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SPE 77546

Laboratory Measurements of Condensate Blocking and Treatment for Both Low and
High Permeability Rocks
Hamoud A. Al-Anazi, SPE, Saudi Aramco, Gary A. Pope, SPE, Mukul M. Sharma, SPE, The University of Texas at Austin,
and Robert S. Metcalfe, SPE, Amoco (Ret.)

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Gas production from reservoirs having a bottom hole flowing
Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 29 September–2 October 2002.
pressure below the dewpoint pressure results in an
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
accumulation of a liquid hydrocarbon near the wells. This
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to condensate accumulation reduces the gas relative
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at permeability, which is known as condensate blocking, and
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
thus the well's productivity. Condensate saturations near the
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is well can reach as high as 50-60% under pseudo steady-state
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous flow of gas and condensate.1 Even when the gas is very lean
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
such as in the Arun field with a maximum liquid drop out of
1.1%, condensate blocking can cause a drastic decline in well
productivity.2-4 The Cal Canal Field in California showed a
Abstract very poor recovery of 10% of the original gas-in-place
Coreflood experiments were conducted in Berea sandstone because of the dual effect of condensate banking and high
and Texas Cream limestone cores to quantify the loss in water saturation.5
relative permeability caused by condensate accumulation. The Several methods have been proposed to restore gas
in-situ condensate saturation was established dynamically by production rates after a decline due to condensate and/or water
precise control of core inlet and outlet pressures. It is well blocking.6,7 Gas cycling has been used to maintain reservoir
known that retrograde condensate dropout can cause pressure above the dewpoint pressure. Injection of dry gas
significant productivity loss in low permeability reservoirs. into a retrograde gas-condensate reservoir vaporizes
This paper shows that such losses can also occur in high condensate and increases its dewpoint pressure.8 Injection of
permeability reservoirs. Gas relative permeability reductions propane was experimentally found to decrease the dewpoint
of 91% to 97% were seen in 2-5 md limestone cores and 95% and vaporize condensate more efficiently than carbon
to 98% in 246-378 md sandstone cores. In light of the new dioxide.9 Hydraulic fracturing has been used to enhance gas
data presented here, the common perception that condensate productivity, but is not always feasible or cost-effective.5,10
blocking around wells in high-permeability reservoirs is not Inducing hydraulic fractures into the formation can increase
significant should be re-examined. Our previous coreflood the bottom hole pressure. Hydraulic fracturing successfully
experiments showed that methanol treatments increased the restored the gas productivity of a well that died after the
gas relative permeability in low permeability carbonates, but flowing bottom hole pressure dropped below the dewpoint.11
we had not yet determined the required methanol treatment Recently, a new strategy of using solvents was developed
volumes as done in this study. Methanol displaces retrograde to increase gas relative permeability reduced by condensate
condensate and maintains improved gas relative permeability blocking.7 Methanol was found to be effective to remove
well into the post-treatment production period. Methanol also condensate and water and restore gas productivity in low
displaces water and this can also contribute to higher gas permeability limestone cores. This study is a continuation of
relative permeability in those cases when the initial water that research to explore the effect of condensate blocking in
saturation is high enough to significantly add to the total liquid high permeability cores and quantify the volumes of
blocking of the gas. These results can be used to help reservoir methanol required.
engineers evaluate and treat gas-condensate wells with
reduced productivity. Reservoir engineers should be especially
careful to evaluate the damage done in such high-permeability
reservoirs if the well's pressure drawdown is high enough to
result in pressures below the dew point pressure.

