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Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies

Volume 2024, Article ID 6664626, 13 pages

Research Article
Social Media: The New Frontier for Human Resource
Management in Asia

Ismi Rajiani ,1 Deasy Arisanty ,2 and I Gede Riana 3

Department of Social Studies, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Department of Geography Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Department of Management, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

Correspondence should be addressed to Ismi Rajiani; rajiani@ulm.ac.id and Deasy Arisanty; deasyarisanty@ulm.ac.id

Received 11 August 2023; Revised 13 February 2024; Accepted 23 February 2024; Published 19 March 2024

Academic Editor: Mirko Duradoni

Copyright © 2024 Ismi Rajiani et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Social media has become an increasingly vital tool for human resource management (HRM) in many parts of the globe. However,
Asian societies have adopted social media for HRM at a lesser rate than Western cultures, which are more egalitarian and open,
leading to greater comfort with using social media for professional interactions, even with superiors. This article provides a
comprehensive literature review on the use of social media in HRM in Asian societies. The review analyzes 590 studies
published between 2013 and 2023, following the PRISMA protocol for systematic reviews and using VOSviewer. The results
indicate that the number of publications on this topic has fluctuated, with a notable increase in interest since 2015. The most
prolific countries in terms of publications are India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Taiwan, South Korea,
Thailand, and the UAE. The study identifies significant research clusters and discusses the difficulties encountered when
implementing social media technologies in HRM within an Asian context. These obstacles include cultural factors such as
collectivism, power distance, and privacy concerns. The controversial findings regarding the distinction between excellent
research and practical implementation demonstrate the need for additional research to understand better the potential benefits
and challenges of incorporating social media into HRM practices in the region.

1. Introduction [2]. These traditional methods frequently rely on outsour-

cing, consultancies, referrals, campus recruitment, and inter-
Millions of users on social media platforms such as Face- nal promotions [3]. Nonetheless, the emergence of online
book, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ are increasing rapidly job portals and social media platforms has transformed can-
yearly. The high activity level of individuals and organiza- didate screening and shortlisting [4]. Academic research
tions on these sites generates unlimited data daily. Organiza- indicates that recruiters now use a variety of platforms to
tions are currently utilizing this information for their evaluate employment candidates [5]. This trend is exempli-
purposes. This information has become a hub of activity fied by the increasing popularity of social media platforms
for individuals and for-profit and nonprofit organizations in recruitment and employment practices, transforming
due to its high accessibility, visibility, and free accessibility. how job seekers explore new opportunities and employers
For instance, LinkedIn, a job-oriented social media platform, search for qualified candidates [6].
stores all of a user’s professional information, which Social media (SM) was initially used for talent search and
recruiters can view and utilize to attract qualified future recruitment. However, the use of SM has expanded beyond
employees. Interestingly, enterprises never initially intended that. Today, HR departments use SM for various functions,
to use this social media data [1]. including talent acquisition, selection, internal communica-
Typical recruitment procedures include posting job tion, training, onboarding, and team building. SM can be
openings, receiving applications, shortlisting candidates, utilized to identify and connect with potential candidates,
conducting interviews, and ultimately employing individuals learn more about their skills and qualifications, conduct
2 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies

