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Puppet Show: Scoring Rubric

4 Points Each 3 Points Each 2 Points Each 1 Point Each

Topic Puppets clearly Puppets represent Some of the Puppets don’t
represent the topic the topic of the puppets represent represent the
of the show show the topics of the topics of the show

Planning The puppet show The puppet show The puppet show The puppet show
was well planned was mostly was only was not very well
and organized planned and somewhat planned planned or
organized and organized organized

Characters The characters The characters The characters The characters do

clearly represent adequately only somewhat not represent the
the topic being represent the topic represent the topic topic being
presented being presented being presented presented

Directions The group followed The group followed The group only The group did not
directions well most directions somewhat followed follow directions

Speaking The group Most of the group Only some of the Most of the group
members spoke members spoke members of the members did not
clearly during the clearly in the book group only speak clearly
puppet show somewhat spoke


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