Assignment 2 PHY301

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Question No 1.

To analyze the circuit using Mesh Analysis and find the current I0, we follow these steps:


I1 I3

I2-I1 =5mA eq 3

KVL equation for mesh 2

6I2 + 6 (I2- I1) + 6 (I2- I3) = 0 eq 1

KVL equation for super mesh

-6 + 6 (I1- I2) + 6 (I3+ I2) + 6I2=0 eq 2

From eq 1, 2 and 3

I1 = -19/4 = - 4.75

I2 = 1/4 = 0.25

I3 = 11/2 = 5.5

I0 = I3 = 5.5
Question No 2.
Using Thevenin's Theorem, calculate the voltage drop across point A, B. Write each step
and draw circuit diagrams of calculation to get maximum marks. [Marks:10]


Calculating Vth


RL is a Load Resistance

Remove the Load Resistance




Calculate using series and parallel combination

4||20 = 4X20 / 4+20

= 3.33 k ohm

12 and 3.33 are in series so 12+3.33 = 15.33 k ohm

V_Parallel = (3.33kΩ / 15.33kΩ) * 24V ≈ 5.22V

Find voltage across VAB

Question No 2.

The circuit in figure below utilizes four identical diodes having n=1 and Is =10-14 A. Find
the value to obtain an output voltage Vo=3V, if a current of 1mA is drawn away from the
output terminal by a load, what is the change in output voltage.


For V0 =3V, the voltage across each diode is 3/4V

Thus I must be
I =Isev/nVT
If a current of 1mA is drawn away from the terminals by means of a load, the current though the
diodes reduces to
10.7 – 1 = 9.7
Thus the voltage across each diode changes by
∆V =nVT ln(9.7/10.7)
= -2.42mV
The total decrease in V0
V0 = 3 x 2.425

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