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Bangalore University

VI- Semester (NEP) BCA Internship Report on



Submitted by

Priyanka R

Under the Guidance of


Project Manager

Department of Computer Applications – BCA

Kuvempu First Grade College
8th Cross Rd, Mallasandra, T. Dasarahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560057

Department of Computer Applications - BCA

Internship Day Book

Student Name and USN No: Priyanka R U03FX21S0020

Company Name: Glovish Technologies LLP

Address: #5, 4th cross, near shanimathma temple, subbana garden,

Bangalore, Karnataka 560040

SI. No. Date Activities / Work Done

1 8/04/2024  Organizational and team introduction :- the self-
introductions has been share and organization
team members introduction has done .

2 9/4/2024  Domain description : Heart disease prediction

3 10/4/2024  Instatilation of -Python -3.10.10 64 bits
 Instatilation of - MySQL
 Flask Setup & Installation

4 11/4/2024
Python basis:- Data types
 Numbers .
 Strings
 Function
 method
 Constructor
5 12/4/2024 Python Control Flow Tools

 if Statements
 Else Statements
 for Statements
 The range() Function

6 13/4/2024 Control Flow Tools

 break and continue Statements

 else Clauses on Loops
 pass Statements

7 15/4/2024 Topics of the day

 Lists
 Tuples and Sequences
 Sets
 Dictionaries
8 16/4/2024 Topics of the day
 Looping Techniques
 Conditions
 comparing Sequences and Other Types
 Modules
 Standard Modules

9 17/4/2024 Topics of the day

 The dir() Function

 Packages
 Output Formatting.
 Reading and Writing Files

10 18/4/2024 Errors and Exceptions

 Syntax Errors
 Handling Exceptions
 Raising Exceptions
 User-defined Exceptions
 Predefined Clean-up Actions

11 19/4/2024 Standard Library

 File Wildcards
 String Pattern Matching
 Internet Access
 Data Compression
 Templating
 Tools for Working with Lists

12 20/4/2024 Flask Framework

 Introduction to Flask
 Single Page Portfolio Using Flask
 First Flask Application
 Flask Blueprint templates

13 21/04/2024 How To Structure Large Flask Applications

• Flask cookies build web applications

• Templates in Flask Applications
• Static files
• Static Websites With Flask
• Routes
14 23/04/2024 Html Elements

• HTML ButtonElement
• HTML FieldSetElement
• HTML InputElement
• HTML OutputElement
• HTML SelectElement
• HTML TextAreaElement

15 24/04/2024 Machine Learning

• Types and Algorithms of Machine Learning

• Regression
• Classification
• Clustering

16 25/04/2024 Supervised Learning

 Regression: Linear Regression, Logistic
 Classification
 Decision Tree

17 Unsupervised Learning
 Segmentation
 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
 DBSCAN Clustering
 Association Analysis
 Dimensionality Reduction
 Principal Component Analysis
18 26/04/2024 Model Validation:
 Cross-Validation
 Hyper Parameter Tuning
 Overfitting and Under fitting
 Bias-Variance Trade-off

19 27/04/2024 Define Project Objective

 Specify the business problem

 Convert the business problem to Statistical
problem and then to optimization problem
 Define the unit of analysis and the prediction

20 29/04/2024 Acquire & Explore Data:

 Find and acquire the appropriate data
 Data preprocessing to create homogeneity
 Conduct the exploratory data analysis
 Data Wrangling
 Feature engineering
 Perform Statistical analysis to find the
relationships between the variable

22 30/04/2024 Model Building

 Variable selection
 Select the right ML algorithms to identify the
 Build the candidate models

23 1/05/2024 Model validation:

 Validate the model
 Tune the parameters

24 2/05/2024 Interpret & Communicate:

 Interpret model
 Communicate model insights

25 3/05/2024
Drowsiness Detection using Machine Learning:
 Intro- It involves training models to recognize
patterns indicative of drowsiness in behavioral
data, and alerting systems to mitigate potential
 Scope of the project.
 Related work and impact
26 4/05/2024 PROJECT-3
Eye Gesture Control Using Machine Learning:
 Intro- It trains the algorithms to interpret eye
movements, enabling users to interact with
 Scope of the project
 Related work and impact.

Internal Guide HOD of BCA Principal

Exclusive Summary of Internship
The 30-day internship focused on developing a "Machine Learning Based Heart Disease
Prediction System" project using various technologies, including Python, HTML, CSS, Flask,
and data science libraries such as Matplotlib, NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn. This internship
provided a well-rounded learning experience, balancing theoretical knowledge with practical
The internship also delved into the Flask framework, where I set up a basic Flask application and
learned about routing, templating, forms, validation, and database integration. User
authentication features were developed, and various web pages were integrated into a cohesive
web application. This hands-on experience with Flask was instrumental in building the Heart
Disease Prediction project.

The Heart Disease Prediction project was a significant highlight of the internship. I collected and
preprocessed data relevant to predicting heart disease, trained machine learning models to
forecast outcomes based on various factors such as age, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and
other health indicators, and integrated the model into a Flask web application.

