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Sandya Alamanda, Margono Setiawan, Dodi W.



20, 1 Sandya Alamanda
Received, March ‘21
Revised, June ‘21
Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business,
September ‘21 Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
December ‘21 Margono Setiawan
Accepted, December ‘21 Dodi W. Irawanto
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of leadership style on
employee performance with job satisfaction and organizational commitment as an interven-
ing variable at PT. PLN (Persero) North Surabaya Area. This research was conducted using
a questionnaire to 120 employees of PT. PLN (Persero) Area North Surabaya. Then the data
is analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS). This study examines the direct and indirect
effects. The result of this study states that leadership style can provide the effect of
improving employee job satisfaction. Leadership style can affect increasing organizational
commitment. Leadership style can give influence in improving employee performance. Job
satisfaction cannot have an effect on improving employee performance. Organizational
commitment can affect improving employee performance. Leadership style cannot give
indirect influence in improving employee performance through job satisfaction. Leadership
style can have an indirect influence on improving employee performance through organiza-
tional commitment.
Journal of Applied
Management (JAM)
Keywords: Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Employee Per-
Volume 20 Number 1, formance
March 2022
Indexed in DOAJ - Cite this article as: Alamanda, S., M. Setiawan, and D. W. Irawanto. 2022. Leadership Styles
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Journals, ACI - ASEAN on Employee Performance with Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment as Inter-
Citation Index, SINTA - vening Variables. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 20, Number 1, Pages 34–42. Malang:
Science and Technology Universitas Brawijaya.
Index, and Google

The increasing development ity of human resources. Leaders have a role in devel-
of science and technology oping and improving the capabilities of the human
today shows that the era of resources in the organization they have managed.
Corresponding Author: globalization has occurred in Leadership is a process of influencing a person
Sandya Alamanda, Master of
Management, Faculty of Eco- several countries of the or group to achieve certain goals. The quality of the
nomics and Business, Univer- world. One of the orga- leader is often regarded as the most important issue
sitas Brawijaya, Indonesia,
Email: sandya.alamanda@ nization’s efforts not to be left in the success or failure of an organization that they, DOI: http://dx.
d o i .o rg / 1 0 .2 1 7 7 6 / u b.ja m .
behind by these develop- manage (Menon, 2002). Mannheim and Halamish
2022.020.01.04 ments is to improve the qual- (2008) suggested that the optimal leader is the one


Leadership Styles on Employee Performance with Work Satisfaction and ...

who exhibits most of the transformational leader- ment in a college. Brahmasari and Agus (2008)
ship styles, while the transactional style avoids at a stated that leadership style has no significant effect
lower level. on employee performance in employees of PT. Hai
Each organization will strive to manage its hu- International Wiratama Indonesia. Pangestuti et al.
man resources and its commitment to achieving its (2014) stated that the direct leadership style has no
goals. State Electricity Company or PT. PLN significant effect on employee performance against
(Persero) is one of the government organizations employees of PT. Terminal Peti Kemas Surabaya.
which have a vision and mission (Competency Di- Differences of several subjects of the study
rectory of PT PLN (Persero), 2006 on Employee above are interesting to investigate further, but with
Competency. PT is upgrading service quality im- different subjects against employees of State-Owned
provement. PLN (Persero) to provide excellent ser- Enterprises (SOEs) with the number of assets scat-
vice to customers. tered in almost all parts of Indonesia, namely PT.
In 2014 PT. PLN (Persero) East Java Distri- PLN (Persero).
bution had conducted an Employee Engagement PT. PLN (Persero) NSA is one of the public
Survey to determine the level of job satisfaction, service companies (public) expected to provide
organizational commitment, and the influence of maximum service to electricity customers. Seeing
leadership style. The test results show that the leader the phenomenon of leadership style Manager PT.
does not prioritize subordinates’ satisfaction at work. PLN (Persero) NSA, with the characteristics of
Employees are not satisfied with managing and con- urban customers and the realization of performance
trolling work. Superiors are less enthusiastic through appraisal of different employees each semester, it
new ideas submitted by subordinates. Individuals’ is necessary to research the factors that determine
and organizations’ perspectives are still the same the change. Some of the potential factors influence
perspectives of other individuals and organizations. that is because the leadership style can affect satis-
Some research on the influence of leadership faction and organizational commitment that will de-
style on employee performance with job satisfac- termine the assessment of employee performance.
tion and organizational commitment as an interven- Based on the description of the background of the
ing variable has been done on several organizations. problem, the purpose of this study is to determine
Bushra et al. (2011) stated that leadership style sig- the effect of leadership style on employee job satis-
nificantly affects job satisfaction and organizational faction, the influence of leadership style on employee
commitment on Bank Lahore Pakistan employees. organizational commitment, the influence of leader-
Research on forestry officers of Kutai Barat Dis- ship style on employee performance, the effect of
trict stated that leadership style had a significant job satisfaction on employee performance, and the
effect on job satisfaction and employee performance influence of leadership style on employee perfor-
(Assegaf et al., 2014). Research on employees of mance, the indirect influence of leadership style on
the Religion Department of Kendal Regency and employee performance through job satisfaction, and
Department of Religion of Semarang city stated that
leadership style significantly influenced job satisfac- H6
tion, organizational commitment, and employee per-
formance (Raharjo and Nafisah, 2006). Job Satisfaction