Experimental Studies Gas relative permeability was first measured using

Phase Behavior. The synthetic gas-condensate mixture used methane at initial water saturation. The single-phase gas
in this study consisted of four components: methane, n-butane, mixture was flowed through the core at a pressure (3000 psig)
n-heptane, n-decane. The composition of the gas mixture is greater than its dewpoint pressure until steady state was
given in Table 1. Liquid dropout of this mixture was reached. Before the start of the two-phase flow phase of the
measured using a Through-Window PVT Cell (Ruska Model coreflood experiment, the inlet and outlet valves of the core
2329). The volume of the cell is 96.49 mL and its inside holder were closed. The pressure of the downstream back
diameter is 3.5682 cm. The PVT cell was pressurized to 3000 pressure regulator controlling the core pressure was slowly
psig with distilled water. The gas mixture was transferred into decreased to 1200 psig, while the pressure in the upstream
the PVT cell by drawing the water from the bottom, while back-pressure regulator controlling the pressure of the gas
injecting the gas mixture from the top at a constant pressure of feed was kept at 3000 psig. Flow was started while the bypass
3000 psig using an ISCO Syringe-Pump. The liquid dropout was open until the pressure in the lines stabilized. Then, the
measurements of the gas mixture were performed at 145°F bypass valve was closed and the inlet and outlet valves of the
using a constant composition expansion (CCE) method. core holder were opened simultaneously. This procedure
allowed the condensate to dynamically accumulate in the core
Coreflood Apparatus. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of in a way that is similar to condensate accumulation near a well
the core flow apparatus. A Ruska pump was used to inject producing below the dew point pressure of a retrograde gas-
fluid at a constant rate. Multiple pressure ports were used to condensate reservoir. Both Du et al.7 and Whitson et al.12
measure pressure drop across four sections (2 in. in length have measured relative permeabilities using this dynamic
each) through the core. Two back-pressure regulators were condensate accumulation procedure as a function of pressure
used to control the flowing pressure upstream (BPR-1) and rather than establishing steady state by constant rate injection
downstream (BPR-2) of the core. A Temco PVT visual cell of both gas and condensate separately. The resulting relative
was installed in-line to observe fluid phases. The flow is permeabilities can be considered a function of pressure rather
downward to eliminate gravity segregation effects. The core than saturation. The single-phase gas mixture is injected at a
holder, back-pressure regulators, fluid accumulators, and flow constant pump rate until the pressure drop reaches steady
lines are inside a temperature-controlled, forced-air circulation state. The gas and condensate relative permeabilities are then
oven at 145°F. The oven temperature is measured with a calculated directly from Darcy's law. Next, the end-point gas
metal thermocouple and displayed on a digital indicator with relative permeability was measured using the equilibrium gas
an accuracy of ±1°C. at 1200 psig. During the second stage of the experiment,
methanol was injected to remove the condensate followed by a
Coreflood Procedure. A core with a diameter of 0.972 in. repeat of the first stage. The viscosity of each gas phase was
and a length of 8.01 in. was cut from a source rock block. measured experimentally (Table 3) using a capillary
Two types of cores were used: Texas Cream Limestone and viscometer with a diameter of 0.005 in., calibrated with
Berea Sandstone. Experimental core properties are listed in methane at 3000 psig.
Table 2. The core was dried in an oven at 95°C for more than
2 weeks. The core was wrapped with an aluminum foil and a Results and Discussion
heat-shrink Teflon. The wrapped core was placed into a core Phase Behavior. Figure 2 shows a liquid dropout data for the
holder inside the oven at 145°F. After 4 hours, an axial gas mixture at 145°F. The measured dewpoint pressure for
pressure was applied by screwing the end pieces of the core this mixture is 2795 psig. The Peng-Robinson equation-of-
holder. Then, an overburden pressure of 3400 psig was state (PREOS) with zero binary interaction coefficients
applied. The initial core permeability (at Sg=100%) was showed good agreement with these data. The phase envelope
measured using methane at a flowing pressure of 3000 psig. computed from the PREOS (Fig. 3) shows that the coreflood
Water was introduced into the core using a vacuum push- conditions (1200 psig and 145°F) are in the retrograde region.
pull technique. The outlet end of the core holder was
connected to a vacuum pump and a full vacuum was applied Condensate Blocking. Coreflood experiments were
for 5 hours. The inlet end was closed. A predetermined conducted using both Texas Cream limestone and Berea
amount of brine was injected from the inlet of the core holder sandstone cores with water saturations between 0 and 54%
using a burette while a vacuum was pulled from the outlet end established using the vacuum push-pull method except for the
of the core holder. The core holder was placed inside the oven highest value of 54%, which was achieved by a displacement
at 145°F and opened to atmospheric pressure. The core holder of water with methane. The initial gas permeability (ki) was
was allowed to reach an equilibrium temperature. Then, a measured with methane in all experiments. The gas relative
series of push-pull cycles were applied using a Ruska hand permeability (krg) in this paper is defined as the gas
pump through the outlet of the core holder. Between each permeability divided by the gas permeability at 100% gas.
push and pull cycle, a break of 15 minutes was taken to allow The measured gas relative permeabilities are shown in Fig. 4.
water vapor to distribute through the core. The water A Productivity Index (PI) is defined as the ratio of total
saturation procedure was completed after 32 push-pull cycles. flow rate to pressure drop during condensate accumulation.

