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92 MLD
NAME OF WORK :- Providing LWSS Jubble Kharian,Singwin,Nara & Darkoti etc. in Tehsil Barsar
Distt. Hamirpur (HP)
(S/H :- C/O WTP OF 1.92 MLD)
Design data :- The below mentioned design data has been considered for working out the
tentative sizes of different unit.
Material of construction :- = "M 20"
Design discharge :- = 1.920 MLD
Add 5%for wastage = 0.096 MLD
Total = 2.016 MLD
or = 2016.00 m3/day
or = 0.0233333 m3/sec.
or = 23.3333 LPS
Detention period of inlet chamber :- = 60.00 Seconds.
Detention period of inlet chamber :- = 1.50 Hours
Storage for raw water tank :- = 16.00 Hours
Detention period of pre-settling tank :- = 1.50 Hours
Surface loading rate :- = 35.00 m3/m2/day
Slope of hopper :- = 55.00 Horizontal
Free Board (F.B.) :- = 0.30 metre
Velocity of flow in mixing channel :- = 0.60 metre/sec.
Detention period of Flocculator :- = 30.00 Minutes.
Range = 10.00 to 40.00 min.
Velocity Gradient :- = 30.00 Per seconds.
Range = 10.00 to 75.00 per sec.
Value of G X T :- = 50000.00
Range = 40000.00 to 60000.00
Velocity of blades :- = 0.40 metre/sec.
Range = 0.20 to 0.60 per sec.
Detention period of Settling tank :- = 2.00 Hours
Surface loading rate :- = 35.00 m3/m2/day
Slope of hopper :- = 55.00 Horizontal
Rate of filteration (Rapid Sand Filters) :- = 80.00 LPM/m 2
Rate of back wash :- = 600.00 LPM/m2for7min for
proper back wash.

Design discharge :- = 1.920 MLD
Add 5%for wastage = 0.096 MLD
Total = 2.016 MLD
or = 2016.00 m3/day
or = 0.023333 m3/sec.
or = 23.3333 LPS
INLET CHAMBER :- = 0.0233 m3/sec.
Detention period of inlet chamber = 60.00 Seconds.
Volume required = 1.40 m3
Assume depth of chamber = 1.00 Metre
Assuming square size,then one side = 1.18 Metre
Say = 1.20 Metre
Hence the size = "L" "B" "SWD" "F.B." Total depth
1.20 1.20 1.00 0.30 1.30 Metre.

RAW WATER TANK :- (Without roof cover)

Storage for raw water tank = 16.00 Hours
Storage required = 1344000 Litres.
Shape = Circular
Assume depth of tank = 5.00 Metre
Volume required = 1344.00 m3
Internal dia.of tank without FB = 18.50 Metre
Say = 18.50 Metre
Hence the size = "Dia." "SWD" "F.B." "S/depth." Total depth
18.50 5.00 0.30 0.15 5.45 Metre.

Design discharge :- = 0.023333 m3/sec.
Detention period of pre-settling tank = 1.50 Hours
Surface loading rate = 35.00 m3/m2/day
Slope of hopper = 55.00 Horizontal
Shape = Rectangular
Volume required = 126.00 m3
Surface area required = 57.60 m2 (i)
Hence depth required = 2.19 Metre
Say = 2.20 Mtr.above hopper
Ratio of length to width = 3.00 : 1.00
Assume width of tank = "B"
Therefore area of tank = 3 B2 (ii)
Equiting the values (i) & (ii) "B" = 6.48 Metre
Say"B"= 6.80 Metre
Therefore length of tank "L" = 20.40 Metre
Hence the size = "L" "B" "SWD" "F.B." Total depth
20.40 6.80 2.20 0.30 2.50 Metre.
with hopper bottom.

V - Notch :- A V - Notch will be provided for measurement of flow. The notch will be
made of non - corossive material such as brass.The approach channel shall be required width,
length & depth.

Length of channel = 3.00 Metre
Design discharge :- = 0.023333 m3/sec.
Bed Slope = 1 : 100
Assume the size of channel = Rectangular
Assume depth of channel = "d"
Assume width of channel ("b") = "d"
Area of channel = dxd= d2
Wetted perimeter of channel("P") = 3d= 3d
Hydraulic mean depth ("R")=A/P = d 2/3d 0.3333 d
Velocity of flow = 0.30 metre/sec. (i)
Discharge (Q) = Area of channel x velocity (V)
Therefore velocity = Q/ A = 0.0233 /d2 (ii)
Equiting the values (i) & (ii) "d" = 0.28
Say"d"= 0.30 Metre
F.B. = 0.15 Metre
Total"d"= 0.45 Metre
Therefore width of channel ("B") = 0.28 Metre
Say"b"= 0.30 Metre
Hence the size = "b" "d"
0.30 0.45 Metre
Hence channel shall be provided with inlet ports in the beds having dia. 80
mm @ 300 mm centre to centre.