The above research has different results with H4

some of the following research by Bourantas and H3 Employees

Leadership Style Performance
Papalexandris (1993) that research on the public
organization stated that leadership style had no sig- H2 H5
nificant effect on job satisfaction and organizational Commitment

commitment. Utaminingsih (2006) stated that lead- H7

ership style does not affect organizational commit- Figure 1. Framework for Research Concepts

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 35
Sandya Alamanda, Margono Setiawan, Dodi W. Irawanto

the influence of indirect leadership style on employee proach with proportionate stratified random sam-
performance through organizational commitment. pling technique. The data used are primary data
obtained directly through the answers of question-
Concept and Hypothesis Framework naires from employee respondents. The data mea-
Based on the picture above for the basic hy- surement technique uses the Likert Scale. Data
pothesis 1 (H1) refers to the research of Bushra et collection techniques used are survey data collec-
al. (2011), Assegaf et al. (2014), Brahmasari and tion techniques by spreading and distributing ques-
Agus (2008), and Walumbwa (2005). Hypothesis 2 tionnaires. The data analysis tool used in this re-
(H 2 ) refers to the research of Purwanto and search is Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help
Adisubroto (2001) and Mohamad (2012). Hypoth- of the Smart PLS ver program. 2.0 M3.
esis 3 (H3) refers to the research of Assegaf et al.
(2014) and Openg (2013). Hypothesis 4 (H4) refers RESULTS
to the research of Assegaf et al. (2014). Hypoth- Data analysis technique with Smart PLS is used
esis 5 (H5 ) refers to the research of Husnawati to assess the outer model Convergent Validity, Dis-
(2006). Hypothesis 6 (H6) refers to the research of criminant Validity, and Composite Reliability. The
Assegaf et al. (2014), Brahmasari and Agus (2008), Convergent Validity result states that all the loading
Husnawati (2006), and Mariam (2009). Hypothesis factor values of the Leadership Style indicator (X1),
7 (H7 ) refers to research Nurjanah (2008) and Job Satisfaction (Z1), Organizational Commitment
Husnawati (2006). (Y), and Employee Performance (Y2) are greater
The conceptual framework and research model than 0.60 and valid. Discriminant Validity results
analyzed in this study is the influence of leadership show that all indicators that make up each variable
style on employee performance with job satisfac- meet discriminant validity because they have the
tion and organizational commitment as intervening largest outer loading value for each variable formed
variables. Hypothesis 1 states that leadership style from these indicators and not for other variables.
has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Hypoth- Composite Reliability results state that the AVE value
esis 2 states that leadership style has a significant for the four constructs is greater than 0.5, so it can
effect on organizational commitment. Hypothesis 3 be concluded that the model measurement evalua-
states leadership style has a significant effect on tion has good discriminant validity.
employee performance. Hypothesis 4 states job
satisfaction has a significant effect on employee Table 1. Goodness of Fit
performance. Hypothesis 5 states organizational
commitment has a significant effect on employee Composite Cronbach’s
Variable AVE
performance. Hypothesis 6 states that leadership Reliability Alpha
style has an indirectly significant effect on employee X 0.5632 0.9673 0.9645
performance through job satisfaction. Hypothesis 7 Z1 0.5171 0.9446 0.9374
states that leadership style has an indirectly signifi- Z2 0.6810 0.9591 0.9529
cant effect on employee performance through or- Y 0.5679 0.9216 0.9037
ganizational commitment. Source: Data Processing with PLS, 2016

