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The Westminster School, Dubai

Summer break homework 2023-24

Submission Date: September 1st

Year level Subject Work assigned

English Topic : Adventure Journal

Create an "Adventure Journal" over the holiday break. This journal will be a creative
mix of storytelling, art, and reflection. Your journal should include the following:
1. A Map of Your Adventures:
• Draw or design a map of the places you visit during the holidays, real
or imaginary.
2. Daily Logs:
• Write a short daily entry (50-100 words) about your activities, feelings,
and observations.
3. Creative Stories:
• Invent three short stories (100-150 words each) inspired by your
holiday experiences. Use your imagination to turn ordinary events into
extraordinary tales.
4. Art and Photos:
• Include drawings, sketches, or photographs that capture the essence of
your holiday adventures.
5. Reflections:
Year 7
• Write a reflection at the end of the holidays (200-250 words),
summarizing your experiences, what you enjoyed most, what you
learned, and your hopes for the new school year.

Maths Reinforcement pack in a folder:

Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Measures and Statistics

Science Topic: Rock Picture booklet

Task: Explore how these rocks are formed, their characteristics, and where they can be
To identify and describe the three types of rocks.
To understand the rock cycle and how different types of rocks are formed.
Include the below in your work:
• A brief introduction explaining what rocks are, their types and their
• Definition and formation process.
• Characteristics (e.g., texture, color, mineral composition).
• Examples (e.g., granite, basalt).
• Pictures of at least two rocks each of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
with captions.
• Interesting facts or uses.
• Summary of what you have learned about rocks.
• Why studying rock is important.
Create a Canva.

English Literary Trailer Creation

Objective: To engage students in creative and analytical thinking by exploring key
elements of a chosen book through the creation of a book trailer.
Choose one of the following books:
• The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
• The Hobbit
• The Hound of the Baskervilles
• Treasure Island
• Life of Pi.
Read the chosen book carefully, paying attention to the characters, plot, themes, and
Create a book trailer for the chosen book following the provided guidelines. Submit
your completed trailer along with a brief reflection on the creative process and your
insights into the book.

Year 8 Book Trailer Creation Guidelines:

Selecting the Book: Choose one of the listed books as the basis for your trailer.
• Develop a storyboard outlining the scenes, characters, and key
moments you want to include in your trailer.
Visual Elements:
• Design a 3D render of the book cover for the chosen title.
• Introduce the characters visually, using illustrations or images.
• Include relevant images that convey the vibe and genre of the book.
• Incorporate special transition icons, animations, or effects to enhance
the visual appeal of your trailer.
• Select instrumental background tracks that match the genre and tone
of the book.
• Ensure that the music enhances the mood and atmosphere of your
• Write an outline script for the voiceover, introducing the characters
and providing insight into the premise without revealing too much.
• Choose a suitable voiceover style and tone that complements the
overall theme of the book.
Mention and Duration:

• Include your name and mention your new academic year class in the
• Ensure that your trailer is not more than 2 minutes long.

Maths Reinforcement pack in a folder:

Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Measures and Statistics

Science Topic: Innovation in Science – A journey of discovery

Task: Embark on a project that explores significant scientific innovations.
Select an Innovation: Choose a scientific innovation that interests you.


• History and Development: Investigate the history of your chosen innovation. Who
invented it? When and where did it develop? What challenges were overcome in its
• Impact: Analyze the impact of this innovation on society, the environment, and the
field of science. How has it changed the way we live or understand the world?


Explore the future possibilities and advancements related to this innovation.

What improvements or new applications are scientists currently working on?

Present it in using any innovative tech tool.

English Time Capsule Research Project

• To engage students in historical research and creative writing.
• To foster understanding of historical significance and preservation.

Year 9 • Research and curate items for a time capsule representing the current year (2024).
• Write an essay explaining the significance of each chosen item.

Example Items to Consider:

• A popular technology gadget released in 2024: Explain its features, popularity, and
technological advancements.
• A bestselling book or a blockbuster movie from 2024: Analyze its themes,
reception, and cultural significance.
• Fashion trends or items that gained popularity in 2024: Describe the trend and its
reflection of societal values or shifts.
• Photographs capturing significant moments or everyday life in 2024: Discuss what
these images convey about the year.
• Cultural artifacts such as music, art, or social media trends : Examine their
influence and representation of contemporary culture.
Essay Writing:
Compose an essay of 250-350 words elaborating on the rationale behind selecting
each item for inclusion.
Discuss the significance of these items in portraying the essence of the year 2024 and
contemplate how forthcoming generations might interpret them, unveiling insights
into contemporary society.
How to present your work? :
Create a presentation incorporating images or actual examples of items to be included
in the time capsule to enhance understanding and engagement. Use tools such as
PowerPoint, Sway, or any other web-based platform for the presentation.

Maths Reinforcement pack in a folder:

Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Measures and Statistics

Physics Title: Seven Layer Density Column

Objective: Demonstrate the concept of density by creating a seven-layer Density
Column. This experiment helps reinforce the understanding of density and its practical
Description: Summer holidays project will be assigned in Phoenix. Students will
complete the Experiment summary sheet, record video of the experiment and upload
it on Phoenix.
Chemistry Reinforcement work sheet:
Biology Title: Exploring Biodiversity: A Journal of Living Organisms


This project aims to develop your skills in observation, research, and scientific
classification while enhancing your understanding of the diversity and complexity of
living organisms.

