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32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023

Virtual Currency

Rev 7/5/2023

A Simple Approach and

Overview of Virtual Currency

Presented by:
Randy Adams, EA

Download Handout Now


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Define virtual currency, aka cryptocurrency
Examine and translate crypto's vocabulary
Analyze IRS notices, revenue rulings, FAQs
concerning crypto, Infrastructure Bill, and
provide updates
Inspect the 18 tax principles
Discuss common cryptocurrency tax events


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Assess any FinCEN regulations
Identify and discuss Form 8938 requirements
Formulate best practices concerning virtual
Establish an engagement letter for our tax practices


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

What’s Virtual Currency? Hard to tell!

• GAO report : “…the term virtual currency is
sometimes used interchangeably with other terms,
such as digital asset or cryptocurrency. The term
digital asset, as used by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, refers to an asset that is issued and
transferred using distributed ledger technology,
including, but not limited to, virtual currencies.”


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

What’s Virtual Currency? Hard to tell!

• IRS in Notice 2014-21: “Virtual currency is a digital
representation of value that functions as a medium
of exchange, a unit of account, and/or a store of
value. … Virtual currency that has an equivalent
value in real currency, or that acts as a substitute for
real currency, is referred to as “convertible” virtual


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

What’s Virtual Currency? Hard to tell!

• IRS in Rev. Rul. 2019-24: “Cryptocurrency is a type
of virtual currency that utilizes cryptography to
secure transactions that are digitally recorded on a
distributed ledger, such as a blockchain. Units of
cryptocurrency are generally referred to as coins or


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Form 1040 Digital Assets Question

• All taxpayers filing 2022 tax year Forms 1040
and 1040-SR must check a box indicating whether
they received digital assets as a reward, award or
payment for property or services or disposed of
any digital asset that was held as a capital asset
through a sale, exchange or transfer.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Form 1040 Digital Assets Question

• At any time during 2022, did you: (a) receive (as a
reward, award, or payment for property or services);
or (b) sell, exchange, gift, or otherwise dispose of a
digital asset (or a financial interest in a digital asset)?
(See instructions.)
Yes No


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Form 1040 Digital Assets Question

• Examples of digital assets transactions include:
A sale of digital assets.
The receipt of digital assets as payment for goods or
services provided.
The receipt or transfer of digital assets for free, without
providing any consideration, that does not qualify as a
bona fide gift.
The receipt of new digital assets as a result of mining
and staking activities.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Form 1040 Digital Assets Question

• Examples of digital assets transactions include:
The receipt of new digital assets as a result of a hard
An exchange of digital assets for property, goods or
An exchange or trade of digital assets for another
digital asset(s).
Any other disposition of a financial interest in digital


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Form 1040 Digital Assets Question

• Reporting digital assets transactions
If the “yes” box is checked, taxpayers must report
all income related to their digital asset transactions.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Form 1040 Digital Assets Question

• When to check the “No” Box
Digital assets owned, but did not engage in any
transaction during the year.
Holding digital assets in a wallet or account.
Transferred digital accounts from one wallet or account to
another wallet or account that taxpayer owns or control.
Digital assets were purchased using real currency,
including through electronic platforms such as PayPal and



32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

The Blockchain
• All cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain technology
• The blockchain:
Distributed in real-time between participants with no central
Authentication/verification of new entries determined by
Veracity of the ledger mathematically provable by
Cannot be altered without network collusion
Transactions are time-stamped
• Provides a level of certainty and trust previously unavailable


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Ownership of this non-physical asset exists via
possession of a string of alphanumeric characters
called “keys.”


• The private key conveys ownership; the public key is

used to encrypt and decrypt data as cryptocurrency is


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency





32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Hot wallets (are online) and have an “address”
Desktop – utilizes an app
Web – stored on a website
Mobile – utilizes a phone app


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Cold wallets (are not online)
Paper – keys are stored on paper
Hardware – an offline physical device
Brain – keys are memorized


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Virtual Currency



32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Soft fork – software update with no impact on
the coin holder
• Hard fork – software update that results in a new
currency that may be distributed to a coin holder
• Hot wallets receive them automatically
• Why do I care? (They’re taxable!)


