Module 1 Unit 1

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Module 1 Entertainment
Unit 1 Have a Whale of a Time
Vocabulary Listen Up Exam Smart Practice for the Exam
(Part A)
Advanced Vocabulary Listening for essential Anticipating the context Situation for Tasks 1–4
and Expressions words to give a clear (p. 8) (p. 11)
(p. 5) and complete meaning
(p. 7) Task 1 (p. 12)
Sound Familiar?
(p. 5) Task 2 (p. 14)

Task 3 (p. 15)

Task Challenge
Task 4 (p. 16)
Cross Check (p. 17)

            !"    #$  

Unit 1 Have a Whale of a Time

à Relevant v
‘Entertai on
à Listening
for essen
to give a tial word
clear and s
meaning complete
Exam Skil
à Anticipati
ng the co
%  "" &$  !'  
''   !    '   (

Vocabulary and Expressions

% )     &    *   &$
and expressions.


Sound Familiar? 

Thematic words (Examples) Words that sound/spell similarly

band ban, bend, bank
board broad, bored
cast case, cars
costume custom
disc/disk this
hobby habit
massage message
parade pirate
park part, peak
play pray, pay
premiere premium
scene since, sin, seen
series serious
shot short
Exercise 1
interview notes below.

Elizabeth         pop music .

   a     b #$ $ .
 c !          

Max      d       

       f "  

Diane              g  


Exercise 2

Exhibition:     a %& ' 

Venue: b ( )  c ' * # 
vœÞiÀ­˜°®p>>À}iœ«i˜ë>Viˆ˜Ãˆ`iÌ ii˜ÌÀ>˜Viœv>Ì i>ÌÀi­Vv°\œLLÞˆ˜> œÌi®

Timeline Music storage media

Late 1870s Cylinder phonograph
d + &,,- e / 
f 0&12- g '   
h &1,% i '3 4'  
j &115 k *5

Listen Up
Listening for Essential Words to Give a Clear and Complete Meaning
7 484%9%
and complete meaning. Without them, the meaning will become unclear, incomplete or even
different. Generally speaking, the following words may form part of the essential information.
 Action verbs
-* # 
e.g.,  !  adverbs are among the most
 /    "
students whether they have paid
e.g.,             '0
essential details that give the
 ;%<%% 94 intended meaning of messages/
e.g.,      "     information. Without them or
 "     "
 Prepositions the meaning of the intended
e.g., above, under, in, with, for, on, off
2  &    '
 ''  &   $     
of a different preposition will result in a different
meaning. Exam Tip

Exercise 3
       #     $!

Fusion Music Festival

Special features: a up funny 3 /$   " 
 ;%% dress in costumes  '

c  = electronic music % 4"    

% 4"       "
  0 "     
Reasons for attending the festival:
d  0 
 Vegetarian food at the venue
3 /5  $    "        " 
event is not the same.

Exam Smart
Anticipating the Context
It is about making logical guesses of what the speakers may say based on the topic and task clues

  %% 4>;%

will …
  3 44%%>
  %%4   %>

Jane and Toby are talking about          # 

Rio de Janneiiro Carnnivall

When and how long?
 !> ( >
> D#44% #
 ( know about it.
Price: From e.g., Carnival
Grandstand tickets: general admission  «'%8&84 %84

 tickets: seats along the samba runway

 0@ ; assigned seats

What is so special about it?


3. Look for subheadings.

> O 43%4#
"     " '  related to them.
"       " e.g., Subheading: What is so special about it
   '   ' « dancing (samba)
« parades
« colourful costumes
« many tourists
Exercise 4
' (          

Asia Marketing Research

Survey Form
Sex: Q
 Male Q Female
Age: Q!1TU a Q1T5U Q51T U Q 1TUU QU1%
Education: Q Primary Q Secondary Q#
Job: c Graphic designer b

!> 4 4%# #X
About 20-30 hours

 4 %##%%4#
d ;\!***

3. What has been your favourite leisure and entertainment activity in the past six
4 X
e  ;4]%4

> 2#%X Q Yes Q No Q Sometimes
 7 #X g J%%  3  4#

5. What are your plans for leisure and entertainment activities for your next
 ) *
 h Playing sport(s)

  i (Going) hiking with friends

  j Attending / Going to a music festival

1> 7 %#%4 %#4X

k My good friends

Exercise 5
+#  !          # 

Rioo de Janneiiro Carrnivaal

When and how long?

 a Mostly/Usually in February 7  , /8 $04 $

 ( b about a week 7  , /&

Price: From c D \UUD \5***

 $%%@ general admission

 d _;=` tickets: seats

along the samba runway
e for tourists only
  0@ , assigned
seats 7  , /$

What is so special about it?

 f O !**% and g 5**%
 2%4% h  wild and colourful costumes

 i All-night street dancing and partying

 j   %

Practice for the Exam

Part A
helping organise the annual Island Arts and Film Festival.

