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8 40TH fenErBY which ae on Asie paar light is that ign ree He je fom whi i apt! mata The ma ACh age POY Wh ones oc Basle ody: The mara th along a canes objec vise elf ibe Putaction : Its the Phenomenss' 80° not ation” ® Prt ofthe igh topes eee ge a i eae dia when the ray of light is ecu (0 which won Hight oe Bigie of incidence (7 : felling from one apres t deviates from its path rere separation of two Ans of tation (ys eit 8 a Imedium to another optical mediars wien the ray of light incident noma uetended Speed of light in air/vacuum is 3y 470° Ble Speed of light in glass-is 2x 10% mg Speed of light in water is 2.253 194m7, Speed of light in diamond is 1.25 1067, De eer Melted sy nor I pina Speedof light in medium \CTIVE INDICES OF SOME SUBSTANCE : Substance Refractive inde» ive it | EE = x Substance Refractive index Water 1.33 Ice 131 Glass 15 to1.9 Kerosene oil 1.39 Turpentine oil 147 Glycerine 147 Diamond 250 OF REFRACTION OF LIGHT : Ast law : The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal all lie in the same plane. 2nd law : The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is constant for given pair of media. Prism : Prism is a piece of any transparent material (say glass) which is bounded by rectangular surfaces as shown in figure, ‘Angle of deviation eY-<— Angle of emergence emergent ray ZA+LD = LitZe ‘SCIENCE om Dispersion of light : The spliting up of whit 2 glass prism is called diapers of Uh Red Grange Yeitow Green Sine Indigo Viole Jemed%On| Je in the sky which is produced by the dispersion of sy Rainbow : The rainbow is an arch of seven colours light by raindrops inthe atmosphere. es Colours of the object: Colours ofthe objects is the colour transmitted oF rt A rose appears red because it absorbs all colours of white light but reflects only red: ain any red light, © A rose will appears black when green light falls on it because green does not conta pe aa Lenses : A lens is a piece of transparent optical material bounded by two spherical (or pla flected by the object. M Convex lens M comersintace || Comcavelens aa Surfece TE : x ‘ar J row * jomonane a POF Convex lens or convergent : These are the lenses which are thicker at the centre and thinner at the edges. Concave lens or divergent: These are the lenses which are thicker at the edges and thinner in the middle. TERMS RELATED TO LENSES : Centres of curvature : Lenses are formed by patt of intersecting or facing spheres. The centre of these spheres are called centre of curvature. Principal axis : A straight line passing through the centres of curvature C, and C, of the two surfaces of a lens, Radius of curvature : It is the radius of the sphere of which given surface is a part Principal focus : It is the point on the principal axis at the mid-point of the radius of curvature. ical centre : The centre point of the lens is known as its optical centre, Poi PI © Ifthe lens is very thin, the ray almost passes straight. Power of lens : It is defined as reciprocal of focal length. S.J unit of power of lens is diopter (D). ‘Smaller the focal length of a convex lens, greater will be its magnifying power. Real image : When two or more rays starting from a point on the object, after refraction thy at a point, a real image is said to have been formed. i Mudie. 7a A real image can be obtained on the screen. © Real image is always inverted. ‘A__Incident ray ene Bee wereteenee ee age : When two oF more th Ppotactually Meet BUC APPLAE to come ele ays Satin {rom a point on the object after refraction through tens, do ome ‘erge) from a point on the same side of the objec, the virtual image is said to Aes Sign convention : Principal axis Ifthe incident ray is parallel to the principal axis, then the reflected ray passes through the focus F. asses through the focus, the refracted ray becomes parallel to the principal axis ‘A ray of light passing through the optical centre passes through the lens undeviated. Rules for obtaining images by concave lens : - the incident ray is parallel to the principal axis, itis reflected in such a way that the ray appears to come from the incipal axis ray of light passing, through the optical centre, passes through the lens undeviated. \TION OF IMAGES BY A CONVEX LENS: jo. Position of object Position of image Size of image Netarel At infinity ALF, Very much diminished Real and inverted Beyond 2F, Between F, and 2F, ‘Smaller Real and inverted AUF, Atk, Equal in size Real and inverted Between F, and 2F, Beyond 2F, Magnified Real and inverted AtF, At infinity Very much magnified Real and inverted Between'lens and (On same side of object Magnified Virtual and erect F, ‘TION OF IMAGE BY A CONCAVE