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Track Mixtitle /
Track title CD number Release title Label
number Version
Production ℗ line © line
Genre Sub Genre Tracktype
year (P line) (C line)
Lyrics Title Parental Territories to Release price tier Track price
language language advisory deliver (optional) tier
Digital release date Original release date Preview start ISRC Code UPC Code
(Leave blank if you want
(MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) (optional) Believe to generate it) (optional)
Release catalog Track catalog
EAN Code GRID Commercial description in English
number number
(optional) (optional) (optional, 1 per release)
(optional) (optional)
Commercial description in other language
(optional, 1 per release)
Release title Contributor Name Main artist on tracks: Featuring on tracks:
MyRelease Example 1.1;1.2;2.3
Composer on tracks: Author on tracks: Remixer on tracks: Producer on tracks:
Spotify ID
Arranger on tracks: Publisher on tracks:
Only add the Spotify ID, not the URL
Apple Music ID
Only add the Apple Music ID, not the URL
Track Mixtitle /
Track title CD number Release title Label
number Version
1 Track 1 Radio Edit 1 My Release A MyLabel
2 Track 2 1 My Release A MyLabel
3 Track 3 1 My Release A MyLabel
4 Track 4 1 My Release A MyLabel
1 Track 1 Club Mix 2 My Release A MyLabel
2 Track 2 2 My Release A MyLabel
3 Track 3 2 My Release A MyLabel
4 Track 4 2 My Release A MyLabel
1 Track 1 1 My Release B MyLabel
2 Track 2 1 My Release B MyLabel
3 Track 3 1 My Release B MyLabel
Production ℗ line © line
Genre Sub Genre Tracktype
year (P line) (C line)

2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL

2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
2023 MyLabel MyLabel Dance House ORIGINAL
Lyrics Title Parental Territories to Release price tier Track price
language language advisory deliver (optional) tier

INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,

INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,
INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,
INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,
INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,
INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,
INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,
INSTRUMENTAENGLISH NO EP - (2,99€ / 3,99$) SINGLE3 - (1,
Digital release date Original release date Preview start ISRC Code UPC Code
(Leave blank if you want
(MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) (optional) Believe to generate it) (optional)

1/12/2023 01/15/2023
1/12/2023 01/15/2023
1/12/2023 01/15/2023
1/12/2023 01/15/2023
1/12/2023 01/15/2023
1/12/2023 01/15/2023
1/12/2023 01/15/2023
1/12/2023 01/15/2023
01/30/2024 01/15/2023
01/30/2024 01/15/2023
01/30/2024 01/15/2023
Release catalog Track catalog Commercial Commercial
number number description in description in
(optional) (optional)
(optional) (optional) english (optional) french (optional)

R00A T00A-01
R00A T00A-02
R00A T00A-03
R00A T00A-04
R00A T00A-05
R00A T00A-06
R00A T00A-07
R00A T00A-08
R00B T00B-01
R00B T00B-01
R00B T00B-01
Commercial Commercial
description in description in
description in
german spanish
italian (optional)
(optional) (optional)
Release title Contributor Name Main artist on tracks: Featuring on tracks:
My Release A My Artist 1 1.1;1.2;1.3;1.4;2.1;2.2;2.3;2.4
My Release A My Author 1
My Release B My Artist 2 1;2;3
My Release B My Composer 2
My Release B My Author 2
Composer on tracks: Author on tracks: Remixer on tracks: Producer on tracks:

Spotify ID
Arranger on tracks: Publisher on tracks:
Only add the Spotify ID, not the URL

Apple Music ID
Only add the Apple Music ID, not the URL

For any question regarding this template, see our article »

Track number
Track title
Subtitle/ Mixtitle / Version (optional)
CD number

Release title

Production year
℗ line (P line)
© line (C line)
Sub Genre
Lyrics language
Title language
Parental advisory

Territories to deliver

Release price tier (optional)

Track price tier

Digital release date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Original release date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Preview start (optional)

(Leave blank if you want Believe to generate it)

UPC Code (optional)

EAN Code (optional)
GRID (optional)
Release catalog number (optional)
Track catalog number (optional)
Commercial description in English (optional, 1 per release)
Commercial description in other language (optional, 1 per release)
Contributor Name

Main artist on tracks:

Featuring on tracks:

Composer on tracks:

Author on tracks:

Remixer on tracks:

Producer on tracks:

Arranger on tracks:

Publisher on tracks:

Spotify ID
Only add the Spotify ID, not the URL

Apple Music ID
Only add the Apple Music ID, not the URL
Filling-in the XLS metadata template