background checks, communicate with employees, deliver efficiency, and function of SM in HRM practices. Therefore,
training and development programs, and build employee the present study is aimed at organizing and synthesizing
relationships [7]. these scattered studies, providing a comprehensive and up-
SMs provide users with a professional platform for to-date summary of existing knowledge in this field.
updating and showcasing their proficiencies, such as qualifi- A systematic literature review (SLR) of 590 existing stud-
cations, work experience, and abilities, thereby increasing ies concentrating on the relationship between social media
the likelihood that employers will find talent matching their (SM) and human resource management (HRM) was con-
specific requirements [8]. These platforms also increase the ducted from 2013 to June 2023. The primary objective of this
possibility that multiple positions matching the qualifica- SLR is to provide valuable insights for both research and
tions of individual users will be displayed on professional practice, thereby facilitating the broader adoption of SM
websites [9]. From an organizational standpoint, SM pro- among users and generating more excellent value for HRM
vides employers access to a large pool of potential candidates professionals and individuals. The review was guided by
for open positions, streamlining the hiring process and the research questions listed in the study’s justification:
reducing time and cost expenditures [10]. How is the human resource management literature evolving
The hesitant waltz between Asian human resource man- in light of the pervasive adoption of professional social
agement (HRM) and social media presents a fascinating case media? What aspects of human resource management con-
study of the interplay of technology and cultural norms. cerning professional social media are highlighted in the liter-
While Western counterparts have readily embraced digital ature? What research implications does the use of social
communication channels, Asian contexts face unique chal- media have for the field of human resource management?
lenges rooted in deep-seated cultural values. Collectivism, a Previous systematic literature reviews on the relationship
cornerstone of many Asian societies, prioritizes group har- between social media use and human resource management
mony and collective decision-making [11]. Open social apply a few publications to be analyzed, for example, refer-
media interactions with superiors or colleagues can seem ence [1] Integration of social media into HRM practices: a
disruptive or disrespectful, potentially impacting group bibliometric overview published in 2021. Based on 87 pub-
cohesion and individual comfort. Imagine an employee in lished papers from the Web of Science database between
a hierarchical organization with strong collectivist values; 2010 and 2020, this article found that Facebook and Linke-
using a company LinkedIn page for critical feedback might dIn are the two most popular sites among hiring profes-
evoke anxiety, fearing it could disrupt group equilibrium. sionals, with the former providing primarily behavioural
Power distance, another influential cultural factor, empha- information and the latter job-related information. Another
sizes formal communication channels and hierarchical article is in reference [5], published in 2020: The Influence of
structures. Social media’s informality and direct communi- Online Professional Social Media in Human Resource Man-
cation can create discomfort, particularly when engaging agement: A Systematic Literature Review. Based on 45 arti-
with superiors or addressing sensitive HR matters. Consider cles from the Scopus and Web of Science databases
an employee in a high-power distance culture; providing between 2009 and 2020, the study indicated that HRM pro-
constructive feedback to their manager via a company app cesses had altered dramatically since the inception of SM,
might feel inappropriate, prompting them to seek refuge in arousing substantial interest among scholars.
formal channels like written reports or one-on-one Research conducted with limited datasets needs help
meetings. documenting complex human elements, such as interper-
However, in recent years, recruiters in some Asian coun- sonal interactions and the routine aspects of organizational
tries increasingly rely on social networking sites to hire qual- activities [16]. Nevertheless, these issues may be solvable
ified candidates [12]. Designed to facilitate the exchange of by utilizing the capabilities of big data. An illustrative exam-
personal and professional interests, these platforms have ple is the systematic analysis of employees’ language tones
surpassed conventional recruitment techniques owing to on social media platforms, such as Facebook posts, enabling
their ease of use and extensive candidate pool [13]. LinkedIn HRM researchers to recognize patterns and changes in sub-
stands out among SMs as the most convenient and effective tle human element nuances previously deemed ambiguous
website for employers and job seekers. LinkedIn was the [17]. Therefore, adopting a big data strategy becomes essen-
most preferred platform for hiring individuals to fill vacant tial for HRM research projects.
job roles, superseding Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, You- In addition, previous research disregards the significant
Tube, and Instagram [14]. regional or national differences in adopting social media
As SMs have a growing impact on human resource man- (SM) for employment-related purposes, which can be attrib-
agement (HRM) practices, notably employability and uted to differences in Internet accessibility and connection
recruitment, they have attracted increasing scholarly interest speeds. Typically, prosperous nations such as the United
[15]. Nonetheless, knowledge on this topic remains dis- States, the Netherlands, Germany, the UK, Australia, and
persed across numerous publications, making it challenging Canada have more advanced Internet infrastructure, allow-
to completely comprehend existing findings’ managerial and ing for greater use of online platforms. In contrast, develop-
theoretical implications and extract pertinent insights [3]. ing nations such as India and Indonesia are constrained in
This gap in the literature underscores the need for a critical Internet accessibility and speed, limiting their capacity to
synthesis of previous studies to systematically establish pro- completely leverage social media for employment [18]. How-
ductive directions for future research on the effectiveness, ever, the emerging trend of AI in HRM presents exciting
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 3

