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A. Revision of the lessons, poems, writing skills and grammar that's been completed.
B. Completion of any pending written work.
C. Watch the movie - 'Goodbye Bafana' (about Nelson Mandela) and a movie about the life
of Anne Frank - jot down important points for a class discussion on their stories.
D. On a few A4 size sheets,
(a) write a poem based on a chapter from the English texts or anything else
(b) paste some pics with your friends, and write a few lines about them (something
positive, please)
(c) paste a pic of a person, place or thing that you found interesting and write a
paragraph or two about the same.
E. (Optional) Make a video of your travel to a new place, describing the place.

• Content 2
• Presentation 2
• Fluency 1

ग्रीष्मावकाश गह
ृ कार्य(2024-2025)

ववषर् - हहिंदी
(1) पहित पािों की पन
ु राववृ ि करें ।
(2) 'तीसरी कसम' अथवा 'हकीकत' फिल्म को दे खकर उसकी समीक्षा लिखें। (multiple assessment
(3) नोटबुक को पूरा करें और दो अनुच्छे द, दो पत्र(औपचाररक) एविं दो ईमेि लिखें।
(4) 'हहिंदी भाषा में रोज़गार के अवसर ' ववषर् पर पीपीटी ननमायण करें । (subject enrichment activity)
Holiday Homework Mathematics

1. Describe about real numbers, classification of real numbers and 5 examples for every
group of numbers.
2. Describe about polynomial, classification of real polynomial and 2 examples for every
group of polynomials.
3. What is linear equation? How to form it? By 2 problems from any book and explain it
properly in graphical method.
4. Complete your fair copy up to chapter 4.


A:- Science Exhibit / Model Making activity

Make a working model / research-based project on any one the following:

➢ Any topic from your science syllabus (Physics /chemistry / Biology) which interests you.
➢ Agriculture
➢ Communication and transport
➢ Health
➢ Lifestyle for Environment
The model / exhibit will be assessed on the following parameters:
• Presentation - 4 M
• Educational Value / Utility for society - 3M
• Scientific principle / content - 3M

➢ Selected exhibits / models will be showcased in the School Level Science Exhibition.
➢ Exhibits / Models which have innovative and original ideas will be selected for upcoming
CBSE, DoE and inter-school science exhibitions.

B:- Do the Physics, Chemistry and Biology assignments on A4 sheets


CH 9: Light : Reflection and Refraction

Q1. The magnification produced by a spherical mirror is -3. List four information you obtain
from this statement about the mirror or image.

Q2. Define principal focus of a concave mirror and of a complex mirror.

Q3. State two positions in which concave mirror produces a magnified image of a given object.
List two differences between the two images. Also draw ray diagrams to support your

Q4. Draw the following 3 diagrams, in which a ray of light is incident on concave and convex
mirror, on your answer sheet. Show the path of this ray, after reflection, in each case.

Q5. Which mirror is used as a rear-view mirror? Give a reason. Also draw a ray diagram to
support your answer.

Q6. Draw a labelled diagram to show the refraction of light through a glass slab. Also mark the
lateral displacement suffered by the ray of light while passing through the glass slab.

Q7. Refractive index of two media X and Y are 1.3 and 1.5. In which of the two, light would
travel faster?
Q8. State the laws of refraction of light.

Q9. If the speed of light in vacuum is 3 X10⁸ m/s. Find the absolute refractive index of a
medium in which light travels with a speed of 1.4 X10⁸ m/s.

Q10. A student wants to project the image of a candle flame on a screen 80 cm in front of a
mirror by keeping the candle flame at a distance of 20 cm from its pole.

(i) Which type of mirror should the student use?

(ii) Find the magnification of the image produced?

(iii) Find the distance between the object and its image.

(iv) Draw a ray diagram to show the image formation in this case and mark the distance
between the object and its image.


1. Name an indicator which is red in acid solution but turns blue in basic solution.
2. Name an indicator which is pink in alkaline solution but turns colourless in acidic solution.
3. When a solution is added to a cloth strip treated with onion extract then the smell of onion
cannot be detected. State whether the given solution contains an acid or a base.
4. When a solution is added to Vanilla extract the characteristic smell of vanilla cannot be
detected. State whether the given solution is an acid or base
5. Give the names and formula of two strong acids and two weak acids
6. Name one animal and one plant whose sting contains formic acid or methanoic acid.
7. Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal?
8. Name the gas liberated when acid reacts with metal hydrogen carbonate.
9. Give two examples each of organic acids and mineral acids.
10. A White shirt has a yellow stain of curry. When soap is rubbed on the shirt during washing,
the yellow stain turns reddish brown. On rinsing the shirt with plenty of water the reddish-
brown stain turns yellow again.