Surface weir loading rate = 300.00 m3/m/day
Weir length required = 6.72 Metre
Say = 6.80 Metre
Hence provide outlet structure in the weir having total length as 6.80 Metre

MIXING CHANNEL :- A 3.00 mtr.mixing channel with attracting type diagonal baffle
(at an angle 45 Degrees) will be provided for mixing of alum with water. The velocity of flow
will be 0.60 metre/sec.
Length of channel = 3.00 Metre
Design discharge :- = 0.0233 m3/sec.
Bed Slope = 1 : 100
Assume the size of channel = Rectangular
Assume depth of channel = "d"
Assume width of channel ("b") = "d"
Area of channel = dxd= d2
Wetted perimeter of channel("P") = 3d= 3d
Hydraulic mean depth ("R")=A/P = d 2/3d 0.3333 d
Velocity of flow = 0.60 metre/sec. (i)
Discharge (Q) = Area of channel x velocity (V)
Therefore velocity = Q/ A = 0.023333 / d 2 (ii)
Equiting the values (i) & (ii) "d" = 0.20
Say"d"= 0.25 Metre
F.B. = 0.15 Metre
Total"d"= 0.40 Metre
Therefore width of channel ("B") = 0.20 Metre
Say"b"= 0.30 Metre
Hence the size = "b" "d"
0.30 0.40 Metre

FLOCCULATOR :- The mechanical type flocculator as per the requirement of CPHEEO

Design discharge :- = 0.0233 m3/sec.
Detention period of Flocculator :- = 30.00 Minutes.
Range = 10.00 to 40.00 min.
Shape = Square
Volume required = 42.00 m3
Assume depth of chamber = 3.00 Metre
Side of tank (Square tank) "A" = 3.74 Metre
Say = 3.80 Metre
Velocity Gradient = 30.00 Per seconds.
Range = 10.00 to 75.00 per sec.
Design of influent pipe :-
Assuming the velocity of entry = 1.00 metre/sec.
Inlet pipe dia. = 0.172 Metre
Provide an influent pipe of dia. 200 mm

Dimensions of paddles :-
Total power input to flocculator,P =G2m (Vol.)
= 48.45 Watts
or = 0.04 HP
Say = 0.50 HP
Power input = 0.50 x CD x p x Ap x (V - v )3 =
= 24.2271 A P
AP = 2.00 m3
Ratio of area of paddles to X - sectional area of flocculator
= 0.1989
or = 19.89 %
This is within the prescribed limits of 10 to 25 is safe.
Provide 4.00 No's paddles each having size of 2.00 x 0.40
metre wide of 5.00 mm thickness.
Assume RPM of the assembly"n" = 5.00 RPM
Distance of paddles edge from centreline of shaft = 60 x v/2 x p x n
= 0.95 Metre
Say = 1.00 Metre
Assume the velocity of water below the partition wall between the flocculator & carifier be
0.30 mtr/min.Therefore area of opening required for a velocity 0.30 mtr/min.
below the partition wall will be
Area = Q (in m3/hour) /(v x 60) = 4.67 m2
Depth below partition wall = Area / ( p x side of flocculators)
= 0.39 metre
Provide 25 % addititional depth for the storage of sludge in case the mechanical scraper is
out of order.
Depth provided for sludge storage = 0.75 metre
Provide 8 % slope for the bottom.
Total depth of tank at the partition will assuming a free board of 0.30 metre.
= 4.44
Say = 4.50 Metre

Design discharge :- = 0.0233 m3/sec.
Detention period of pre-settling tank = 2.00 Hours
Surface loading rate = 35.00 m3/m2/day
Slope of hopper = 55.00 Horizontal
Shape = Rectangular
Volume required = 168.00 m3
Surface area required = 57.60 m2 (i)
Hence depth required = 2.92 Metre
Say = 3.00 Mtr.above hopper
Ratio of length to width = 3.00 : 1.00
Assume width of tank = "B"
Therefore area of tank = 3 B2 (ii)
Equiting the values (i) & (ii) "B" = 7.48 Metre
Say"B"= 7.50 Metre
Therefore length of tank "L" = 22.50 Metre
Hence the size = "L" "B" "SWD" "F.B." Total depth
22.50 7.50 3.00 0.30 3.30 Metre.
with hopper bottom.
Length of channel = 3.00 Metre
Design discharge :- = 0.0233 m3/sec.
Bed Slope = 1 : 100
Assume the size of channel = Rectangular
Assume depth of channel = "d"
Assume width of channel ("b") = "d"
Area of channel = dxd= d2
Wetted perimeter of channel("P") = 3d= 3d
Hydraulic mean depth ("R")=A/P = d 2/3d 0.3333 d
Velocity of flow = 0.30 metre/sec. (i)
Discharge (Q) = Area of channel x velocity (V)
Therefore velocity = Q/ A = 0.0233 /d 2
Equiting the values (i) & (ii) "d" = 0.28
Say"d"= 0.30 Metre
F.B. = 0.15 Metre
Total"d"= 0.45 Metre
Therefore width of channel ("B") = 0.28 Metre
Say"b"= 0.30 Metre
Hence the size = "b" "d"
0.30 0.45 Metre
Hence the channel shall be provided with inlet ports in the beds having dia. 80 mm @
300 mm centre to centre.
Surface weir loading rate = 300.00 m3/m/day
Weir length required = 6.72 Metre
Say = 7.50 Metre
Hence provide outlet structure in the weir having total length as 7.50 Metre
Assume a surface overflow rate = 40.00 m3/m2/day
Surface area of clarifier = 50.40 m2
Dia.of clariflocculators,D cf is as under :-
= 10.97 Metre
Length of weir = p x D c f = 34.47 Metre
Weir Loading =Q(in m3/hour x 24)/length of weir = 58.48 m3/m/day
(which is < than 300.00 m3/m/day


