to show guys how to build an attractive IG from scratch
and tons of guys are already saying it’s one of my best programs and it costs
about the same as a video game.

Step 1:
Show That You’re Interested
Now that that’s out of the way, once your page is
looking right, your first step is going to be to follow
her and like a recent picture.

Here’s the thing though, you’re not going to like a

picture with her ass showing. Just like a picture that
is just a normal picture of her. Just make sure it’s a
recent photo. Don’t go back a thousand years, and
like a picture. You should not be scrolling that far.

You can do this about once a week with 10-20 girls

but this isn’t the part where you DM them yet. You
don’t want to DM girls who do not follow you. This
will make your chances better. If you want to DM
girls who don’t follow you, that’s cool. Sometimes I
do it too. But if you want to get the best results, just
wait. The girls who follow you back are going to
have like 90% response rates.

But let’s say she likes your picture back instead… oh

yeah, you probably will get the number easily. Likes
on Instagram are a signal of interest. When a girl
likes your photo, she’s signaling that she has an
interest in you if she likes two, three, four photos.
You are probably going to smash that night. It’s that
simple. Don’t make it more complicated than what
it is.

You’re going to like the photo, and you’re going to follow her
You’re going to do this with 10 to 20 girls
Whichever girls follow you back or like your pictures, will be the ones you DM
The girls who don’t follow you back, you’re going to unfollow them

That’s how it works. The whole mentality is that you’re putting yourself out there
for girls to show you whether or not they’re interested. You’re not going to be
chasing them. You can see their page, think they’re cute, like a photo, follow
them, and not be thirsty about it. This is simply signaling to her that you are
interested in her, and if she’s interested back, she better show it to you. And if she
doesn't show it to you, you’re not pursuing her further. Cause at that point, you’re
basically just begging her to fuck. Fuck all that.

You can go check out my IG right now. Everyone I’m following is someone I
personally know and follows me back. (As long as it’s not somebody super
famous.) I don’t just follow people just because. I don’t have time (And you
shouldn’t either) to be scrolling through Instagram watching everyone's posts
and stories. I want to watch value driven stuff or people I personally know. But
I’m not going to DM a girl, like all her pictures these simps do, and then hope to
God that she responds to my messages.

With this strategy, you don’t have to worry about hope because your page
already does the work for you. So at that point it’s either does she like you or no?
Cause it’s not like every chick under the sun is going to like you…

But at least you won’t be blowing your chances with the chicks that actually
could have liked you.

Step 2:
Start The Conversation
So let’s say she follows you back or likes one of your pictures. This is when you
DM her this message: are you in *this city*?

For example, at the time of writing this, I’m in Guadalajara, Mexico. So my

message right now is, “are you in Guadalajara?”

You can never assume that they’re in your city because tagging the city in a
photo or having it in her bio doesn’t mean that they’re there at that moment.
And you don’t have time to do a long-distance relationship. We’re not trying to
fill these chicks’ egos up and make them feel good about themselves for no
reason. She can go pay a therapist for that. If she’s not in your city, there’s no
point in talking. You’re not going to waste your time saying, “hey beautiful,
how are you?” You really don’t even want to get to know her yet. “are you in
this city?” That’s your first question.

The girls who do live in your city are usually going to say something along the
lines of “yes I am and you?” That’s her showing you interest. If a girl just says
yes, she’s probably not so interested. Women are easy to read. Now if you’re
wondering why/how this works…

Think about it like this, you’re increasing your probability of success in every
step of the way.

First of all, you made sure your page was on point so now you’re going
to be more attractive to girls from the jump. That puts you in the top 10
percentile already
Now you’re only DMing girls who follow you back. So now you’re
putting yourself in the top five percentile
Then as I DM them, I’m asking girls, are you in this city? So now I’m not
dealing with girls who are not in my city. Now I’m in the top three
percentile. Perfect!

Because you could DM a chick and she could be in Japan. That’s a total waste
of time and energy because literally nothing can come of that. So your first
message is always, are you in *this city*?

Step 3:
Seal The Deal
Now, this is what you say next: “cool, we should get
to know each other in person. how about wine in
my place?”

By doing this you are skipping the BS. She has

already told you that she’s obviously interested in
you by following you back, you know your page
looks good, you know she’s in your city. Now, you’re
going straight to the point and this will tell you just
how high her interest is.

The reason why I emphasize “in person'' is because

a lot of girls want to text you all day. That’s a total
waste of time and won’t even get you the result you
want, which is a date with her and to get the guts.

So you tell her in person and if she’s into it, she’ll say
yes and then you can ask for her number and you
move on from there.

Now here’s the thing, if she says anything other

than yes, you stop responding. Only exception to
this rule is if she says something about it possibly
being that you’re moving too fast… Your response
should be: I work a lot so I don't have time to text. I’d
prefer to get to know you in person. And you know
what, this should be true.

And if a girl is understanding, she’s going to accept that. In fact, girls eat that
up because it shows your high value. She’s going to think, “This dude
probably is busy, I already think he’s good-looking, so let me not fuck this up
and just go ahead and set the date.” It’s that simple.

It sounds simple but I'm telling you bro, I have gotten girls on Instagram so I’m not just making this up.
I know it works because I’ve done it. I’m not going to come on here and just tell y’all BS if it doesn’t
work. Plus by doing it this way you skip all the BS and all the extra steps that most guys take AND
you make yourself look higher value. If she’s into you, there’s no need for you to do all that talking.

She’s going to give you her number, you’re going to set a date for when you’re both available, then
she’s going to come over, and you’re probably going to smash. It is that simple.

Once you start doing this, watch how easy your DMs are. Watch how easy it is for you to meet girls
through Instagram.

And if you have any questions about dating, style, female nature, social media, etc…

Hit the link below to book a call with my team:


Best of luck.

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