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-
;% %4 >j9% 4
#% :z;% %>j 4
4# !T >

Task 1 )-/ !*
0   +1  !  "     2
% 33              4
     5    0    
67   !%   !        

Island Arts and Film Festival

Date:!! H#T a %; (1 mark)

Activity/Event Highlight Information

Arts and Film Competition Competition

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Length: d 5TU4
(1 mark)
!> Dance (example) (1 mark)
e Leisure, Health and Happiness
> b Film (1 mark) Theme:
3. c Music (1 mark)


f 5!H#35!3| (1 mark)

Film-making Workshop Workshop

k 5%H#353| (1 mark)
Content: Date:
 g Camera (1 mark) operation
l !*>5*4T 4 (1 mark)
 +% Time:
 h Sound (1 mark) and music (1 mark)
i effects (1 mark) m North Point Community Centre
 j Creativity (1 mark)
n \!)* (1 mark)
Fees: (including lunch and

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Arts and Film Competition

o %;33) (1 mark)

p > U4T!*>5*4 (1 mark)

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

q North Point Community Centre (1 mark)

r \* (1 mark)

Remarks: s Free (entry) (1 mark)  %% !1%

t  1U31U#%3# (1 mark)
7  , / => 0   =>

Entertainment and Fun

 u Marching bands (1 mark)
 v Modern dance (1 mark)

 w Face painting (1 mark) '     $ 

 x Local artwork display (1 mark)

7  , / '$

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


Task 2 )9: !*
0  !      &       
      ;       5 
   0    67   !%   

About Island Arts and Film Festival

  % a creative performances (1 mark)%94# b emerging/rising/
new local artists (1 mark)
  '     '$ '   ' "  /?  
c bring entertainment (1 mark)
   to the audience

(1 mark)
  d promote low-cost/budget and e   # (1 mark)
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

@      !' 0 '    "    
     $         /;"

 Examples of hobbies and leisure activities

Reduce stress  f Gardening (1 mark)

 g Playing a musical instrument (1 mark)

Improve memory  '# h %KK (1 mark)

 i Playing board games (1 mark)
 j Playing card games (1 mark)

J4&`#%  Dancing (example)

coordination  k Yoga (1 mark)

 l Painting (1 mark)

Enhance the immune  m Playing sport(s) (1 mark)

system  n Hiking (1 mark)

 o Cycling (1 mark)

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


Task 3 
!   "  #  $%     " 
 &"  $   ""   

Arts and Film Competition

Category: Film

    So Many Games  

Directed by: 
        a )   )  " (1 mark)
    b *++  (1 mark)

c () * (1 mark)

Directed by:  !  "


 #     d  (1 mark)  e     ,  (1 mark)

i˜ÃpܓiÃÌÕ`i˜ÌÓ>ÞVœ˜vÕÃiÌ i¼Ã½
    f Behind the Lens (1 mark) i˜`ˆ˜}ˆÃ>«ÕÀ>i˜`ˆ˜}]LṎ̈ØœÌ܈˜
Directed by: "$ %  ¼i˜Ãiý°
 &          g -  (1 mark)

h +,"(" (1 mark)
Directed by:  '
 (     i $   ,  .     (1 mark)
       j     /+ 0+ (1 mark)



Task Challenge Task 4 )9= !*
67   !%   !        

Summary of Island Arts and Film Festival

Year 2013 Last year

Number of
a ;)* (1 mark) b ;1** (1 mark)

Number of entries
for Arts and Film
c d
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

0 (1 mark) 78 (1 mark)

Main reasons to  €% e free (1 mark)  g Good reviews (1 mark)

take part in the  f ;K (1 mark)  h Wanted to see creative
event works by local artists(1 mark)

General comments (Last year)

Sponsor Festival:

Party and prize presentation ceremony:

 k Good atmosphere (1 mark)

 l Choreography for the dance was impressive (1 mark)

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Participants Festival:
m No outdoor leisure activities / Some outdoor leisure activities
are needed (1 mark)

Party and prize presentation ceremony:

n Venue (was) too small (1 mark)
o 4##% (1 mark)

p   #4K (1 mark)

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

End of Part A

Q Make sure you have spelt the words correctly.

Q Make sure you have not missed the plural endings.
Q Make sure you have used the correct tense.
Q Make sure you have included ‘quantifiers’, ‘adjectives/adverbs’ and ‘prepositions’ that are essential
to the clarity of your answers.