Incomming discharge to RSF = 0.023333 m3/sec.
or = 2016.00 m3/day
or = 84.00 m3/hour
Ratr of filteration = 80.00 LPM / m2
Area of filteration = 17.50 m2
No's of filter beds required = 1.95
Say = 2.00 No's
Area of filteration of one unit = 8.75 m2 (i)
Length/width ratio as per CPHEEO Manual = 1.25 to 1.33
Assume " b" be the width of RSF,then length = 1.30 b
Area = 1.30 b2 (ii)
Equiting the values (i) & (ii) " b" = 2.59 Metre
" b" = Say = 2.60 Metre
" l" = 3.38 Metre
"l"= Say = 3.40 Metre
Hence the size = "b" "l"
2.60 3.40 Metre

Water depth over media = 1.50 Metre
Total depth of filter = 2.55 Metre
The thickness of various layers as per IS : 8419 (Part -I) 1977
Bottom layer 65 mm to 38 mm size gravel = 0.15 Metre thick.
Second layer 38 mm to 20 mm size gravel = 0.15 Metre thick.
Third layers 20 mm to 12 mm size gravel = 0.09 Metre thick.
Fourth layers 12 mm to 6 mm size gravel = 0.06 Metre thick.
Coursed sand layers = 0.60 Metre thick.
Total = 1.05 Mtr thick.
Specification of course sand shall be as under :-
Uniformity co - efficient = 13 to 17
Effective size = .045 to 0.70 mm
Silica content = 90.00 %


Back wash period = 7.00 Minutes.
Back wash rate = 600.00 LPM/m2
or = 36.00 m3/m2/hour
3 % filtered water =
Actual quantity of back wash = 73500 Ltrs. (i)
(No's of filter bed x back wash period x back wash
rate in m3/m2/min x area of one unit filteration)
or = 73.50 m3
3 % filtered water (range from 1 to 6 %) = 60.48 m3
Considering alum dose = 100.00 mg/ltrs.
Quantity of alum solution = 201.60 Kg/day
Qty.of alum by taking 5 % solution strength = 52.67 mg/ltrs.
(by interpolation)
Quantity of water requd.per day = 1275.86 Ltrs.
or = 1300.00 Ltrs. (ii)
Total water required ( i ) + ( ii ) = 74800.00 Ltrs.
Storage required = 74800 Litres.
Shape = Circular
Assume depth of tank = 3.00 metre
Volume required = 74.80 m3
Internal dia.of tank without F.B. = 5.63 metre
Say = 5.65 Metre
Hence the size = "Dia." "SWD" "F.B." Total depth
5.65 3.00 0.30 3.30 Metre.


Considering alum dose = 100.00 mg/ltrs.
Quantity of alum solution = 201.60 Kg/day
Qty.of alum by taking 5 % solution strength = 52.67 mg/ltrs.
(by interpolation)
Quantity of water reqd.per day = 1275.86 Ltrs.
or = 1300.00 Ltrs.
or = 1.30 m3
Shape = Square
Volume required = 1.30 m3
Assume depth of chamber = 1.00 Metre
Side of tank (Square tank) "A" = 1.14 Metre
Say = 1.15 Metre
Hence the size = "L" "B" "SWD" "F.B." Total depth
1.15 1.15 1.00 0.30 1.30 Metre.
CHLORINATION SYSTEM :- The chlorination should be provided as per CPHEEO Manual
with conventional system.
Quantity of water to be chlorinated = 2016000.00 LPD
Super chlorination dose = 5.00 PPM
Quantity of bleaching powder(25%strength) = 2419.20 Kg
or = 2420.00 Kg
Qty.of alum by taking 4 % solution strength = 41.26 %
Quantity of water reqd.per day = 565.52 Ltrs.
or = 600.00 Ltrs.
or = 0.60 m3/day
Shape = Square
Volume required = 2.42 m3
Assume depth of chamber = 1.20 Metre
Side of tank (Square tank) "A" = 1.42 Metre
Say = 1.45 Metre
Hence the size = "L" "B" "SWD" "F.B." Total depth
1.45 1.45 1.20 0.30 1.50 Metre.

