Saigon First Impressions (2017_06_24 03_54_53 UTC)

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2017 Saigon First Impressions | Sketchpacker


Saigon First Impressions

I didn’t bring shorts to Siagon.

I didn’t bring shorts, I didn’t bring singlets, I didn’t bring anything light or airy and I thought I
would be fine! I was fine in India wasn’t I? I would wear black every day, my legs and arms
smothered in tight coꆁon and my waste hidden behind a loose smock of some sort, and sure I would
sweat like a waterfall but for some reason I don’t remember it bothering me much.


I just sort of oozed liquid all day, and my body stabilised at a productive and comfortable
temperature. Simple! But it is very different here. I don’t know if its my winter‑worn body being
tardy in its adjustment or if its just plain hoꆁer here than in a South‑Indian summer, perhaps the air
is weꆁer or the sun less sympathetic?


Saigon is a metropolis of West meets East, especially in

the backpacker district Pham Ngu Lao.

A 20 minute walk into town and you’re struck by the

gleaming glass of ‘Channel’ and ‘Guchi’, 5 minutes back
and you’re buying peanuts from a walking vendor, a few
streets to your right and you’re lost in the bars and
brothels of Siagon’s red‑light mayhem, and in the maze
of alleyways that link all these together you will find the
smallest and most friendly people you have ever seen.
They are almost warm in their friendliness.

The Vietnamese here in Ho Chi Minh are,­first­impressions/ yes, brilliant scam artists, speakers of many many 1/2
24.06.2017 Saigon First Impressions | Sketchpacker

The Vietnamese here in Ho Chi Minh are, yes, brilliant scam artists, speakers of many many
languages, and entrepreneurs of the most sophisticated degree. But besides all this there is an
inherent and deeply seated smile in all of them which seems to grace them with the sort of
approachable friendliness that we so lack in Sydney. Saigon, from what I have seen so far, is busy,
colourful, smelly and bloody hot from its weather to its inhabitants.

And the heat isn’t just a product of an aggressive sun. It seems to emanate more from the roads, the
plants, the very city dribbles waves of the stuff like its trying to beat the sky at its own game. The
huge clusters of jabbering people block the steamy alley they are squaꆁing in with steamy heat of
their own; the giant cloud‑tickling business blocks and their shiny glass make it a business to throw
the sun in all directions, flashing your skin from every angle; even the trees are sweating and with the
advent of every lush leaf the very air of Saigon must get a liꆁle hoꆁer


And as a result, I have in the last few days officially been transformed into a human heating system.
Chilly at night? Is the air‑con I covet so much geꆁing to you? Well here just grab a hold of my hand
for a few minutes and you’ll soon be so warm you’ll forget you were ever uncomfortable…

How I Lived in HCMC on Under $200/Month > (hⴓ�ps://‑on‑


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