possibilities. AI-powered tools can streamline recruitment, connections to other objects. Shared linkages improve
personalize learning, enhance engagement, and bolster similarity.
employer branding. Empirical evidence suggests that Asian Similarity enhances space proximity [24]. Word clouds
HR professionals recognize AI’s potential impact [19–21]. are used to visualize text data representations, with the size
While cultural considerations remain, the synergy between of each word according to its frequency or relevance in the
social media and AI holds immense promise for revolution- original text. The bigger the term in the cloud, the more
izing HRM in Asia, paving the way for more efficient, person- often it appears in the original text. Words with more signif-
alized, and engaging work. icant font sizes are considered more important or crucial to
Consequently, this systematic literature review’s (SLR) the overall message [25].
tripartite emphasis on methods, theory, and implications
constitutes a significant contribution. In terms of methodol- 3. Results and Discussion
ogy, the review exhaustively catalogues a variety of aspects,
such as the evolution of publications over time, the geo- 3.1. Result. Figure 2 provides insights into the frequency of
graphic scope of the selected studies, and data analysis tech- publications on HRM from 2013 to 2023 (June).
niques used in those studies. At the theoretical level, the SLR Publications have fluctuated during observation. Seven
identifies emerging and saturated themes by synthesizing the 2013 research articles in this field showed moderate interest.
findings of extant studies, thereby providing a comprehen- However, it increased over time. 2014 had six publications, a
sive perspective on the field. Moreover, at the level of impli- slight decrease. After that, publications increased each year.
cations, the review exceeds regular reporting by establishing Research activity increased significantly in 2015, with 14
a broader research agenda and identifying gaps resulting publications. Publications increased in succeeding years.
from each theme. This approach ensures that the study has Twenty-four papers were published in 2017 compared to
a tangible impact on scholarship by providing a visual over- 18 in 2016, demonstrating research progress. In 2018, 31
view of prospective research areas uncovered by the SLR. social media and HR publications showed an increasing
Thus, the review’s threefold emphasis considerably advances interest in the area. 2019 saw 53 publications. In 2020, pub-
knowledge in social media for human resource management. lications dropped to 62. The COVID-19 pandemic may have
altered research priorities, causing this drop. 107 publica-
2. Materials and Methods tions were published in 2021, reflecting renewed interest.
This trend continued into 2022, when 176 papers showed a
The research adhered to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting substantial increase in research on this topic. However,
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) protocol, 2023 data cannot be accessible until June, resulting in 92
which involves a systematic approach to identifying, screen- publications. The figure may be updated with second-half
ing, and incorporating relevant articles [22]. The process is statistics. Figure 3 reveals the countries with significant SM
shown in Figure 1. Thus, the articles were selected to address and HRM in Asia.
SM and HRM issues. To ensure relevance and rigour, the India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Paki-
selected articles were verified using subject area (business, stan, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, and the UAE dominate
management and accounting, social sciences, economics, in publication numbers. Despite Internet connectivity issues,
econometrics, and finance), document type (article), publi- India and Indonesia have become leading researchers in this
cation stage (final), language (English), countries (Asia), sector. India leads in research activities with 165 articles.
and recurrence of at least three times. Publish or Perish China publishes 112 articles about social media and human
8.8.4384 for Windows was used for careful filtering. After a resources. India and Indonesia publish more than the UAE,
thorough screening, 590 articles were collected and analyzed. Saudi Arabia, and South Korea, but low Internet connectiv-
VOSviewer 1.6.19 for Windows analyzes data, and after ity does not inevitably hinder research production. Despite
Publishing or Releasing 8.8.4384 for Windows, it converts Internet connectivity challenges, research infrastructure,
it to ris format. VOSviewer visualizes and analyses scientific institutional support, and academic interest can raise publi-
literature networks. Its main features are network visualiza- cation numbers. Malaysia’s 58 papers on this topic show its
tion, where entities like articles are nodes and relationships interest in studying social media and human resources.
are links; overlay mapping, which adds metadata like cita- Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Thailand
tion counts or publication years to nodes; and density visu- publish research, albeit in smaller numbers.
alization, which shows attribute intensity in the network. Figure 4 demonstrates Asian academics’ social media
Bibliometric studies benefit from their ability to identify and HRM publication preferences across ten journal plat-
critical articles, collaborations, and research trends in a forms. “Sustainability Switzerland” is the most popular jour-
field [23]. nal for Asian scholars, with 17 publications. “Frontiers in
VOSviewer determines colour clusters or groups of Psychology” released 16 articles on social media and HRM
things. Each cluster contains items that are more closely psychology shortly after. Seven publications in the “Interna-
connected than other clusters. VOSviewer colours each clus- tional Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering” reveal
ter, making distinguishing on the network map easier. A that academics are actively studying technology and HRM in
data analysis’s circle or node size indicates an item’s impor- social media. The “International Journal of Data and Net-
tance. The item’s network influence increases with the circle work Science” published six articles demonstrating the
size. A circle’s size depends on its frequency and number of growing importance of data-driven research in this field.
4 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies

Defining research questions


Records identified from

scopus databases with keywords: social media, Records were removed before screening by
human resources management, digital societies limiting them to the year of publication, subject
(n = 3,683). area, document type, language, and publication
stage (n = 2,251).

Focus on publications from 2013-2023 on social

Screened articles sciences, business management and accounting,
(n = 2,251). economics, econometrics, and finance, generating
965 articles.

Articles for retrieval


(n = 965).
Excluded publications outside Asia territory and
non-english language generating 590 articles.

Five hundred ninety articles are transferred to Publish 7 perish report.

perish & publish software generating RIS format Metrics
and report. Reference date: 2023-07-04 17:48:09
Publication years: 2013–2023
Citation years: 10 (2013–2023)
Papers: 590
Citations: 5581
Citations/year: 558.10,
Citations/paper: 9.46
Authors/paper: 2.93/3.0/2 (mean/median/mode)
Age-weighted citation rate: 2145.65
(sqrt = 46.32), 952.38/author
Hirsch h-index: 35 (a = 4.56, m = 3.50,
Five hundred ninety data in research information 2915 cites = 52.2% coverage)

system (ris) format is transformed into VOSviewer Egghe g-index: 60 (g/h = 1.71, 3644
software. cites = 65.3% coverage)
PoP hI, norm: 23
PoP hI, annual: 2.30
Fassin hA-index: 20

Figure 1: Data processing following the PRISMA protocol.