CLEAR WATER TANK :- ( With top roof cover)

Inlet discharge = 1.92 MLD
or = 1920.00 m3/day
Storage Hours = 16.00 Hours
Storage capacity = 1280000 Ltrs.
Shape = Circular
Assume depth of tank = 5.00 Metre
Volume required = 1280.00 m3
Internal dia.of tank without FB = 18.05 Metre
Say = 18.05 Metre
Hence the size = "Dia." "SWD" "F.B." Total depth
18.05 5.00 0.30 5.30 Metre.

WASH WATER LIFTING PUMPS :- 2 No's wash water pumping sets will be provided
to lift water clear water tank to back wash water tank including all allied accessories such as
panel board,starters,cables,other electrical devices & sluice valves.The pumps will housed in a
pump house of plan 12.00 m2 as per requirement.
No's of pump sets = 2.00 No's(1 working & 1
Rate of pumping = 42.00 m3/hour
Head ( assumed) = 25.00 Metre
BHP Required = 6.48 HP
Say = 7.50 HP
Type of pump = Electrical driven centrifugal type

DISINFECTION ARRANGEMENT:- The disinfection arrangement with conventional

bleaching powder chlorination system will be provided. Two no's bleaching powder tanks will be
provided in dosing room of chemical house.The capacity of each tank will be 480 Ltrs. The
tanks will be lined with anti corrosive lining.Proper manual mixing arrangement will be provided.
The bleaching powder solution will be fed through PVC pipe.

BYE PASS ARRANGEMENT:- Proper bye pass & scour arrangrment will be provided to bye
pass each unit with MS/GMS flanged pipes with proper control valves.

PLANT BUILDING :- The plant building of 100.00 m 2

floor area will be
provided as per the requirement.

INTER CONNECTING PATHS & WALKWAYS :- The necessary provosions shall be

made as per the requirement.

LABORATORY EQUIPEMENT :- The laboratory equipement will be supplied as per requirement.

FENCING :- The barbed wire fencing & compound gate will be as per the requirement.

SITE DEVELOPMENT & RETAINING WALLS :- The site should be developed within
the battery limit of plant.The retaining walls/breast walls will be contructed wherever required.
The retaining walls will be of RCC or in plum concrete 1:3:6 as per the detailed design.

ELECTRICAL ITEMS :- Proper lighting arrangement ai all the buildings i/c filter house
& pump house & includes wiring,switches,light points,sockets & MCB's. In addition, 4 no's 500
watts flood lights fixed at suitable height & locations shall be provided to light up the area of
water treatment plant.

MECHANICAL ITEMS & PIPING ETC :- All the mechanical items such as sluice valves
etc.will be ISI marked & pipes should be flanged with suitable table.
NAME OF WORK :- Providing LWSS Jubble Kharian,Singwin,Nara & Darkoti etc. in Tehsil Barsar
Distt. Hamirpur (HP)
(S/H :- C/O WTP OF 1.92 MLD
1) The scope of work includes the C/O
1.92 MLD Capacity WTP capa-
ble to treat the raw water of the qua-
lity specified in the basic design data
to produce clear water as per the re-
quirement of CPHEEO manual on WS
& treatment.The WTP shall be inclu-
de the C/O Raw water tank,inlet cha-
mber,V - Notch,mixing channel,Para-
shall flume,pre-settling tank,flocculat-
or,alum solution/mixing tanks & dosi-
ng arrangements,Settling tank,Rapid
sand filter complete with back wash
water arrangement,Clear warer tank,
compete disinfection arrangement with
bleaching powder,plant building ( for
chemical store cum dosing room,wat-
er testing laboratory cum attendent
room & toilet),supply of laboratory
electrical equipement,electric wiring &
panel board,sanitation,interconnecting
paths,site deveopment upto a min.
of 3.00 mtr.from edge of battery limit
og plant,retaining & breast walls and

