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Competencies At the end of this module, the learners should be able to:
1. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy
and numeracy skills
2. demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom structure that
engages learners, individually or in group, face-to-face or virtually, in
meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within the
available learning environment

Essential Questions

 What strategies must be used to promote literacy and numeracy

 What strategies may be employed to engage learners individually and
in groups?
 What strategies may be designed for meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within the available learning


Literacy skills are those gained through reading as well as using

media and technology. The new ways to read and write have also introduced
new skills:
- Consuming information
- Producing information

Numeracy skills refers to perform calculating and estimating tasks,

such as handling cash, budgeting, measuring and analyzing.

Some Strategies to Promote Literacy and Numeracy Skills

Literacy Numeracy
 Entry pass  Independent reading  Using number line
 Exit pass  Think aloud time  Looking for patterns
 First liner  Writing reading  My think board
 Jigsaw  Challenge log  A hundred plus
 Inquiry chart  Matching books to chart
 Listen Read Discuss phonics  Using reflection
 Partner Reading  Alphabet matching sheets
 Reading Guide  Anticipation guides  Using conversion
 Reciprocal Teaching  Concept sort tables
 Story Maps  Concept maps  Assessment
 Story Sequence  Directed reading checklist
 Visual Imaging thinking activity  Using cards
 Reading guide (DRTA)  Using numerical
 Question the author charts/doagrams
 Strike it out
 12 pointed star

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 Dicey operation
Teachers employ varied strategies to cater to diverse type of leaners.
Some learners work best when working alone, while other find joy working
with others. These are the advantages of individual and group work for

Individual Work Group Work

 Gain independence to think  Listening to and respecting other
through their own ideas

 Improve confidence in working  Thinking about one’s problem in

through problem, even when variety of ways
they don’t feel certain about
every step
 Getting to a deeper level
 Work at their own level rather understanding through having to
than having to adapt to suit their explain a perspective and discuss
group members it with others with different

 Sharing knowledge/abilities to
 Practice self-control – both in get a better hold on a problem
staying focused on tasks at hand that they could do individually
to avoid turning to a classmate
or asking teacher for the answer
 Holding group members
 Get more comfortable taking accountable and being held
actions on their own accountable in return

 Gain creativity and effective

thinking processes that can
apply to problem solving across a
range of subjects and types of

The following teaching strategies may be used for group activities:

 Think Pair Share  Round Robin
 Group Mapping activities  Stir the Teams
 Team Games Tournament  Circle the Stage
(TGT)  Numbered Heads Together
 Simple Round Robin  Round Table
Brainstorming Session  Milling around
 Simultaneous Round  Jigsaw
Robin Brainstorming  Tea Party
 Agreement Circle

These are some strategies which shall be best for individual activities:
 Monologue  Letter-writing
 Story-telling  Refelction log

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 Puppetry  Diary
 Newscast  Poetry writing
 Sketch to stretch  Essay writing

Hands-on activities provide the learners to explore and discover

learning and keep them actively engaged in the activities. Through these
activities they retain the information longer and accurately remember the
things they learners. They also find the activities more meaningful,
enjoyable and rewarding.

Virtual Learning Activities

Due to the abrupt changes in the modality of learning, most of the

aforementioned strategies, especially for group activities, are not applicable,
or can be applied in another manner. Whether your classes are in person,
online or somewhere in between, here are 15 active learning activities to try
with your students this semester.

1. Think-Pair-Repair

In this twist on think-pair-share, pose an open-ended question

to your class and ask students to come up with their best answer.
Next, pair learners up and get them to agree on a response. Get two
pairs together, and the foursome needs to do the same thing. Continue
until half the group goes head to head with the other half. If your
students are online, breakout rooms in your conferencing software let
you do the same thing virtually.

2. Improv games (improvised games)

If your classroom is museum-level quiet no matter how you try

to liven things up, try some low-stakes (read: not embarrassing) improv
activities. In the three things in common game, pairs figure out the
most unexpected things they share (this can also be done online in
breakout rooms). Or challenge your students to count to 20 as a group
with one person saying each number – but no one is assigned a
number, and if two people talk at the same time, everyone starts again
at 1. If some students are in the room and some remote, you’ll need
classroom audio with full-room coverage for this to work.

3. Brainwriting

You’ve probably tried brainstorming, but have you tried

brainwriting? In this approach, students are given time to come up
with their own ideas individually before sharing them out loud or
posting them to an online whiteboard or other shared platform.
Building in space for individual reflection leads to better ideas and less

4. Jigsaw

Help students build accountability by teaching each other. Start

by dividing them into “home groups” (4 or 5 people works well). Again,

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breakout rooms in Zoom or Google Meet make this simple even if

everyone is remote. Assign each person in the group a different topic to
explore – they’ll regroup to work with all the students from the other
groups who are exploring the same idea. Once they’ve mastered the
concept, students return to their home group and everyone shares
newfound expertise.

