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MODULE 1: An Introduction to Communication

Lesson 1
TITLE: The Nature of Language; Its Evolution to Communication


Let us begin by studying the pictures below. Look at the following pictures carefully.
Explain what you see?

1. The three images that I see are a form of communication. In my opinion, they
illustrate that communication is not only verbal but also nonverbal.
2. The baby, for example, communicates with others through emotional communication.
It might imply that the infant is hungry or that the diaper is full.
3. The animals use sound to be able to communicate with their fellow birds, and
humans can use non-verbal communication such as signs, gestures, and visuals.
Process Questions:

1. How do animals/babies communicate? Do they produce language?

 No, they don’t produce language, but the baby and animal use sound to
communicate. Like a baby, they might cry or use emotions.

2. Where do you think the language begin?

 Language, I believe, begins with the animal because all animals make different
sounds, such as dogs (aw-aw), cats (meow-meow), cows (moo-moo), and

3. How do you think the communication start?

 I think it began in nature, when humans began to imitate the movement and
sound of nature in order to pray to their goddesses.

4. How do they communicate with each other?

 They communicate through verbal communication and non-verbal
communication, such as signs, visuals, and gestures.


Answer the following questions below. Pls refer to the rubric on p. 70 figure 4 as
your guide in answering the task.
1. What are the theories of language?

 There are six theories of language. These are the bow-wow theory, the pooh-
pooh theory, the ding-dong theory, the yo-he-ho theory, the ta-ta theory,
and the la-la theory.
2. In your opinion, what theory/ theories do you think best explain the origin of
language? Why?
 I chose the pooh-pooh theory. I think this is the best theory to explain the origin
of language because I believe that language starts with what we feel and the
emotions we have. Back then, when our mother gave us birth, in our first
existence in the world on the day we were born, we felt emotions and this was
called ‘CRY’. When a baby is crying, it produces a sound and might pronounce a
word. We don’t know what it means, but this sound reminds us that they are
hungry or wet. As we grow, we feel different emotions, such as: when we are
hurt, we shout, when we gasp, it means we are tired, and when we laugh, it
means we are happy. Also, these feelings produce a sound and may be used to
form a word. We witness that sound as we experience it in our everyday lives.


Answer the following questions below. Pls refer to rubric on p. 70 figure 4 as your guide
in answering the task.
1. What is communication?
 Communication is a verbal or nonverbal process through which individuals
communicate, visualize, and share ideas or thoughts with one another. This kind
of communication happens in our everyday lives as we interact with the people
around us.
2. How do you differentiate the types of communication in relation to communication
 The types of communication modes are verbal, non-verbal, and visual
communication. Verbal communication involves the use of words in
communicating with others. The example of verbal communication is face-to-face
interaction, where this engages in social conversation between two or more
people. Verbal communication can also be via video call and audio call. Non-
verbal communication makes use of gestures, facial expressions, and body
language to reinforce verbal cues. An example is text-based communication
where it uses letters and messages in written/type mode to communicate. While
visual communication is the type of communication that makes use of visuals or
images to convey information and/or messages.
3. How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a speaker? Cite a
particular situation when it is best employed visual communication.
 Signs, symbols, and imagery, which are based on how people convey meaning,
have been used to improve visual communication. For example, "paintings" may
convey a different meaning to a viewer, since people have different ways of
interpreting things, and people have different points of view about things.
Through this, a viewer may enhance their understanding because they gain a
different interpretation of the painting.
4. What are the four types of communication in relation to context? How do they differ
from one another?
 The types of communication context are intrapersonal, interpersonal,
extended, and organizational communication. Intrapersonal communication
means you are talking yourself it is usually happens when we talk ourselves at
the mirror sometimes a way of practicing a speech to have a motivation and
confidence when we face the audience. Interpersonal communication is a way of
interacting between two or more people. Just like in our daily living we use
interpersonal communication to reach people. Extended communication is a kind
of communication that uses technology such as mass communication, audio
conference, video conference, and other form of communication that uses
technology. While the organizational communication is the way in which
members of an organization interact with each other and the people they serve.
Like board member meeting, and faculty meeting.

Analyze the picture and tell what type of communication is used. Give your reasons by
accomplish the table below.

7 8 9

10 11

Picture Types of Communication Reasons/ Proofs

7  Verbal  It becomes verbal

communication communication because the
 Formal president is speaking in front of
communication people.
 It becomes formal
communication because it is a
president's speech.
8  Intrapersonal  It becomes intrapersonal
communication communication because he is
talking to himself by imagining
9  Verbal  It becomes verbal and
communication interpersonal communication
 Interpersonal because there are two or more
communication people talking to each other.
10  Non-verbal  It becomes non-verbal and
communication visual communication because
 Visual the picture depicts a kind of
communication comic book where the
characters' dialogue is

11  Verbal  It becomes verbal and informal

communication communication because the
 Informal picture shows that the
communication employees are gossiping about


Language Inventory: Complete the column with information about your language/s
What is your first /mother tongue  Bisayan
What are the languages you speak?  Bisayan, Filipino, English, and
How did you learn your 2nd language  I learned my second language
through listening and watching
movies on television. Also, my
mother taught me how to read
the Filipino language and I
started speaking it in my
elementary days.
Which language do you prefer to use?  I preferred to speak Bisayan
Why? because this is my mother
tongue, since this language is
what I usually use inside and
outside the house.
What is the strengths and weakness of  The strength of my first
your first language language is the tone of our
voices because we have a
moderate sounding voice. And
the weakness is the proper
pronunciation of a word,
especially in English, because
in vowel letters like ‘i’ and 'e', we
usually interchange the
pronunciation of these two

Write a short paragraph that contain information about your language inventory. Pls
refer to rubric on p. 69 figure 3 as your guide in doing the task.
My Language, My Origin!

At the time I was born, the language was already with me, which molded me to
be myself today. Growing up, my mother taught me to speak the mother tongue, which
is Bisayan, where I used this dialect in my journey through childhood. Then, when I
went to pre-school, I started to learn my 2 nd language, which is Filipino. I gained my
knowledge of speaking Filipino via television and movies that I watched. As for
adulthood, the language that I prefer to use is Bisayan because I feel comfortable using
this language. It is also the origin of my language. It is the first and beginning of
everything on my journey. Without it, I think I would be a non-language person. Also,
this is my strength. I will no longer adjust the tone of my voice to the correct stress that
will be inputted, but I also have a weakness. It is my pronunciation, especially when
speaking English. The way I speak has a little bit of a Bisayan accent. As a growing
man today, I learned a lot of languages and dialects like Bisayan, Chavacano, Filipino,
and English. Where we can use them anywhere that we go.

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