For the sake of comparison, the PI was normalized to the cores during two-phase flow at 1200 psig. These pressure
initial productivity index (PIo). A single phase enters the buildup data show the same trend as observed for low
back-pressure regulator at 3000 psig and flashes downstream permeability corefloods. The gas relative permeability
into gas and condensate (oil) phases at 1200 psig. From a decreased to 0.02 and 0.05 for the two Berea corefloods
mass balance across the back-pressure regulator, the gas (qg) summarized in Table 5. At 38% water saturation, the gas
and oil (qo) rates can be calculated from the pump rate (q) relative permeability is lower than with 0% water saturation,
as follows: which is likely due to the combined effects of condensate and
fg q ρ water blocking. Although these Berea cores had a permeability
qg = ………………………………… (1) 80-fold higher than Texas Cream Limestone, condensate
f oρo + f g ρg
blocking showed the same extent of reduction in gas
fo q ρ productivity (95%).
qo = ………………………………… (2) Fig. 8 illustrates the decline in productivity index during
f oρo + f gρg
condensate accumulation for both rocks at different water
where the properties of gas and oil phases were evaluated at a saturations. Fig. 9 compares the normalized PI of Texas
pressure of 1200 psig, while those for a single phase were at Cream Limestone with Berea sandstone during two-phase
3000 psig. flow. This result shows that condensate blocking reduces gas
productivity in both low and high permeability cores to the
Low Permeability Cores. The flow of gas mixture at 1200 same extent.
psig yields two-phase flow since the pressure is below the
dewpoint value. Fig. 5 shows the pressure drop across Effect of Methanol Treatment. Coreflood data reported by
different sections of a Texas Cream Limestone core during Du et al.7 clearly show increases in gas relative permeability
condensate accumulation at 1200 psig. The condensate bank after methanol injection following condensate accumulation in
propagates through each section until it reaches a steady state. Texas Cream Limestone. However, they did not determine
The pressure drop in each section took 4 PV to reach a how the increase in gas relative permeability varied with the
stabilized value. Fig. 6 shows the pressure drop across Texas volume of the methanol treatment. The methanol volume was
Cream Limestone cores during two-phase flow at different varied in these new corefloods for this purpose in both Texas
rates and water saturations. Table 4 gives the gas and oil Cream Limestone and Berea sandstone cores. Fig. 10 defines
relative permeability values during two-phase flow at 1200 the three steady state flow periods observed in these
psig. The gas relative permeability at steady state decreased corefloods: (1) after accumulation of condensate (2) an
by 95%. Initially, the condensate phase started to fill-up the enhanced flow period (lower pressure drop) following the
pores while the gas phase is flowing. When the pressure drop methanol injection and (3) after condensate accumulates
reached a steady state, both gas and condensate reached following the methanol and the pressure drop increases to
steady state fractional flow values. The steady state relative about its pre-treatment level once the methanol loses
permeability values for the gas and condensate shown in Table its effectiveness.
4 show that as the water saturation increased krg decreased
from 0.09 to 0.05 and kro decreased from 0.36 to 0.13. More Methanol Treatments in Low Permeability Cores. Fig. 11
pore volumes were needed for the pressure drop to reach a shows pressure drop across the core during dynamic
steady state value as the flow rate increased. This was an condensate accumulation before and after methanol
unexpected result and indicates there was insufficient time for treatments. In this experiment, two methanol treatments with
local equilibrium to be achieved in at least the higher flow rate a volume of 20 PV each were performed after each condensate
corefloods. The effect of non-equilibrium flow on condensate accumulation flood. Before methanol treatment, condensate
accumulation is currently under investigation by conducting decreased the relative permeability of gas to 0.04 and of oil to
new corefloods at lower flow rates. However, the steady state 0.17. After the first methanol treatment (20 PV), there is an
relative permeabilities reported in this paper should still be enhanced flow period. The pressure drop reaches a minimum
valid. We report capillary numbers for all corefloods since value at about 36 PV. The enhanced flow period indicates a
relative permeabilities are a function of capillary number delay in the condensate accumulation. This delay in
above some critical value.4 condensate blocking is due to the presence of a methanol-rich
phase that is miscible with both water and condensate at the
High Permeability Cores. This is the first time we have used coreflood temperature and pressure and sufficiently high
the dynamic condensate accumulation procedure to measure methanol concentrations. As the liquid methanol is stripped
gas and oil relative permeabilities for high-permeability out by mass transfer into the flowing gas phase, the
sandstone. The common assumption is that condensate condensate starts to accumulate and eventually the pressure
blocking is more of a problem in low permeability formations drop increases to about the same level as before treatment.
than in high permeability formations, but little if any The gas and oil relative permeability values during the post-
experimental coreflood data are in the literature to support this treatment accumulation reached 0.04 and 0.19, which are close
key assumption. Fig. 7 depicts the pressure drop across Berea to those during the pre-treatment accumulation period.