Several journals, including “Aslib Journal of Information Asian scholars continue to study social media’s behav-
Management,” “"Computers in Human Behaviour,” “Inter- ioural and technological aspects in human resource manage-
national Journal of Human Computer Interaction,” and ment in “Behaviour and Information Technology” and
“International Journal of Organisational Analysis,” received “International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and
five publications. Applications,” which received four publications. Aslib Journal
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 5









2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Figure 2: Number of publications from 2013 to 2023 (June).





Saudi Arabia



South Korea


United Arab Emirates

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Figure 3: Countries with leading publication numbers.

of Information Management (Q2, Emerald), Computers in At a glance, the amount of terms reveals that words con-
Human Behaviour (Q1, Elsevier), International Journal of nected to HRM and SM, such as social media, employees,
Human-Computer Interaction (Q1, Taylor & Francis), and management, technology, and adoption, are among the most
Behaviour and Information Technology (Q1, Taylor & Fran- popular words in the cloud. They are, however, only a begin-
cis) are affiliated with prominent and respected academic ning point for analysis and should be used in concert with
publishers. These journals are prestigious for scientific study other data visualization and analysis approaches to gain
so that nonnative English speakers may need help with writ- complete knowledge of the underlying text data. Figure 6
ing and fluency. Asian scholars can overcome these challenges shows the research clusters that were identified after pro-
with perseverance and a focus on high-quality research. cessing with VOSviewer.
To create the word cloud in Figure 5, the authors’ key- The scattered dots suggest that SM and HRM knowledge
words were extracted from the corpus of 590 documents. is scattered throughout publications, confirming that it is
6 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies


Documents 10

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Aslib journal of information management
International journal of data and network science
International journal of recent technology and engineering
Sustainability Switzerland
Frontiers in psychology
Computers in human behavior
International journal of human computer interaction
International journal of organizational analysis
Behaviour and information technology
International journal of advanced computer science and applications

Figure 4: Top 10 journal platform.

vast, from multichannel recruitment across diverse contexts

to employer branding tailored to specific platforms and fos-
tering employee engagement through digital collaboration.
HR professionals must adapt, acquire new skill sets, and
navigate ethical considerations in this evolving landscape.
Organizations that embrace this shift can build a robust tal-
ent pipeline, attract top talent, and create a more engaged
workforce, shaping the future of digital talent management.
Cluster 2 is labelled Social Media as Blockchain Technol-
ogy in Organizational Recruitment. This cluster explores
how social media blockchain could revolutionize Taiwanese
recruitment. This cluster offers a balanced perspective on
this transformative technology by analyzing its potential to
streamline and secure the process and broader impacts and
challenges like scalability and adoption. This suggests a
future with more efficient, transparent, and secure recruit-
Figure 5: Word clouds of SM and HRM. ment but highlights the need for careful implementation to
address potential limitations.
Cluster 3 is labelled Building Resilient HRM via Social
difficult to fully comprehend existing findings’ practical and Media. This cluster sheds light on the potential of social
theoretical implications and extract critical insights [3]. Data media in building resilient human resource management
analysis reveals 77 concepts and 11 clusters. Circle or node (HRM) strategies across diverse contexts. By comparing
size denotes importance. Circle size reflects network impor- approaches in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and the UAE and
tance. The frequency and number of linkages define a circle’s conducting a comprehensive literature review, this cluster
size [24]. Table 1 shows the clusters. explores how social media platforms can be harnessed for
Based on total link strength and occurrences, the 11 resilience training. This implies the possibility of tailoring
most highly studied interconnections of SM and HRM are social media-based interventions to specific cultural con-
cluster 2 (45/58), cluster 1 (38/43), cluster 4 (32/45), cluster texts, fostering more robust employee well-being, adaptabil-
3 (26/39), cluster 5 (26/31), cluster 9 (23/36), cluster 8 (18/ ity, and ability to navigate challenges in a globalized world.
29), cluster 7(17/31), cluster 6 (15/24), cluster 10 (14/21), However, further research is needed to understand the effec-
and cluster 11(8/15). tiveness and nuances of such interventions across different
Cluster 1 is labelled Social Media and Digital Talent cultural settings.
Management. This cluster paints a clear picture: social Cluster 4 is labelled Harnessing Social Media and Social
media is revolutionizing HR practices. The implications are Capital for Talent Acquisition with Machine Learning. This
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 7


Figure 6: Network visualization on SM and HRM.

Table 1: Cluster and concepts.