Defines the position of a track within its volume.
Please enter a title for this track, eg : Stairway to Heaven, Pain It Black etc... Please us the version field if you need to enter fur
Please use this field if you want to add further details to your track, eg : Radio Edit, Bonus Track etc…
Indicates the volume number on the album. If your release has 2 volumes (Double Album), you must indicate "1" for all the tra
Please enter a title for this release, eg : Appetite for Destruction, Thriller etc… Please use version field to enter further informa
version field only available on Backstage)
The release title in the Metadata tab must be identical to the one in the Contributors tab.
Make sure the label spelling is the same for every release, and please use the exact spelling spelt as authorised by some pre-a
The year in which the release has been produced and recorded. If more than one, please indicate the final year of production.
The producer of the release is the rightowner that financed the recording of the track. Do not write the production year in the
The cover producer is the rightowner that financed the production of the artwork/packaging. Do not write the production yea
The genre must be chosen from the drop-down menu.
The sub genre must be chosen from the drop-down menu. If you do not wish to add a subgenre (i.e. if your subgenre is the sa
The tracktype must be chosen from the drop-down menu.
Please indicate the language your release is in. If the release language is not listed, please select the closest provided.
Please indicate the spelling language of the release title.
If the original track does not contain explicit lyrics, choose "no".
If you wish to restrict the delivery territories of your release, please indicate it in the column "Territories to deliver".
If you wish to deliver worldwide, please leave it blank. Use the following format: "-XX", replacing the "XX" with the ISO code o
leaving a space between the values. For example: -JP -GB means that Japan and United Kingdom are restricted.
The release price tier must be chosen from the drop-down menu.
The track price tier must be chosen from the drop-down menu.
This is referring to the date you want your release to be available for sale on.
We recommend you to choose a release date set 4 to 6 weeks after you release's submission date. Once your release is submi
downloading services within 48 hours. It will then take them 2 to 6 weeks to make your release available for sale.
The digital release date must be entered in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Indicate the original release date.

It may be the release date of the physical version for instance. If there is none, use the same day as your digital release date.
The original release date must be entered in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Please indicate when you want the 30 second pre-listen clip on your Player to start for this track. Please fill this field with seco
Please indicate the ISRC code of this track as detailed below, i.e. GB-6V8-12-12340.
An ISRC code is composed like this : GB: registrant country code 6V8: registrant code 12: year of registration 1234 4 digits iden
for audio, "1" for video. This ISRC code is unique to a recording. When an ISRC code is generated for a track, it cannot be modi
Failure to provide the correct unique ISRC to collective societies can lead to the impossibility to maatch your songs and to colle
UPCs are barcodes. If you don't have a UPC, or it is less than 13 characters, leave the field empty and we will generate one for

If you wish to use your own reference for your release, please indicate it here.
If you wish to use your own reference for your track, please indicate it here.
Use this field if you wish to describe your release in English.
Use this field if you wish to describe your release in an other language.
Please enter the names of your release's contributors.
For the band or artist, please enter the full first-name, no initials, eg: The Beatles, Bob Dylan. Please only enter one name per
enter Robert Plant & Jimmy Page in the Contributor Name field, but Robert Plant in the first field and Jimmy Page in a separat
Author and Composer fields must be filled with a full and complete name including first name and last (family) name. Incomp
"Jane Doe") or simplified information such as "Rights Reserved" or "Public domain" (as well as RR, PD etc...) will no longer be a

You can add a contributor to one or more of the tracks in the album by respecting the following format : [Volume_Number].[
You can use this format in each 'Roles' column to add a role to your contributor on the tracks you specify.
For example, John Doe is the main artist of tracks 1, 2 and 3. In the 'Main artist on tracks' field you specify 1.1;1.2;1.3, where t
number, and the second digit is the track number.
If you are associating a contributor to tracks from a mono-volume release, you can indicate only track numbers without writin
For example, if John Doe is the main artist for tracks 1, 2 and 3 of my release, and if my release has only one volume, then I ca
tracks' field : 1;2;3 (instead of 1.1;1.2;1.3)
If a contributor has several roles :
- on one or more tracks of a same release : you can indicate all track/role associations in dedicated columns on the same line.
'Author on tracks' field and 1.3;1.4 in 'Composer on tracks' field if your contributor is an author for tracks 1 and 2 and a compo
same release
- on one or more tracks of differents releases : you have to duplicate and specify your contributor for each release on separate
indicate all track/role associations as specified above.

For each contributor you may add Spotify or Apple Music artist IDs.
Only add the ID of the artist pages, not the entire URL/URI.
- GOOD: 6gK1Uct5FEdaUWRWpU4Cl2
In case of an incorrect artist ID format, your template won't be ingested and we will show you the error to correct.
In case of an empty artist ID, a new store page will be created (for Main artist and Featuring roles only)
or the track.

me and "2" for all the tracks of the second volume of the same release.

ms (such as Beatport).

please leave the subgenre field empty.

minutes or "30" for 30 seconds.

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