METHOD Table 2. Square Point

This research uses a quantitative approach with
an explanatory research type. The population in this Variable R Square
research is the permanent employee of PT. PLN Z1 0.5979
(Persero) NSA are 171 employees with a total Z2 0.2927
sample of 120 respondents. Sampling technique us- Y 0.7679
ing Slovin equation through probability sampling ap- Source: Data Processing with PLS, 2016


Leadership Styles on Employee Performance with Work Satisfaction and ...

The result of the inner or structural model test tive relevance) with the result of 0.9339; it means
is done to view the relationship between construct that the magnitude of the research data that the
significance value and R-square from the research structural model can explain is 93.39%, while the
model with the result in Table 2. remaining 6.60% is explained by the variable oth-
In the PLS model, the overall goodness of fit ers not found in this research model. In the PLS
assessment is known from the value of Q2 (predic- statistical test, each hypothesized relationship is per-

Table 3. Path Coefficient (Mean, STDEV, T-Values)

Variable Original Sample (O) Standard Deviation (STDEV) t Statistics (|O/STERR|)

X  Z1 0.7733 0.0880 8.7854
X  Z2 0.5411 0.1359 3.9801
XY 0.2906 0.1126 2.5819
Z1  Y 0.2152 0.2245 0.9587
Z2  Y 0.4948 0.1579 3.1327
Source: Data Processing with PLS, 2016

formed using simulation. Hypothesis testing proposed ences of opinion giving confidence to subordinates
can be seen from the value of t-statistics. in duty and authority.
Based on Table 3, the result of structural equa- However, some of the above results are in-
tion is as follows: versely related to research conducted by Bourantas
and Papalexanderis (1993) found that leadership
Z 1 = 0.7733 X; Z2 = 0.5411 X influence is insignificant to satisfaction in public or-
Y = 0.2906 X + 0.2152 Z1 + 0.4948 Z2 ganizations.
Testing the direct influence of leadership style
DISCUSSION on organizational commitment states that leadership
The testing of the direct influence of leader- style significantly affects organizational commitment
ship style on employee job satisfaction is that lead- (H2 ).
ership style has a significant effect on job satisfac- Based on the analysis result in Table 3, the path
tion (H1). coefficient value of 0.5411 with the t-statistic value
Based on the analysis results in Table 3, the 3.9801. This result means that the Leadership Style
path coefficient value of 0.7733 with the t-statisti- has a direct and positive effect on Organizational
cal value of 8.7854. The number is greater than the Commitment. Therefore, hypothesis 2 is acceptable.
critical value of t-statistics of ± 1.96. This result The results of this study support the research
means that Leadership Style has a direct and posi- conducted by Purwanto and Adisubroto (2001).
tive direct effect on Job Satisfaction. Therefore, These results suggest that transformational and
hypothesis 1 is acceptable. transactional leadership styles significantly affect
The results of the hypothesis support the re- organizational commitment.
sults of previous research by Assegaf et al. (2014), The results of this hypothesis are also follow-
Bushra et al. (2011), Mohamad (2012), Brahmasari ing research conducted by Bushra et al. (2011),
and Agus (2008), and Risambessy et al. (2012). Mohamad (2012), Raharjo and Nafisah (2006), and
Some of the results above show that the boss Atmojo (2012). However, the results of this study
who applies the leadership style well will be able to are inversely proportional to the research conducted
create satisfaction from subordinates by teaching by Bourantas and Papalexanderis (1993) found that
the principle of appreciating and accepting differ- the influence of leadership style does not have a