NAME OF WORK :- Providing LWSS Jubble Kharian,Singwin,Nara & Darkoti etc. in Tehsil Barsar
Distt. Hamirpur (HP)
(S/Head :- C/O OHSR 111400 Ltr.with 20 Mtr.staging height)
1) Consruction of RCC sector storage
over tank 111400 litres capacity
with 20 metres staging heights from bottom of the dome slab/ ring
beam comprising of Inlet,Outlet,Scour
& Over flow MS/GMS tubes as per the
relevants codes from tank i/c
bends,valves of required sizes confor-
ming to relevants IS codes,MS clamps,
Spiral RCC stair cases of suitable width
with 32 mm GMS tubes railing as per
specifications,Steel ladders of 0.45 mtr.
wide usual heights as per site require-
ment for outer & inner side,MH Cover
i/c frame (Medium duty) of 500 mm
dia. & the weight of the same should
not be less than 116 Kg,ventilated
pipe,Water level indicator of float and
scale type,lightening conductor with
earthing arrangement i/c rendering/
plastering of the uneven exposed
surface inclussive of two coats of sno-
wcem paint & any other component
required for the completion of the job
into the entire satisfacton of the Eng-
inner-in-charge.The proper walkways
of suitable width should be provided
at bottom dome around the tank for
working space i/c railing complete.The
tank be based on raft foundation by
taking seismic forces & also include the
expansion joints & puddle collars.
Weight of chemicals per unit volume
% age of Alum Soda ash Cal.chloride
solution (Al2SO4)3 (Na2 CO2) (Ca2 Cl2)
gm/ltr. gm/ltr. gm/ltr.
1 10.09 10.09 10.06
2 20.39 20.38 20.30
4 41.62 41.59 41.26
6 63.71 63.64 62.92
8 86.70 86.53 85.27
10 110.60 110.30 108.40
12 135.50 134.90 132.20
14 161.40 160.50 156.80
16 188.30 0.00 182.20

Input Data:-
Capacity of tank 605000.00 Lts.
Or = Volume of tank = 605.00 Cum.
Depth of tank (Assumed) i/c 0.20 scour depth "H" = 4.50 Mts.
Area of the base of tank = Volume/Depth "A" = 140.70 Sqmt.
Let 'D' be the internal diameter of tank
Let 'D' be the internal diameter of tank "D" = ( Area x 4/ p ) 1/2
13.38 Mts.
Say 13.40 Mts.
Design constants for grade conc. " M - 30 " Tensile Strength
scbc = 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.50 N/mm2
sst = 230.00 130.00 130.00
m = 9.33 9.33 9.33
k = 0.289 0.418 0.418
j = 0.904 0.861 0.861
R = 1.304 1.798 1.798
H 2/Dt 6.00
The value of hoop tension = 0.6430 at 0.70 H
The value of Bending Moment = 0.0187 at 1.00 H
The value of Shear Force (V) = 0.2130
Tor steel (HYSD-415) Grade Direct Bending
S.No. Dia. of bar Weight Area(Af) ( in N/mm )2
( in N/mm2 )
in mm in kg in mm 2
M:15 1.10 1.50
1) 6 0.222 28.27 M:20 1.20 1.70
2) 8 0.395 50.27 M:25 1.30 1.80
3) 10 0.617 78.54 M:30 1.50 2.00
4) 12 0.889 113.10 M:35 1.60
5) 16 1.580 201.06 M:40 1.70
6) 20 2.469 314.16 Grade Modular Shear
7) 22 2.988 380.13 ratio(m) stress
8) 24 3.556 452.39 M:15 19.00 1.50
9) 28 4.840 615.75 M:20 13.00 1.70
M:25 11.00 1.90
M:30 9.00 2.20
Wall Thick. HYSD bar Remarks
<225 mm 115 150 Near face of members in contact
with liquid or away/other face
>225 mm 125 190 On face away from liquid
Capacity of Storage tank 605000 Lts.
Volume of the tank = 605.00 Cum.
Depth of tank (Assumed) i/c 0.20 scour depth "H" = 4.50 Mts.
Free Board (Assumed) F.B. = 0.30 Mts.
Total ht.i/c F.B. 4.80 Mts.
Area of the base of tank = Volume/Depth "A" = 140.70 Sqmt.
Let 'D' be the internal diameter of tank "D" = (Area x 4/p) 0.50
= 13.38 Mts.
Say 13.40 Mts.
"h" = 1.10 Or 1.50 Mtr.
Hence"h"is taken,whichever is more = 1.50 Mts.
Approximate thickness of wall is given by the formula :-
t = 30 x H + 50 or 150 mm, whichever is more. "t" = 185.00 mm
Say 200.00 mm
150.00 or 200.00 Adopt (Wall Thickness) at bottom = 270.00 mm
Refer IS:3370 (Part IV) Ratio (H 2/D x t) = 5.60
Adopt for design purposes = 6.00
Keeping in view of ratio,the maximum value of coefficient of hoop tension =
0.6970 which occur at depth of 0.70 x H = 3.15 mts.from top.
Therefore Max.hoop tension"T"= (Co-efficient) x w x H x D/2 = 210.15 kN
Refer IS:3370 (Part IV)
Keeping in view of ratio,the maximum value of coefficient of bending moment =
0.0146 which occur at depth of 1.00 x H = 3.75 mts.from top.
(The minus sign indicate tension on the inner face.)
Therefore Max.B. M. = (Co-efficient) x w x H3) KN-m 13.30 kN - m
Refer IS:3370 (Part IV)
Keeping in view of ratio,the max. value of coefficient of shear force = 0.2130
Therefore Shear force ( S.F.) = ( Coefficient ) x w x h2 in K N 43.13 kN
( acting inward)
Design of wall thickness:-
Design constants for "M-30" grade concrete.
scbc = 10.00 N/mm 2 m = 9.33 j = 0.861
sst = 230.00 N/mm 2 k = 0.289 R = 1.304
scbc = 10.00 N/mm 2 m = 9.33 j = 0.861
sst = 130.00 N/mm 2
k = 0.418 R = 1.798
scbc = 10.00 N/mm 2 m = 9.33 j = 0.861
sst = 130.00 N/mm 2
k = 0.418 R = 1.798
NOTE :-The outside soil ( H soil ) is assumed = 1.50 Mts.below ground level
Let the wt. of soil = 17.00 KN/m 3 or 17000.00 N/m3
Wt.of water = 10.00 KN/m 3
or 10000.00 N/m3
Angle of Repose f = 30.00 Degrees
Then, Ka = (1-sinf)/(1+sinf) = 1/3 or 0.3333
Then , p =10000 x H soil + ( 17000 -10000 ) x H soil x 1/3 18500.00 N/m 2
or = 18.50 KN/m 2

