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Read the passage below carefully and answer the following questions.

Grandfather Pat has a beautiful garden. He looks after the flower bed
every day. He waters the plants and pulls out the weeds, as they harm the
other plants. He even talks to his plants. The roses are his favourite.
Dahlias and orchids are there, too.
One morning Grandfather Pat noticed something strange. Some of the
plants in the flower bed were lying flat. The next morning the same
thing happened to more plants. Who could have done it? Grandfather
Pat decided to find out.
That night Grandfather Pat hid behind a tree in the garden. A little after
midnight, he saw two bright eyes shining in the dark. Grandfather
switched on his torch. A big black cat was curled up in the flower bed!
Grandfather Pat was so surprised!
1. Answer the following questions:
a) How can you say that Grandfather Pat loves his garden?

b) Why did Grandfather Pat hide behind a tree?


c) Complete the sentence:

Grandfather Pat was surprised to see ____________________

d) Write a word from the passage which means the same as 'pretty'


e) Write a word from the passage which means the opposite of 'dull'

2. Make a sentence with: favourite

Write Five sentences from this Image







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