Vocabulary Box: (Note down   ?    !    
7!' ,
% 7   '  "  $         '  
% 7    ' "$
%  '    /    

Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Track 5 Time: 02:39

Announcer: Exercise 1.
Listen to three short interviews about three young people’s favourite
pastimes and complete the interview notes below.
Reporter: Thanks very much for taking part in our online live interview ‘Young
Voices’. Today, we will interview three young people living in Asia.
The interview will be about their favourite pastimes. First off, we’re
going to talk to Elizabeth. Hello Elizabeth!
Elizabeth: Hello, please call me Liz.
Reporter: Okay, Liz … what is your favourite pastime?
Elizabeth: I like listening to pop music. So whenever I’m free, I listen to pop
a b music. My favourite band is The Big Bang.
Reporter: The Big Bang.
Elizabeth: Yes. The members of the band first met each other in their school’s
Astronomy Club. As they were all amazed by the Big Bang theory, they
named their band The Big Bang.
Reporter: I see. How much do you like the band?
Elizabeth: c Very much. I know all their songs. Some friends and I once lip-synced
to their famous song and won in a mimicry competition. We couldn’t
really sing, but we could lip-sync to their songs and mimic their dance
movements very well.
Reporter: d Excellent! Now, Max, what’s your favourite pastime?
Max: I love watching movie trailers in my free time.
Reporter: Movie trailers … that’s interesting!
Max: e Well, they are free and in my opinion, they always have the best shots
of a movie.
Reporter: Right … so of all the movie trailers, which one is your favourite?
Max: Hmm … so far my favourite one is for the movie ‘Playing Games’.
Reporter: f Right … ‘Playing Games’ is the sequel of ‘Serious Gamer’, right?
Max: That’s right. I love the movie as well … it’s about people making a
living by playing video games. I wish I could do the same.
Reporter: Yes, I believe many would wish the same. Thanks Max. Okay,
Diane … what’s your favourite pastime?
Diane: Going to pop concerts, without a doubt.
g Reporter: h So, you like pop songs?
Diane: Well, not the songs so much … but I really like the choreography for
the songs and also the costumes that the singers wear at concerts. I
think they are the best part of a pop concert. You know, organisers

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

often put a lot of effort into the choreography for the songs and the
Reporter: That’s true.
Diane: I think they are the things that really get the audience excited.

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Track 6 Time: 03:15

Announcer: Knowing More. Exercise 2.
Listen to the introduction of an exhibition about music storage media
and complete the information table below.
Becky: a Kelvin, I went to an exhibition called ‘Music Storage Media before the
21st Century’. It’s very good, very informative. I highly recommend it.
Kelvin: b c Where is the exhibition held?
Becky: Central Park Theatre. To be exact, it’s on the ground floor foyer of
Central Park Theatre.
Kelvin: Ground floor foyer of Central Park Theatre.
Becky: Yes … I’ve recorded its brief introduction. If you have a minute, I
could play it to you. It’s not too long.
Kelvin: Okay.
Becky: Good. Here it is.

Recording: Welcome to our exhibition Music Storage Media before the 21st
Century. The invention of music storage media makes listening to
music much more convenient. You don’t have to go to a live
performance to hear your favourite songs. It all began in the late 1870s
when Thomas Edison invented the cylinder phonograph. Cylinder
phonograph is also the earliest commercial medium for recording
d e sound. Then came the famous vinyl records in the late 1880s …

Kelvin: Becky, could you stop for a sec?

Becky: Sure.

Kelvin: Vinyl records, are they the black plastic records that our great
grandparents’ generation once had?
Becky: Yes … and they come in other colours too, not just black.
Kelvin: Oh really … and how do you spell vinyl?
Becky: It’s spelt V-I-N-Y-L. Actually vinyl is a type of strong plastic.
Kelvin: I see, thanks.
Becky: No problem. Shall we continue?
Kelvin: Yes, please.

Recording: Vinyl records became the most popular music storage media till the late
f g 70s. In the early 60s, another form of music storage media — cassette
tapes were released by Philips, a Dutch technology company. Both the

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

cassette tapes and vinyl records were popular and co-existed till the
h i invention of compact discs, CDs in short. CDs were co-developed by
Philips and Sony and were first released in 1982. According to
statistics, since CDs’ invention, over 200 billion CDs have been sold
j k worldwide. Eleven years later, that is in 1993, the MP3 digital audio
storage format was released by a German research organisation.

To learn more about how these different types of music storage media
work, come to our exhibition …

Kelvin: Sounds very interesting! Okay, I’ll probably ask my dad to go with me.
I think he will be interested too.