5. Concept mapping

Collaborative concept mapping is a great way for students to

step away from their individual perspectives. Groups can do this to
review previous work, or it can help them map ideas for projects and
assignments. In pre-COVID times, you may have covered classroom
walls with sticky notes and chart paper – now there are many online
tools that make it simple to map out connections between ideas.

6. The one-minute paper

How much could you explain in one minute? At the end of class,
set a timer and ask students to record their most eye-opening
revelation or biggest question. This activity lets students reflect on
learning and build writing skills – plus you’ll get a window into their
understandings and misunderstandings. Here are more prompts you
can use to get students writing.

7. Real-time reactions

When students are watching a video, a mini lecture or another

student’s presentation, have them share their real-time reactions. This
helps students spot trends and consider new points of view. You can
set up a hashtag to allow for live tweeting, or use the chat function in
your conferencing software.

8. Chain notes

Write several questions on pieces of paper and pass each to a

student. The first student adds a response (use a timer to keep things
moving quickly) and then passes the page along to gather more
responses. Multiple contributions help build more complete
understanding. A digital alternative involves using shared documents
that multiple students are invited to edit. Then your class can examine
the responses and identify patterns and missing pieces.

9. Idea line up

Choose a question that has a range of responses, and then ask

students where they stand – literally. If you’re not social distancing,
have them come to the front of the classroom and organize themselves
in a line, based on where on the spectrum of answers they find
themselves. In a blended classroom or a physically distanced one, get
them to place themselves on a virtual number line instead.

10.Mystery quotation

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Test how well students can apply their understanding of an

issue or theoretical position. After they’ve explored a topic, show them
a quotation about it they’ve never seen before. Their task is to figure
out the point of view of the person behind the quotation – and justify it
to the class. Students can debate this issue in small breakout groups
before beginning a whole-class discussion.

11.Idea speed dating

Have students cycle through your space, or through breakout

rooms in Zoom or Google Meet, sharing insights about a topic or their
elevator pitch for an upcoming project. As they present their learnings
multiple times on several “speed dates,” students’ presentation skills
and perspectives will grow.

12.Peer review

The process of peer review is as old as academia, and it’s never

too early to start. Have students swap drafts of their essays, proposals
or lab reports, and then come up with comments and questions for
each other. Make sure to be clear about what the goals are (using
rubrics helps). For example, students could identify compelling
arguments, unanswered questions and holes in logic.


Ever played Jeopardy? Then you’re ready for quescussion. It’s

like a standard class discussion but only questions are allowed
(students call “Statement!” if someone slips up). If you play this game
at the beginning of the course, the questions can help shape your
course. If you have students both in the room and calling in from a
distance, make sure the remote learners get equal airtime and that
your audio system is picking up student voices clearly.


Instead of taking traditional lecture notes, try getting your

students to sketch a picture that represents what they’ve learned
during class. Remember, it’s not about the quality of the art – it’s
about how drawing prompts students to visualize their understanding
and look at their learning from a different perspective.

15.Empathy mapping

Take a page from the designers’ handbook and get students to

explore deeper by embracing a perspective. It’s deceptively simple –
write down what a person says, thinks, does and feels. The ability to
slow down and immerse yourself in another point of view is valuable.
In design thinking, empathy maps help designers create better
products for users. But this process can be just as valuable for
analyzing characters from literature, historical figures or political

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How to Integrate Google Classroom with Google Meet

In the previous module, a step-by-step guide on how to use Google

Classroom was presented. On the other hand, Google Meet is a free video-
conferencing application that allows teachers to create virtual classrooms,
host meetings, and share their screens and presentations. Combining these
two remote learning tools makes a lot of sense. Although they can both be
used entirely independently of each other, integrating these two tools
streamlines communication and saves teachers time.

Step 1: Generate a Google Meet Link From Google Classroom

As a teacher in Google Classroom, you can create a link to a
Google Meet that can be used over and over again. You can create
this link in multiple places, but the easiest way is from your Class
Stream header.

1. Go to the Google Classroom Class, where you want to create a

2. From the Stream header, click on the “Generate Meet link.”

3. In the pop-up, click the “Generate Meet link” button to create the

4. Click “Save.”

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5. The link is ready. You can click “copy” to copy the link. You will
also see the link in the header from now on.

You can also generate this link in your Class settings, or from
the icon at the top of the Classwork page.