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 37
Sandya Alamanda, Margono Setiawan, Dodi W. Irawanto

significant effect on employee commitment to pub- performance is unacceptable (rejected). This hy-
lic organizations. pothesis supports the results of previous research
The testing of the direct influence of leader- by Crossman and Abou-Zaki (2003). But the re-
ship style on employee performance states that lead- sults of this study are inversely proportional to the
ership style has a significant effect on employee research conducted by Assegaf et al. (2014) and
performance (H3). Risambessy et al. (2012).
Based on the analysis results in table 3, the path Testing the direct effect of organizational com-
coefficient value of 0.2906 with a t-statistic value mitment on employee performance states that or-
of 2.5819. This result means that Leadership Style ganizational commitment has a significant effect on
has a direct and positive direct effect on Employee employee performance (H5).
Performance. Therefore, hypothesis 3 is acceptable. Based on the analysis results in Table 3, the
The results of this hypothesis support the re- path coefficient value of 0.4948 with the t-statisti-
sults of previous research by Openg (2013), cal value of 3.1327. This result means that organi-
Brahmasari and Agus (2008), Sudarmadi (2007), and zational commitment has a direct and positive di-
Widiarta et al. (2015). rect effect on Employee Performance. Hence, hy-
The results of the hypothesis are different from pothesis 5 can be accepted.
research conducted by Hadi (2009) and Pangestuti The result of the hypothesis supports the re-
et al. (2014) which the result is leadership style had sults of previous research by Nurjanah (2008),
no significant effect on employee performance Husnawati (2006), and Trang (2012).
The testing of the direct effect of Job Satisfac- However, the results of this study are inversely
tion on Employee Performance states that job sat- proportional to research conducted by Logahan and
isfaction has a significant effect on Employee Per- Aesaria (2014).
formance (H4). Some of the results above show that the higher
Based on the analysis result in Table 3, the value the organizational commitment of employees will
of the path coefficient of 0.2152 with t-statistics of increase the employee’s concern for the organiza-
0.9587. This result means that job satisfaction has a tion and the loyalty membership in the organization.
direct positive and insignificant effect on employee Knowing the indirect effect of the independent
performance. Hence, hypothesis 4 is rejected. variable to employee performance variable through
The results of the fourth hypothesis state that Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee with Sobel calculation can be seen in the following
Table 4.

Table 4. Indirect Effect

Variable Direct Coefficient Error Standard es group t count
X, Z1, Y 0.7733 0.2152 0.0880 0.2245 0.166 0.176 0.947
X, Z2, Y 0.5411 0.4948 0.1359 0.1579 0.268 0.111 2.416
Source: Data Processing with PLS, 2016

The tests of an indirect effect of leadership style Based on the analysis results in Table 4, the
on employee performance through job satisfaction value of the path coefficient of 0.166 with t-statis-
as an intervening variable states that the leadership tics of 0.947. This result means that the leadership
style influence is indirectly significant to employee style has a direct positive and insignificant effect on
performance through job satisfaction (H6).


Leadership Styles on Employee Performance with Work Satisfaction and ...

Employee Performance through job satisfaction. Based on the analysis results in Table 4, the
Therefore, hypothesis 6 is rejected. path coefficient value of 0.268 with the t-statistical
The test results do not follow the initial hypoth- value of 2.416. This result means that leadership
esis stating that leadership style significantly influ- style positively and insignificantly influences Em-
ences employee performance through job satisfac- ployee Performance through organizational commit-
tion. Based on the test results data, the satisfaction ment. Hence, hypothesis 7 is acceptable
of work itself has the lowest value compared to Based on the data from the test results, the
other indicators. Lawler in Robbins (1996) stated current leadership style can increase employees’
that satisfaction is based on the reality faced and organizational commitment as an intervening vari-
accepted as compensation of effort and power of able in improving employee performance. The re-
effort. sults of this test support the research undertaken by
The results of this hypothesis testing are in- Pangestuti et al. (2014.
versely proportional to the research conducted by But the hypothesis test results are inversely
Sudarmadi (2007) and Insan et al. (2013). proportional to the study by Stevanie et al. (2014),
The testing of the Indirect Effect of Leader- who found that leadership style has no significant
ship Style on Employee Performance through Or- effect on employee performance through organiza-
ganizational Commitment as Intervening Variable tional commitment.
states that the leadership style indirectly influences
employee performance through organizational com- Relationship Between Paths
mitment (H7). The results of all the tests done produce the
coefficient path between variables in Figure 2.