Cluster Colour Concepts Links Total link strength Occurrences

The banking sector, digital age, e-recruitment, empirical investigation
1 of employee retention, employer branding, employment, Saudi 34 38 43
Arabia, social media usage, and talent management.
Benefit, bibliometric analysis, blockchain, blockchain technology,
2 empirical evidence, future, organization, recruitment, systematic 42 45 58
literature review, Taiwan.
Case study, environment, Hong Kong, Indonesia, resilience,
3 25 26 39
systematic review, Training, UAE.
Empirical study, identification, machine learning, predictor, social
4 32 32 45
capital, social media, survey, talent acquisition.
Consumer, digital marketing, economy, Facebook, job, purchase
5 26 26 31
intention, tool.
Comparative study, e-HRM, HRM, Jordan, organizational
6 15 15 24
performance, retention, talent management practice.
Electronic word, employer attractiveness, evaluation, exploratory
7 17 17 31
study, perception, recruitment process, workplace.
8 Community, employer, scoping review, success, tourism, world. 18 18 29
Analytic, cloud, human resource management practice, insight,
9 21 23 36
literature review, PLS-SEM.
10 China, communication, Internet, society. 14 14 21
Integration, overview, technology acceptance model, university
11 8 8 15

cluster delves into the controversial realm of using machine ethical concerns arise. Through an empirical study, this clus-
learning to analyze social media and identify an individual’s ter investigates the feasibility and potential pitfalls of such
“social capital” for talent acquisition. While the potential for methods, raising questions about algorithmic bias, data pri-
efficient recruitment based on online connections is enticing, vacy, and the potential for discrimination based on online
8 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies

behaviour. Ultimately, the implication lies in carefully balan- These communities, fostered through engagement and col-
cing the efficiency gains with ethical considerations, ensur- laboration, ultimately become powerful tools for attracting,
ing responsible implementation of machine learning in engaging, and retaining top talent. By dissecting successful
talent acquisition while navigating the complex world of cases and identifying key strategies, the cluster offers a road-
social capital in the digital age. map for any tourism organization seeking to harness this
Cluster 5 is Social Media Integration in HRM: Trans- community power. This shift holds exciting implications: It
forming Consumer Behaviour and Recruitment Practices. not only opens new avenues for talent acquisition and reten-
This cluster explores Facebook’s transformative power in tion but also fosters a positive and collaborative work envi-
HRM, impacting customer engagement and recruitment. ronment, potentially leading to a more engaged and
Investigating “customer behaviour transformation,” it exam- productive workforce within the tourism industry. The mes-
ines how HRM leverages Facebook to influence customer sage is clear: embrace the power of social media communi-
decisions and brand perception, suggesting a shift towards ties and watch your tourism business flourish!
personalized experiences. Analyzing “revolutionized recruit- Cluster 9, titled “Harnessing the Cloud for Data-Driven
ment” reveals how Facebook facilitates sourcing, attracting, HRM in a Social Media Age,” paints a clear picture: cloud
and engaging candidates, potentially streamlining the pro- technology and social media analytics are transforming
cess and reaching more expansive talent pools. This multi- HRM into a data-driven powerhouse. Organizations can
faceted approach highlights Facebook’s potential to reshape make informed decisions across various HR functions by
HRM but emphasizes ethical considerations surrounding leveraging cloud platforms to analyze HR data and social
data privacy and targeted advertising in customer interac- media insights on employee sentiment, talent acquisition,
tions and recruitment practices. Responsible implementa- and brand perception.
tion is crucial to ensure positive outcomes for customers As the cluster demonstrates, this data-driven approach
and potential employees. can lead to improved employee engagement, retention, and
Cluster 6 is Comparative Analysis of e-HRM and Social overall organizational effectiveness. The implication is clear:
Media for Talent Management. This cluster delves into a embracing this transformative trend through cloud and
critical comparison: e-HRM (electronic human resource social media analytics empowers organizations to build a
management) versus social media for talent management. robust talent pipeline, foster a positive work environment,
Examining how each approach contributes to organizational and achieve significant performance gains in the competitive
performance and employee retention, this cluster uses Jor- world of HRM.
dan as a case study to expose the unique challenges and Cluster 10, titled “Influence of Social Media on Commu-
opportunities associated with each method in this cultural nication and Society”, delves into the intricate relationship
context. This comparative analysis offers valuable insights between social media, communication, and society in China.
for organizations worldwide navigating the rapidly evolving Examining how deeply embedded platforms reshape com-
talent management landscape. By understanding the munication patterns and influence diverse societal aspects
strengths, weaknesses, and cultural nuances of both e- offers key insights for navigating this complex landscape.
HRM and social media, organizations can make informed Understanding the Chinese context, anticipating future
decisions about which approach, or a combination thereof, trends, and making informed decisions based on social
best suits their specific needs and cultural context, ultimately media’s multifaceted influence empower researchers, policy-
leading to improved talent acquisition, engagement, and makers, and businesses to contribute to positive social change
retention. in China. This cluster’s findings hold substantial value for
Cluster 7 is labelled Relationship between HRM, Social anyone seeking to comprehend and engage with the transfor-
Media, and e-WOM (Word of Mouth) regarding likes, com- mative power of social media in shaping China’s future.
ments, and shares. The cluster dives into the intricate dance Cluster 11 is labelled Integration of Technology Accep-
between HRM, social media, and e-WOM (electronic word tance Model in Understanding Social Media Adoption. This
of mouth), examining how likes, comments, and shares cluster unlocks key drivers behind university students’ social
weave a complex tapestry of online interactions influencing media adoption. This knowledge carries significant implica-
employee perceptions and organizational outcomes. This tions: targeted interventions based on perceived usefulness
promises valuable insights for academics and practitioners and ease of use, curriculum development incorporating rele-
alike. By illuminating the impact of e-WOM, the cluster vant online tools, bridging the digital divide by addressing
can equip HRM professionals with strategies to leverage adoption barriers, and anticipating future trends to adapt
social media effectively, potentially fostering positive proactively. Ultimately, cluster 11’s TAM-driven insights
employee sentiment, enhancing employer branding, and empower universities to harness social media for educational
ultimately influencing critical organizational outcomes. This purposes, enhance student engagement, and create a more
understanding can help shape more informed HR practices inclusive and effective learning environment.
and empower organizations to navigate the dynamic world An analysis of term frequency within identified clusters
of online reputation management in the digital age. using VOSviewer’s “total occurrence” metric reveals the
Cluster 8, aptly titled “Social Media in Building Success- research landscape in social media and talent management.
ful Employer Communities in the World of Tourism,” While a high cumulative occurrence can signal potential sat-
paints a vibrant picture of how tourism employers leverage uration, indicating an abundance of existing studies, it is
social media platforms to build thriving online communities. crucial to delve deeper for a comprehensive understanding.
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 9

