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Course/Year/Section: BSEDMATH II-I. Date: 3-31-22

ACTIVITY Directions:

1. Interview an elderly person (ages 55-75) through phone call or video call.

2. Ask the following questions and gather his responses. a. What is your name? Susan Petargue

b. How old are you? 60

c. What is your profession/former profession? N/A

d. How do you tell the time without relying on your watch or other instruments?

- By looking the position of the sun and at night we also determine the time by the reflection of our
shadow from the moon.

e. How can you tell if it is about to rain? When i feel hot and the clouds becomes darker. The wind
becomes cold. And if it really feels hot in morning it is expected that it will rain after maybe in afternoon
or night.

f. How do you prolong the shelf life of your food stuffs like fish and meat? By using the salt so that it will
preserve the food

ANALYSIS Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. How do you think our ancestors tell time and predict weather and seasons?

- for me, our ancestors tell time and predict weather and seasons by looking at the clouds if it is stormy
then they can say that it will rain after if the sky looks calmly then it has a good weather.

2. How do the past generations cure illnesses even before the invention of medicine?

- as what I have know the past generations cure illnesses through nature. Before, people appreciated
more the value of plants in a way that all things they need to their selves they get it from the plants not
until new inventions begin. Making herbals and any other traditional medicine just to cure illnesses. In
this modern world we cure illnesses through the invented medicines.

3. How did they know what crops to plant in a particular time of the year?

- they able to know what crops to plant in a particular time of the year it is because they know first the
climate they had, the surroundings they belong and the possible life of a plant if they plant it. They
ensure first the right temperature, humidity and water of plants. Plants can bloom as much as they
desire as long as they are provided with the right climatic conditions.

4. What practices did they apply for food production and breeding livestock?

- in this time we have poultry feeds to feed animals for them to breed and continue growing. Back then,
they use organic fertilizer to a plants to have good production, they feed animals through Vegetables or
any leafy vegetables, and backyard gardening and livestock raising.

5. Which practice are you referring? Will this mean all practices mentioned? Be specific.
- I refer backyard gardening and livestock raising, and yes, this mean all practices mentioned because it
implies overall in terms of security of plants and good environment of animals as well.

ASSESSMENT I. Write YES if the statement is true with regards to Indigenous Science and NO if

____YES____1. Early Filipinos used the Calendar scheduling planting seasons.

_____YES___2. Used herbal medicines to cure illnesses.

_____NO___3. If animals are restless there will be rains or quakes

. ___YES_____4. Used natural gases for cooking.

___YES_____5. Created the rice terraces.

II. Essay (See Rubrics for Essay in the last page of this module)

1. What is your understanding of Indigenous science?

My understanding about indigenous science it is a unique cultural scientific knowledge of goups of

people in their living that passes throughout generation. It is reffer to a knowledge about the culture
practices by the group of people and early civilization that embedded in the daily life experiences of
young children as they grow up.

2. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of Science and technology in the

During the early times, Filipinos tried to invent tools that will help them in everyday life. They also
developed alternate ideas in explaining various phenomena and in explaining the world around them.
They contribute substantially to modern science and they order by sustainability and environmental

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