The second methanol treatment extended the enhanced Figure 17 shows the effect of methanol on PI during
flow period by a factor of 2 indicating an insufficient volume condensate accumulation in a dry Berea core (Swi=0). The PI
of methanol was injected the first time. The effect of after the second treatment showed the same trend as that after
methanol treatment on PI during condensate accumulation is the first one, except it declined later. With no water present in
shown in Fig. 12. Initially, the PI decreased from 23 to 0.76 the core, methanol filled the same pore volume during each
cc/hr/psi due to condensate blocking. During the enhanced treatment. Table 8 gives the gas relative permeability during
flow period after each methanol treatment, the PI increased by the enhanced flow period in Berea cores. The enhancement in
a factor on the order of 10. Table 6 summarizes the gas gas productivity in a water-saturated core is higher than that in
relative permeability during the enhanced flow period in a dry core. The first methanol treatment (20 PV) increased the
Texas Cream Limestone. All the results indicate an gas relative permeability during the enhanced flow period at
enhancement in gas productivity after methanol treatment. Swi of 38% by a factor of 10.5 and the second treatment
The gas productivity improvement is much higher in cores increased it to a factor of 15. Methanol is more effective at
with high initial water saturation. For example, krg increased increasing krg in the presence of high water saturation. Fig. 18
by an order of magnitude in cores with water saturation in the shows the effect of methanol on the duration of the enhanced
range of 20 to 54%. flow period in Berea cores. Larger cumulative volumes of
Figure 13 shows the effect of methanol on the duration of methanol resulted in a longer enhanced flow period.
enhanced flow period in Texas Cream Limestone cores. The Table 9 gives the gas end-point relative permeability in
duration shown on Fig. 13 is defined based upon the minimum Berea cores before and after methanol treatment. Before
in the pressure drop. The duration of the enhanced flow period methanol treatment, high water saturation contributed to
increases with the volume of the methanol treatment. A two- severe damage in korg. At Swi of 38%, korg is about 42% of that
stage methanol treatment (20 PV each) doubled the duration of in dry cores. The impact of water saturation together with
the enhanced flow period. However, the third stage of condensate blocking in high permeability cores resulted in a
methanol increased the enhanced flow period by only 17% severe reduction in gas relative permeability. The
relative to the second treatment. More delay was observed at improvement in the gas end-point relative permeability after
higher water saturation with the same volume of methanol methanol treatment is greater than that in low permeability
used. Sufficient volumes of methanol can apparently displace cores, especially in the presence of a high water saturation.
both the condensate and water for the core and enhance the After the first methanol treatment, korg increased by a factor of
gas relative permeability. 2.5 in a Berea core with Swi = 38%, while korg increased by a
Table 7 gives the gas end-point relative permeabilities factor of 1.5 in the Texas Cream Limestone core with the
before and after methanol treatment. The first methanol highest water saturation (Swi=54%).
treatment increased the gas end-point relative permeability by
more than 25, 35, and 54% at initial water saturations of 0, 20, Conclusions
and 54%, respectively. The effect of methanol on gas end- 1. Gas relative permeability during two-phase steady state
point relative permeability is illustrated in Fig. 14. This ratio corefloods decreased 91 to 98% due to condensate and
is defined as korg after methanol treatment to korg before water blocking.
methanol treatment (korg damage). This figure shows that 2. Gas relative permeability decreased about the same
methanol treatments were effective in increasing korg and the percentage in high permeability cores (Berea) as in low
increase was more at high initial water saturations. permeability cores (Texas Cream limestone).
3. A more severe reduction in gas relative permeability
Methanol Treatments in High Permeability Cores. Methanol during two-phase flow of gas and oil occurred at high
treatments performed in high permeability cores showed the water saturation than at low water saturation.
same behavior as that observed in low permeability ones. Fig. 4. After methanol treatment, an enhanced flow period is
15 shows the effect of methanol treatments on condensate observed in both low and high permeability cores.
accumulation in a Berea core at Swi=38%. Condensate Condensate accumulation is delayed for a certain time.
blocking decreased the relative permeability to the gas and oil During this time, the productivity index can be increased
phases to 0.02 and 0.1, respectively. This is the same behavior by an order of magnitude in both low and high
as that observed with the low permeability cores. Methanol permeability cores. The duration of enhanced flow period
treatments produced an enhanced flow period where the gas is controlled by the volume of methanol injected and its
productivity reached a maximum as shown by the high values rate of mass transfer into the flowing gas phase after
of PI (Fig. 16). The first methanol treatment increased the PI treatment. Methanol treatments remove both water and
by 10-fold, while the second treatment increased it by a factor condensate by a multi-contact miscible displacement if
of 15. Since this core had a high water saturation (38%), the sufficient methanol is injected.
first methanol treatment was probably effective in removing
most of the water from the core since water and methanol are Methanol treatments resulted in a significant but temporary
miscible in all proportions. The second methanol treatment enhancement in productivity for both low and high
may have been needed to remove all of the condensate. permeability cores. The removal of water-blocks would be
expected to have a long lasting impact on a well’s PI. The