Job Satisfaction


2,58 Employees
Leadership Style Perfor mance

Commi tment


Figure 2. Diagram of The results of Path analysis of Leadership Style on Employee Performance with Job Satis-
faction And Organizational Commitment As Intervening Variable

Research Implications reference to the results of studies related to the

The implications of this research are the theo- implementation of leadership style on employee per-
retical implications and practical implications. This formance through job satisfaction and organizational
study’s first theoretical implication is an additional commitment. The second theoretical implication

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 39
Sandya Alamanda, Margono Setiawan, Dodi W. Irawanto

suggests that leadership styles directly influence job CONCLUSIONS

satisfaction, organizational commitment, and em- The conclusion that can be drawn from this
ployee performance. Empirical evidence found that research first is that leadership with a superior style
leadership style affects job satisfaction supporting can influence employee job satisfaction. These re-
previous research by Assegaf et al. (2014), Bushra sults indicate that the superior has provided the ideal
et al. (2011), Mohamad (2012), Brahmasari and effect by respecting the employees well, giving con-
Agus (2008), and Raharjo and Nafisah (2005). Other fidence to subordinates in duties and authority, and
research was supported by Risambessy et al. (2012) applying regulations to all employees. The second
and Atmojo (2012). Empirical evidence is found that conclusion suggests that leadership styles can af-
leadership style influences organizational commit- fect increasing organizational commitment. Lead-
ment supporting previous research by Purwanto and ership style determines the organizational commit-
Adisubroto (2001), Bushra et al. (2011), and ment of employees to the company. The third con-
Mohamad (2012). Another empirical evidence is that clusion states that leadership style can affect im-
leadership styles affect employee performance that proving employee performance. These results indi-
supports previous research by Openg (2013), cate that the boss’s leadership style can determine
Brahmasari and Agus (2008), Sudarmadi (2007), the performance of employees. The fourth conclu-
Nurjanah (2008), and Raharjo and Nafisah (2006). sion states that job satisfaction significantly affects
The third theoretical implication is through the indi- employee performance is unacceptable (rejected).
rect test of leadership style on the performance of These results indicate that employee job satisfac-
employees through job satisfaction states that lead- tion cannot affect employee performance. The fifth
ership style significantly indirectly influences em- conclusion states that organizational commitment
ployee performance through job satisfaction. The can affect improving employee performance. These
results of this test indicate that the better the lead- results indicate that the higher organizational com-
ership style, it will not improve employee perfor- mitment of effective, sustainable, and normative
mance through job satisfaction. The results of this employees will determine the performance of em-
test are inversely proportional to some research by ployees in achieving targets set by the company.
Sudarmadi (2007) and Insan et al. (2013). Other The sixth conclusion states that leadership style in-
indirect test results that are leadership style on em- directly influences employee performance through
ployee performance through organizational commit- job satisfaction is unacceptable (rejected). These
ment states that leadership style influence indirectly results indicate that job satisfaction cannot affect
significant to the performance of employees through the relationship between leadership styles on em-
organizational commitment. The results of this test ployee performance. The seventh conclusion states
support research conducted by Pangestuti et al. that leadership styles can indirectly influence the
(2014) and Trang (2012). performance of employees through organizational
The first practical implication states that lead- commitment. These results indicate that employees’
ership style has an important role in improving em- organizational commitment strongly determines the
ployee performance. The second implication states relationship between leadership styles on employee
that job satisfaction has no significant effect directly performance.
or indirectly on employee performance. The vari-
able of job satisfaction needs an increase to influ- LIMITATIONS
ence employee performance strategically. The third
The limitation of the research is that this re-
practical implication suggests that, directly and indi-
search is only based on the answers of question-
rectly, organizational commitment affects employee
naires from respondents to allow the existence of
performance. Organizational commitment has an
subjectivity answers. Constraints are inherent with
essential role in improving employee performance
the questionnaire method, especially related to the
through effective, sustainable, and normative com-
respondent’s feelings when giving answers. The


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