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Track 7 Time: 01:50

Announcer: Exercise 3.
Listen to the conversation between Linda and Terry about going to a
music festival. Make necessary changes to Student A’s answers so that
they are clear and complete in meaning.
Terry: Linda, I’ve finally got the tickets to Fusion Music Festival in England.
Linda: That’s great!
Terry: Yes, I’m really excited. I’ve read and heard so much about it and now
c I’m going to attend the festival myself. You know Linda, it’s the
biggest underground electronic music festival in the world.
Linda: Really! And you like underground electronic music?
Terry: a b Yes, I’m a big fan! Another interesting thing about this music festival is
that you can see attendees dress up in funny costumes, not any
costumes but they have to be funny, aiming to make people laugh.
Linda: Well, that sounds fun!
Terry: Yes, I need to start thinking what funny costume I am going to dress up
Linda: d By the way, besides the music and costumes, what makes you travel so
far to attend the festival?
Terry: It’s the food. You know I’m a vegetarian, right?
Linda: Yes.
Terry: During the festival, attendees can only eat vegetarian food at the venue.
Linda: Really?
Terry: Yes, this is one of the interesting rules and I like it.
Linda: Will there be any staff members patrolling around to make sure that
people don’t eat meat?
Terry: Yes, there will be and if you get caught eating meat, they have funny
penalties too like …

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Track 8 Time: 03:14

Announcer: Exercise 4.
Chris is conducting a survey to collect information about people’s
leisure and entertainment habits in Hong Kong. Listen to the interview
and complete the survey form below.
Chris: Hello, I’m Chris Wong from Asia Marketing Research. We are doing a
survey about people’s leisure and entertainment habits. May I ask you a
few questions? It won’t take long.
Tony: Okay, no problem.
Chris: Thanks. Firstly, how much free time do you have every week?
Tony: Well, it really depends on my work, but on average I’d say … about 20
to 30 hours.
Chris: d Right … and how much do you usually spend on leisure and
entertainment activities every week?
Tony: I’m not a big spender … hmm … about $1000 a week. I’m trying to
save money.
Chris: e Very good. Regarding your leisure and entertainment activities, what
has been your favourite activity in the past six months?
Tony: My favourite activity in the last six months?
Chris: Yes.
Tony: Binge watching American TV drama series. I can binge watch an entire
season of 13 or more episodes on a weekend.
Chris: Oh … American TV drama series …
Tony: Yes, they are much more entertaining and exciting than the local ones.
Chris: f I see … a few more questions…do you like outdoor leisure activities?
Tony: g Well … sometimes. It really depends on the weather. I wouldn’t want
to go hiking, for example, on a hot summer day.
Chris: h Fair enough. What are your plans for leisure and entertainment
activities for your next holiday?
Tony: Funny that you asked … I have been thinking about it, I mean how to
spend the upcoming long weekend … well, the weather is a lot cooler
i these days, I think I’ll play sports. Also, I think I’ll go hiking with my
Chris: Very good … playing sports and hiking.
Tony: j Yes, hiking with my friends. And I’m planning to attend a music
Chris: Oh … that sounds nice.
Tony: Yes, something fun and relaxing.

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Chris: k Okay, the last question, who do you like to spend time with during your
free time?
Tony: My good friends, without a doubt! I haven’t got a girlfriend yet so I
love hanging out with my good friends whenever I’m free.
Chris: Very good. Lastly, I’d like to ask for some personal information for
statistical purposes.
Tony: That’s all right.
Chris: a Thanks. Which of the age groups do you belong to? 16 to 25, 26 to
35 …
Tony: Yeah … 26 to 35.
Chris: b Thanks. And what is your education level?
Tony: c Well, I have an associate degree in graphic design. I’m a graphic
Chris: You work as a graphic designer?
Tony: Yes, that’s my job. I love it!
Chris: Very good! That’s all for the survey. Thank you very much for your
Tony: No problem.