condensate phase will reform and cause the PI to decrease in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs with a New Trapping Model,"
again if the bottom hole pressure is the same following the SPE Res. Eval. & Eng. (April, 2000), 3 (2), 171.
treatment. However, in some cases the temporary removal of 5. Engineer, R.: "Cal Canal Field, California: Case History of a
the condensate and/or water block may allow gas production Tight and Abnormally Pressured Gas Condensate Reservoir,"
SPE 13650 presented at the 1985 SPE California Regional
at significantly lower pressure drawdown resulting in less Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, March 27-29.
condensate accumulation, perhaps even allowing the well to 6. Kamath, J., and Laroche, C.: “Laboratory Based Evaluation of
be produced at a bottom hole pressure above the dew point for Gas Well Deliverability Loss Due to Waterblocking,” SPE
a longer period of time than would otherwise be economic. In 63161 presented at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference
other cases due to operations such as lean gas injection in and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, October 1-4.
other wells some time in the past, the gas flowing to a given 7. Du, L., Walker, J.G., Pope, G.A., Sharma, M.M., and Wang, P.:
gas-condensate well may be less rich than what caused the “Use of Solvents to Improve the Productivity of Gas Condensate
original condensate block. Therefore, further investigation is Wells,” SPE 62935 proceedings of the 2000 SPE Annual
needed to evaluate the expected duration of the enhanced flow Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, TX,
October 1-4.
period under a variety of field conditions. 8. Luo, K., Li, S., Zheng, X., Chen, G., Dai, Z., and Liu, N.:
“Experimental Investigation into Revaporization of Retrograde
Acknowledgments Condensate by Lean Gas Injection,” SPE 68683 presented at the
We would like to thank Bruce Rouse, Glen Baum, and Bob 2001 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Conference and Exhibition,
Savicki for their help with the experimental apparatus. We Jakarta, Indonesia, April 17-19.
would also like to thank the sponsors of this gas-condensate 9. Jamaluddin, A.K.M., Thomas, S.Y.J., D’Cruz, D., and
research: Aramco, Chevron, Conoco, JNOC, and Texaco. Nighswander, J.: “Experimental and Theoretical Assessment of
Using Propane to Remediate Liquid Buildup on Condensate
Reservoirs,” SPE 71526 presented at the 2001 SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LO,
fg = Fractional flow of gas phase September 30-October 3.
