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CjNfJOTf:28/07 /2023

~m ~o: ~eto.i> ~~O J ~~~J ~oid o.i> crl~ru ~oid<Po.i> .:i))ro ~<Pd ~oid<PojJ .:x> l>...rt 2.:lOJi3
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crl~ru m~... (cii-S / .:>~ /aso e/~0 e/dJ ei)
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dol'iYJ.lOJ "5l'id ~dn dol'iYJ.lOJ i5.r.>i3F" e5rl) ~,a.~r Je:,o.i ), C3t>ll i¢.r.>eilJc>c1 t)
~O,{e)M~J dtld~
Q cii-S - 1021
# ..:>~. .:i))roll
~ru~i:Jclll~'lfc)fj!1YJ .:>~ - 15
'!fvfj - 958
iiJei - 858
e.,~&l 2852
Cattle units 1036
\ (~it~\ () )<~ ')

tr !;VETERltlARY OFFF; ~
Veterinary Oispensar.., -
Dept of AH & VS, Byra th\
Bangalore East Taluk
Ban ~\or e - 560 071
Govt. of Kam ~td~a.

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