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STUDENT ID : 22011875
SUBMISSION : 2/6/2024



2.1 TikTok
2.2 Instagram


3.1 Content Consistency and Quality
3.2 Data security gaps
3.3 Insufficient customer engagement


Starting a Food and Beverage (F&B) kiosk at Lotus Mall, Bandar Universiti, Sri Iskandar,
Perak, and promoting it online can significantly enhance business reach and engagement.
Offering Nasi Ayam Hainan, a popular dish in Perak, is strategic, especially since halal
versions are hard to find. This initiative addresses a substantial market need, attracting a wide
customer base and fulfilling existing demand.

Promoting this product online is crucial for business growth, especially with Malaysia's 28.68
million active social media users as of January 2024 with social media users representing
83.1% of the total population. Among the most popular social media platforms in Malaysia
are TikTok, favoured by 21.9% for its engaging short-form videos, Facebook, with 18.8% as
a versatile platform, and Instagram, preferred by 14% for its visual appeal. Leveraging these
platforms is essential for impactful and relevant social media promotion to drive business


TikTok, boasting an extensive user base, offers businesses a significant platform for product
showcasing (TikTok, 2023). Users demonstrate substantial engagement, spending an average
of 52–56 minutes daily on the app, presenting ample opportunities for exposure to our
product(DataReportal, 2023). Leveraging popularity, businesses can effectively promote their
products through consistent content creation. For instance, showcasing daily progress or
promotional content for Nasi Ayam Hainan aligns with successful strategies employed by
entities like Lambshank Batu Pahat.

TikTok facilitates influencer marketing collaborations for brands to reach new audience
segments, significantly enhancing viewer engagement. This is further amplified by TikTok's
algorithm, prioritizing content discovery, thus increasing content going viral (Social Media
Examiner, 2023). For instance, engaging in collaborations with influencers or food reviewers
can effectively elevate the visibility of Nasi Ayam Hainan among the populace. Furthermore,
leveraging their expertise enables us to receive constructive feedback, allowing for
enhancements in the quality of our product.


Instagram's visual-centric platform allows businesses to showcase products through high-

quality images and videos (Instagram Business, 2023). With over 1.2 billion active users,
Instagram provides a vast audience for businesses to engage (Statista, 2023). Additionally, its
engaging interface makes it ideal for influencer marketing collaborations and enhancing
brand visibility

Furthermore, Instagram offers a good return on ad spend. Instagram Story ads

enabling us to deliver engaging content that seamlessly integrates with organic user content.
We can also utilize customizable call-to-action buttons in our ads to prompt users to take
specific actions, such as "Shop Now" or "Learn More," driving traffic to my website or
encouraging direct purchases within the app. Hence, we will promote Nasi Ayam Hainan by
using add Instagram story. Although it may be a little costly but the return is worthwhile.

Instagram provides valuable audience insights, which include demographic

information (Sprout Social, 2023). Additionally, Instagram marketing can significantly aid in
converting customers who use the platform to discover new products and brands. It can be
helpful to our product as it is still new to promote it to people. Research indicates that 60% of
Instagram users say they discover new products on the instagram (Hootsuite, 2023).

Challenges and Strategies To Overcome

Content Consistency and Quality
The challenge of ensuring content consistency and quality in online businesses arises from
the necessity to consistently produce engaging and high-quality content to attract customers,
a task complicated by dynamic preferences of audiences.

To mitigate this challenge, online businesses can develop a comprehensive content calendar
to facilitate organized planning, ensuring a consistent posting schedule aligned with
marketing objectives. Additionally, establishing clear guidelines for content creation
including brand voice and visual identity, helps maintain a cohesive brand image across all
platforms. For instance, Pak Mat Western utilizes 'Una' as their visual identity to promote
their product. Investing in content creation tools, such as graphic design software, enables
efficient production of professional-quality content. Implementing quality control measures,
such as peer reviews and content audits, ensures that content meets established standards
before publication, maintaining consistency and upholding quality.

Data security gaps

Data security gaps present a significant challenge for online businesses, leading to
unauthorized access and data breaches. These gaps often from vulnerabilities in software
systems and increasing scammer. Additionally, the evolving nature of cyber threats poses an
ongoing challenge for businesses to stay ahead and maintain customer trust in purchasing our

To overcome data security gaps, online businesses can implement comprehensive

cybersecurity measures and protocols. This includes regularly updating software systems and
applications to patch vulnerabilities and strengthen defences against potential cyber threats.
Employing robust encryption methods to protect sensitive data during transmission and
storage is also crucial. Additionally, collaborating with trusted cybersecurity professionals
and utilizing advanced security technologies can provide additional layers of protection
against potential data security threats. By adopting a proactive approach to cybersecurity and
implementing stringent security measures, online businesses can effectively safeguard their
sensitive information.

Insufficient customer engagement

Insufficient customer engagement presents a significant challenge for online businesses, as it

impedes the establishment of meaningful connections with potential customers. Inadequate
engagement may result from various factors, including ineffective communication strategies
and lack of personalized content. Our product risk losing relevance in a competitive online
landscape, impacting brand visibility and customer loyalty,

To overcome it, online businesses should prioritize the development of personalized and
relevant content tailored to the interests and preferences of their audience segments. By
understanding customer preferences, businesses can create engaging content that resonates
with their audience, encouraging active participation and interaction. Additionally, leveraging
interactive features such as live Q&A sessions can enhance engagement by inviting
participation and feedback from customers. Furthermore, actively engaging with customers
through social media platforms, responding promptly to inquiries and feedback, and initiating
conversations can help cultivate a sense of community and trust.


3. Influencer Marketing Hub. (2023). TikTok Influencer Marketing 2023: A
Comprehensive Guide. Retrieved from
4. Instagram Business. (2023). Marketing on Instagram. Retrieved from
5. prout Social. (2023). How to Use Instagram Analytics. Retrieved from
6. WordStream. (2023). Instagram Ad Performance Benchmarks. Retrieved from
7. Wikipedia

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