fo = Fractional flow of oil phase 10. Antoci, J.C., Briggiler, N.J., and Chadwich, J.A.: “Crosslinked
ki = Initial core permeability, md Methanol: Analysis of a Successful Experience in Fracturing
korg = Gas end-point relative permeability Gas Wells,” SPE 69585 presented at the 2001 SPE Latin
krg = Gas phase relative permeability American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference,
kro = Oil phase relative permeability Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 25-28.
Nc = Capillary number, dimensionless 11. Barnum, R.S., Brinkman, F.P., Richardson, T.W., and Spillette,
PI = Productivity index, cc/hr/psi A.G.: “Gas Condensate Reservoir Behavior: Productivity and
PIo = Normalized productivity index, dimensionless Recovery Reduction Due to Condensation,” SPE 30767
presented at the 1995 SPE Annual Conference and Exhibition,
PV = Pore volumes injected, dimensionless Dallas, TX, October 22-25.
q = Pump flow rate, cc/hr 12. Whitson, C.H., Fevang, ø., and Saevareid, A.: “Gas Condensate
qg = Gas-phase flow rate, cc/hr Relative Permeability for Well Calculations,” SPE 56476
qo = Oil phase flow rate, cc/hr presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Swi = Initial water saturation Exhibition, Houston, TX, October 3-6.
∆P = Pressure drop, psi
ρ = Molar density of a single phase, lbmole/ft3 SI Metric Conversion Factors
ρg = Molar density of gas phase, lbmole/ft3 cp × 1.0* E-03 = Pa.s
ρo = Molar density of oil phase, lbmole/ft3 ft × 3.048* E-01 = m
°F (°F-32)/1.8 = °C
References gal × 3.785412 E-03 = m3
1. Mott, R.E., Cable, A.S., and Spearing, M.C.: “Measurements of in. × 2.54* E+00 = cm
Relative Permeabilities for Calculating Gas-Condensate Well mL × 1.0* E+00 = cm3
Deliverability,” SEP Res. Eval. & Eng., Vol. 3, No. 6, Dec.
2000, 473-479.
psi × 6.894757 E+00 = kPa
2. Afidick, D., Kaczorowski, N.J., and Bette, S.: “Production Conversion factor is exact.
Performance of Retrograde Gas Reservoir: A Case Study of the
Arun Field,” SPE 28749 presented at the 1994 SPE Asia Pacific Table 1-Composition of gas mixture.
Oil and Gas Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 7-10. Component Mole Fraction
3. Narayanaswamy, G., Pope, G.A., Sharma, M.M., Hwang, M.K., Methane 0.800
and Vaidya, R.N.: “Predicting Gas Condensate Well
n-Butane 0.150
Productivity Using Capillary Number and Non-Darcy Effects,”
SPE 51910 proceedings of the 1999 SPE Reservoir Simulation n-Heptane 0.038
Symposium, Houston, TX, February 14-17. n-Decane 0.012
4. Pope, G.A., Wu, W., Narayanaswamy, G., Delshad, M., Sharma,
M.M., and Wang, P.: "Modeling Relative Permeability Effects