Clusters 2, 4, and 1 stand out with their high total occur- (1) Comparative analysis: e-HRM vs. social media for
rence, suggesting that they might be well-trodden ground. talent management (cluster 6). This domain delves
Cluster 2, focusing on “Social Media as Blockchain Technol- into the comparative analysis of traditional e-HRM
ogy in Organizational Recruitment,” and cluster 4, exploring and social media platforms. Such research is crucial
“Harnessing Social Media and Social Capital for Talent to objectively assess their strengths, weaknesses, and
Acquisition with Machine Learning,” likely hold numerous potential synergies, informing optimal talent man-
studies, potentially requiring meticulous navigation to avoid agement strategies in a rapidly evolving landscape
redundancy or limited novelty. Similarly, cluster 1, investi-
gating “Social Media and Digital Talent Management,” (2) Societal impact: social media in organizational com-
demands careful consideration of existing knowledge before munication (cluster 10). This area transcends HRM,
venturing into new research avenues. exploring the broader societal impact of social media
On the other hand, clusters 6, 10, and 11 present an on communication practices. Investigating its influence
exciting counterpoint with their lower total occurrence. on employee engagement, reputation management,
Cluster 6, delving into the “Comparative Analysis of and ethical considerations empowers organizations to
e-HRM and Social Media for Talent Management,” hints navigate the complex online environment responsibly
at potential knowledge gaps waiting to be filled. Likewise, (3) TAM-based adoption: understanding social media
cluster 10, investigating the “Influence of Social Media integration in HRM (cluster 11). This strand utilizes
on Communication and Society,” and cluster 11, focusing the TAM framework to assess individual and organi-
on the “Technology Acceptance Model in Understanding zational adoption of social media in HRM. By
Social Media Adoption,” beckon researchers with their addressing barriers and developing tailored strate-
unexplored territories. These areas represent fertile ground gies, researchers can equip organizations to maxi-
for novel research questions and potentially groundbreak- mize these tools’ effectiveness and sustained use
ing discoveries.
These less-explored frontiers hold immense potential for
3.2. Discussion groundbreaking discoveries, offering valuable insights for
future research and shaping the role of social media in talent
3.2.1. Unveiling Research Landscape: Saturation and Gaps in management and organizational communication in Asian
Social Media and Talent Management in Asia. While the settings.
ideal and applicability of social media in human resource While the potential benefits of social media in HRM are
management (HRM) research remain contentious, a closer promising, practical implementation faces significant chal-
examination reveals promising avenues for exploration. lenges in the Asian context. The technology acceptance
Notably, Asian researchers have navigated this terrain suc- model (TAM), a well-established framework for understand-
cessfully, achieving publication in esteemed publishers like ing user adoption of technology, provides valuable insights
Aslib Journal of Information Management (Emerald), Com- into these challenges [26]. TAM suggests that perceived use-
puters in Human Behaviour (Elsevier), and International fulness, ease of use, and social influences significantly impact
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (Taylor & Fran- user acceptance [27]. Interestingly, research reveals a distant
cis). Their publications highlight the potential benefits of or less prominent connection between e-HRM and TAM in
integrating social media into HRM systems by focusing on Asia (Figure 6). This suggests that factors beyond the core
current and popular topics. TAM elements influence user acceptance [24]. Cultural
Three key areas emerge from this research: Blockchain differences, technological infrastructure limitations, and
Technology in Organizational Recruitment (this strand inves- organizational readiness levels might contribute to this per-
tigates the potential of social media platforms to streamline ceived distance. Furthermore, the limited research on user
recruitment processes, enhance candidate evaluation, and acceptance of social media technology for HRM in Asia
lead to better overall outcomes) [5], Leveraging Social Capital highlights a crucial gap. The vast distance between HRM
for Talent Acquisition (this research emphasizes the value of and TAM in Figure 6 suggests that employees need to pay
online networks and connections in identifying and attract- more attention to these technologies’ perceived usefulness,
ing top talent) [6], and Social Media and Digital Talent Man- ease of use, and social influence in their specific context [23].
agement (this research delves into practical methods for
managing and nurturing talent using digital platforms). 3.2.2. TAM and Asian Contexts: Cultural Nuances and
While promising, the sheer volume of published research Applicability. Despite TAM’s established utility in under-
suggests potential saturation in this area. Researchers must standing technology adoption [28–30], its efficacy in the
carefully navigate existing knowledge and seek novel contri- Asian context requires nuanced analysis. Studies suggest that
butions to avoid redundancy. Saturation in these areas high- its explanatory power might be limited compared to other
lights the need to explore other facets of social media’s regions [11, 31]. This gap potentially stems from cultural dif-
impact on HRM. ferences like higher collectivism and power distance in Asian
While saturated clusters offer valuable insights, ground- societies [11, 31]. These factors can influence perceptions of
breaking discoveries often lie in less-trodden paths. Clusters technology’s utility and usability, impacting adoption behav-
with their lower total occurrence beckon researchers with iour. For instance, collectivism might prioritize group norms
exciting opportunities: over individual preferences in technology evaluation,
10 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies

