Sta104 Individual Assignment

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a) Identify the level of measurement for each statement below:

i) The number of children in your family

- Ratio Scale

ii) City of birth

- Nominal Scale
(2 marks)

a) Identify the most appropriate sampling method used in each of the following cases:

i) A researcher is interested in the average income of households in an area of flat

houses. There are 10 blocks of flats in the area. He chooses 3 blocks at random. All
the households in the selected blocks are surveyed.

- Simple Random Technique

ii) A lecturer selects every 5th student from the list of 150 students. Thirty students are
interviewed to see their opinion concerning the new rules imposed at their college.

- Systematic system

(2 marks)

b) A manager of an audit firm wishes to estimate the average number of sick days taken by the
employees. The firm has 6 branches located throughout the country. The following table
shows the number of employees in each branch:

Branch A B C D E F TOTAL
No. of employees 140 200 120 130 160 250 1000

The manager then selects randomly a number of employees from each branch. He decides
to select at random a total of 600 employees from 1000 employees.

i) State the variable of interest and identify its type.

- Quantitative and discrete data (2 marks)

ii) What is the sampling method used? (1 mark)

- Stratified sampling
iii) Calculate the number of employees selected as samples from each branch.
(3 marks)


Sales (RM
A [ (140/1000) (600) ] = 84

B [ (200/1000) (600) ] = 120

C [ (120/1000) (600) ] = 72

D [ (130/1000) (600) ] = 78

E [ (160/1000) (600) ] = 96

x 3 000 4 700 5 500 5 500 5 500 6 800 7 000 38 000

2 9 000 000 22 090 000 F 250 000
30 30 250 000[ (250/1000)
30 250 000(600)
46 = 150
240 000 49 000 000 217 080 000


’000) of the Fairuz Mininart for 7 days are as follows: 5.5 7.0

5.5 3.0 4.7 6.8 5.5

i) Find the mean and mode value of the sales.

(2 marks)

MEAN = (3 marks)
3000+4700+5500+ 5500+5500+6800+7000

38 000

= RM 5428.57

MODE = RM 5500

i) Calculate standard deviation for the Fairuz Minimart

√ ( )
= 1 (38 000)
217 080 000−
7−1 7

= RM 1 341.29
b) The family income (RM’00) of 9 households in Taman Bukit Ilmu are as follows: 12.5

15.6 19.6 20.5 21.6 23.5 23.8 35.6 50.8

i) Find five summary values of position (5 marks)

Minimum = 12.5
Maximum = 50.8
Median = 21.6

Q1 =


= 2.5th position

= 15.6 + 0.5
= 16.1

Q3 = 3 ( n+14 )
=3 ( 9+14 )
= 7.5th position

= 23.8 + 0.5
= 24.3

ii) Sketch a box-whiskers plot and comment on the distribution (6 marks)


16.1 21.6 24.3

Q2 – Q1 = 21.6 – 16.1
= 5.5

Q3 – Q2 = 24.3 – 21.6
= 2.7

c) The weight distribution of the Honeydews harvested from a farm called Hero is shown
in table below;
Weight Number of Mid-point fx fx

(gram) Honeydews
25-29 10 27 270 2 700
30-34 20 32 640 12 800
35-39 10 37 370 3 700
40-44 14 42 588 8 232
45-49 16 47 752 12 032

i) Calculate the mean and standard deviation

Mean = 10(27) + 20(32) + 10(37) + 14(42) + 16(47)
= 2 620
= 37.428571

(5 marks)

ii) Draw a histogram from the above data. Estimate the modal value and explain the
value obtained.
(4 marks)

iii) Find coefficient of skewness and state the shape of distribution.

(2 marks)

iv) A farm of Zorro produces honeydews with a mean weight of 35g and standard
deviation of 2.5g. Which farm shows a more stable weight?
(3 marks)

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