LENS: miiitvesiiion of object Position of image Size of image Nature 'At infinity ‘At focus on same side of Highly diminished Virtual and erect Tens as object Between infinity and Between focus and Diminished Virtual and erect optical centre optical centre TOE ‘SCIENCE, : TAINO jscope:A simpl ee Magny ano pl ml al ol en as A = Vi er (m) of simple microscope is 1+ cer (on) of simpl P 7 © Magnifying pow = Least distance of distinet vision (It is 25 cm for normal eye) + convex lenses, an objective of small focal length and af eyepiece of large ae ect iy placed at a distance slightly larger than focal length ar image Compound microscope: It consists of tw focal length. These are fixed at the two ends of of objective. The tube is moved up and down to get cle Objective Penns ge bce Compound microscope was invented by Jensen and improved by Galileo in 1610 Compound microscope is used to see tiny objects like cell, bacteria, virus etc © Magnifying power varies from 500 to about 2,000. DxL ‘© Magnifying power (m) of compound microscope is =F o*Se {Negative (-ve) sign shows that the image is real and inverted with respect to the object} Telescope : Telescope is a device for seeing distant objects clearly Objective Image at infinity’ ‘ Eye piece © First telescope was invented by Kepler in 1611. There are two types of telescope : 1. Astronomical telescope, 2. Terrestrial telescope. ‘The human eye : Crystalline eles Tens Choroid Aqueous 4 anions Sclerotic Pupit Retina Iriy Cornea Vitreou humour Pen SCIENCE Da TOE DN ‘The front portion of Of sel lerotic ugh is transparenent oPaque whi white substance kno r wn as sclerotic. Pree of eye The e¥e cons 1 conte isa here is yer of ack sya Tae ‘Ye, choroid mer, es, below scl ind is slightly bulged ae aa ele slemran meow ts outermost coal ting is made at) ePberic loot d eEherical ball ofa about 25cm di coloured di ed diaphragm ‘ sphragm known as iris with a hole in the middle called focus the dista Sa of its lens is cal we nearby objects on the retina an an agete called accommodation The eye ‘The camera S.No. Pe rvectedl icine is Forms on a ‘etna BR thetic contols 1. Real, inverted image is formed on the a the amount of light 3 pmtseaphic paver cn See eee Denice conls the amount of light Pee iter ie ee foct sas a 3. Exposure Bete 2. Baume ine ted oS ‘ ae epee ene Is ase for focussing ght Conve ne of ee stan S.No. ieee foie of open Ne, Ty convex lens is made of slid glass PER cemacnalien” oo Recon h ipa re ee, tenn me ns oe nets done by changing distance Retina retains the i between lens and the film. Le. changin Pe cracons «Songer ome tim Sema ‘permanently. Photographic film forming the image. LT Retina is used again and again for forming the image. 5 can be used only once f fan be used only once for study of light is called (o) Right, right (@ Right, left (b) Laser The size of the pupil becomes. “when you see in (a) Vacuum dim light (a) Decrease {b) Increase (@) Zero into different mediums i ) Always slow down (© Constant ‘What causes light waves to refract? Mitiraye epecd up (0) Does ne bend ; av ee, sfferent material fq) The speed of lights reduced to 2=70 ondagof light as it passesinto dl ferent et nem a Refraction {0 The light i repeled by some ‘material ? enn (@) All of these A meter intr vol mor ee fare ace Niest cits here a rods jn their eyes a oe (a) Lesser sreater ‘meter away from his image {e No (@) None of these pine Angle of incidence s equal the angle of reflection Same ea (@) Always ~ (b) Sometimes th a et fo) Under special conditions the hand. by a plane mirror is ‘SCIENCE (a) Virtual, behind the mirror and enlarged (b) Virtual, behind the mirror and same size as th object (6) Rea atthe surface ofthe miror and enlarged (4) Real, behind the mirror andl same size as the of 11, What are the sight organs in animals? Nis Bar (b) Hand. (©) Mouth, (a) Byes 12. What kind of surfaces reflect light? (a) Concave (b) Convex (©) All surfaces (@) Plane 13, What kind of image is formed by a plane mirror? (a) Virtual and Inverted (6) Real and Inverted (©) Virtual and erect (d) Real and Erect 14, At what distance is the image formed behind the ane mirror? (a) At infinity (0) No image formed (0) Atthe half distance, asthe object infront ofthe mirror (@) Atthesame distance, as he objectinfront ofthe mirror 15. The speed of light is, (@) Fastest in water (0) Fastest in water than in air (©) Slower in water than in air (@) Same in all medium 16. A pond of water appear less deep than it really is, (a) because of reflection (b) because of refraction (6) because of diffraction (a) because of dispersion 17. What is the phenomenon called where left side appears to be right and vice-versa in a plane mieror? (a) Lateral