affecting perceived usefulness. Similarly, higher power dis- during the riots, leading to the loss of approximately 200
tance could influence how individuals perceive and interact lives [37]. The Indonesian government has indicated that it
with technology promoted by authority figures. may impose restrictions on Facebook, Twitter, and Google
In China, social media platforms may be perceived as operations if these platforms fail to comply with the man-
facilitating hierarchical communication, predominantly dated registration requirements [38]. India implemented a
from managers to employees [32]. In societies characterized comprehensive ban on 59 Chinese applications, notably the
by a strong emphasis on individualism, such as the United popular social media platform TikTok [39]. The Saudi
States, social media platforms can be perceived as a means Arabian government has blocked access to Wikipedia and
for employees to establish interpersonal connections and Google Translate. These platforms were being utilized to
exchange information beyond the confines of the formal bypass the filters placed on blocked websites by translating
organizational structure [33]. Consequently, it is plausible their content. YouTube is currently accessible without
that the association between HRM and TAM could exhibit restrictions, but the government has formulated plans to
a diminished strength within the Asian context compared implement regulations on local companies that create con-
to other global regions. This implies that additional vari- tent for this platform. But Twitter and Facebook are widely
ables, such as cultural values, might significantly influence used in the country [40]. The cautiousness exhibited by indi-
the utilization of social media technology for HRM objec- viduals may result in a hesitancy to disclose personal infor-
tives in the Asian context. mation on social media platforms, thereby constraining the
Collectivism is a cultural factor that can potentially influ- potential efficacy of social media in HRM endeavours that
ence the relatively sluggish uptake of social media for HRM necessitate the exchange of confidential data.
in the Asian context. Asian cultures are more inclined Project GLOBE study based on manager behaviours
towards prioritizing collective objectives and fostering group divides Asia into Confucian Asia (Taiwan, Singapore, Hong
cohesion than Western cultures [34]. Therefore, individuals Kong, South Korea, China, and Japan) and Southern Asia
residing in Asian cultures may be reluctant to employ (India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and
social media platforms for professional purposes due to Iran). Despite being a part of Asia, the Middle East is
apprehensions regarding the potential impact of their referred to as a distinct region due to its particular history,
online behaviour on their interpersonal connections with culture, and politics [41]. This affirms that there is no singu-
coworkers and superiors. The prioritization of maintaining lar Asian HRM model that differentiates Asian countries
harmonious relationships and preserving social cohesion from the rest of the world [42]. Suppose there are any dis-
may supersede the perceived advantages of utilizing social tinctive aspects in how managers operate their companies
media for HRM. in Asia. In that case, it is likely to be a common trait
Another salient cultural factor is power distance, which observed in certain Asian nations rather than universally
pertains to how unequal power distribution is accepted and applicable across the region.
expected within a given society [35]. Asian cultures fre- Considering the differences between East, West, Central,
quently demonstrate a greater degree of power distance than South, and Southeast Asia, incorporating social media in
Western cultures. In these societies, individuals may exhibit human resource management (HRM) may have significant
a greater reluctance to utilize social media platforms to com- ramifications. Social media platforms are effective recruit-
municate with their superiors or individuals occupying ment and talent acquisition instruments for HRM. However,
higher social positions. This hesitancy can be attributed to each Asian region has its own cultural, linguistic, and socio-
their perception of such behaviour as inappropriate or con- economic characteristics, which may impact the efficacy of
flicting with established power dynamics. social media recruitment strategies. In East Asia, where hier-
The Confucian values, which have a deep historical and archical relationships are highly valued, traditional recruit-
cultural foundation in numerous Asian nations, exert a sub- ment methods such as personal referrals and job fairs may
stantial influence. Confucianism places significant emphasis still carry more weight than online platforms. In Southeast
on respecting authority, adhering to hierarchical structures, Asia, however, where social media use is prevalent, plat-
and upholding traditional practices [36]. As a result, individ- forms such as LinkedIn and Facebook or local equivalents
uals within Asian cultures may demonstrate hesitancy in such as JobStreet may be highly effective at attracting talent.
embracing social media for HRM, as technology in a manner The selection of social media platforms and modes of
that challenges established authority structures may be per- communication in Asia exhibits variability and preference
ceived as disrespectful or disruptive. among users. In China, WeChat holds a significant presence,
Privacy concerns pose a significant obstacle to the wide- while LINE is widely used in Japan, and in India, WhatsApp
spread implementation of social media for HRM in Asia. enjoys widespread popularity [43]. The existence of regional
The heightened concerns regarding privacy observed among disparities requires the implementation of a tailored strategy
individuals in Asian cultures can be attributed to historical for integrating social media into human resource manage-
experiences of government surveillance in certain countries ment to facilitate efficient communication, collaboration,
within the region. For example, Facebook previously had a and engagement among the various geographical areas.
presence in China but was subsequently prohibited from Implementing social media policies and practices in HRM
operating in the country after the Urumqi riots in 2009. is influenced by the cultural norms and privacy preferences
According to the Chinese government, individuals advocat- that differ across various Asian regions. Certain regions,
ing for independence utilized Facebook to communicate such as Central Asia, may present heightened privacy
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 11