Bending Moment = 24.61 KN - m

Maximum B.M. = 24.61 KN - m
"d " = (( M / R x b )) 0.50
= 116.99 mm
Hence adopted total thick.of wall 270 mm is in order from B.M.consideration.
at bottom & reduce it at top 200 mm
Wall thickness for no crack section = (( 6 x BM in Kn-m x 10 6/ (s cbc *1000))1/2
where scbc = 2.00 as tension due bending for grade " M -30 "
= 271.73 mm
say 270.00 mm
Assuming a clear cover of 30 mm upto centre of Main bars,
Then,available effective thickness of wall or "d" = ( total thickness - clear cover - f/2 )
By using Tor steel of 10 mm dia. "d" = 235.00 mm
A st =( M / j x d x sst) = 936.02 mm 2

Spacing of steel used 10 mm f (Af) = 78.57 mm 2)

A f x 1000 / A st = 83.94 mm
Design for maximum hoop tension:-
Max.hoop tension considering earth pressure from outside & no water pressure from inside.
Max.hoop tension "T" = 210.15 KN/m
At= T/sst = 1616.50 mm 2
Hence, provide hoop reinforcement at both the faces.
Therefore, Area of each face (At /2) = 808.25 mm 2

By using Tor steel of 10 mm dia.

Spacing of steel used 10 mm f (Af) = 78.57 mm 2)
A f x 1000 / A st = 97.21 mm
Say 90 mm
As per IS 456:2000, Clause 26.3.3 the spacing b/w the bars shall not be more than 300 mm or 3d,
whichever is smaller.
Hence, minimum spacing of steel will be = 90 mm
Total, At acually provided = 2 (A f x 1000) / Spacing = 1746.03 mm 2

Hence provide T/steel 10 mm f rings 90 mm c/c on both

faces of the wall.
Check for tensile stress in composite section:-
sct = (( T/ ( t x 1000 ) + ( m - 1 ) A t )) 0.739 N/mm2
which is < than 1.50 N/mm2,hence safe.

Check for bending :- ((Maximum BM x 106 x 6 / (1000 x Bottom wall width 2))
= 0.1825 N/mm2
which is < than 2.00 N/mm2 (safe)
As per IS:3370-2009, Part-2, Table-1
Check for shear :- Maximum shear force = 43.13 KN
Shear stress = ((Max.shear stress/(1000 x bottom wall width)) = 0.1598 N/mm2
which is < than 2.20 N/mm (safe)

As per IS:456-2000, Table 24

Max B.M. On the inner face= (Co-efficient) x w x H3) KN-m = 13.30 KN - m

Area of steel required on inner side = 477.36 mm2

by using Tor Steel 10 mm ɸ, (Aɸ) = 78.54 mm2
Spacing of steel A ɸ x 1000 / A st = 164.53 mm
= 170.00 mm
Hence, provide 10 mm dia, 170 mm c/c spacing on the inner side `

Max B.M. on the outer face= 24.61 KN-m

Area of steel required on outer side = 883.11 mm2

Spacing of steel A ɸ x 1000 / A st = = 88.94 mm
= 90.00 mm
Hence, provide 10 mm dia,90 mm c/c spacing on the outerside

Distribution reinforcement:-
Percentage of distribution bars = 0.3 - 0.10 (Wall Thick. - 100)/350 0.2514 %
Area of reinforcement (A.O.R.) = % age x wall thick.x1000/100 678.86 mm 2

Area of reinforcement on each face = 1/2x A.O.R. 339.43 mm 2

Minimum reinforcement = Say 339.43 mm 2

"Ast" = 1.00 Or 1.50 Mtr.