Table 2-Experimental core properties. Table 7-Effect of methanol treatment on gas end-
Rock Type Texas Cream Limestone Berea Sandstone point relative permeability in Texas Cream
Diameter, in 0.972 0.972 Limestone cores.
Length, in 8.01 8.01 Exp.-4 Exp.-7 Exp.-8 Exp.-10 Exp.-13
Pore Volume, mL ~20 ~20
Porosity, % 20.8 20.5 ki, md 2.72 2.32 4.43 5.10 4.50

ki, md 1-6 220-380 Swi, % 0 0 20 20 53.96

Table 3-Gas viscosity measured with the capillary Nc 1.6×10


viscometer krg
Gas Pressure, psig Viscosity, cp Before 0.384 0.517 0.675 0.690 0.529
Methane 3000 0.01879 MeOH
krg After
Gas Mixture 3000 0.03261 First 0.580 0.647 0.829 0.933 0.819
Equilibrium gas 1200 0.01682 MeOH
krg After
Second - 0.704 0.916 - -
Table 4-Relative permeability values in Texas Cream MeOH
Limestone cores during two-phase flow at 1200 psig.
Exp.-7 Exp.-8 Exp.-10 Exp.-13 Table 8-Gas relative permeability during enhanced
ki, md 2.32 4.43 5.10 4.50 flow period in Berea cores.
Swi, % 0 20 20 54 Exp.-12 Exp.-12a
-7 -7 -7 -7
Nc 1.5×10 1.5×10 2.0×10 2.2×10 ki, md 246 378
krg 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.03 Swi, % 0 38
kro 0.36 0.17 0.17 0.13 Nc 2.4×10

krg Before MeOH 0.05 0.02

Table 5-Relative permeability values in Berea cores krg After First MeOH 0.43 0.21
during two-phase flow at 1200 psig. krg After Second MeOH 0.48 0.30
Exp.-12 Exp.-12a
krg After Fifth MeOH 0.54 -
ki, md 246 378
Swi, % 0 38 Table 9-Effect of methanol treatment on gas end-
-6 -6
Nc 2.4×10 2.2×10 point relative permeability in Berea cores.
krg 0.05 0.02 Exp.-12 Exp.-12a
kro 0.19 0.10 ki, md 246 378
Swi, % 0 38
Table 6-Gas relative permeability during enhanced Nc 2.4×10

flow period in Texas Cream Limestone cores. Before Methanol 0.901 0.386
Exp.-4 Exp.-7 Exp.-8 Exp.-10 Exp.-13 After First Methanol 0.960 0.967
After Second Methanol 0.984 0.807
ki, md 2.72 2.32 4.43 5.10 4.50
After Fifth Methanol 0.946 -
Swi, % 0 0 20 20 53.96

-7 -7 -7 -7 -7
Nc 1.6×10 1.5×10 1.5×10 2.0×10 2.2×10
Before 0.13 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.03
krg After
First 0.21 0.11 0.33 0.41 0.36
krg After
Second - 0.41 0.46 - -

Temperature-Controlled Oven
BPR-1 Berea Sandstone
Visual Cell 0.9
Texas Cream Limestone

Gas Relative Permeability

Pressure Core Capillary
Transducers 0.6
Holder Viscometer

PVT Cell Ruska
Pump 0.1
Effluent to
Fume Hood 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 1-A schematic diagram of core flow apparatus. Gas Saturation

Fig. 4-Gas-water relative permeability curves.

