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ENH090 Listening Comprehension

Career Profile: Radiologic Technologist

A. Answer the following questions based on the video shown.

1. Which three things does the first woman in the video say that her job involves?


2. What are the two reasons the man gives for choosing his profession?


3. Which things does the second woman in the video say that she likes about her


4. Which two career paths does the man say a radiologic technologist can eventually go


5. Why does the (second) woman say it’s hard to get bored in job? Give two details.


6. What’s the most important skill for a radiologic technologist to have, according to the


7. How many modalities that you can go into does the woman name?


8. What makes this profession worth it, according to the man?

ENH090 Listening Comprehension

B. Watch the video again and fill in the blanks below.

1. Basically, our job ___________ dealing with patients, to do x-rays, and also floral exams.

2. I chose my profession because I wanted to help patients and I wanted to help people
along in the __________ process.

3. When you're working in a hospital you are __________ the place. You can be up on the
floor doing ___________, you can be in the radiology department doing a ___________

4. You can __________ with many different kinds of patients on a daily basis.

5. You can go into management ___________ or you can even go into teaching if you

6. You are moving around a lot, you’re going up and down the floors, you’re moving large
___________, and so it does require some amount of __________ and __________.

7. I would say that the most important skills that a radiologic technologist is having
__________. You have to be able to interact with ___________ of patients in a day.

8. Not only am I interacting with just the patients but I'm interacting with their family with
their doctor and everybody else in their ___________.

9. You have to have great ___________ skills, you have to know how to communicate with
people, your __________, also the patients.

10. …when you have patients who are happy, even if you just had one patient in the
__________ day who is happy and ___________ for the work that you did, you know
you did a good exam on them and the doctor is going to get the right results and the
patient is going to get what they need in the end, then you know it’s all __________ it…

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