Hence "h" is taken, whichever is more = 1.50 Mts.
By using Tor steel of 8 mm
Spacing of steel used 8 mm f (Af) = 50.29 mm 2)
A f x 1000 / A st = 148.15 mm
Say 140 mm
Hence provide steel of 8 mm dia. Bar @ 140 mm c/c as
distribution bars (Vertical) on external face of the wall only & on the inner face, the vertical

reinforcement provided for cantilever action will serve the function of distribution bars and no

additional reinforcement need be provided.

Curtailment of hoop reinforcement:-
At = 3.30 Mts.below top,hoop tension =
T = (w x 3.30 x D)/2 154.11 KN
Hence, Ast = 3.30 Mts.below top T /s st = 1185.44 mm 2

A t on each face = 592.72 mm 2

Say 593.00 mm 2

Hence minimum steel required on each face = 339.43 mm 2

"A st" = 593.00 Or 339.43 mm 2

Hence "A st" is taken,whichever is more = 593.00 mm 2

By using Tor steel of 10 mm

Spacing of steel used 10 mm f (Af) = 78.57 mm 2)
A f x 1000 / A st = 132.50 mm
Say 130 mm
Hence, provide steel 10 mm dia. bar @ 130 mm c/c
At = 1.00 Mts. below top,hoop tension =
T = (w x 1.00 x D)/2 46.70 KN
Ast = 1.00 Mts.below top T / sst 359.22 mm 2

A t on each face = 179.61 mm 2

Say 180.00 mm 2

Hence minimum steel required on each face = 339.43 mm 2

"Ast" = 180.00 Or 339.43 Mtr.

Hence "A st" is taken,whichever is more = 339.43 mm 2

By using Tor steel of 10 mm

Spacing of steel used 10 mm f (Af) = 78.57 mm 2)
A f x 1000 / A st = 231.48 mm
Say 180 mm
Hence,provide steel 10 mm @ 180 mm c/c
Detail of horizontal rings:-
10 mm f bars from 0.00 to 1.50 metre @ 90
mm centre to centre.( Inner & Outer face )
10 mm f bars from 1.50 to 3.30 metre @ 130
mm centre to centre.( Inner & Outer face )
10 mm f bars from 3.30 to 4.80 metre @ 180
mm centre to centre.( Inner & Outer face )

Capacity of Storage tank = 605000 Lts.

(Volume of One tank) = 605.00 Cum.
Diameter of tank = (D) 13.40 Mts.
Let thickness of dome slab (t) 100 mm
Let rise of dome slab (h) 2.68 Mts.
Say 2.70 Mts.
Design constants for "M-30" grade concrete.
scbc = 10.00 N/mm 2 m = 9.33 j
= 0.904
sst = 230.00 N/mm 2 k = 0.289 R= 1.304
Therefore,the radius of dome "R" 9.66 Mts.
Sinf = (D/2)/R 0.694 Degrees. f = 44.19 Cosf = 0.717
Load / M 2 of dome slab :-
Dead Load = 0.10 x 1.00 x 1.00 x 25.00 = 2.50 KN/m 2
Live Load L.S.= 1.50 KN/m 2
Other load of finishing & wind load L.S.= 1.50 KN/m 2
Total Load (w) = 5.50 kN/m2
Maximum hoop stress at crown = ( w x R / t ) x 1/2 0.266 N/mm2
Maximum meridinal stress at base of dome where
f = ( wR / t x 1/ (1 + cos f) = 0.309 N/mm2
Since the stresses are very small and within safe limits, hence provide nominal reinforcement of
0.24 % of gross sectional area.
Therefore A st = 0.24/100 x 100 x1000 240.00 mm 2

Spacing of T/Steel 8 mm f (Af)= 50.29 mm 2)

A f x 1000 / A st = 209.52 mm
Say 150 mm
Provide 8 mm dia.Bar @ 150 c/c both ways.
Design of ring beam:-
Hor.component of meridinal thrust 'p' = T x cosf
Therefore total tension tending to rupture the ring beam per meter length of its circumferrence.
Tt = p x D/2 = T x cosf x D/2
127615.60 N
Area of steel required Tt/sst = 554.85 mm 2

Provide 6.00 Nos. bars of Tor Steel

12 mmf (Af ) = 113.14 mm 2)
Actual steel provided = 678.86 mm 2 which is > 554.85 mm 2)
Size of ring beam:-
Allowable sress in composite section = = 1.20 N/mm2
Then, total tension/A + ( m - 1 Astp ) = 1.20 ) A = 100691.46 mm 2
Provide ring beam having size of 300 x 300 mm
A = 90000 mm 2 (Safe)
Min.Shear reinforcement:-
Spacing Sv =2.50 x Asv x fy/b Asv = 2 x p/4 x f 2 = 100.57 mm 2

