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If the population continues to increase at its current rate we will not be able to maintain or
raise the global standard of living without risking the destruction of the environment.
It took hundreds of thousands of years for the world population to hit one billion. In
5 comparison it took only 123 more years to reach 2 billion and nearly 33 years to hit three billion.
Currently the world population increases by 1 billion people every 13 years. Every second an average
of 4.2 people are born and 1.8 people die, that is a net gain of 2.4 people per second. Todaythe
population totals almost 7 billion. By 2025 it is estimated to reach 8 billion. By 2050 there will
2.5 billion people more on earth than there are today. That's an increase equal to the entire world
10 population in 1950.
The demand for fresh water increases as the population size increases but there is only so
much fresh water on earth. By 2025 it is estimated that more than one in three people will be affected
by watershortages.
In more than one out of every two developing countries the population has been growing
15 faster than the food supplies. To feed the projected population in 2025 we will have to double food
production over current levels. Even if we are able to double our food production it won't come
without a cost. Increasing food production creates a chain reaction of ecological disruption.
The problems with climate change will only grow worse if the population increases.The higher
the population the greater the demand for oil, gas, coal and other fuels that create greenhouse
20 gasses. (al)Though the population in developed countries represents a small amount of the world
population they consume fossil fuels much faster than developing countries. In US each person
contributes about 1,644 tons of carbon dioxide; that's five times higher than a person in China and 91
times more than a person in Bangladesh. Although levels of consumption differ greatly around the
world, based on economic status the higher our population the higher our total levels of
25 consumption.
What can we do? Lower levels of unnecesary consumption in developed countries and find
sustainable solutions to meet increasing demands on food, water, fuel and other basic resources.
Provide universal access to family planning services, contraceptives and information. Empower
women, give women access to healthcare, education and birthcontrol. Give women the right to
30 control the size of their families.
Democracy cannot survive over population. Human dignity cannot survive it. Convenience
and decency cannot survive it. As you put more and more people into the world the value of life not
only declines it disappears.
current= actual:do you know the current temperature?¿sabe cuál es la temperatura
happening now; of the present time: Have you seen the current issue of (= the
most recently published) vogue magazine? What is your current address?

raise= subir: Could you raise the volume so I can hear it? ¿Podrías subir el volumen
para que yo pueda escucharlo? Many shops have raised their prices. The
university is working to raise the number of students from state schools.

environment=medio ambiente: The environment is changing because of global warming. El

medio ambiente está cambiando debido al calentamiento global. The new road
may cause damage to the environment.

it took= see exercises: GRAMMAR-IT TAKES (on C.V.)

hit =alcanzar: Temperatures hit 40° yesterday. Our profits (beneficios) have
already hit $1 million. To reach a particular level or number: Sales have hit $1

average= promedio, media: The average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7.

on average= de media: On average, men still earn more than women. On average, women
live between five and seven years longer than men. 400 People a year die of this
disease on average.

gain= incremento: increase; Eating too many fatty things could cause weight (peso)
gain. Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain.

fresh water= dulce: This fish tank is full of fresh water, not salt water. Esta pecera está llena
de agua dulce, no de agua de mar. Fresh water contains no salt and comes from
rivers and lakes.

size= magnitud, intensidad, tamaño: The region had never seen a storm of this size
before. Esta región nunca ha visto una tormenta de esta magnitud/tamaño. It's
an area about the size of Oxford. The size of some of those trees is incredible (=
they are very large).

shortage: escasez; falta: a situation when there is not enough of the things or people that
are needed: food/housing/water shortages/a shortage of nurses.

supply (v.)= abastecer/suministrar: They supplied beer to the bar. Ellos suministraron
cerveza al bar. This lake (lago) supplies the whole town with water.

supply/ies= (sust.):We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of fresh water. A transport plane
carrying food and medical supplies for refugees.

feed= alimentar; dar de comer: I need to feed the children. Necesito alimentar a los
niños. Have you fed the cat yet? The baby can't feed itself yet (= can't put food
into its own mouth). All the children will be properly fed and cared for.
level= nivel: A test that checks the level of alcohol in the blood; a relatively low/high
level of crime: Dolphins show a high level of intelligence. Inflation fell to its
lowest level in 30 years. Few athletes can compete at international level.

won't= will not

chain= cadena; en cadena: A sudden drop (caida) on wall street can cause a chain
reaction in other financial markets.

fuel= combustible; fuel: a car with high fuel consumption;Wood coal, oil, petrol and
gas are all different kinds of fuel.

