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This stress hormone strengthens your heart.

And the cool thing is that all of

these physical benefits of oxytocin are enhanced by social contact and social
support. So when you reach out to others under stress, either to seek support or
to help someone else, you release more of this hormone, your stress response
becomes healthier, and you actually recover faster from stress. I find this
amazing, that your stress response has a built-in mechanism for stress resilience,
and that mechanism is human connection. I want to finish by telling you about
one more study. And listen up, because this study could also save a life.

The compassionate heart that finds joy and meaning in connecting with others,
and yes, your pounding physical heart, working so hard to give you strength and
energy. And when you choose to view stress in this way, you’re not just getting
better at stress, you’re actually making a pretty profound statement. You’re
saying that you can trust yourself to handle life’s challenges. And you’re
remembering that you don’t have to face them alone. This is kind of amazing,
what you’re telling us. It seems amazing to me that a belief about stress can
make so much difference to someone’s life expectancy.

26: Freezing/ can keep some foods/ in good condition for months/ after the
growing season. Yet/ foods can be damaged/ if they are kept/ too cold. The
British development group/ Practical Action/ says the best way/ to prepare foods
for storage/ is at harvest time/ while still in the field. Use a sharp knife/ and
place the harvested items/ on a clean surface/ or directly into storage containers./
Do not put them on the ground. Use clean water to remove dirt,/ and keep the
water clean.

27: Usually/ it is better not to remove outer leaves/ from fruits and vegetables/
before storage. Without the leaves,/ food can become dry. Fruits and vegetables
must be cool/ from field heat/ before they are put into storage. But cooling them
in water/ can spread fungus/ throughout the food.

28: A better idea/ is to harvest foods/ either early/ or late in the day,/ then leave
them to cool naturally. Some fruits and vegetables/ must be stored at zero/ to
four degrees Celsius. Any colder, and they might be damaged. Some foods need
to be stored at/ four to eight degrees,/ and some need to be stored/ above eight
degrees/ for best results. Cover the items in plastic/ once they reach the right/
“critical temperature”/ for storage.

29: like 27

30: Most fruits and vegetables/ need the relative humidity in storage/ to be kept
between eighty-five/ and ninety-five percent. Finally,/ leave space between the
food containers/ and the walls of the cold storage area/ so air can flow. Keep the
space/ clean.

31: A few degrees/ can make a big difference/ when it comes to food storage.
Foods can go bad/ if they get too warm. But for many of the world’s poor,/
finding a good way/ to keep food cool/ is difficult. Refrigerators/ are costly/ and
they need electricity.

32: Yet spoiled food/ not only creates health risks/ but also economic losses.
Farmers lose money/ when they have to throw away products/ that they cannot
sell/ quickly. But in nineteen ninety-five/ a teacher in northern Nigeria/ named
Mohammed Bah Abba/ found a solution. He developed/ the “ Pot-in-Pot
Conservation/ Cooling System”.

33: It uses/ two round containers/ made of clay. A smaller pot/ is placed inside/ a
larger one. The space between the two pot/ is filled with wet sand. The inner
pot/ can be filled with fruit,/ vegetables/ or drinks.

34: A wet cloth/ covers/ the whole cooling system. Food stored in the smaller
pot/ is kept from spoiling/ through a simple/ evaporation process.Water in sand/
between the two pots/ evaporates/ through the surface of the larger pot,/ where
drier/ outside air/ is moving. The evaporation process/ creates a drop in
temperature/ of several degrees.

35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.
35: This cools the inner pot/ and helps keep food safe/ from harmful bacteria.
Some foods/ can be kept fresh this way/ for several weeks. People throughout
Nigeria/ began using/ the invention. And/ it became popular with farmers/ in
other African countries.

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