Journal documenting various living organisms you encounter. For each organism,

Observation: Note the date, location, and conditions where you found the organism.

Description: Describe the organism's physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat.

Classification: Classify the organism based on the characteristics of living things

(movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, and nutrition).

Research: Conduct additional research to learn more about each organism. Include
information such as its scientific name, role in the ecosystem, and any interesting

Reflection: Reflect on the diversity of life you observed and the importance of

Format: Journal Entries: Create at least 10 detailed entries, each focusing on a

different organism.

Presentation: Summarize your findings in a presentation or a report at the end of the


English Read the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dicken
1. Research the French Revolution and write a brief report (300 words) on how
the historical events influence the story.
2. Write how the writer uses language to bring out the theme of duality with at
least 3 evidences from the text in 300 words
3. Create a timeline that highlights at least ten major events from the novel.
Learners may use visuals to present their work.
4. Write a blog style review (200 words) of A Tale of Two cities.

Maths Reinforcement pack in a folder:

Year 10 Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Measures and Statistics
PBL: Renewable Energy Exploration Project

Objective: Research and design a model on generating electricity from renewable

Students will be exploring the topic RENEWABLE ENERGY by researching & creating a
3-D model/detailed scrap book

Task: Choose one of the tasks below:

1. Diorama or Interactive 3-D Model

Objective: Create a diorama or an interactive 3-D model showcasing Renewable
Energy. Accompany it with an A-4 size handbook (5-6 sheets).

Content Requirements:

• Definition of Renewable Energy: Explain what renewable energy is.

• Electricity Generation Methods: Describe different methods of generating
electricity using renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and
• Advantages and Disadvantages: List the advantages and disadvantages of
renewable energy.

2. Scrapbook, Handbook, or Science Magazine Article

Objective: Conduct research on Renewable Energy and compile your findings in one of
the following formats: a scrapbook, a handbook, or an article for a science magazine.
Use A-4 size sheets (minimum 14-18 sheets).

Content Requirements:

• Energy Resource Description: Describe each energy resource, whether

renewable or non-renewable.
• Production and Recovery: Explain how the energy resource is produced and
• Energy Conversion: Describe how we convert energy resources into usable
• Advantages and Disadvantages: Analyze each energy resource in terms of:
o Renewability
o Cost
o Reliability
o Availability
o Scale
o Environmental Impact

3. Multimedia Presentation with Mini-Seminar

Objective: Research Renewable Energy and present your findings using multimedia
and digital tools in a mini-seminar or TED Talk format. Accompany the presentation
with an A-4 size handbook (5-10 sheets).

Content Requirements:

• Comprehensive Research: Conduct thorough research on renewable energy

• Presentation: Create a multimedia presentation utilizing digital tools.
• Handbook: Produce an A-4 size handbook (5-10 sheets) summarizing your

These activities will allow students to learn, explore, and share their knowledge on
Renewable Energy effectively.

Chemistry PBL: Chemistry of the environment


This project aims to develop your skills in observation, research, and scientific
classification while enhancing your understanding of the Chemistry of the


1. Real-World Connection: Design a project around real-world challenges regarding

climate change which are evident such as global warming, flash floods and cyclones
etc. that are relevant to students’ lives and interests to show the relevance of your

2. Inquiry and Innovation: In this project, students should research and think critically
to develop innovative solutions to tackle the above-mentioned challenges.

Submission Format:

The student should summarize their research in the form of a presentation or word

Biology PBL: Human influence on ecosystem and Biotechnology.

In this project the students will include the following key elements:

1. Real-World Connection: Design the project around real-world challenges that are
relevant to students’ lives and interests to show the relevance of their learning.

2. Inquiry and Innovation: In this project, the students should conduct research, and
think critically to develop innovative solutions.

Any one of the following:

1. Biomimicry Design Challenge

Concept: Biomimicry is the study of nature and the use of natural models, systems,
and processes to solve human problems

Challenge: Research a specific human problem (e.g., water purification, waste

management, energy production) and design a solution inspired by the natural world.
You can sketch a design, build a model, or even write a story about your invention.
Examples of biomimicry solutions: Velcro was inspired by burrs that stick to animal
fur, self-cleaning surfaces mimic lotus leaves, and solar panels are inspired by the way
plants capture sunlight.

2. Investigate the Microbiome for Good

Concept: The human microbiome is the community of trillions of bacteria, viruses, and
fungi that live in and on our bodies.
Challenge: Research the role of the microbiome in human health and disease. Design a
project to investigate a specific aspect of the microbiome, such as the effects of diet on
gut bacteria or the potential of probiotics to treat certain conditions.

Project ideas: You could conduct a literature review, design an experiment to test the
effects of a prebiotic or probiotic supplement on gut health, or create an educational
campaign to raise awareness about the importance of the microbiome.

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