(i) Name the natural indicator present in curry stain.

(ii) What is the nature of soap as shown by the indicator present in curry stain.
Q1 Name the following :-
i) Enzyme that acts in the acidic medium
ii) Only artery which carry the deoxygenated blood in human beings
iii) Hormone secreted by pancreas
iv) Site where exchange of gases takes place
v) largest artery in our body
vi) Tissue which transports water and minerals in plants.
vii) loss of water in the form of water vapour from the aerial parts of the plant
Q2 “Bile juice does not have any digestive enzyme but still plays a significant role in the
process of digestion”. Justify the statement.
Q3 Stomata remain closed during the day in desert plants. How do they get carbon dioxide for
Q4 Draw the schematic representation of transport and exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in human beings.
Q5 Draw a cross-section of a leaf.


As per CBSE guidelines, students of Class X have to submit a HANDWRITTEN project on ANY
ONE of the topics.

Project 1:- Consumer Rights

• Different types of consumers rights that you have as a consumer.
• Role of courts in implementation of consumer rights.
• How you can spread consumer awareness.
• Case study

Project 2:- Social Issues

(Students may select any one topic related with social issues. Some
suggested topics are given below)
• Gender issue
• Caste issue
• Linguistic diversity
• Regionalization
• Economic disparities
• Religious diversity
• Environmental issue


Project 3:- Sustainable Development

• Meaning of sustainable development
• Issue of sustainable development
• Importance of sustainable development
• Meetings/reports/summit related to sustainable development
• Current status of development- SDGs

Project should be developed and presented in this order

I. Cover page showing project title, schools name, students name, class and section and
academic session (year)
II. List of contents with page number (Index) (approx...15 pages)
III. Acknowledgements: Acknowledging institution, offices and libraries visited and people
who have helped.
IV. Content- Chapters with relevant headings.
V. Summary and conclusions based on findings.
VI. Bibliography/ References, if a website, the name of the website/link. NOTE: Only
ecofriendly material to be used

General Instructions:
1. The project should be hand written. The project should be submitted by 1st week of
July 2024
2. It should be well presented, researched, and pictorial.
3. Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgements, bibliography, headings and sub –
headings are a must.
4. Each section should be done on white/colored A4 size sheets.
5. The project should be presented in a file.
6. The project should not exceed 15 pages.
7. The project carries 5 marks:
The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:


1. Content accuracy, originality and analysis 2

2. Presentation and creativity 2

3. Process of project completion: Initiative, cooperativeness, 1

participation and punctuality


Visit 10 households to collect the data from them on the type/brand of tea/tealeaves used
commonly by them.
Create a table in Base Database of Libre Office by taking the input through Forms in database.
The table should contain the following fields:
1. Household ID: An identifier for each household.
2. Household Address: The address of each household to identify its location.
3. Tea Type/Brand: The type or brand of tea commonly used by the household.
4. Preferred Tea Format: Whether the household prefers loose tea leaves, tea bags, or
other forms.
5. Frequency of Consumption: How often the household consumes tea on an
average(e.g., daily, weekly).
6. Reason for Preference: The reason why the household prefers this particular type/brand
of tea.

Print the Summarized data reports in base.

Documentation of the case study should be presented using writer and submitted in a folder
with printed A4 sheets.
First sheet should contain the Name of the student, class/section , Mentor teacher of the student
and the topic of the report.

Project Work
Identify the 17 Sustainable Development Goals announced by the United Nations as Agenda
2030. A pledge to do so has been taken by all the member nations of the UN.
You can see many goals correspond to the problems which we might observe around us. One
should look for such problems and try to solve them as this would make many lives better and
help our country achieve these goals.
The 4Ws Problem canvas helps in identifying the key elements related to the problem.
Choose any one Topic from 17 SDGs or any problem around you related to 17 SDGs for
your Project.
Create a 4Ws problem canvas for the same. (Who, What, Where, Why)
Explain the 5 main stages of the Project Cycle with respect to your selected topic.
Submit the documentation of the Project Work in a folder with A4 size sheets.
First sheet of the folder should be-
Name of the student, Class/section, Adm no., Mentor teacher and Topic of the Project.

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