Measured 18
Calculated (PREOS)
20 16
Liquid Dropout, %


Pressure Drop, psi

Total ∆P
5 6

Sec.-2 Sec.-3 Sec.-4
0 2
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Pressure, psig 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 2-Gas mixture liquid dropout curve at 145°F. Pore Volumes Injected
Fig. 5-Pressure drop at different sections across a Texas Cream
Limestone core during condensate accumulation at 1200 psig.
3000 140
Exp.-10, Swi=20%
Exp.-8, Swi=20% q=60 cc/hr
2500 120
Pressure, psia

q=44.8 cc/hr

Pressure Drop, psi

50% 100
Exp.-7, Swi=0%
1500 q=44.8 cc/hr
70% 80
1000 80%
90% 60
-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 20
Temperature, F 0
Fig. 3-Phase envelope of gas mixture predicted by PREOS. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Pore Volumes Injected
Fig. 6-Pressure drop across Texas Cream Limestone cores during
condensate accumulation at 1200 psig at different rates and water

Before Methanol After Methanol

32 Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment
Pressure Drop, psi

28 Accumulation
Exp.-12a, Swi=38%
24 Pressure
Enhanced Gas
Gas Flow Period
16 + +
Exp.-12, Swi=0%
Condensate Condensate
Gas +
8 Condensate +
0 Time
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Fig. 10–Steady state flow periods before and after methanol
Pore Volumes Injected treatment during two-phase flow through the core.
Fig. 7-Pressure drop across Berea cores during condensate
accumulation at 1200 psig and 600 cc/hr.

Berea, Swi=0% 120
Berea, Swi-38%
Texas Cream Limestone, Swi=0%

Pressure Drop, psi

Texas Cream Limestone, Swi=20% 100
1000 Before
PI, cc/hr/psi

60 After 1st After 2nd
Methanol Methanol
Treatment Treatment
10 40

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 Pore Volumes Injected
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Pore Volumes Injected Fig. 11–Effect of methanol treatment on condensate accumulation
Fig. 8–Effect of condensate blocking on productivity index of in Texas Cream Limestone core at Swi=20%.
Texas Cream Limestone and Berea cores at different water
saturation. 100

After 1st
1.2 Methanol
Berea, Swi=0% Treatment
Berea, Swi=38%
1.0 Texas Cream Limestone, Swi=0% 10 After 2nd
PI, cc/hr/psi

Texas Cream Limestone, Swi=20% Methanol


0.6 1
0.4 Treatment

0.2 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0.0 Pore Volumes Injected
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Fig. 12–Effect of methanol treatment on PI during condensate
Pore Volumes Injected accumulation in Texas Cream Limestone core at Swi=20%.
Fig. 9–Normalized productivity ratio during condensate
accumulation at different water saturations.

90 1000
Exp.-7 (Swi=0%)
80 Exp.-8 (Swi=20%) After 2nd
Condensate Bank Delay, PV

Exp.-13 (Swi=54%) Methanol

70 Treatment
After 1st

PI, cc/hr/psi

20 Methanol


0 10
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Cumulative Methanol Treatment Volume, PV Pore Volumes Injected
Fig. 16–Effect of methanol treatment on PI during condensate
Fig. 13–Effect of methanol on duration of enhanced flow period in accumulation in Berea core at Swi=38%.
Texas Cream Limestone cores.
20PV Methanol
40PV Methanol After 2nd
1.8 Methanol
1000 Treatment
1.7 PI, cc/hr/psi

1.6 After 1st

1.5 Treatment
1.2 Before
1 10
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Initial Water Saturation Pore Volumes Injected
Fig. 17–Effect of methanol treatment on PI during condensate
Fig. 14–Effect of methanol treatment on gas relative permeability accumulation in Berea core at Swi=0%.
end-point ratio in Texas Cream Limestone cores.

Exp.-12 (Swi=0%)
40 Exp.-12a (Swi=38%)
Condensate Bank Delay, PV

32 Before
Pressure Drop, psi

28 50
24 40
16 After 1st
Methanol 20
12 Treatment
After 2nd 10
8 Methanol
Treatment 0
0 20 40 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Cumulative Methanol Treatment Volume, PV
Pore Volumes Injected Fig. 18–Effect of methanol on duration of enhanced flow period in
Fig. 15–Effect of methanol treatment on condensate accumulation Berea cores.
in Berea core at Swi=38%.

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