concerns due to individuals’ increased hesitancy in disclos- the West and the East, may hinder the adoption of social
ing confidential information online. media technologies for human resource management. Cul-
The comparatively low adoption of social media for tural factors and potential concerns regarding privacy, secu-
human resource management (HRM) in Asian contexts rity, and trust contribute to the difficulties associated with
vis-à-vis their Western counterparts necessitates critically implementing social media technologies for human resource
examining the cultural factors impeding its integration. In management. Organizations must carefully consider and
collectivistic societies, where group harmony and collective resolve these cultural and contextual factors to ensure suc-
decision-making reign supreme, online interactions with cessful implementation and utilization when adopting and
superiors or colleagues can be perceived as disruptive or dis- integrating social media into HRM systems.
respectful, potentially jeopardizing group cohesion and indi- Further research and evaluation of cultural nuances will
vidual comfort. Consider, for instance, an employee in a help provide a deeper understanding of the challenges and
hierarchical organization with robust collectivist values. opportunities associated with implementing social media
The mere prospect of utilizing a company LinkedIn page technologies for HRM in Asian societies. The analysis was
for critical feedback might evoke anxiety, fearing it could limited in scope due to our exclusive reliance on articles
disrupt the delicate equilibrium of the group. Consequently, sourced from the Scopus database. Including a half-year
internal social media platforms meticulously designed with publication from 2023 may have further constrained the
robust anonymity features and group-based communication breadth of our study. To surmount these inherent con-
tools could serve as a bridge, facilitating information sharing straints, forthcoming investigations contemplate the adop-
and discussion while preserving face and collective harmony. tion of a comparative analysis methodology that integrates
Similarly, high-power distance cultures, emphasizing the Web of Science (WoS) database while simultaneously
formal communication channels and hierarchical structures, extending the temporal scope for the inclusion of scholarly
can experience discomfort with the informality and direct articles.
communication inherent in social media, particularly when
engaging with superiors or addressing sensitive HR matters.
Data Availability
Envisage an employee in a company characterized by a
strong power distance orientation. Providing constructive The data supporting this article are from datasets that have
feedback to their manager via a company app might feel been cited.
inappropriate, prompting them to seek refuge in formal
channels like written reports or one-on-one meetings. Train-
ing managers and employees on respectful online communi- Conflicts of Interest
cation protocols and encouraging open feedback through The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
gamified platforms or anonymous suggestion boxes inte-
grated within social media tools can be instrumental in nav-
igating this divide. Acknowledgments
While these cultural factors present undeniable chal-
lenges, they are not insurmountable obstacles. By developing The authors express their sincere gratitude for the generous
and deploying tailored implementation strategies, modifying support provided by Lambung Mangkurat University in
platforms to address cultural sensitivities, and fostering trust facilitating this research endeavour. This study is funded
through robust data security and transparent communica- by the Lambung Mangkurat University (research grant
tion, Asian organizations can bridge the cultural divide and number: 615/UN8/PG/2023).
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