Spacing of T/Steel 8 mm f (Af) = 50.29 mm )


A f x 1000 / A st 218.63 mm
Sv =2.50 x Asv x fy/b 209.52 mm
218.63 or 209.52 Adopt Minimum Spacing = 209.52 mm
Say 150.00 mm
Provide 8 mm dia.Bar @ 150 mm c/c .
Design of base slab:-
Assumed thickness of base slab 4500 / 10 = 450 +2*cover
450 + 60 = 510 mm
Weight of water per m2 of slab = 4.5 1x1x 10000 45000 N
Self weight of slab 0.51 1x1x 25000 12750 N
Total weight 57750 N
Circumferential moment: (MF)c = +1.pa2/16 = 24182.8125 N-m
(MF)e = 0
Radial moment: (Mr)c =+1.pa²/16 = 24182.8125 N-m
(Mr)e=-2.pa²/16 = -48365.625 N-m
Shear force: Fr = 1pa/2 = 193462.5 N
The radial moment is Zero at radius given by
Mr = 0 = 1p(a3 - 3x r2)/16 ≈ r=a/√3
r = 3.868 m
(i.e. distance of point of contraflexures 2.832 m form edge)
D= √((Mr)cx1000/1000xR)
164.00 mm
using 12 mmf bars total thickness required=d + cover + f / 2
200.00 mm
Say 520 mm
Available d 484 mm

Ast for negative B.M. = 893.07 mm2

Area of reinforcement on each face 446.533 mm 2
Spacing of Tor Steel 12 mm f (Af) = 113.14 mm 2)
A f x 1000 / A st = 253.38 mm
Say 250 mm
Hence provide steel of 12 mm dia. Bar @ 250 mm c/c
Minimum area of reinforcement i.e.
0.3x thick.of base slab x 1000 / 100 1560 mm 2
Area of reinforcement on each face 780 mm 2
here area of reinforcement < minimum area of reinforcement
i.e. 893.07 < 1560.00 N/mm2 Un safe
Spacing of Tor Steel 12 mm f (Af) = 113.14 mm 2)
A f x 1000 / A st = 145.05 mm
Say 140 mm
Hence provide steel of 12 mm dia. Bar @ 140 mm c/c
Check for shear :-
Fr = 193462.5 N
tv = Fr/bd 0.40 N/mm2
100 As/bd = 0.172 %
Hence for M30 concrete and for 1.33% steel we get tc = 0.21 N/mm2
here tc < tv i.e. 0.21 < 0.40 N/mm2
Hence the slab is not safe in shear
Positive B.M. using 12 mm f bars. availble d 484 mm for one layer.
and for other layer 472 mm
Reinfrcement for positive
Mr and MF is given by Ast 457.89 mm2
Spacing of Tor Steel 12 mm f (Af) = 113.14 mm 2)
A f x 1000 / A st = 247.10 mm
Say 240 mm
Hence provide steel of 12 mm dia. Bar @ 240 mm c/c in both direction
Weight of Concrete
a. Dead load of dome 2.50 kN/m2
Area of dome 163.85 m²
Dead load of dome 409.61 kN
b. Dead load of ring beam 96.79 kN
c. Dead load of wall 4828.93 kN
d. Dead load of Base 2157.46 kN
Total 7492.79 kN
Area of Base slab 165.96 m²
The uplift pressure on bottom slab is given by
Pu = wH = 45.00 kN/m2
Check for floatation:
The whole tank must be checked against floatation when the tank is empty.
Total upward floatation force = Pu = Pu*area = 7468.1148 kN
The downward force consists of weight of the tank. 7492.79 kN
Weight of the tank is more than floatation force.
here downward force > upward floatation force
i.e. 7492.79 > 7468.11 N/mm2
Hence the tank is safe in buoyancy
The Total weight of the tank = 7492.79 kN
Wt of the water = 6342.96 kN
Total weight is = 13835.74
The area of the tank 165.96 m²
The net upward pressure = 83.37 kN/m²
SBC of the soil = 127.48 kN/m²
Hence base slab is safe in bearing
Base slab is designed as Oneway slab
Consider One meter length of the slab
upward pressure is 45.00 kN/m²
Wt of slab = 13 kN/m²
Net un balanced force = 32 kN/m²
Max.bending moment = 16 kNm
d = 484 mm
Ast 295.44 mm²
Area of reinforcement on each face 147.72 mm²
Spacing of 12 mm bars 765.23 mm c/c
Say 780 mm
Hence provide steel of 12 mm dia. Bar @ 780 mm c/c in both direction
c/c spacing minimum of above 140 mm
Hence provide 12 mm bars @ 140 mm c/c in base slab
Haunches reinforcement:-
Provide 0.45 x 0.45 mm haunches at the junction of
the wall and the base slab. Provide 8 mm f @ 150 mm c/c, as
haunch reinforcement.

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