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Track 9 Time: 04:16

Announcer: Exercise 5.
Jane and Toby are talking about one of the world’s most famous
carnivals that Toby is planning to go to with his sister next year. Listen
to their conversation and complete the information sheet below.
Jane: Toby, are you still planning to go to the Rio de Janeiro Carnival next
Toby: Yes, if everything goes well, Ann and I will go. In fact, we’ve almost
saved enough for it — I can’t wait to join in the world’s most amazing
Jane: So when are you going?
Toby: a If we go, it’ll be February. The carnival is usually in February, around
our Chinese New Year holiday … so it’s perfect for us.
Jane: b And how long is the carnival? Two to three days?
Toby: Oh no a bit longer than that … it lasts for about a week.
Jane: Wow!
Toby: Yes. Very exciting!
Jane: Is it expensive to go to the carnival?
Toby: Well, the air tickets and accommodation cost a fair amount of money,
but Ann and I are only staying in budget hotels so it’s not too bad.
Jane: Okay … what about tickets to the carnival? Do you have to buy tickets
for that? Are the tickets expensive?
Toby: c Oh … yes, you need to buy tickets. The ticket prices range from US$55
to US$3000.
Jane: What? US$3000?
Toby: Those are the most expensive tickets. As I’ve just mentioned, the prices
start at US$55.
Jane: I see … so I suppose there must be several ticket classes?
Toby: Yes, there are basically three types of tickets … they are the Grandstand,
Open Air Front Box and Sector 9 tickets.
Jane: Right … the Grandstand tickets are for general admission, I suppose?
Toby: Yes, that’s right.
Jane: And what about the other ones? And which class of tickets are you
going to get?
Toby: e Well, Ann and I are going to buy the Sector 9 tickets. This type is for
tourists only.
Jane: d Oh … interesting. And what about the other type … Open Air Front
Box tickets?

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Toby: These Open Air Front Box seats are along the samba runway … so you
get to see all the samba dance parades and floats up close.
Jane: I see … but they are open air box seats … that means there’s no shelter.
Toby: I don’t think that’s a problem. Nobody really minds rain in such a
festive music and dancing event.
Jane: Toby, what makes the Rio de Janeiro Carnival so special? Why is it so
popular with people from around the world? I’ve heard that it attracts
millions of tourists every year to the event.
Toby: h Well, to begin with, there aren’t many carnivals in the world that the
dancers and performers dress in such wild and colourful costumes like
they do in the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. The costumes of all those samba
dancers and performers are so colourful and the design … wild …
Jane: Wild?
Toby: Oh yes … the long colourful feathers, wings attached to the costumes
and the diamanté dresses. The costumes are one of the key elements of
f g the carnival and they never cease to amaze the audience. Also, the
parades and bands … you get to see more than 100 parades and 300
bands during the carnival. That’s what makes the carnival so special!
Jane: And you get to see those amazing floats in the parades too, right?
Toby: i Yes … the amazingly decorated floats. Apart from that, the all-night
street dancing and partying is unique.
Jane: I see. The carnival sounds pretty wild to me!
Toby: j Yes, it is! It is special because it is the biggest carnival in the world.
Jane: Really? The biggest?
Toby: Yes … at least that’s what many tourism sites claim!

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Track 10 Time: 02:47

Announcer: Practice for the Exam. Part A. Situation.
You are Alice Tam. You are an assistant at Island Arts and Film
Association. You are helping organise the annual Island Arts and Film

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the
instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording to
complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in the
Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You now have two
minutes to familiarise yourself with Tasks 1 to 4.
(2 minutes)

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Challenge for the HKDSE — Paper 3 [4] Module 1 Unit 1

Track 11 Time: 07:15

Announcer: Task 1.
Your colleagues Janet and David are talking about the major activities
for the upcoming Island Arts and Film Festival. Listen to their
conversation and complete the information on the leaflet below and
poster on the next page. One has been done for you as an example. You
now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will
have one minute to tidy up your answers.
(30 seconds)

David: Janet, I’ve got the information you want about this year’s Island Arts
and Film Festival and its major two events, I mean the Arts and Film
Competition and the Film-making Workshop.
Janet: Very good. So, I can start making the promotional materials. Right …
let me get my notebook … one second please … here it is.
David: Shall I start with the competition?
Janet: a Yes, please. Oh … before that, I need the date for the festival.
David: Oh yes … the festival will be held between the 11th of July and the
22nd of August.
Janet: Oh … six weeks … almost a week longer than last year’s.
David: Yes, because we’re going to have a few more activities.
Janet: I see.
David: b c Right, the Arts and Film Competition. Like last year, there are three
categories in the competition — dance, film and music.
Janet: Right … dance, music and film. What about the length of the
d performance or film? Will it be the same like last year — between 3
and 5 minutes?
David: f Yes, the same. Participants of the competition need to submit their film
or a video of their performance and the deadline for submission is the
last day of July.
Janet: Right, that’s the 31st.
David: e Yes, of course … and the theme of the competition this year is ‘Leisure,
Health and Happiness’.
Janet: Hmm … pretty straightforward … leisure, health and happiness.
David: Yes … that’s all the basic info for the competition. Now, the
Film-making Workshop … this year we have invited an award-winning
director and an editing technician as speakers of the workshop.

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Janet: Who are they?