Overall, the internship provided a comprehensive understanding of various technologies and

their practical applications. I demonstrated significant growth in technical skills, problem-
solving, and project management. The Heart Disease Prediction project showcased my ability to
apply learned concepts to a real-world problem, providing valuable insights and solutions for
healthcare .
Introduction to Internship Experience at Glovish Technologies

The domain of Glovish Technologies LLP encompasses a broad spectrum of industries, ranging
from healthcare and finance to e-commerce and beyond. Our expertise extends to developing
innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each sector. We leverage
cutting-edge technologies and best practices to deliver impactful solutions that drive business
growth and enhance operational efficiency. With a deep understanding of industry trends and
client requirements, we aim to be a trusted partner in enabling organizations to thrive in an
increasingly digital and competitive landscape.

The company was founded in 2012 by a team of enthusiastic IT specialists who wanted to
overcome the routine job and create a company that would act in the market not only for
business success but for the sake of Technology itself and Corporate Trust. Glovish Technologies
(GT) provides cutting edge solutions for different industry verticals through high-end
CAD/CAM support. Glovish Technologies is an offshore Engineering company, Corporate
Office, Design and Development Centre based in Bengaluru Glovish Technologies (GT) stands
as a testament to the vision and passion of a group of forward-thinking IT specialists who sought
to transcend conventional employment and establish a company dedicated not only to business
success but also to technological innovation and corporate integrity. Founded in 2012, GT has
emerged as a prominent player in the technology solutions space, particularly excelling in high-
end CAD/CAM support across various industry verticals. With its corporate office and design
and development center based in Bengaluru, India, GT operates as an offshore engineering
company with a global reach and impact.


Glovish Technology has carved out a niche for itself in the realm of computer-aided design
(CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) support. These technologies form the
backbone of modern engineering and manufacturing processes, enabling businesses to streamline
design workflows, optimize production processes, and deliver superior products and services to
market. GT's expertise in CAD/CAM spans multiple industries, including automotive, aerospace,
electronics, healthcare, and mor
Work Description


Officer (COO)

Chief Technology
Executive Team Officer (CTO)

Chief Financial Officer


Software Development

CEO/Founder Department
Data Science Team

IT Support Tea

Quality Assurance

Project Management
During my internship at Glovish Technologies LLP, I had the opportunity to work with a variety
of programming languages, concepts, and technologies. These tools and technologies were
integral to the development of the "Tomato Leaf Disease Prediction" system and provided a
comprehensive learning experience.

1. Python:

 Python basics including data types (integers, floats, strings), control flow statements (if-
else, loops), functions (defining and invoking), and data structures (lists, dictionaries,
sets, tuples).
 Understanding of object-oriented programming concepts such as classes, objects,
inheritance, and polymorphism.

Data Science:
 Utilizing libraries like NumPy for numerical operations and array manipulations.
 Using pandas for data manipulation and analysis, enabling efficient handling of large

2. HTML and CSS

 Creating web page structures using various elements such as forms, tables, images, and
 Developing semantic HTML to improve accessibility and SEO.

 Styling web pages, including layout design using flexbox and grid systems.
 Implementing responsive design techniques to ensure web pages are mobile-friendly and
adaptable to different screen sizes.

3. Flask Framework:
Setup and Configuration:
Setting up a basic Flask application environment and understanding the project structure.

Routing and Templating:

 Defining URL routes and creating view functions to handle different endpoints.
 Using Jinja2 templating engine to generate dynamic HTML content.

Web Forms and Validation:

 Implementing forms using Flask-WTF for input validation and handling form

Database Integration:
 Integrating databases such as SQLite for data storage, performing CRUD operations, and
managing database migrations using Flask-Migrate.

User Authentication:
 Developing features for user registration, login, logout, and session management.

4. Data Science Libraries

 Creating and customizing plots to visualize data trends, including line plots, bar charts,
histograms, and scatter plots.

 Performing numerical operations, such as element-wise array operations, mathematical
functions, and statistical computations.

 Manipulating DataFrames, including data cleaning, transformation, merging, and
 Conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover patterns and insights from

 Implementing machine learning algorithms such as linear regression, decision trees,
random forests, and support vector machines.
 Splitting datasets into training and testing sets, training models, and evaluating model
performance using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
 Fine-tuning models through techniques such as cross-validation and grid search.
5. Machine Learning:

Model Development:
 Collecting and preprocessing data, including handling missing values, encoding
categorical variables, and feature scaling.
 Training machine learning models and interpreting their results.

Model Evaluation:
 Evaluating models using appropriate metrics and visualizing model performance through
confusion matrices, ROC curves, and precision-recall curves.

Application Integration:
 Integrating trained machine learning models into the Flask web application to provide
real-time predictions.
 Developing a user interface that allows users to input data and receive predictions based
on the model.


 Python: Utilized for programming and development tasks, including data analysis,
machine learning model training, and web application development.
 Flask: Framework used for building the web application, handling HTTP requests, and
integrating machine learning models.
 HTML and CSS: Used for designing and styling the user interface of the web
 Jinja2: Templating engine integrated with Flask for dynamic content generation.
 SQLite: Database management system used for storing and querying data within the web
 Matplotlib: Library used for data visualization, generating plots and charts to visualize
trends and patterns in the data.
 NumPy and pandas: Libraries used for data manipulation and analysis, including
numerical operations, data cleaning, and transformation.
 scikit-learn: Library used for implementing machine learning algorithms, including
model training, evaluation, and integration.
 Development Machine: A standard desktop or laptop computer used for software
development and project implementation.
 Internet Connection: Required for accessing online resources, libraries, and
documentation, as well as for deploying and testing web applications.
 Web Browser: Used for testing and debugging the web application's user interface and
functionality across different browsers and devices.

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