although= aunque; (al)though; She walked home by herself, although she knew it was
dangerous. I see her all the time, although I never speak to her. La veo
constantemente, aunque nunca hablo con ella

times= veces: Three times two is six.: Tres veces dos es/son seis.

lower= bajar: the store lowers prices for sales. la tienda baja los precios para las
rebajas. This drug is used to lower blood pressure.

meet= satsisfacer: How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups? We
haven't yet been able to find a house that meets our needs.

resource= recurso; medio: Britain's mineral resources include coal and gas deposits. The
country's greatest resource is the dedication of its workers. A country rich in
natural resources. She had no financial resources.

empower= facultar; conferir poderes: Education empowers (gives power to) people to
take control of their lives. The court (juzgado) is empowered to take away your
children. (tiene el poder)

decency= decencia, honradez: behaviour that is good, moral, and acceptable in society:
She didn't even have the decency to tell me she wasn't coming. You might at
least have the decency to say you're sorry!

decline= disminuir; bajar; decaer: The number of people buying their own homes has
declined. The party's popularity declined during the elections.
Gapfill: Watch the video, listen carefully and then fill in the gaps with the correct word(s).
If the population continues to 1...................... at its current rate we will not be able to
maintain or raise the global standard of living without risking the destruction of the 2.......................
It took hundreds of thousands of years for the world population to hit one billion. In
comparison it took only 123 more years to 3....................... 2 billion and nearly 33 years to hit three
billion. Currently the world population 4...................... by 1 billion people every 13 years. Every
second an average of 4.2 people are 5...................... and 1.8 people 6. .................... , that is a net
gain of 2.4 people per second. Today the population totals almost 7 billion. By 2025 it is estimated
to 7...................... 8 billion. By 2050 there will 2.5 billion people more on earth than there are today.
That's an 8. ................................ equal to the entire world population in 1950.
The demand for fresh water increases as the population size increases but there is only so
much fresh water on 9...................... . By 2025 it is estimated that more 10...................... one in three
people will be affected by watershortages.
In more 11. ...................... one out of every two developing countries the population has been
growing faster than the food supplies. To 12........................ the projected population in 2025 we will
have to double food production over current levels. Even if we are able to double our foodproduction
it won't come without a cost. Increasing food production creates a chain reaction of 13.
........................... disruption.
The problems with climate change will only grow worse if the population 14......................
The higher the population the greater the 15. ...................... for oil, gas, coal and other fuels
that create greenhouse gasses. Though the population in 16...................... countries represents a small
amount of the world population they 17...................... fossil fuels much faster than developing
countries. In US each person contributes about 1,644 tons of carbon dioxide; that's five times higher
than a person in China and 91 18...................... more than a person in Bangladesh. Although levels
of 19. .................................................. differ greatly around the world, based on economic status the
higher our population the higher our total 20. ...................... of consumption.
What can we do? Lower levels of unnecesary consumption in developed countries and find
sustainable solutions to meet increasing demands on food, water, fuel and other basic 21......................
. Provide universal access to family planning services, contraceptives and information. Empower
women, give women access to 22. .......................................................... , education and birthcontrol.
Give women the right to control the 23...................... of their families. 24. .................... cannot
survive over population. Human dignity cannot survive it. Convenience and decency cannot survive
it. As you put more and more people into the world the value of life not only declines it
25...................... .
1. Answer the following questions about the

1.- How long did it take for the world population to go from one billion to two billion?
2.- How long did it take for the world population to go from two billion to three billion?
3.- How long does it currently take for the world population to increase by one billion?
4.- By how many people does the world population increase every second?
5.- T/F-Between now and 2050 the increase in the world population will be the same as the
entire world population in 1950.
6.- T/F-In less than half of the developing countries the population has been growing faster
than the food supplies.
7.-Current food production would only be enough for half the population in 2025.
8.- T/F-The consumption of fuels creates greenhouse gases.
9.-T/F-The consumption of fossil fuels is much higher in developed countries than in
developing countries.
10.-T/F-Each person in China contributes more tons of carbon dioxide than a person in
11.- Mention at least 3 ways of reducing the growth in the world population and carbon-
dioxide emissions.

2. Find a word for each definition in the text Population Growth:

1. a rise in the amount or size of something:

2. the number of people living in a particular area: Populations
3. an amount calculated by adding some amounts togetherand then dividing by the
number of amounts:
4. water that does
not contain any salt, especially water found in lakes and rivers:
5. how large or small something or someone is:
6. to give food to a person, group, or animal:
7. a useful or valuable possession or quality ofa country, organization, or
8. behaviour that is good, moral, and acceptable in society:
9. food and other ordinary goods needed by people every day:
10. the amount used or eaten: consumption
Fresh water

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