Step 2: Share the Google Meet Link with Students

Teachers have two main options for sharing this link with
(1) Copy and paste the link in a Google Classroom assignment,
announcement, or anywhere else you like to share links.
(2) Click the toggle to make the link visible to students, then click
“Save.” This makes the link visible for students in their Google
Classroom header. You can toggle this on and off as needed.
If you choose to make this link visible to students, students will
see it in their Google Classroom header and on the Classwork
page. All they have to do is click it to open the Google Meet.
However, to avoid issues like students opening the link without a
necessary meeting, or the occurrence of unsupervised meetings,
it is advised to keep the link hidden from students until you need

About the Google Meet link, when you create the Google Meet
from Google Classroom, it is what Google calls a nicknamed link.
Nicknamed links cannot be rejoined AFTER the host has left the
meeting, according to Google.

Step 3: Reset the Google Meet Link

Since this link can be reused, I recommend that you reset the
Google Meet link each time you want to meet with students.

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To reset the Meet link:

1. Go to Class Settings

2. Scroll down to “General”

3. Click the dropdown next to the Meet link

4. Select “Reset”

5. A new Meet link is created that you can copy or make visible.
Don’t forget to SAVE all changes.

Some Tips when using Google Meet

 If internet speed is slow, turning off your camera can improve video
meeting quality. If audio quality is poor, you can use a phone for
audio. Learn more
 If you’re using a mobile device, install the Google Meet app.
 Charge your device before the meeting. On some fanless devices,
such as tablets and laptops, charging during the meeting can reduce
video quality.
 During any video meeting, only the meeting creator can approve
external requests to join.
 When using Meet, participants can turn off their camera to show
their profile photo instead. This can improve video meeting quality if
internet speed is slow.
 If audio quality is poor, use a phone for audio instead.

The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
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 For large classes, use a live stream instead of having students join an
interactive video class meeting. To engage students while live
streaming, you can use Google Slides Q&A. Or, you can pre-record a
lesson to share later.

Enrichment Module 9. Activity 1

Activities A. Instruction: Write your BEFORE, DURING and AFTER teaching
strategies that you plan to do in your demonstration lesson. Make
sure to incorporate the strategies that will promote literacy and
numeracy skills. Employ individual and group activities which are
plausible through a virtual classroom to ensure learner engagement.
Provide hands-on activities to make the class more enjoyable.

Teaching Strategies




B. Instruction: Write your Learning Plan for your virtual demonstration

lesson using the Daily Lesson Plan format prescribed by DepEd.
Create a separate class in your Google Classroom Account with class
name “Virtual Demo” and post a copy of your Learning Plan.

Criteria Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Beginning
(5 pts) ( 4 pts) (3 pts) (1 pt)
Completenes All parts of the All parts of the Some parts of Almost all parts
s Daily Learning Daily Learning the Daily of the Daily
Plan were filled Plan were filled Learning Plan Learning Plan
(x2) in completely, in completely, were filled not were not filled
and but some are filled in in completely.
appropriately. inappropriate to completely.
what is asked.
Accuracy Topics, Topics, Topics, Topics,
(x3) competencies competencies competencies competencies
and outcomes and outcomes and outcomes and outcomes

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jive altogether jive altogether jive altogether do not jive

as based in the but some are but are not altogether since
curriculum not based in the based in the it was not based
guide. curriculum curriculum in the
guide. guide. curriculum
Relevance Activities are Activities are Activities are Activities are
(x4) very relevant in relevant in somewhat quite irrelevant
achieving the achieving the irrelevant in in achieving the
learning learning achieving the learning
outcomes. outcomes. learning outcomes.
Promotes Activities have Activities have Activities have Activities have
Literacy and very high high potential a mediocre very little
potential in in promoting potential in potential in
Numeracy promoting literacy and promoting promoting
(x2) literacy and numeracy. literacy and literacy and
numeracy. numeracy. numeracy.
Presence of Activities Activities Activities Activities
Individual provide provide provide provide
opportunities opportunities opportunities opportunities
and Group for individual for individual for individual for individual
Activities for and and learning, but a learning only.
Virtual collaborative collaborative little for
Environment learning, learning, but collaborative
applicable in a not all are learning, and
(x3) virtual applicable in a are not
environment. virtual applicable in a
environment. virtual
Timeliness Submitted Submitted on Submitted one Submitted three
(x1) before the the deadline. to two days days after the
deadline. after the deadline.

Module 9. Activity 3
Instruction: Execute your Learning Plan virtually. You will be rated by your
Supervising Instructor, Expert in the Subject Area, Program Chairperson
and College Dean. To start, invite them in the class you created in the
previous activity, together with some classmates who will act as students.
Generate a Google Meet Link for the virtual demonstration and observation.
You will be graded using the Pre-Service Teacher’s Virtual Teaching
Observation and Rating Sheet.

