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Artificial intelligence is a way of

a. Making a computer
b. A computer controlled robot
c. Softwear think intelligent
d. All of the above
2. Which of the following are machine learning methods?
a. Based on human supervision
b. Supervised learning
c. Semi reinforcement learning
d. None of the above
3. Machine learning is an application of _______________________
a. Block chain
b. Artificial intelligence
c. Cloud computing
d. Network design
4. What is the full form of NLP?
a. Nature language processing
b. Natural language processing
c. Natural language pages
d. Nature language pages
5. What are the input and output of a NLP system?
a. Speech and noise
b. Noise and written text
c. Speech and written text
d. Noise and value.
6. Data analysis is a process of _________________
a. Inspecting data
b. Clearing data
c. Transforming data
d. All of the above.
7. Data can be visualized using
a. Graphs
b. Charts
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
8. ________________ Service is used to extract information from scanned forms and
a. Computer vision
b. Face recognizer
c. Custom vision
d. Farm recognizer
9. ANN stands for __________________
a. Automatic neural network.
b. Auto neural network.
c. Artificial neural network.
d. Artificial network neural.
10. ________________ is used to surface the videos directly in Microsoft power bi dash
a. Video
b. Textbox
c. Custom streaming data
d. web text
11. In model based learning methods an interactive process takes place on the machine
learning models that are built based on various model parameters called.
a. Mini batches
b. Hyperactive parameters.
c. Optimized parameters.
d. Super parameters.
12. ________________ is used to create visualization that compare revenue and cost
a. Stacks area chart
b. Donut chart
c. Waterfall chart
d. Line chart
13. What is power Bi?
a. A business analytics tool
b. A database management system
c. A project management system
d. A graphic design tool
14. _________________ is the data transformation feature in power Bi.
a. Data modeling
b. Data visualization
c. Data exploration
d. Data cleaning
15. ______________ is the purpose of power Bi service.
a. To create and manage data models
b. To import and transfer data from various sources.
c. To analyze and visualize data
d. To share report and dashboards with other users.
16. Which service in azure is used to manage resources in Azure?
a. Azure portal
b. Application insights
c. Log analysis
d. Azure resources managers.
17. Which applications can be deployed with azure
a. PHP
b. ASP.Net
c. WCF
d. All of the above
18. Which of the following is the branch of AI?
a. Machine learning
b. Full-stack developer
c. Cyber forensics
d. Network design
19. Component of artificial intelligence
a. Learning
b. Designing
c. Training
d. Puzzling
20. What are the roles in Microsoft azure?
a. Worker role
b. Vm role
c. Web role
d. All of the above
21. ________________ are the physical buildings located in specific geographical
a. Resources
b. Data centers
c. Regions
d. Resource groups
22. Which of the following is a data visualization features in power BI?
a. Charts.
b. Video editing
c. Word processing
d. Animations.
23. Which programing language is used to create custom visual in power Bi?
a. Python
b. Java
c. C#
d. R
24. Which of the following is a data transformation features in power Bi?
a. Data modelling
b. Data exploration
c. Data visualization
d. Data cleaning
25. Which of the following is a visualization options in power Bi?
a. Pivot table
b. Bubble chart
c. Histogram
d. All of the above
26. Way to filter data in power bi
a. Slicer
b. Scatter plots
c. Histogram
d. Line chart
27. Data analysis uses __________________ to get insights from data
a. Statistical methods
b. Numerical aspects
c. Statistical figures
d. None of the above
28. Data analysis is a process of
a. Inspecting data
b. Data cleaning
c. Transformation of data
d. All of the above
29. Among which of the following is/are not a major data analysis approach?
a. Predictive intelligence
b. Business intelligence
c. Text analysis
d. Data miningx
30. Artificial Intelligence is about ________
a. Playing a game on a computer
b. Making a machine intelligent
c. Programming on machine with your own intelligence
d. Putting your intelligence in machine
31. Bliend search can be used for which of the following situation?
a. Real-life simulation
b. Small search space
c. Advanced game theory
d. None of the above
32. What are the input and output of an NLP system?
a. Speech and noise
b. Noise and written text
c. Speech and written text
d. Noise and value
33. Which service in azure is used to manage resources in azure
a. Azure portal
b. Log analysis
c. Application insights
d. Azure resource managers.
34. _______________are physical buildings located in specific geographical region
a. Resources
b. Regions
c. Data centers
d. Resources groups
35. Data analysis is a process of ___________________
a. Inspecting data
b. Cleaning data
c. Transforming data
d. All of the above
36. _________________ service is used to analysis images, videos and extract
descreiptions, tags, objects and text.
a. Computer vision
b. Customer vission
c. Form recognizer
d. Face recognizer
37. Amongst which of the following is / are not a major data analysis approach?
a. Predictive Intelligence
b. Business Intelligence
c. Text Analytics
d. Data Mining
38. The different types of machine learning are :
a. Supervised Learning
b. Unsupervised Learning
c. Reinforcement Learning.
d. All of the above.
39. If a machine can change its course of exting based on the external environment on its
own the machine is called?
a. Mobile
b. Intelligent
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
40. Application of AI is.
a. Expert System
b. Gaming
c. Vision System
d. All the above

41. What is the primary interactive method of communication used by human.

a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Speaking
d. All the above

42. Which of the following is an eample of AI agent

a. Aotonomous space craft
b. Be human
c. Robot
d. All the above.