inversion (b) Regular reflection (6) Diffused reflection (dl) Dispersion 18. Light travels fastest in (@) Vacuum. ( Air (0) Water (@) Same in all 19. Which surface shows regular reflection? (a) Rough surface () Atany surface (6) Smooth surfaces __(d) All of these 20. Which surface shows diffused reflection? {@) Smooth surface (6) Rough surfaces (©) At any surface (d) None of these 21. What kind of reflection will take place from a polished leather shoes top? (a) Regular reflection (b) Irregular reflection. (6) Diffused reflection _(d) None of these 22. What kind of reflection will take place from the cover. of your note book? (a) Irregular reflection (6) Diffused reflection 23. What is refractive index? () Speed of light in medium/Speed of light in vacuum (b) Speed of light in medium/Speed of light in air (©) Speed of light in vacuum/Speed of light in medium (d) Speed of light in air/Speed of light of medium 24. According to the laws of refraction, if a ray passes from an optically rarer medium to optically denser. medium (a) It bends towards the normal (b) Regulator reflection (@ No reflection PAN Gm Oa (6) It does not bend (A) All of these 25, What kind of reflection does reflected rays go pay, to each other? (a) Diffused reflection (b) Irregular reflection () No reflection (4) Regular reflection 26, In what kind of reflection, reflected rays toy, scattered? (a) In regulator reflection (b) In diffused reflection (6) In irregular reflection (d) In diffused refractin, 27. Name some objects which have light of their ows, (a) Sun, fire, candle (b) Sun, Coal, Gas (c) Coal, Wood, Alcohol (d) None of these 28. Whatare objects called, which have light oftheir ow) (a) Non-luminous object (b) Spherical object (6) Alltypes of object (d) Luminous object 29. How many mirror strips are used to make , Kaleidoscope? (a) Three (&) Four (© Five (4) Infinity 30. How many colours constitute a while beam? {a) Zero. (b) Three (9 Five (@) Seven 31. Which is denser than air. (a) Water (b) Glass slab (6) Either (a) or (b) (4) None of these 32. When the different wavelengths of light in white light pass through a prism, they (a) Bent at different angles (b) Reflected in different direction (6) Absorbed at different speed (@) All of these 33. The white light that we see is really a combination of several different —---- of light travelling together (0) Wavelength (©) Types (d) None of these 34. What is the splitting of white light into its constituent colours called? (a) Reflection (©) Dispersion (©) Refraction (a) Deflection 35. What is the shape of human eye? (a) It is roughly spherical in shape () Its roughly cubical in shape (¢) It is roughly rectangular in shape (@) Itis roughly circular in shape 36. What is the front transparent part of the eye called? (@) Pupil () Iris (©) Retina (@) Cornea 37. What is the small opening in cornea called? (@) Pupil (b) Iris, (©) Retina (A) Black spot 38. The phenomenon of splitting of white light ino its constituent colours of light {@) Dispersion of light (0) Diffraction (©) Refraction (A) Reflection 39. In the visible spectrum, which of these has the shortes RAMU science bh? 0, © Ahow occur a) Greet i. ee because mai Steen Fe ‘THE CONCEPTUM (as In OOPS neta so, {Tot eterna el {Oita (Le Me a ee ee _ Paice pa Si Image formed by a plane mi taf btn he 4 prBlack spot HE hee (@) Half the distanc OF aoe © Ppt alled? (9 oie Raiaee cei , ens of the eye controle verve cell = Gomes ince is of ) Re Size o sp, (mes the dsiance sion of Perl 1 ©) Comea the pupity hates bese on te eres ow 8 of the eye fe © Direction io eae ty Retina ete 58, When ceon {@) Multiple reflect (B) Nouses the Ii fan object 2 tion ie Newest" Wha an bet apa betwen ro ane er fn doe oti send sent Papi mes mumbo of ages formed wil Be { Through lens iON to bral go, (0) Three ea {6 Through iris eo Through con 2 oi eentiecy ea ees rough eough coma Th appliances like solar soaker ee: Sun sas ate ys. Tow ig back light by the igh nerve a a Sum ay Tum is called surfaces in then 2) Concave mirror) Convex sieror le same (©) Bither (a) ot (b) (d) Plane mirror : By teflection of Hight ace ) pispersion of light ) Refraction of What sa fea eng © polished and ight allot ee (Th dees fetveen he ange fear ty concave mirror surface is called roe ee ea | {6 Plane mirror 8 ates ie Roe Sao of the mirror to focal point ae nine 1 Testa fom morte ee oBects | gy, When beam of light striking on a. smooth su Stats th s the optical centre of the lens? Winected in one direction, iti face, 6) regular reflection . : oe oe (a) Centre of curvature | Oietlarrcrecton (a egos reflection {0) The focus of the Lens 1g eget diffusion takes place

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