Module 9. Activity 4
Instruction: Read each item carefully and provide what is asked.

1. Answer the following questions briefly.

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After the demonstration lesson, I felt …


2. Complete the matrix by checking the areas you need to improve on:
Improve  Learning Outcomes
 Learning Environment
 Strategies
 Instructional Materials
 Modes of Assessment
 Others (pls. specify) __________________
Enrich  Knowledge
 Skills
 Others (pls. specify) __________________
Experiment  New strategies
 Instructional materials
 Differentiated activities
 Others (pls. specify) __________________
Modify  Attitudes
 Expectations
 Others (pls. specify) __________________
Learn  New subject matter
 Varied learning styles of learners
 New innovations
 Current issues
 Others (pls. specify) __________________

3. Upload pictures and videos of your demonstration lesson. Make a

reflection journal entry and post them on the google class “Virtual

Criteria Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Beginning
(5 pts) ( 4 pts) (3 pts) (1 pt)
Content The question The question The question The question
(x4) was answered was answered was not was not
completely completely, but answered answered.

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and in depth. not in depth. completely,

and not in
Organization Statements Statements are Statements are Statements are
of Thoughts are profound clear, but not shallow, unclear and
and clear, and supported by supported by shallow, and are
(x3) supported by insights from insights from not supported
insights from readings. readings. by insights from
readings. readings.
Grammar Exemplary in Grammar and Grammar and Grammar and
(x2) grammar and spelling have spelling are spelling are
spelling very minimal acceptable. unsatisfactory.
Timeliness Submitted Submitted on Submitted one Submitted three
(x1) before the the deadline. to two days days after the
deadline. after the deadline.

Pre-Service Teacher’s Virtual Teaching Observation and Rating Sheet

Name of Practice Teacher:

Subject Taught: _______________________________ Grade Level: _________________
Date: ______________________________________ Time: ___________________________

Legend: 4-Outstanding 3- Very 2-Fair 1-Needs

Satisfactory Improvement
4 3 2 1
A. The teacher is neat and well-groomed.
B. The teacher is free from mannerisms that tend to disturb the
students’ attention.
C. The teachers’ personality is strong enough to command respect
and attention.
D. The teacher shows dynamism and enthusiasm.
E. The teacher has well-modulated voice.
A. Lesson plan is well-prepared.
B. There is congruence between:
1. Objective and subject matter
2. Objective and teaching procedure
3. Objective and formative test
4. Objective and assignment

The teacher:
A. Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject matter
B. Is able to relate lessons to actual life situations
C. Keeps abreast of new ideas and understanding in the field
D. Gives sufficient and concrete examples to create meaningful
learning experiences
A. Method/s used was/were suited to the needs and capabilities
of the students
B. The teacher was creative enough to adapt his/her method to
the students’ capabilities

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C. Visual aids and other examples were used to illustrate the

D. The teacher made effective use of the formative test results
during teaching
A. The teacher had a systematic way of checking:
1. Attendance
2. Assignment/Homework/Agreement
3. Practice Exercises
4. Group work/projects
5. Joining in and out of the virtual meeting
6. Checking, disseminating, and collecting activity outputs
B. Order and discipline were present in the virtual classroom
C. Instructional materials were employed effectively during
his/her teaching
The teacher’s questioning skills such as the following stimulates
discussion in different ways:
1. Probing for learner’s understanding
2. Helping students articulate their ideas and thinking
3. Promoting risk-taking and problem-solving
4. Facilitating factual recall
5. Encouraging convergent and divergent thinking
6. Stimulating curiosity
7. Helping students to ask questions

Comprehension Module 9. Quiz – Multiple Choice

Check Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What activities promote the use of numbers through estimating,

calculating, budgeting, analyzing?
a. Media
b. Literacy
c. Numeracy
d. Information

2. Which activities develop reading as well as the use of media and

a. Media
b. Literacy
c. Numeracy
d. Information

3. Which activities allow the learners to explain and discover the

learning concepts through its application in the real-world context?
a. Musical Activities
b. Performance tasks
c. Hands-on activities
d. Real work activities

4. Which strategies include group work and collaboration?

a. Team teaching
b. Team work strategies
c. Cooperative strategies

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d. Collaborative strategies

5. Hands-on activities are provided to learners in order to ____________.

a. To develop self-esteem
b. To promote independence
c. To ensure teamwork and unity
d. To let them enjoy and learn at the same time

References Borabo, M. (2019). Teaching internship. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing,


Experiential Learning Courses Handbook: A Project if the Teacher Education

Council (TEC) Department of Education (DepED) Commission on Higher
Education )CHED), 2007.

Module 9. Quiz 1. D
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B

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