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A 24XX Game

PARTISANS: A 24XX Game is by twocalf and is a hack of 24XX CC BY Jason Tocci.


PLAY: Players describe what their characters do. The ►You did this before the war.
game moderator (GM) advises when an action is
impossible, requires extra steps, demands a cost, or SAILOR: Take a d8 in Seamanship. You are never
presents an avoidable risk. Players only roll to avoid Hindered by water.
SCIENTIST: Take a d8 in your field of expertise.
ROLLING: Roll a d6 skill die — higher with a You intrinsically understand tech.
relevant skill, or d4 if hindered by injury or
circumstances. If helped by circumstances, roll an CRIMINAL: Take a d8 in Breaking and Entering.
extra d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their skill You can break in to anything with enough study.
die and share the risk. Take the highest die.
1–2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk. GM decides if CLERGY: Take a d8 in Faith. People inherently trust
you succeed at all. If risking death, you die. you.
3–4 Setback. A lesser consequence or partial
success. If risking death, you’re maimed. LABOR: Take a d8 in Labor. Reroll any 1s when
5+ Success. The higher the roll, the better. aided by a Comrade.
If success can’t get you what you want (you
make the shot, but it’s bulletproof!), you’ll at NOBLE: Take a d8 in Socialite. You have your
least get useful info or set up an advantage. family's good name and a token of their wealth.

LOAD: Carry as much as makes sense, but more ►Choose your resistance training.
than one bulky item may hinder you at times.
SOLIDER: Skilled in Shooting (d8), and Close-
ADVANCEMENT: After a mission, increase a skill
Combat (d8). Take a Carbine and a Combat Knife.
(none➡d8➡d10➡d12) and gain d6 Rep if successful.
You can survive a blow that would kill you, once.
Every time you Left Lose Ends or Made a Mess, gain 1
SNIPER: Skilled in Sniping (d8), and Stealth (d8).
Take a Sniper Rifle(Suppressed, Scoped, Bulky), and
HEAT: Heat is how much the enemy is on to you. The
High Powered Binoculars. The longer you prep, the
higher the Heat, the stronger the response. Test Heat
more improbable a shot you can make.
by rolling a d20, if under your Heat score, it's bad.
SAPPER: Skilled in Explosives (d8) and Demolitions
DEFENSE: Say how one of your items breaks to
(d8). Take a Bundle of TNT and Six Hand Grenades.
turn a hit into a brief hindrance. Broken gear is
You can make all sorts of improvised, but dangerous
useless until repaired.
HARM: Injuries take time and/or medical attention to
FACE: Skilled in Deception (d8) and Reading People
heal. If killed, make a new character to be introduced
(d8). Take a Well Concealed Knife and Fake IDs. You
ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism.
can speak any language and pass for any nationality.
RUNNING THE GAME: Lead the group in setting
BRUTE: Skilled in Close-Combat (d8) and
lines not to cross in play. Fast-forward, pause, or
Intimidation (d8). Take an Imposing Melee Weapon,
rewind/redo scenes for pacing and safety, and invite
and Raw Grit (Counts as armor). You can break
players to do likewise. Present dilemmas and problems
anything with your hands, given enough time.
you don’t know how to solve. Move the spotlight to
give everyone time to shine. Test periodically for bad
MEDIC: Skilled in Medicine (d8) and one combat
luck (e.g., run out of ammo, or into guards) — roll d6
skill. Take a Medkit and Pistol. If you have the tools,
to check for (1–2) trouble now or (3–4) signs of
and can get to them in time, no one dies on your
trouble. Offer rulings to cover gaps in rules; double
back during a break to revise unsatisfying rulings as a

►Rather than Currency, PARTISANS rely on their Locations:

Reputation (Rep) to gain supplies. Start with 3 Rep. 1 Rail Station/Airfield
Most Items cost 1 Rep. Don't bother tracking most 2 Bar/Cabaret/Hotel/Casino
minor transactions unless necessary (i.e. there is a 3 Old Church/Castle
food shortage). 4 Sewer/Catacombs/Mine
5 Prison/POW Camp
Armor (1 Rep) 6 Radio Station/Radar Array
Steel Helmet, Armor Plates (Bulky, breaks after three 7 City Ruins/Bombed out (roll again)
hits), Chain Shirt (only good for Melee) 8 Theater/Opera
9 Farm/Rural Village/Woods
Weapons 10 Docks/Shipyard
Knife, Pistol (Close Range), Shotgun (Close Range, 11 Bridge/Tunnel/Dam
Bulky, Scatter), Rifle (Bulky), SMG (Close Range, 12 Office/Government Building
Rapid Fire) 13 Bunker/Air Raid Shelter
14 Zeppelin/Airplane/Battleship
Weapon Upgrades 15 Fuel/Ammo Depot
Suppressed, Scoped, Concealed, Light Weight 16 Military Camp/Checkpoint
(Remove Bulky), Armor Penetrating 17 Power Plant/Factory
18 Hospital/Spa
Explosives 19 Museum/Vault
Bundle of any 4 Grenades (Explosive, Smoke, Flash, 20 Public Park/Graveyard
Sticky, Anti-Tank), TNT with Detonator, Shaped
Charge, Bundle of any four Mines (Trip, Timed, Missions:
Proximity, Anti -Tank) 1 Plant Intelligence
2 Gather Intelligence
Tools and Goods 3 Steal/Destroy Supplies
Climbing Kit, Med Kit, Repair Kit, Parachute, 4 Assassinate VIP
Binoculars, Bottle of Chloroform, Disguise Kit, Fake 5 Capture VIP
ID, Enemy Uniforms, Train Ticket, Skis, Gas Mask, 6 Rescue VIP
Morphine Syringe (Shrug off Harm, but risks 7 Cause Chaos
addiction), Bottle of Good Booze, Ration Book, 8 Recon site
Bundle of Cash, Fancy Meal, Flare Gun, Camera, 9 Prepare for Invasion
Radio. 10 Destroy site

Special Weapons (5 Rep, All are Bulky) Threats:

Flame Thrower, Bazooka, Machine Gun. 1 Rep to 1 Regular Military
Reload Ammo after a mission. 2 Secret Police
3 Noisy Civilians
Vehicles (You are going to have to steal these) 4 Collaborators
Motorcycle (fits 2, Fast, Off Road), Sedan (Fits 4), 5 Opposing Partisans
Truck (Fits 10, Slow), Armored Car (Fits 3, Armored, 6 Civilian Criminals
MG Turret), Tank (Fits 4, Armored, MG and Cannon) 7 Crack Military
8 Guard Dogs
9 Mines/Booby Traps
10 Tank

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