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Distribution of currencies/tokens to various wallets
Typically promotional
Recipient may be unaware of receipt
Often sent to early users of a new platform,
service, etc.
There are websites people can sign up for to
receive airdrops


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Mining aka Staking aka Validating

• Mining is the process of verifying blockchain
transactions via software.
• Successful miners receive “block rewards” aka small
amounts of cryptocurrency.
• Miners are necessary to the functioning of the


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Blockchain Explorers
•A blockchain explorer is a piece of software
that draws various data from a blockchain and
then uses a database to arrange the searched
data and present that data to the user in a
searchable format.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Blockchain Explorers
•Approved by the IRS to establish FMV as of a
given date/time


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Non-Fungible Token (NFT) – See Notice 2023-27
An NFT is a unique digital identifier that is recorded using distributed
ledger technology and may be used to certify authenticity and
ownership of an associated right or asset. Ownership of an NFT may
provide the holder a right with respect to a digital file (such as a digital
image, digital music, a digital trading card, or a digital sports moment)
that typically is separate from the NFT. Alternatively, NFT ownership
may provide the holder a right with respect to an asset that is not a
digital file, such as a right to attend a ticketed event, or certify
ownership of a physical item. For purposes of this notice, the right
that an NFT provides or the ownership of an asset that an NFT certifies
is referred to as the NFT’s associated right or asset.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

IRS Guidance & Compliance Efforts


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Notice 2014-21, March 2014, 6 pages, 16 Q&As
• Revenue Ruling 2019-24, October 2019, 5 pages
• FAQs Online, 12/2019, latest update 05/02/2023
• Chief Counsel on Crowdsourcing, June 29, 2020
• Chief Counsel on Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork, March 22,
• Chief Counsel on Like-Kind Exchange, June 8, 2021
• Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act
• Notice 2023-34


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

 Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act
 In addition, cash reporting rules (for cash
payments of $10,000 or more) has been
extended to cryptocurrency. Businesses
accepting payments of $10,000 or more in
cryptocurrency will have to file Form 8300.
 Effective Jan. 1, 2024


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

 Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act
 Broker reporting requirements (1099-B) are
extended to cryptocurrency exchanges,
custodians and platforms
 These requirements include transfer of basis of
information when cryptocurrency is transferred
to another broker


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

 IRS Provides Relief From Broker Reporting on
Digital Assets – Announcement 2023-2
 Brokers will not be required to report
additional information regarding dispositions of
digital assets until final regulations are issued
 Taxpayers are still required to report income
received from digital asset transactions


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

IRS Compliance Efforts

• 2016 – John Doe Summons to Coinbase
• 2017 – Coinbase is ordered to comply
• 2018 – Virtual currency one of “Top Five” Compliance
• 2019 – Letters 6173, 6174, 6174-A and The Crypto Question
• 2020 – Crypto Question on Form 1040
• 2021 – Crypto Question, John Doe Summons to Circle and
Kraken, Operation Hidden Treasure
• 2022 – Infrastructure Act requires reporting by brokers


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

The 18 Tax Principles

1.Virtual currency is treated as property.
2.The $200 exemption for foreign currency does not apply.
3.Receiving virtual currency for services is income, valued at the FMV
as of the date and time of receipt, subject to FICA tax and all the
usual reporting requirements.
4.Receiving virtual currency as wages is treated as earned income,
valued at the FMV of the currency as of the date of receipt, subject
to FICA tax and all the usual reporting requirements.
5.Exchanging virtual currency for other property results in a gain or
6.Character of any gain or loss depends on how the property is held.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

The 18 Tax Principles

7.Virtual currency received from mining is treated as self-
employment income if trade/business.
8.Payment of virtual currency worth $600 or more, in the course of
trade/business, requires filing a 1099.
9.Payments of virtual currency are subject to backup withholding
10.Third-party settlers are required to file Form 1099-K if the usual
requirements are met.
11.Currency received via a fork or an airdrop is taxable ordinary
income, valued at the FMV as of date and time of ability to dispose,
reported on Schedule 1.
12.Basis of virtual currency includes fees and commissions.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

The 18 Tax Principles

13.Virtual currency is considered received as of the date and time
the transaction is recorded on the digital ledger.
14.Inventory options are specific identification or FIFO.
15.A blockchain explorer can be used to establish virtual currency
basis for IRS purposes.
16.Virtual currency is treated as appreciated property for donation
17.Transfer from one cryptocurrency account or wallet to another
account or wallet owned by the same taxpayer is not a taxable
18.Like-kind exchange is not permitted for virtual currencies.


