Synopsis for the Art of Creative Emceeing_011302

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for a book titled;

Authored by;


Prepared by;



MARCH 2024
The art of creative emceeing book by Mr. Joseph Rwabutomize gives an account of how one can
integrate creativity into his/her God given talent in order to earn a living for themselves. It is
based on the emceeing craft to help anyone that is interested in venturing into the craft of
emceeing as well as helping those that have already been in the same field to become a better
version of themselves. Whereas this particular book talks about emceeing, the wisdom in it can
be employed in other aspects of life for people who may not have the gift of emceeing. For
example, the key points given in this book can help us become better in public speaking, which
is unavoidable for any human being because at one point in life, you will be required to speak
somewhere. It also gives important points that can help leaders, entrepreneurs, events organizers
and many other categories of people to become better in their particular sphere of influence.
Having read this book from the first page to the last, I have endeavored to pick out points that
have really stood out for me from this book. It should be noted that these points are not really
exhaustive as far this book is concerned but for purposes of writing a summary, I have
considered these;

Time management

A creative emcee must be a good time manager. This stems from the time you arrive at the
function to how you run the program up to the end. It is very bad for an emcee to arrive late for
the function that they are going to officiate because it shows a lot of unseriousness and less
commitment to the event.

It is also appalling to officiate a function and people leave you before its end. As an emcee, you
are the captain of the ship, you have to do all that it takes to ensure that time has been managed
by all the speakers, the different sessions like serving dinner, cake cutting and other sessions.

Show Care for people

In this book, Joseph tells us that "People don't care about how much you know until they know
how much you care". Emceeing is predominantly about interacting with people. Therefore, an
emcee should take keen interest in showing care for people through doing small things like
welcoming and greeting people, smiling at people, getting to know their names as well as
introducing yourself to them, recognizing some of them during your presentation throughout the
emceeing program by mentioning their names quite often. Remember people feel good and
happy when their name is mentioned and correctly.

Furthermore, the emcee should exhibit a high degree of care to the client before, during and after
the event. The emcee should show active involvement in the preparation of the meeting by
always inquiring from the client about the progress of the preparations to show that he actually
cares for the excellence of the event. This instills confidence in the client about the emcee he/she
has chosen to officiate their function and this trust will surely last long even after the event
Going an extra mile

The only thing that makes a creative emcee different from any ordinary emcee is going an extra
mile. This involves owning the event by always thinking about it as though it was your own.
Ordinary emcees know that their role is to appear on the day of the event and get on the
microphone, speak through the program and get paid which is emphatically not the case for an
emcee that wants to stand out and make an excellent event. As Mr. Joseph Rwabutomize quotes,
" Creative emcees think excellence and they will do everything in their means and beyond their
desired roles and responsibilities to make the event successful and memorable, exceeding their
client's expectations” Going an extra mile does not only apply in emceeing but also in other
professions and work. Joseph tends to implore us to cultivate a habit of going an extra mile in all
our assignments and try to make sure that we execute our duties not only to the client's
satisfaction but also beyond. This will make us indispensable in our professions and endeavors

Ask for feedback

An emcee that is so intentional about growing a creative skill in emceeing should always ask for
honest feedback from his clients and friends after emceeing. Joseph Rwabutomize tells us that
you can't fix what you don't know. The only way you can get to know about your weaknesses or
strengths is by asking for feedback so that you can improve on your areas of weakness and also
perfect your areas of strength. Joseph further guides us on how this can be done basing on his
own experience as a professional emcee. He says that he always asks the client to record a short
video of themselves giving remarks about his emceeing services and how the event transpired.
He then posts it on his social media platforms. By doing so, he gets an actual feedback of his
performance but also he attracts a big customer base for his services and this helps him to earn a


The emcee should always use laughs or jokes that are from their personal experience. These
include sharing your failures, weaknesses and childhood stories. When doing comedy, it is said
that the best jokes are those about you and more so those that make people laugh at your
misfortunes. People naturally love laughing at other people’s misery. This should however, not
be overdone because people eventually get tired of hearing stories of you consistently putting
yourself down.


For every joke, humor or icebreaker you intend to use, make sure that it is chosen appropriately
to suit the function you are officiating. Not all jokes you have ever heard of can apply to all

functions. The fact that it was so funny for you that and it made everyone laugh at that particular
function doesn’t mean that it can be used on every function you emcee. That particular emcee
that cracked the joke chose it appropriately for that function.

Be yourself

Most people always want to emulate the people they admire and this makes them want to speak
like them and also do other things the same way the other person does them. This is good but it’s
important that you become yourself not trying to be like others. When you become yourself, you
will not get disappointments when you do not perform like the people you are mimicking.


It is imperative that you accept an event deal that you are a hundred percent committed to
fulfilling. Joseph advises that the number one way of impressing anyone is by doing what you
said you will do and showing a high level of consistency.

An emcee should try as much as possible not to disappoint or cancel a booked event with a client
under any circumstances which are in your control. When you accept a deal, ensure that you
have fully made up your mind to do it and when the day reaches, go there and execute your role
as agreed. Commitment is an act, not a word.

Aim at making the event memorable

Creative emcees create memories and this is the major ingredient of a good function. Functions
are about memories and any person that wants to excel in this emceeing field should strive to
make the function memorable.

Add value to yourself

As an emcee, it should be of your interest to grow every day and add value to yourself every day
that passes. Adding value to yourself can be done through reading literature about your field to
find out about the new trends and techniques, unique things you can employ and finding out
what excites people a lot. You can also add value to yourself by practicing on a regular basis,
offering to emcee at family and friends’ events and continually asking for feedback from those
people so that you can know areas of improvement. Getting to know your strengths is also good
because you make efforts to improve and ride on them. This can only be known after you have
practiced and asked for feedback.

As a way of adding value to yourself, it is wise that you make other great emcees your friends.
When you hang with the eagles, you start soaring like an eagle. You can hang around emcees
that you admire, see what they do and you learn from them. One’s environment matters so much
because it determines one’s growth.

Giving tithe

If you need sustenance in your business of emceeing and generally in life, then give tithe. It is
important to recognize everything we have on ourselves is from God, be it talent, gifts health,
life friends, family jobs and even opportunities to emcee at people’s functions. They are all from

The bible says that the earth and all its fullness are God’s. It is always wise to give because God
has blessed us in so many ways. When we understand that everything we have, we receive from
God, then we will give back to God willingly

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