David: Patrick Lee and Alicia Young.
Janet: g h i Really! That’s fantastic! So what are they going to talk about in the
David: They will share their tips and experience on camera operation, editing
skills …
Janet: Hang on … camera operation, editing skills …
David: j Yes, and sound and music effects. Lastly, they will also talk about
Janet: Sound and music effects … and … creativity.
David: k Yes. The date of the workshop is the 23rd of July.
Janet: The 23rd.
David: l Yes, it’s a full-day workshop, starting at 10.30 in the morning and
finishes at 4 in the afternoon.
Janet: m Right … what about the venue?
David: North Point Community Centre.
Janet: North Point Community Centre.
David: Yes, it’s been renovated and there is a very well-equipped computer
room which can accommodate up to 50 persons.
Janet: n Excellent. What about fees?
David: $180 including lunch and refreshments.
Janet: Wow! That’s nice.
David: Yes, we’ve got some extra funding for this workshop.
Janet: Very good!
David: Oh Janet, we want the design team to make a poster for the prize
presentation day of the Arts and Film Competition. Actually, there will
be a public screening of the performances of the finalists and a big
party before the prize presentation.
Janet: Yes, there were similar arrangements last year, I remember that. Okay,
give me the info and I’ll ask the team to design a poster as soon as
David: o Thanks. Right, the date is the 22nd of August, the last day of the festival.
p The event will start at 4.45 pm and finish at 10.30 pm.
Janet: q Right … and the venue?
David: The same as the workshop, North Point Community Centre.
Janet: Okay … is there an entry fee?
David: r Well, it’s free for children and seniors. We do charge an entry fee of
$20 for all others.

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Janet: s tFree entry for children and seniors, but what are the age limits? Are
children under 12 free to enter?
David: Oh … it’s free entry for children under 16 and seniors who are over 65.
Janet: u v Okay … children under 16 and seniors who are over 65. Right … the w x
party … so apart from the public screening of the performances of the
finalists, are there other entertainment activities?
David: Yes, there’ll be live music, marching bands, modern dance, face
painting and local artwork display.
Janet: Right, live music, marching bands, modern dance, face painting and
local artwork display.
David: Yes, there may also be a fun photo booth but we’re yet to confirm if we
can borrow a photo booth, so please don’t mention it in the poster.
Janet: Okay, no problem.

Announcer: That is the end of Task 1. You now have one minute to tidy up your
(1 minute)

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Track 12 Time: 06:50

Announcer: Task 2.
You are talking with your supervisor Paul Chan about updating a web
page for the association’s website. Listen to the conversation and fill in
the information on the web page below. One has been done for you as
an example. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of
the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.
(30 seconds)

Paul: Alice, are you free?

Alice: Yes, how may I help you, Mr. Chan?
Paul: I’d like you to update some info on our website. I want you to put some
simple information up on a new web page.
Alice: Yes, I can do that.
Paul: Very good. I want you to design two sections for the web page. One is
about our Arts and Film Festival and the other one is about the benefits
of hobbies and leisure activities.
Alice: Yes, no problem, I can surely do that.
Paul: That’s great! About the Arts and Film Festival, please briefly state the
three main goals we want to achieve.
Alice: Oh Mr. Chan, let me get my notepad and pen. One second please …
Paul: Okay.
Alice: Yes, I’m ready.
Paul: a b Good. The three goals we want to achieve include showcasing new and
creative performances and films by emerging local artists, emerging as
in rising or new.
Alice: Right … to showcase new and creative performances and films by
emerging local artists.
Paul: c Yes. Also, through the festival, we want to bring entertainment and
inspiration to the general public. We want the performances and films
to be entertaining, that is to entertain the audience.
Alice: Right … to bring entertainment to the audience.
Paul: d e The third goal is to promote high-quality performances that are
produced on a low budget. You know it’s easy to produce quality work
when you have a lot of money to hire the best people and use the best
equipment. But we believe that talented artists can produce quality
work on a low budget and we want to promote that.