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Common Crypto Transactions


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Selling & Trading

• Many clients are essentially “day traders” in
• Record-keeping is often poor
• Tax requirements not generally understood
• So getting the right numbers for your tax return
can be difficult!


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

What Clients Might Give Us

Could be hundreds
of pages!


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Or Maybe This…………..


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

When What you Want is This!


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Recommended Conversion Platforms!

• TaxBit • Changelly
• TokenTax • Cointracking
• BearTax • Cryptotax
• CryptoTrader •
• CoinTracker • Koinly
• ZenLedger • And many


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Do Not Know Basis?

•If a client can’t prove basis and
purchase date……….
It’s short term
It’s zero basis!


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Cryptocurrency Earned Income

• Mining = Schedule C or hobby income
• Self-employment income = Schedule C or hobby
• Wages reported on the W-2
• Social media = Schedule C or hobby income


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

“Interest” aka Rewards aka Other Income


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Terminology Can Be Confusing!

It says it’s staking……but also says it’s interest
So what is it?


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

FinCen & Form 8939


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Foreign Holdings
FinCEN Notice 2020-2:
Currently, the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial
Accounts (FBAR) regulations do not define a foreign
account holding virtual currency as a type of
reportable account… However, FinCEN intends to
propose to amend the regulations implementing the
Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regarding reports of foreign
financial accounts (FBAR) to include virtual currency
as a type of reportable account under 31 CFR


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

• Form 8938 required when:

• Market value of foreign
assets ≥ $50K/$100K on Dec.
• Market value of foreign
assets ≥ $75K/$150K any
date during year
• Invests others’ money, like
stockbroker or mutual fund
• Trades in securities,
partnership interests or

Required for crypto?


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Best Practice # 1 – Engagement Letter

At any time during 2022, did you own Digital
Assets / Virtual Currency (i.e. Bitcoin,
Ethereum, NFTs)?


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Best Practice # 1 – Engagement Letter

Best Practices: Engagement letter should state:
Tax laws that apply to virtual currency are subject to change
and/or reinterpretation.
The client understands that MY TAX FIRM will prepare the
tax return using information that was provided by the client
and under virtual currency tax law as it is now understood.
MY TAX FIRM is not responsible for the taxes, penalties or
interest that may result from withheld information or from
changes/reinterpretations of virtual currency tax laws.
Client signs here: ________________________________


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Best Practice # 2 – Questionnaire

1) I earned cryptocurrency through mining or by working
for others.
2) I sold, traded or spent cryptocurrency.
3) I gave or loaned cryptocurrency.
4) I inherited or received cryptocurrency as a gift, an
inheritance, or in some other manner.
5) I lost cryptocurrency in some manner other than a


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Best Practice # 2 – Questionnaire

6) I received forked/airdropped cryptocurrency.
7) I held cryptocurrency in a foreign exchange.
8) I purchased assets in an initial coin/initial
exchange/initial DeFi/initial token or similar offering.
9) I received interest, dividends, node rewards or similar
type of income from cryptocurrency activities.
10) I participated in cryptocurrency, NFTs, or other types
of blockchain activities in a manner not mentioned


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Best Practice # 3
Avoid high-risk situations
Here to stay, is Not going away!


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Best Practice # 4 – Client Documentation

Let client handle the data
Let client provide as much information as possible
Utilize online conversion platforms as needed
Manually correct perceived errors


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Best Practice # 5 – Prioritize Education

• Educate clients • Educate yourself
Taxable Ask questions
of clients
Selling/trading Check for new
Forks/airdrops regulations
Inheriting/gifting Take classes


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency

Contact Information

National Society of Accountants (NSA)


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency


32 - A Simple Approach and Overview of 7/5/2023
Virtual Currency



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