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 Mitosis is used for almost all of your

body’s cell division needs. It adds new

 Meiosis is used for just one purpose in
the human body: the production of
gametes –sex cells, or sperm and eggs

EPIDIDYMIS - forms a mass over the back and

upper part of each testes. ; Sperm are stored
there for as long as six weeks

Vas Deferens/ductus deferens - described as

the excretory duct of the testes ; two long, thin
tubes that serve as a passageway for sperm and
a place for sperm storage.

EJACULATION - passage of sperm from the

penis, a result of a series of muscular
contractions ; 3.5 milliliters of semen is expelled
during ejaculation ; 300 to 400 million sperm &
5 to 10 million in just one drop.

Urethra - A dual purpose tube that both semen

and urine pass through to leave the body

SEMEN - combination of fluid that is produced

in the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and
bulbourethral gland ; Thickened milky fluid that
Testicles or Testes – The two testes are small
is expelled from the penis during sexual activity.
organs that lie in the scrotum and produce
sperm and the male hormone testosterone. Hypospermia – less than 1.5 ml semen
- The testicles are the male sex gland. Hyperspermia - more than 5.5ml : abnormal
- Each lobe of testis contains 1 to 3 coiled
Average volume of semen produced at
ejaculation is 2 to 5 ml
- Four to five billion sperm cells are
produced each month. Seminal Vesicles - Secrete 60% of the total
volume of the semen, which includes fructose,
SCROTUM – A sac-like pouch located behind
the energy source of the sperm ; two small
the penis that holds each testes and helps
glands that secrete a fluid that nourishes and
regulate temperature for sperm production.
enables the sperm to move
SPERM - They are tiny, living cells 100 times
Prostate Gland - released by seminal vesicle
smaller than a pencil dot. ; can survive in a
and prostrate gland into the mix that induce
women’s body for 5-8 days.
contractions ; help sperm reach the egg.
 Head – contains nucleus that stores the
Bulbourethral/Cowper’s Gland - two small pea-
male chromosomes and has a
sized glands located beneath the prostate
protective cap called the acrosome
gland ; They secrete a clear, sticky (mucus-rich)
 Midpiece – contains mitochondria,
fluid that helps to neutralize the acidity of the
which supply energy to the tail.
 Tail – helps propel if forward with
snake-like motion. PENIS - male organ for sexual intercourse,
reproduction, and urination ; loosely fitting skin
 Semen contains about 100 million
called the prepuce or foreskin.
sperm per millilite
 An erection occurs when the sponge-
SPERM CELLS - produced in the linings of the
like chambers in the penis fill with
seminiferous tubules through MEIOSIS.

 Positive feedback - brings more

hormone output
 Negative feedback – inhibits/stops the
production of more hormones.
 Zona Pellucida (egg wall) is an outer
TIMELINE: membrane that helps the sperm to
enter the egg through its hard outer
Infancy - Erections begin layer
Ages 11-14- Secondary sex characteristics - 1 egg being released per month, only
appear 400-500 eggs in total will be released.
- 1 % of women will experience
Ages 13-16- Sperm produced in adult amounts premature menopause, they will run
(puberty) out of eggs well before the normal age
Late teens- Peak sexual urges for boys of menopause

ATRESIA – process when no. of eggs will

steadily decline over her lifetime and be
absorbed back into the body

Progesterone builds up the lining of the uterus

called the endometrium

Estrogen - Assists in endometrial

regrowth/thickens endometrium

FALLOPIAN TUBES - Two tubes attached on

either side of the uterus.

 They are about 4-5 inches long and 0.2-

0.6 inches in diameter (the size of a
cooked spaghetti noodle).
 carry egg cells toward the uterus and
OVARY - Two solid egg-shaped structures ; They sperm cells toward the egg cell.
are attached to the uterus by ligaments.
two main functions:
1-store and release the ova or female egg cell.  Only 1 sperm can fertilize an egg
 Fertilized egg = zygote
2-produce female sex hormones called
ESTROGEN and PROGESTERONE UTERUS - small pear-shaped muscular organ
situated between urinary bladder and rectum ;
1-2 million egg cell at birth Site of Embryonic Development.
- There is a continuous decline in the
number of eggs each month, by the - protect and nourish a fetus
time a girl enters puberty, only about 25
- size of a small watermelon
% of her lifetime total egg pool
- After childbirth the uterus shrinks back
remains, around 300,000.
to the original shape in 6-8 weeks
OVUM OR OVA - main function is to carry the
Cervix - The neck or the narrow opening of
set of chromosomes contributed by the female
the uterus.
and create the right environment to enable
fertilization by the sperm.  Accommodates the penis during
- The formation of an egg cell or ovum is
called oogenesis.  Channels the blood discharged during
- 2 million immature egg cells are called menstruation
primary oocytes.
 Dilate from 6 cm to 10 cm
 nucleus or germinal spot it is the heart VAGINA
of the egg cell
- birth canal during child birth
- 3-4 inches long, but will lengthen during
 Cytoplasm is a gel-like substance that
- has a high acidity level to fight against
holds all the organelles.
- Occur 10 days after exposure to an infected
sexual partner.
• Release of an egg from your ovary, into
your fallopian tube - is caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia
AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
• When blood and tissue from uterus
comes out from vagina  - Cause by virus known as the HUMAN
Menstrual cramps happen because of
which attacks the immune system
contractions in the uterus or womb
 NO CURE is available
Menstrual Abnormalities:
-Uterine contractions begin
• Amenorrhea = absence of menstruation
-Cervix dilates to 10 cm.
; no menstrual flow for at least 3

Cesarean Section (c-section) is a surgery that • Dysmenorrhea = pain associated with

cuts through the uterus to deliver the baby if it menstruation
cannot be born vaginally
• Abnormal uterine bleeding = excessive
amount or duration of menstrual
Sexually transmitted disease (STD’s)
Prostaglandins control processes such as blood
 Syphilis flow, contraction and relaxation of muscles and
 Gonorrhea others

 Genital Herpes 2 types of abnormal uterine bleeding:

Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia
 Chlamydia
Menorrhagia- Excessive bleeding during the
 AIDS regular menstrual flow
Syphilis Metrorrhagia- Uterine bleeding between
- It is a bacterial infection usually spread by regular menstrual periods or after menopause
sexual contact, this disease starts as a painless Infertility- Inability to conceive after 1 year of
sore (CHANCRE) - typically on your genitals, sexual intercourse without birth control
rectum or mouth.
Cervical cancer - type of cancer that occurs in
-caused by a bacterium Treponema pallidum the cells of cervix- the lower part of the uterus
Congenital Syphilis – a baby born with infected Erectile Dysfunction - Inability of an adult man
mother (deafness, tooth deformities, and to achieve penile erection
collapse of the nose bridge.
Ovarian cysts - fluid-filled sacs or pockets in an
Gonorrhea ovary or on its surface
- caused by a bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
which invades the epithelial lining of the vagina
and the male urethra that causes discharge
called PUS ; often seen in young adults.

Genital Herpes

- common sexually transmitted infection caused

by the herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV)-2
(Incurable) ; Blisters appear a few days or
weeks after infection

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