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Alice: Yes, I agree, in recent years, there have been some very impressive
films produced on very limited budgets.
Paul: Yes, that’s exactly what we want to promote. Okay … about the second
section, that’s the benefits of hobbies and leisure activities. We hope to
emphasise the point that having hobbies and taking part in leisure
activities bring many benefits to us. I’d like you to mention four main
f g benefits. The first one is reducing stress. Examples include gardening
and playing a musical instrument which are very effective in helping us
reduce stress.
Alice: Gardening and playing a musical instrument … but Mr. Chan … the
problem is — we live in tiny apartments in Hong Kong … so
gardening is not really something most of us can do!
Paul: Well, having pot plants and looking after them is also gardening.
Alice: That’s true!
Paul: h i Another benefit is that hobbies and leisure activities help improve j
memory. They are especially good for older people. Activities like
playing crossword puzzles, board games and card games are good
examples that help improve memory.
Alice: Crossword puzzles, board games and card games. My granny loves
crossword puzzles and card games. She’s a very good bridge player
and she plays the game at least twice a week. That’s probably why she
is still so sharp and has an amazing memory. She’s 85.
Paul: Wow! See …
Alice: Maybe I should start playing some of these games.
Paul: k l Good idea! Also, some hobbies and leisure activities are good for
improving flexibility and coordination.
Alice: Hmm … activities like dancing and yoga?
Paul: Yes … and also painting.
Alice: Painting? You mean painting pictures?
Paul: Yes. Studies have shown that painting does help improve coordination.
Alice: I see.
Paul: m n Lastly, another major benefit has to do with health … having hobbies o
and taking part in leisure activities will help enhance our immune
Alice: Wow! That means we have less chance to get sick.
Paul: Yes, or we recover faster if we are ill. Activities like playing sports,
hiking and cycling are good examples.
Alice: Yes, physical activities and preferably outdoor ones.

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Paul: Yes.
Alice: Maybe I should take part in more outdoor sports and activities like
hiking and cycling.
Paul: We all should.

Announcer: That is the end of Task 2. You now have one minute to tidy up your
(1 minute)

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Track 13 Time: 06:46

Announcer: Task 3.
You are going to listen to a meeting about some of the entries in the
Arts and Film Competition. Listen to the discussion at the meeting and
note down the information on the notecards below. One has been done
for you as an example. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At
the end of the task, you will have one and a half minutes to tidy up
your answers.
(30 seconds)

Paul: I’m really happy that our Arts and Film Competition is becoming very
popular. We’ve got more than a hundred entries just in the film
category. Some of them are very impressive!
Angela: Well, it must have been difficult for the judges to select the final 20
Jessica: Yes indeed! They spent the whole of yesterday morning and afternoon
discussing and selecting the entries.
Mark: Well, I’ve seen all the finalists … and there is one in particular I really
like. It’s called ‘So Many Games’, directed by Sandy Ho.
Angela: Yes, I remember that one … it’s very interesting.
Paul: a b What is it about?
Angela: It shows or introduces what people did for leisure in Hong Kong in the
Mark: Well Angela, be more exact, it’s about what rich and poor families did
for leisure in Hong Kong in the last 100 years.
Jessica: Sounds very interesting!
Mark: Oh yes … and what rich and poor people did for leisure was quite
different in the old days but the gap seems to have closed up, especially
in the last 15 years. For example, now both rich and poor people play
the same video games!
Jessica: c True! Hmm … there is a film I find quite special and very
well-made … it’s called ‘We Keep on Dancing’.
Paul: ‘We Keep on Dancing’ … yes, I remember the judges talked about it
quite enthusiastically. It’s directed by two young girls, Shirley Wong
and Ida Kam. They are only 16 or 17 years old, very talented.
Jessica: d e Yes, I think they’ve done a wonderful job … exploring the dancing
trends and costumes in local films. While most people focus on the plot

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or storyline, few pay attention to the dancing and costumes in films,

especially in local films.
Paul: They’ve done some good research for the film.
Jessica: Yes, and I’m happy that their film has been shortlisted as well.
Mark: f Talking about dancing and costumes, there is a film about pop singers,
directed by Kelvin Chan.
Angela: Oh I know which one you’re talking about … it’s called … it’s called
‘Behind the Scenes’.
Mark: No, it’s called ‘Behind the Lens’.
Angela: Oh is it really! I must have remembered it wrong.
Mark: g The story of the film is about how a music company mass produces
one-hit wonders. It is a rather amusing short film with a realistic story.
Angela: One-hit wonders … so the film is about singers or bands that have only
one hit song and are popular for a short while before returning to
Mark: Yes, that’s right … the film portrays the music company as a factory
that specialises in mass producing one-hit wonders.
Angela: Well, there are a lot of them in the music industry, mass producing teen
singers and making a quick profit.
Paul: h Another film that has been selected as a finalist is called ‘Getting Fit
the Happy Way’.
Angela: Yes, I really like this one. The title is very eye-catching … ‘Getting Fit
the Happy Way’. And the film … I couldn’t stop laughing the whole
time I was watching it. The director, Alan Leung, has a wonderful
sense of humour.
Mark: i What is the film about?
Paul: The film documents how two overweight persons, a man and a woman,
got fit within six months.
Jessica: j How did they do it?
Angela: That’s the most amusing part … they did it by taking part in popular
games in the 50s and 60s.
Jessica: Popular games in the 50s and 60s? Games like rope jumping,
hide-and-seek, hopscotch and musical chairs?
Angela: Yes, and the film was very entertaining! It also makes weight loss look
easy and cheap! I really think that this one has a good chance to win.
Paul: Okay, I’ll have to watch it after our meeting then.

