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Do Epic Shit

Author: Ankur
Book Review
Do Epic Shit is that the best book since sliced bread. it absolutely was the primary book ever
published by Ankur Warikoo. Ankur Warikoo may be a finance expert, an investor, a
YouTuber, entrepreneur, author, and a superb teacher. He was the previous CEO of
Accemtum Web, Groupon India. He was a co-founder and CEO of the corporate Nearbuy
too. He is a content creator whose deep witty and honest thoughts on success and failure,
money, investing, self-awareness and personal relationships. He puts together the ideas that
have fuelled his journey from desperate to be an area engineer to being a content creator. His
thoughts range from importance of making habits from long run success to the foundations of
cash management, from embracing and accepting failure to the real truth about learning
empathy. The writing style of the book is extremely different and has no long interconnected
chapters like novels that make the book tedious. The book contains quotes and anecdotes that
contain many notes that are helpful in life. The book has very useful guidance’s. Ankur
Warikoo has faced many failures and he has mentioned this in his book. the varied chapters
help one’s life like a way to cater to failures that becomes success. the way to have habits that
job for one the foremost, how does entrepreneurship affects one’s life, the way to handle
money and relationships. One of my favourite chapters is Awareness. It signifies how peace
could be a skill. How decisions are a key role of living and having a relaxed mind can help a
person undergo the harshest of the situations. a number of the quotes from this chapter that
my mind personally accepts is that one “Addictions comes from the sensation of doing
something generates. We don't seem to be passionate about things. We are addicted to those
emotions that things generate” two “If something not happens your way, understand that
GOD has planned something better for you.” Overall the book is absolutely good. There
won’t be something that you just don’t know during this book that the purpose of publishing
this book may be a reminder. Since every page incorporates a new theme some people may
find it difficult to read it at a stretch. But the most effective thanks to get most out of this
book is to travel slow. One should follow these steps to achieve 100% knowledge from this
book: Read; Reflect; Plan; Take Action; Relax and are available back to read more. I
personally rate this book a 8 out of 10 because of its skills and other suggestions which will
make your life sort of a piece of cake.

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