43. Speech recognition, image recocgition, and abailty to take action are the example
a. to percieve, understand and act
b. reasoning and planning
c. learning and adaption
d. none of these

44. The Machine is said to be intelligent if,

a. it collects data
b. it understands data
c. it analyses data
d. all of the above

45. Which of the following duration was marked as golden years of AI research in the
history of AI?
a. 1960-1965
b. 1959-1974
c. 1947-1974
d. 1974-1980

46. _________ are computer systems emulating the decision-making of ability of human
a. Algorithm
b. Expert System
c. Intelligent system
d. Turing Tests
47. Watson was developed by
a. Google
b. Apple
c. Amazon
d. IBM

48. The app or software or website asks about the access of your location, camera,
storage, contacts etc. are know as
a. Data Privacy
b. AI ethics
c. AI Bias
d. Problem of inclusion

49. Google Data Studio is an example of

a. Virtual Assistant
b. Chatbot
c. Data Visualization Tool
d. Open Source Data Set

50. A program that can sense, reason, act and adapt is known as
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Machine Learning
c. Deep Learning
d. Natural Language Processing

51. Web Crawler is an example of______.

a. Intelligent Agent
b. Problem-solving agent
c. Simple reflex agent
d. Model-based agent

52. The component of an Expert system is_________.

a. Knowledge Base
b. Inference Engine
c. User Interface
d. All of the above

53. How many types of recognition are there in AI?

a. 5
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

54. How does an AI agent interacts with its environment?

a. Using sensors and perceivers
b. Using only sensors
c. Using only perceivers
d. None of the above

55. AI agents are composed of?

a. Architecture
b. Program
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

56. Which of the following is not a type of AI?

a. Weak AI
b. Theory of Mind
c. Reactive Machines
d. All of the above

57. The main tasks of an AI agent are_______.

a. Input and Output
b. Moment and Humanly Actions
c. Perceiving, thinking, and acting on the environment
d. None of the above
58. Which of the following is not a type of Robot Locomotion?
a. Legged
b. Wheeled
c. Tracked deslip
d. Tracked skid

59. What is true about Robots?

a. They operate in real physical world
b. Inputs to robots is analog signal in the form of speech waveform or images
c. They need special hardware with sensors and effectors.
d. All of the above

60. Which agent deals with happy and unhappy state?

a. Utility based agent
b. Model based agent
c. Goal based agent
d. Learning agent

61. Which of the following machine requires input from the humans but can interpret the
outputs themselves?
a) Actuators
b) Sensor
c) Agents
d) AI system
62. Artificial intelligent has its epansion in the following application
a. Planning and scheduling
b. Game playing and robotics
c. Diagnosis
d. All the above

63. Grammarly app is used for

a. Checking grammer
b. Searching
c. Reading
d. Writing

64. Which one of the following generation robots are remote controlled?
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. None of the above

65. Which of the following are eample of week AI?

a. Self driving cars
b. Siri and alexa
c. Robotics
d. Both a and b
66. AI has evolved extremly in all fields expect for_____________?
a. Web mining
b. Construction of plans in real time dynamic systems
c. Understanding natural language robustly
d. All of the mentioned

67. Components of an expert system are?

a. Knowledge base
b. User interface
c. Inference engine
d. All of the above

68. Which of the following is not a type of AI?

a. Weak AI
b. Theary of mind
c. Reactive machines
d. All the above.

69. If a robot is able to change its own trajectory as per the external conditions, then the
robot is considered as the__
a. Mobile
b. Non-Servo
c. Open Loop
d. Intelligent

70. An AI agent perceives and acts upon the environment using___.

a. Sensors
b. Perceiver
c. Actuators
d. Both a and c

71. What was the name of the very first AI programming language?
b. IPL

72. Robotics is a branch of AI, which is composed of ___________.

a. Electrical Engineering
b. Mechanical Engineering
c. Computer Science
d. All of the above
73. AI systems are made up of
a. machines, hardware and software
b. only software
c. only hardware
d. only machine
74. Which of the following is not a type of AI agent
a. Learning AI agent
b. Goal based AI agent
c. Simple rele AI agent
d. Unity based AI agent

75. If a machine can change its own course o action based on the external environment on
its own, the machine is called________
a. Mobile
b. Intelligent
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

76. The proposition symbols in AI are:

a. True Or false
b. True, false and null
c. True
d. False
77. Which o the following app is used or payment.
a. Google Pay
b. Google assistance
c. Google map
d. Google search

78. Expansion of OCR

a. Optical character reader.
b. Open character reader.
c. Optical character recognition
d. Optical charater read.

79. Which of the ollowing describes e-commerce?

a. Doing business electrically
b. Doing business
c. Sale of goods
d. All the above
80. Who is the inventor of artificial intelligence?
a. Geoffery Hinton
b. Andrew NG
c. John McCarthy
d. Jurpen Schmmidhuber
81. Which of the following is not a tpe of AI Agent?
a. Learning AI Agent
b. Goal Based AI agent
c. Simple reflex AI Agent
d. Unity-Based AI agent

82. Which of the following is not an application of AI?

a. Face recognition system
b. Chatbots
c. Lidar
83. Which of the following machine requires input from the humans but can interpret the
output themselves?
a. Act motors
b. Sensor
c. Agents
d. AI systems

84. Which o the following can improve the performance of an AI agent.

a. Previeng
b. Learning
c. Observing
d. All of the above
85. Which of the following is the common language for AI ?
a. Python
b. Java
c. Lisp
d. Php

86. What are the diferent types of AI approces?

a. Strong approch
b. Weak approach
c. Applied approach
d. All the above.
87. What are the following 5 big ideas of AI?
a. Perception
b. Human-AI interaction
c. Societal impact
d. All the above

88. Blind search can be used for which of the following situations?
a. Real-life simulation
b. Small search space.
c. Advanced game theory
d. None of the above
89. Ways to achive AI in real life are_______
a. Machine learning
b. Deep learning
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
90. Which perticular generation of computers is associated with artificial intelligence?
a. Fifth
b. Fourth
c. Second
d. Third

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