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Climate Change—Change to Destruction

Humans are changing Earth’s climate. Abnormal weather, the melting of ice at antarctica, and the
increase of earths temperature on tropical countries shows that it really existed.The impacts of climate
change on people and nature are increasingly apparent. Unprecedented flooding, heat waves, and
wildfires have cost billions in damages. Habitats are undergoing rapid shifts in response to changing
temperatures and precipitation patterns. Calls for action are getting louder. Many global crisis are
factored by climate change phenomena. It became one of the defining issues of our time.

All the evidence are clear that climate change is not only existing but also will increase its damage to the
environment, and all the living things for the upcoming years. It is not merely about the climate itself for
there is a bigger picture what destruction this global problem will serve. Greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide (CO2) absorb heat (infrared radiation) emitted from Earth’s surface. Increases in the
atmospheric concentrations of these gases cause Earth to warm by trapping more of this heat. One of
the causes of it are the activities of human kind. Scientists believe humans’ activities contribute to
climate change because we depend on fossil fuels for our energy needs (Riebeek). According to the
Australian Greenhouse Office, the world depends on fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas for 80%
of its energy needs. Therefore, that makes it very hard to switch from fossil fuels to any other forms of
energy because we depend on fossil fuels to a large degree. The emission of greenhouse gases has
increased dramatically from the industrial revolution, mostly from the burning of fossil fuels for energy,
agriculture, industrial process, and transportation (Ecological Impacts of Climate Change). We benefit
big from destroying our nature. Humans already know that there are consequences of these activities.
Our economy is being affected by this kind of change. One of scenarios of this is, when drought strikes, it
will make water more expensive, which will likely affect the cost of raw materials and production.
Extreme unpredictable typhoons and floods can damage crops, stops operations and transport disrupt.
Climate change can also affect our health including by leading to death and illness from increasingly
frequent extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, increases
in food-, water- and vector-borne diseases, and create mental health issues like psychological and
psychopathological distress. This crisis can affect all and its damage as well as its consequences if not
prevented will lead us to extinction.

Humans depends on the environment to survive. It is where we get our basic needs yet we still continue
our activities that triggers climate change. We are being ignorant of the effects and we take advantage
the resources that our mother nature have. Every citizens and nations must take an action on how to
lessen the effects of climate change.By changing their pattern of energy production and usage in order
to limit emissions of greenhouse gases can prevent the loosing of our ozone. Taking by heart the
activities like reforestation and limitations of using chemicals can also a big help. Each of these options
has risks, attractions and costs, and needs a lot of effort. It is our willingness will save our lives and
preserve the planet for the future generations to come.

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