Announcer: That is the end of Task 3. You now have one and a half minutes to tidy

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up your answers.
(1 minute 30 seconds)

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Track 14 Time: 08:31

Announcer: Task Challenge. Task 4.
You are meeting with your team about the survey results of last year’s
festival. Listen to the conversation and note down the results and
comments in the summary below. You now have 30 seconds to study
the task. At the end of the task, you will have two minutes to tidy up
your answers.
(30 seconds)

David: Alice, have you read the report on last year’s Island Arts and Film
Alice: No, I haven’t.
Teresa: I did and I feel encouraged after reading the report. I think our
organising committee has done a good job. The report sums up how the
festival has evolved since it first started in 2013. It also has a summary
of what our sponsor and participants thought about the festival.
Alice: Sounds very interesting.
David: a b Since the festival first started in 2013, the number of participants has
grown from about 80 in the first year to about 600 last year.
Alice: Wow … that’s almost an 800% increase.
Teresa: c Yes, in the first festival, there were only nine entries in the film
d category of the Arts and Film Competition. Last year, there were a total
of 78 entries just in the film category and more than 90 in the music
category and almost 30 in the dance category.
Alice: Wow … has the report mentioned the reasons for the big increase of
David: Well, it hasn’t but a recent survey has explored the reasons why people
joined the festival.
Alice: Oh, tell me more!
David: g All right … hmm … as for last year’s festival, the reason most people
mentioned why they joined it was because of the good reviews they
had read or heard about the previous festivals.
Teresa: That’s the power of reviews!
David: h Yes, besides that, as the festival aims to promote local artists and their
artwork, more than 70% of participants cited that their reason to join
the festival was to see creative works by local artists. The survey
results also show the main reasons people took part in the festival in its

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first year were very different.

Alice: e How different? And what were the main reasons then?
Teresa: Well … many participants back then said that they joined the festival
because it was a new event, and it was free. I mean all activities were
f free. They also mentioned the attractive prizes of the competition as a
main reason … the prizes definitely drew attention and interest.
David: Yes, the prizes were indeed very attractive … I remember the first prize
for each category was $50 000.
Alice: That’s quite a lot of prize money for a new festival.
Teresa: Yes, thanks to our very generous sponsor.
David: k Talking about our sponsor Community Spirit, its committee members
really liked the atmosphere of last year’s party and prize presentation
ceremony. In the report, they highly praised the good atmosphere of the
party and the prize presentation ceremony.
Teresa: But many of its committee members also criticised the lack of variety
of the activities during the festival and the promotion of the festival.
Alice: i Oh … what were the problems in particular?
Teresa: Regarding the activities, they rightly pointed out that there was no
activity suitable for older people.
David: I think that’s a fair comment.
Teresa: They suggested that more activities should be designed for older
j people. Also, they’ve mentioned that we need better promotion.
David: Which is a way of telling us that our promotion work was not good
l enough. Hmm … any comments on the performers or performances?
Teresa: Yes. They found the choreography for the dance impressive.
David: Oh … they liked the choreography for the dance!
Teresa: Yes, they did.
David: Well, I liked it too. It was very professional!
Alice: m Any comments from the participants? What did they say about our
festival last year? How did they like the festival and the party?
Teresa: Well, many participants did comment that there were no outdoor
leisure activities held during the whole festival.
Alice: Hmm … it’s true!
David: Yes, we should organise some outdoor leisure activities.
Teresa: n About the party … many pointed out that the venue was too small.
David: Yes I agree, it was too small for almost 300 people at the party.
Teresa: o And another thing was about the entry fee. Again, many pointed out
that there were too many categories and that caused confusion.

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David: It was a fair comment … there were five or six categories, far too many
and it was true that it did cause confusion.
Alice: And that’s why there are only two this year.
Teresa: There are still a lot of things to improve and we hope that the festival
will get better each year.
Alice: p Oh …one more thing, the sponsor clearly liked the choreography for the
dance, did the participants say anything about the performances at the
Teresa: Well, they didn’t say anything about the choreography but they liked
the stunts in the play very much. They rated them ‘amazing’!
Alice: Excellent! I liked the stunts in the play, too. And I agree that the
performers did an amazing job.

Announcer: That is the end of Task 4. You now have two minutes to complete your
answers to Task 4 and to tidy up all your other answers.
(2 minutes)

That is the end of Module 1, Unit 1.

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